I have a problem and cant get to a solution..
I have written a python script to Stream twitter tweets.
My issue is I need to read 5 tweets for each words in the given list.
Below is the code:
class TweetListener(StreamListener):
def on_status(self,status):
print "TWEET ARRIVED!!!"
print "Tweet Text : %s" % status.text
print "Author's name : %s" % status.author.screen_name
print "Time of creation : %s" % status.created_at
print "Source of Tweet : %s" % status.source
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print status
if status == 420:
print "Too soon reconnected, Exiting!!"
return False
def search_tweets():
twitterStream = Stream(connect().auth, TweetListener())
twitterStream.filter(track=['Cricket','Maths','Army','Sports'],languages = ["en"],async=True)
Here I need to get 5 tweets each for Cricket, Maths, Army & Sports
What I am getting is an infinite number of tweets for the above elements.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & regards.
class TweetListener(StreamListener):
def __init__(self, list_=None,dict_= None):
self.keys_= list_
self.dict = dict_
def on_status(self, status):
str_ = status.text.lower()
for key in self.dict.keys():
if key.lower() in str_.lower():
if self.dict[key] <= 0:
return True
self.dict[key] -=1
if all(value == 0 for value in self.dict.values()):
return False
def on_error(self, status):
print status
if status == 420:
print "Too soon reconnected . Will terminate the program"
return False
def create_dict(list_):
no_of_tweets = 5
dict_ = {k:no_of_tweets for k in list_ }
return dict_
def search_tweets():
search_word = ['Cricket','Maths','Army','Sports']
twitterStream = Stream(connect().auth, TweetListener(list_=search_word , dict_=create_dict(search_word)))
twitterStream.filter(track=search_word ,languages = ["en"],async=True)
Here I initialize a list with all the required words that are to be searched for tweets, then I create a dictionary with key:value as word_to_be_searched:count_as_5 in the create_dict(list_) function, like Cricket:5, Maths:5, Army:5, Sports:5 and so on. Then I pass the list along with the dictionary to the TweetListener class.
I override the on_status function to retrieve tweets and then compare the tweets with the key field of my dictionary. It is obvious there will be a match and then, in that case, I decrease the value(as counter here) by 1.
When all the values become 0, then I return false to break the loop and close the thread.
[Note, if any value corresponding to a key has become zero, it indicates that the required no of tweets are already captured so we will not proceed with any more tweets on that word.]
Then in the performAction(key, status) function {key=one of the searched words and status = tweet captured} I perform my required task.
I have the following class, in order to extract tweets in real time containing a given hashtag #Today:
class TweetListener(StreamingClient):
def on_data(self, raw_data):
producer.send(topic_name, value=raw_data)
return True
def on_error(self, status_code):
if status_code == 420:
return False
def start_streaming_tweets(self):
rule = StreamRule(value="#Today lang:en")
However, in this way, the object sent is something like:
ConsumerRecord(topic='twitter', partition=0, offset=46, timestamp=1675201799030, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value=b'{"data":{"edit_history_tweet_ids":["16205398989347923"],"id":"16205398989347923","text":"#Today is a great day!"},"matching_rules":[{"id":"16238748236833856","tag":""}]}', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=196, serialized_header_size=-1
And so, I don't have any info about the user, the time of publication, the number of likes... Is there any way to get this info?
Is it possible to have a list to store the ID's of recent tweets that the bot replied to instead of saving it in a text file?
def on_status(self, status):
timelineTweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name="USERNAME")
alreadyReplied = [-1]
if timelineTweets[0].id not in alreadyReplied:
lastTweet = timelineTweets[0]
api.update_status('#USERNAME' + gettext(), in_reply_to_status_id=lastTweet.id)
if len(alreadyReplied) == 20:
return True
I am trying to define a Python class which analyzes subreddit data via the praw package.
I am fairly experienced with OOP in C++, but have not had much experience with OOP in Python. Here is the code I have so far:
import praw
class SubRedditAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, reddit_session, name='dataisbeautiful'):
self.name = name # subreddit name
self.reddit_session = reddit_session # assign the reddit session
self.subreddit = self.reddit_session.get_subreddit(self.name) # create the subreddit object
self.timeframe = 'day'
self.max_post_count = 10
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_hour(limit=10)
def __del__(self):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
print class_name, "destroyed"
def get_top_submissions(self, max_post_count):
timeframe = self.timeframe
if (timeframe == 'hour'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_hour(limit= max_post_count)
elif (timeframe == 'day'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_day(limit= max_post_count)
elif (timeframe == 'week'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_week(limit= max_post_count)
elif (timeframe == 'month'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_month(limit= max_post_count)
elif (timeframe == 'year'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_year(limit= max_post_count)
elif (timeframe == 'all'):
self.submissions = self.subreddit.get_top_from_all(limit= max_post_count)
def combine_titles(self):
titles = ""
for submission in self.submissions:
titles += submission.title
self.titles = titles
def display_titles(self):
counter = 1
ya = self.submissions
for sub in self.submissions:
sc = sub.score
ti = sub.title
print('T%d- [%d] %s \n' %(counter,sc,ti))
counter += 1
def main():
r = praw.Reddit('Request to fetch data by user')
sr = SubRedditAnalyzer(r, 'dataisbeautiful')
sr.get_top_submissions(15) # top 15 from reddit
sr.combine_titles() # combine the top titles
sr.display_titles() # display all the titles
For some unknown (to me) reason, it seems that the data in class 'sr' is lost after calling:
When I try to call this method, the data in class is empty:
In fact, I do see the message that the class is destroyed:
SubRedditAnalyzer destroyed
What is it that I am doing wrong?
In advance, thanks for your attention.
It seems that self.submissions may be an iterable but not a collection (e.g. a list). The docs call get_top_from_hour() a generator method (although they state also that what is returned is a list...). If it is indeed a generator method, the result can be iterated over only once. All other attempts at iteration will fail silently (the loop in display_titles() executes nothing).
So, the solution would be:
self.submissions = list(self.subreddit.get_top_from_hour(limit=10))
in __init__() to convert an iterable into a permanent collection (list) that can be iterated over multiple times.
According to the PRAW docs, get_content and its associated methods like get_top_from_hour return a generator. A generator can only be iterated once, which you do in combine_titles. After that iteration, the generator is exhausted and cannot be iterated again.
You could presumably convert the submissions to a list when you get them in __init__:
self.submissions = list(self.subreddit.get_top_from_hour(limit=10))
from datetime import datetime
class sms_store:
store = []
read = []
def add_new_arrival(self,number,time,text):
sms_store.store.append(("From: {}, Recieved: {}, Msg: {}".format(number,time,text)))
def delete(self,i):
del sms_store.store[i]
except IndexError:
print("Index is out of range. Cannot delete")
def message_count(self):
return print("Amt of messages in inbox: {}".format(len(sms_store.store)))
def viewall(self):
def get_unread_indexes(self):
#### ###################################I need help for this method.
def get_message(self,i)
### tests ####
time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
my_inbox = sms_store() #instantiate an object 'store' for class
my_inbox.add_new_arrival("12345",time,"Hello how are you?") #instance of store object
my_inbox.add_new_arrival("1111111",time,"BYE BYE BYE")
Thanks for viewing this.
This is what I need to do:
When adding a new message, its has_been_viewed status is set False.
Returns list of indexes of all not-yet-viewed SMS messages
Return (from_number, time_arrived, text_of_sms) for message[i]
Also change its state to "has been viewed".
If there is no message at position i, return None
Please help me on those above methods!?
Thank you so much!
Hi I tweaked your code a bit, I think I have done this before in the "How to think like a computer Scientist Book", Hope it works for you.
from datetime import datetime
class SMS_store:
def __init__(self):
self.store = []
def __str__(self):
return ("{0}".format(self))
def add_new_arrival(self, number, time, text ):
self.store.append(("Read: False", "From: "+number, "Recieved: "+time, "Msg: "+text))
def message_count(self):
return (len(self.store))
def get_unread_indexes(self):
result = []
for (i, v) in enumerate(self.store):
if v[0] == "Read: False":
return (result)
def get_message(self, i):
msg = self.store[i]
msg = ("Read: True",) + msg[1:]
self.store[i] = (msg)
return (self.store[i][1:])
def delete(self, i):
del self.store[i]
def clear(self):
self.store = []
Why don't you add another list to your class called unread. Change add_new_arrival to add the message to unread.
Then under the get_message method move the specified message from unread to read.
Lastly your get_unread method just lists the indexes of the unread list.
Python SMS store program using class and methods - has_been_viewed status
import time
class SMS_store:
def __init__(self):
self.inbox = []
def add_new_arrival(self, from_number, text_of_sms,read_status = False):
number = str(from_number)
time_received = time.strftime("%D %T")
self.inbox.append([time_received, number, text_of_sms, read_status])
def message_count(self):
return "There are {0} messages in your Inbox".format(len(self.inbox))
def get_unread_indexes(self):
unread = []
for index, message in enumerate(self.inbox):
if False in message:
return "Unread Messages in:", unread
def get_message(self, index):
message = self.inbox[index]
message[3] = "Read"
return message[ : 3]
def delete(self, index):
del self.inbox[index]
return "Deleted Message", index
def clear(self):
self.inbox = []
return "Empty Inbox"
I have seen other examples of this happening on StackOverflow, but I didn't understand any of the answers (I'm still a new programmer,) nor did the other examples I saw look quite like mine, else I wouldn't post this question.
I'm running Python 3.2 on Windows 7.
I have never had this happen to me before and I've done classes this way many times, so I don't really know what is different this time. The only difference is that I didn't make all of the Class file; I was given a template to fill in and a test file to try it on. It worked on the test file, but is not working on my file. I have been calling on the methods in the class in the exact same way as the test file (e.g. Lineup.size())
This is my Class:
class Queue:
# Constructor, which creates a new empty queue:
def __init__(self):
self.__items = []
# Adds a new item to the back of the queue, and returns nothing:
def queue(self, item):
# Removes and returns the front-most item in the queue.
# Returns nothing if the queue is empty.
def dequeue(self):
if len(self.__items) == 0:
return None
return self.__items.pop()
# Returns the front-most item in the queue, and DOES NOT change the queue.
def peek(self):
if len(self.__items) == 0:
return None
return self.__items[(len(self.__items)-1)]
# Returns True if the queue is empty, and False otherwise:
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.__items) == 0
# Returns the number of items in the queue:
def size(self):
return len(self.__items)
# Removes all items from the queue, and sets the size to 0:
def clear(self):
del self.__items[0:len(self.__items)]
# Returns a string representation of the queue:
def __str__(self):
return "".join(str(i) for i in self.__items)
This is my program:
from queue import Queue
Lineup = Queue()
while True:
decision = str(input("Add, Serve, or Exit: ")).lower()
if decision == "add":
if Lineup.size() == 3:
print("There cannot be more than three people in line.")
person = str(input("Enter the name of the person to add: "))
elif decision == "serve":
if Lineup.is_empty() == True:
print("The lineup is already empty.")
print("%s has been served."%Lineup.peek())
elif (decision == "exit") or (decision == "quit"):
print("%s is not a valid command.")
And this is my error message when I enter "add" as my decision variable:
line 8, in
builtins.AttributeError: 'Queue' object has no attribute 'size'
So, what is going on here? What is different about this one?
Python 3 already has a queue module (which you might want to take a look at). When you import queue, Python finds that queue.py file before it finds your queue.py.
Rename your queue.py file to my_queue.py, change your import statements to from my_queue import Queue, and your code will work as you intend.
try rename size for other name or implement a counter to the list __items some like
def get_size(self):
cnt = 0
for i in self.__items:
return cnt