Constraint the sum of coefficients with scikit learn linear model - python

I am doing a LassoCV with 1000 coefs. Statsmodels did not seem to able to handle this many coefs. So I am using scikit learn. Statsmodel allowed for .fit_constrained("coef1 + coef2...=1"). This constrained the sum of the coefs to = 1. I need to do this in Scikit. I am also keeping the intercept at zero.
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
LassoCVmodel = LassoCV(fit_intercept=False),y)
Any help would be appreciated.

As mentioned in the comments: the docs and the sources do not indicate that this is supported within sklearn!
I just tried the alternative of using off shelf convex-optimization solvers. It's just a simple prototype-like approach and it might not be a good fit for your (incompletely defined) task (sample-size?).
Some comments:
implementation/model-formulation is easy
the problem is harder to solve than i thought
solver ECOS having general trouble
solver SCS reaches good accuracy (worse compared to sklearn)
but: tuning iterations to improve accuracy breaks the solver
problem will be infeasible for SCS!
SCS + bigM-based formulation (constraint is posted as penalization-term within objective) looks usable; but might need tuning
only open-source solvers were tested and commercial ones might be much better
Further things to try:
Tackling huge problems (where performance gets more important compared to robustness and accuracy), a (Accelerated) Projected Stochastic Gradient approach looks promising
""" data """
from time import perf_counter as pc
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
A =
y =
print('Problem-size: ', A.shape)
def obj(x): # following sklearn's definition from user-guide!
return (1. / (2*A.shape[0])) * np.square(np.linalg.norm( - y, 2)) + alpha * np.linalg.norm(x, 1)
""" sklearn """
print('\nsklearn classic l1')
from sklearn import linear_model
clf = linear_model.Lasso(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False)
t0 = pc(), y)
print('used (secs): ', pc() - t0)
print('sum x: ', np.sum(clf.coef_))
""" cvxpy """
print('\ncvxpy + scs classic l1')
from cvxpy import *
x = Variable(A.shape[1])
objective = Minimize((1. / (2*A.shape[0])) * sum_squares(A*x - y) + alpha * norm(x, 1))
problem = Problem(objective, [])
t0 = pc()
problem.solve(solver=SCS, use_indirect=False, max_iters=10000, verbose=False)
print('used (secs): ', pc() - t0)
print('sum x: ', np.sum(x.value.flat))
""" cvxpy -> sum x == 1 """
print('\ncvxpy + scs sum == 1 / 1st approach')
objective = Minimize((1. / (2*A.shape[0])) * sum_squares(A*x - y))
constraints = [sum(x) == 1]
problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
t0 = pc()
problem.solve(solver=SCS, use_indirect=False, max_iters=10000, verbose=False)
print('used (secs): ', pc() - t0)
print('sum x: ', np.sum(x.value.flat))
""" cvxpy approach 2 -> sum x == 1 """
print('\ncvxpy + scs sum == 1 / 2nd approach')
M = 1e6
objective = Minimize((1. / (2*A.shape[0])) * sum_squares(A*x - y) + M*(sum(x) - 1))
constraints = [sum(x) == 1]
problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
t0 = pc()
problem.solve(solver=SCS, use_indirect=False, max_iters=10000, verbose=False)
print('used (secs): ', pc() - t0)
print('sum x: ', np.sum(x.value.flat))
Problem-size: (442, 10)
sklearn classic l1
used (secs): 0.001451024380348898
sum x: 891.78869298
cvxpy + scs classic l1
used (secs): 0.011165673357417458
sum x: 872.520510561
cvxpy + scs sum == 1 / 1st approach
used (secs): 0.15350853891775978
sum x: -8.43795102327
cvxpy + scs sum == 1 / 2nd approach
used (secs): 0.012579569383536493
sum x: 1.01207061047
Just for fun i implemented a slow non-optimized prototype solver using the approach of accelerated projected gradient (remarks in code!).
This one should scale much better for huge problems (as it's a first-order method), despite slow behaviour here (because not optimized). There should be a lot of potential!
Warning: might be seen as advanced numerical-optimization to some people :-)
Edit 2: I forgot to add the nonnegative-constraint on the projection (sum(x) == 1 makes not much sense if x can be nonnegative!). This makes the solving much harder (numerical-trouble) and it's obvious, that one of those fast special-purpose projections should be used (and i'm too lazy right now; i think n*log n algs are available). Again: this APG-solver is a prototype not ready for real tasks.
""" accelerated pg -> sum x == 1 """
def solve_pg(A, b, momentum=0.9, maxiter=1000):
""" remarks:
algorithm: accelerated projected gradient
projection: proj on probability-simplex
-> naive and slow using cvxpy + ecos
line-search: armijo-rule along projection-arc (Bertsekas book)
-> suffers from slow projection
stopping-criterion: naive
gradient-calculation: precomputes AtA
-> not needed and not recommended for huge sparse data!
M, N = A.shape
x = np.zeros(N)
AtA =
Atb =
stop_count = 0
# projection helper
x_ = Variable(N)
v_ = Parameter(N)
objective_ = Minimize(0.5 * square(norm(x_ - v_, 2)))
constraints_ = [sum(x_) == 1]
problem_ = Problem(objective_, constraints_)
def gradient(x):
return - Atb
def obj(x):
return 0.5 * np.linalg.norm( - b)**2
it = 0
while True:
grad = gradient(x)
# line search
alpha = 1
beta = 0.5
old_obj = obj(x)
while True:
new_x = x - alpha * grad
new_obj = obj(new_x)
if old_obj - new_obj >= sigma * - new_x):
alpha *= beta
x_old = x[:]
x = x - alpha*grad
# projection
v_.value = x
x = np.array(x_.value.flat)
y = x + momentum * (x - x_old)
if np.abs(old_obj - obj(x)) < 1e-2:
stop_count += 1
stop_count = 0
if stop_count == 3:
print('early-stopping # it: ', it)
return x
it += 1
if it == maxiter:
return x
print('\n acc pg')
t0 = pc()
x = solve_pg(A, y)
print('used (secs): ', pc() - t0)
print('sum x: ', np.sum(x))
acc pg
early-stopping # it: 367
used (secs): 0.7714511330487027
sum x: 1.00000000002

I am surprised nobody has stated this before in the comments, but I think there is a conceptual misunderstanding in your question statement.
Let us start with the definition of the Lasso Estimator, for example as given in Statistical Learning with Sparsity The Lasso and Generalizations by Hastie, Tibshirani and Wainwright:
Given a collection of N predictor-response pairs {(xi,yi)}, the
lasso finds􏳥􏳥 the fit coefficients (β0,βi) to the least-square
optimization problem with the additional constraint that the L1-norm
of the vector of coefficients βi is less than or equal to t.
Where the L1-norm of the coefficient vector is the sum of the magnitudes of all coefficients. In the case where your coefficients are all positive, this is precisely tackling your question.
Now, what is the relationship between this t and the alpha parameter used in scikit-learn? Well, it turns out that by Lagrangian duality, there is a one-to-one correspondence between every value of t and a value for alpha.
This means that when you use LassoCV, since you are using a range of values for alpha, you are using by definition a range of allowable values for the sum of all your coefficients!
To sum up, the condition of the sum of all your coefficients being equal to one is equivalent to using Lasso for a particular value of alpha.


Linear regression using Gradient Descent

I'm facing some issues trying to find the linear regression line using Gradient Descent, getting to weird results.
Here is the function:
def gradient_descent(m_k, c_k, learning_rate, points):
n = len(points)
dm, dc = 0, 0
for i in range(n):
x = points.iloc[i]['alcohol']
y = points.iloc[i]['total']
dm += -(2/n) * x * (y - (m_k * x + c_k)) # Partial der in m
dc += -(2/n) * (y - (m_k * x + c_k)) # Partial der in c
m = m_k - dm * learning_rate
c = c_k - dc * learning_rate
return m, c
And combined with a for loop
l_rate = 0.0001
m, c = 0, 0
epochs = 1000
for _ in range(epochs):
m, c = gradient_descent(m, c, l_rate, dataset)
plt.plot(list(range(2, 10)), [m * x + c for x in range(2,10)], color='red')
Gives this result:
Slope: 2.8061974241244196
Y intercept: 0.5712221080810446
The problem is though that taking advantage of sklearn to compute the slope and intercept, i.e.
model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True).fit(np.array(dataset['alcohol']).copy().reshape(-1, 1),
I get something completely different:
Slope: 2.0325063
Intercept: 5.8577761548263005
Any idea why? Looking on SO I've found out that a possible problem could be a too high learning rate, but as stated above I'm currently using 0.0001
Sklearn's LinearRegression doesn't use gradient descent - it uses Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression which is a non-iterative method.
For your model, you might consider randomly initialising m, c rather than starting with 0,0. You could also consider adjusting the learning rate or using an adaptive learning rate.

GEKKO returned non-optimal solution

I want to use GEKKO to solve the following optimization problem:
Minimize x'Qx + 1e-10 * sum_{i=1}^n x_i^0.1
subject to 1' x = 1 and x >= 0
However, the following code returns sol = [0., 0., 0. ,0. ,1.] and Objective: 1.99419 as a solution. Which is far from optimal, I'll explain why below.
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
n = 5
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.IMODE = 3
x = [m.Var(lb=0, ub=1) for _ in range(n)]
m.Equation(m.sum(x) == 1)
Q = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(n, n))
Q =, Q)
## Add h_i^p
c, p = 1e-10, 0.1
for i in range(n):
m.Obj(c * x[i] ** p)
for j in range(n):
m.Obj(x[i] * Q[i, j] * x[j])
sol = np.array(x).flatten()
This is clearly wrong since if we only optimize the quadratic part (x'Qx) using below code, and put the solution to the initial objective, we get a much smaller objective value (Objective: 0.02489503). The 1e-10 * sum_{i=1}^n x_i^p is esentially ignored since it is very small.
m1 = GEKKO(remote=False)
m1.options.SOLVER = 1
m1.options.OTOL = 1e-10
x1 = [m1.Var(lb=0, ub=1) for _ in range(n)]
m1.Equation(m1.sum(x1) == 1)
m1.qobj(b=np.zeros(n), A=2 * Q, x=x1, otype='min')
sol = np.array(x1).flatten()
Is there any way to resolve this? Thank you!
Gekko solves nonlinear programming optimization problems with gradient-based methods: interior point and active set SQP. It looks like there is a problem with the objective function. Use matrix operations in Numpy to simplify the objective definition.
## Create Objective
c, p = 1e-10, 0.1
obj =,Q),x) + c*m.sum([xi**p for xi in x])
Here is the modified script that solves with Gekko. Increase MAX_ITER if the default limit of 250 is reached.
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
n = 5
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.options.SOLVER = 3
m.options.IMODE = 3
x = m.Array(m.Var,n,value=0.1, lb=1e-6, ub=1)
m.Equation(m.sum(x) == 1)
Q = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(n, n))
Q =, Q)
## Create Objective
c, p = 1e-10, 0.1
obj =,Q),x) + c*m.sum([xi**p for xi in x])
# adjust solver tolerance
m.options.MAX_ITER = 1000
sol = np.array(x).flatten()
print('x: ', sol)
print('obj: ', m.options.OBJFCNVAL)
This gives an optimal solution that is also global because it is a Quadratic Programming (QP) problem (convex optimization). Using a nonlinear programming (SQP) solver for QP problems gives a solution with the IPOPT solver:
x: [[0.36315827507] [0.081993130341] [1e-06] [0.086231281612] [0.46861632269]]
obj: 0.024895918696
As far as I could see, gekko looks like it's built for machine learning, which focuses on local optimization opposed to global optimization, and typically most libraries will not be able to guarantee you optimal solutions.
If you really want optimal solutions, than for this case I would suggest looking into interval arithmetic. There are packages such as mpmath which can offer this, though I have yet to see optimizers using it in my brief time searching.
The TL;DR on how interval arithmetic works is you feed in a range of inputs and get back a range of outputs. For example, you can test if 1 is in the range of possible outputs for x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, and you can see the minimum/maximum potential values for your objective function. In this way, you can progressively split your intervals in half, keeping only intervals for which your constraints are potentially satisfied and for which your objective function's maximum potential is at least the largest minimum potential. This allows you to achieve guaranteed convergence to global optimums at the cost of a lot more computation.

Solving linear regression minimizing quadratic cost

I want to solve linear regression in the following way
When I try with minimizing the sum of cost it works fine,
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
n = 5
x = np.linspace(0, 20, n)
y = np.random.rand(x.shape[0])
theta = cp.Variable(2)
# This way it works
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(theta[0]*x + theta[1] - y))
prob = cp.Problem(objective)
result = prob.solve()
I want to try minimizing the quadratic cost as follows:
#This way it does not work,
X = np.row_stack((np.ones_like(y), x)).T
objective_function = (y - X*theta).T*(y-X*theta)
obj = cp.Minimize(objective_function)
prob = cp.Problem(obj)
result = prob.solve()
However, I get the following error:
raise DCPError("Problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically:\n" + append)
cvxpy.error.DCPError: The problem does not follow DCP rules. Specifically:
Any idea why this happens?
I think CVXPY does not understand that both y - X*theta are the same in
objective_function = (y - X*theta).T*(y-X*theta)
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(y - X*theta)**2)
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(y - X*theta))
acceptable? (Both give the same solution)

Minimizing this error function, using NumPy

I've been working for some time on attempting to solve the (notoriously painful) Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) multi-lateration problem, in 3-dimensions and using 4 nodes. If you're unfamiliar with the problem, it is to determine the coordinates of some signal source (X,Y,Z), given the coordinates of n nodes, the time of arrival of the signal at each node, and the velocity of the signal v.
My solution is as follows:
For each node, we write (X-x_i)**2 + (Y-y_i)**2 + (Z-z_i)**2 = (v(t_i - T)**2
Where (x_i, y_i, z_i) are the coordinates of the ith node, and T is the time of emission.
We have now 4 equations in 4 unknowns. Four nodes are obviously insufficient. We could try to solve this system directly, however that seems next to impossible given the highly nonlinear nature of the problem (and, indeed, I've tried many direct techniques... and failed). Instead, we simplify this to a linear problem by considering all i/j possibilities, subtracting equation i from equation j. We obtain (n(n-1))/2 =6 equations of the form:
2*(x_j - x_i)*X + 2*(y_j - y_i)*Y + 2*(z_j - z_i)*Z + 2 * v**2 * (t_i - t_j) = v**2 ( t_i**2 - t_j**2) + (x_j**2 + y_j**2 + z_j**2) - (x_i**2 + y_i**2 + z_i**2)
Which look like Xv_1 + Y_v2 + Z_v3 + T_v4 = b. We try now to apply standard linear least squares, where the solution is the matrix vector x in A^T Ax = A^T b. Unfortunately, if you were to try feeding this into any standard linear least squares algorithm, it'll choke up. So, what do we do now?
The time of arrival of the signal at node i is given (of course) by:
sqrt( (X-x_i)**2 + (Y-y_i)**2 + (Z-z_i)**2 ) / v
This equation implies that the time of arrival, T, is 0. If we have that T = 0, we can drop the T column in matrix A and the problem is greatly simplified. Indeed, NumPy's linalg.lstsq() gives a surprisingly accurate & precise result.
So, what I do is normalize the input times by subtracting from each equation the earliest time. All I have to do then is determine the dt that I can add to each time such that the residual of summed squared error for the point found by linear least squares is minimized.
I define the error for some dt to be the squared difference between the arrival time for the point predicted by feeding the input times + dt to the least squares algorithm, minus the input time (normalized), summed over all 4 nodes.
for node, time in nodes, times:
error += ( (sqrt( (X-x_i)**2 + (Y-y_i)**2 + (Z-z_i)**2 ) / v) - time) ** 2
My problem:
I was able to do this somewhat satisfactorily by using brute-force. I started at dt = 0, and moved by some step up to some maximum # of iterations OR until some minimum RSS error is reached, and that was the dt I added to the normalized times to obtain a solution. The resulting solutions were very accurate and precise, but quite slow.
In practice, I'd like to be able to solve this in real time, and therefore a far faster solution will be needed. I began with the assumption that the error function (that is, dt vs error as defined above) would be highly nonlinear-- offhand, this made sense to me.
Since I don't have an actual, mathematical function, I can automatically rule out methods that require differentiation (e.g. Newton-Raphson). The error function will always be positive, so I can rule out bisection, etc. Instead, I try a simple approximation search. Unfortunately, that failed miserably. I then tried Tabu search, followed by a genetic algorithm, and several others. They all failed horribly.
So, I decided to do some investigating. As it turns out the plot of the error function vs dt looks a bit like a square root, only shifted right depending upon the distance from the nodes that the signal source is:
Where dt is on horizontal axis, error on vertical axis
And, in hindsight, of course it does!. I defined the error function to involve square roots so, at least to me, this seems reasonable.
What to do?
So, my issue now is, how do I determine the dt corresponding to the minimum of the error function?
My first (very crude) attempt was to get some points on the error graph (as above), fit it using numpy.polyfit, then feed the results to numpy.root. That root corresponds to the dt. Unfortunately, this failed, too. I tried fitting with various degrees, and also with various points, up to a ridiculous number of points such that I may as well just use brute-force.
How can I determine the dt corresponding to the minimum of this error function?
Since we're dealing with high velocities (radio signals), it's important that the results be precise and accurate, as minor variances in dt can throw off the resulting point.
I'm sure that there's some infinitely simpler approach buried in what I'm doing here however, ignoring everything else, how do I find dt?
My requirements:
Speed is of utmost importance
I have access only to pure Python and NumPy in the environment where this will be run
Here's my code. Admittedly, a bit messy. Here, I'm using the polyfit technique. It will "simulate" a source for you, and compare results:
from numpy import poly1d, linspace, set_printoptions, array, linalg, triu_indices, roots, polyfit
from dataclasses import dataclass
from random import randrange
import math
class Vertexer:
receivers: list
# Defaults
c = 299792
# Receivers:
# [x_1, y_1, z_1]
# [x_2, y_2, z_2]
# [x_3, y_3, z_3]
# Solved:
# [x, y, z]
def error(self, dt, times):
solved = self.linear([time + dt for time in times])
error = 0
for time, receiver in zip(times, self.receivers):
error += ((math.sqrt( (solved[0] - receiver[0])**2 +
(solved[1] - receiver[1])**2 +
(solved[2] - receiver[2])**2 ) / c ) - time)**2
return error
def linear(self, times):
X = array(self.receivers)
t = array(times)
x, y, z = X.T
i, j = triu_indices(len(x), 1)
A = 2 * (X[i] - X[j])
b = self.c**2 * (t[j]**2 - t[i]**2) + (X[i]**2).sum(1) - (X[j]**2).sum(1)
solved, residuals, rank, s = linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)
def find(self, times):
# Normalize times
times = [time - min(times) for time in times]
# Fit the error function
y = []
x = []
dt = 1E-10
for i in range(50000):
x.append(self.error(dt * i, times))
y.append(dt * i)
p = polyfit(array(x), array(y), 2)
r = roots(p)
return(self.linear([time + r for time in times]))
# Pick nodes to be at random locations
x_1 = randrange(10); y_1 = randrange(10); z_1 = randrange(10)
x_2 = randrange(10); y_2 = randrange(10); z_2 = randrange(10)
x_3 = randrange(10); y_3 = randrange(10); z_3 = randrange(10)
x_4 = randrange(10); y_4 = randrange(10); z_4 = randrange(10)
# Pick source to be at random location
x = randrange(1000); y = randrange(1000); z = randrange(1000)
# Set velocity
c = 299792 # km/ns
# Generate simulated source
t_1 = math.sqrt( (x - x_1)**2 + (y - y_1)**2 + (z - z_1)**2 ) / c
t_2 = math.sqrt( (x - x_2)**2 + (y - y_2)**2 + (z - z_2)**2 ) / c
t_3 = math.sqrt( (x - x_3)**2 + (y - y_3)**2 + (z - z_3)**2 ) / c
t_4 = math.sqrt( (x - x_4)**2 + (y - y_4)**2 + (z - z_4)**2 ) / c
print('Actual:', x, y, z)
myVertexer = Vertexer([[x_1, y_1, z_1],[x_2, y_2, z_2],[x_3, y_3, z_3],[x_4, y_4, z_4]])
solution = myVertexer.find([t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4])
It seems like the Bancroft method applies to this problem? Here's a pure NumPy implementation.
# Implementation of the Bancroft method, following
M = np.diag([1, 1, 1, -1])
def lorentz_inner(v, w):
return np.sum(v * (w # M), axis=-1)
B = np.array(
[x_1, y_1, z_1, c * t_1],
[x_2, y_2, z_2, c * t_2],
[x_3, y_3, z_3, c * t_3],
[x_4, y_4, z_4, c * t_4],
one = np.ones(4)
a = 0.5 * lorentz_inner(B, B)
B_inv_one = np.linalg.solve(B, one)
B_inv_a = np.linalg.solve(B, a)
for Lambda in np.roots(
lorentz_inner(B_inv_one, B_inv_one),
2 * (lorentz_inner(B_inv_one, B_inv_a) - 1),
lorentz_inner(B_inv_a, B_inv_a),
x, y, z, c_t = M # np.linalg.solve(B, Lambda * one + a)
print("Candidate:", x, y, z, c_t / c)
My answer might have mistakes (glaring) as I had not heard the TDOA term before this afternoon. Please double check if the method is right.
I could not find solution to your original problem of finding dt corresponding to the minimum error. My answer also deviates from the requirement that other than numpy no third party library had to be used (I used Sympy and largely used the code from here). However I am still posting this thinking that somebody someday might find it useful if all one is interested in ... is to find X,Y,Z of the source emitter. This method also does not take into account real-life situations where white noise or errors might be present or curvature of the earth and other complications.
Your initial test conditions are as below.
from random import randrange
import math
# Pick nodes to be at random locations
x_1 = randrange(10); y_1 = randrange(10); z_1 = randrange(10)
x_2 = randrange(10); y_2 = randrange(10); z_2 = randrange(10)
x_3 = randrange(10); y_3 = randrange(10); z_3 = randrange(10)
x_4 = randrange(10); y_4 = randrange(10); z_4 = randrange(10)
# Pick source to be at random location
x = randrange(1000); y = randrange(1000); z = randrange(1000)
# Set velocity
c = 299792 # km/ns
# Generate simulated source
t_1 = math.sqrt( (x - x_1)**2 + (y - y_1)**2 + (z - z_1)**2 ) / c
t_2 = math.sqrt( (x - x_2)**2 + (y - y_2)**2 + (z - z_2)**2 ) / c
t_3 = math.sqrt( (x - x_3)**2 + (y - y_3)**2 + (z - z_3)**2 ) / c
t_4 = math.sqrt( (x - x_4)**2 + (y - y_4)**2 + (z - z_4)**2 ) / c
print('Actual:', x, y, z)
My solution is as below.
import sympy as sym
X,Y,Z = sym.symbols('X,Y,Z', real=True)
f = sym.Eq((x_1 - X)**2 +(y_1 - Y)**2 + (z_1 - Z)**2 , (c*t_1)**2)
g = sym.Eq((x_2 - X)**2 +(y_2 - Y)**2 + (z_2 - Z)**2 , (c*t_2)**2)
h = sym.Eq((x_3 - X)**2 +(y_3 - Y)**2 + (z_3 - Z)**2 , (c*t_3)**2)
i = sym.Eq((x_4 - X)**2 +(y_4 - Y)**2 + (z_4 - Z)**2 , (c*t_4)**2)
print("Solved coordinates are ", sym.solve([f,g,h,i],X,Y,Z))
print statement from your initial condition gave.
Actual: 111 553 110
and the solution that almost instantly came out was
Solved coordinates are [(111.000000000000, 553.000000000000, 110.000000000000)]
Sorry again if something is totally amiss.

Difference in result between fmin and fminsearch in Matlab and Python

My objective is to perform an Inverse Laplace Transform on some decay data (NMR T2 decay via CPMG). For that, we were provided with the CONTIN algorithm. This algorithm was adapted to Matlab by Iari-Gabriel Marino, and it works very well. I want to adapt this code into Python. The core of the problem is with scipy.optimize.fmin, which is not minimizing the mean square deviation (MSD) in any way similar to Matlab's fminsearch. The latter results in a good minimization, while the former doesn't.
I have gone through line by line of my adapted code in Python, and the original Matlab. I checked every matrix and every output. I used this to identify that the critical point is in fmin. I also tried scipy.optimize.minimize and other minimization algorithms, but none gave even remotely satisfactory results.
I have made two MWE, for Python and Matlab, to make it reproducible to all. The example data were obtained from the documentation of the matlab function. Apologies if this is long code, but I don't really know how to shorten it without sacrificing readability and clarity. I tried to have the lines match as closely as possible. I am using Python 3.7.3, scipy v1.3.0, numpy 1.16.2, Matlab R2018b, on Windows 8.1. It's a relatively recent Anaconda install (<2 months).
My code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def msd(g, y, A, alpha, R, w, constraints):
""" msd: mean square deviation. This is the function to be minimized by fmin"""
if 'zero_at_extremes' in constraints:
g[0] = 0
g[-1] = 0
if 'g>0' in constraints:
g = np.abs(g)
r = np.diff(g, axis=0, n=2)
yfit = A # g
# Sum of weighted square residuals
VAR = np.sum(w * (y - yfit) ** 2)
# Regularizor
REG = alpha ** 2 * np.sum((r - R # g) ** 2)
# output to be minimized
return VAR + REG
# Objective: match this distribution
g0 = np.array([0, 0, 10.1625, 25.1974, 21.8711, 1.6377, 7.3895, 8.736, 1.4256, 0, 0]).reshape((-1, 1))
s0 = np.logspace(-3, 6, len(g0)).reshape((-1, 1))
t = np.linspace(0.01, 500, 100).reshape((-1, 1))
sM, tM = np.meshgrid(s0, t)
A = np.exp(-tM / sM)
# Creates data from the initial distribution with some random noise.
data = (A # g0) + 0.07 * np.random.rand(t.size).reshape((-1, 1))
# Parameters and function start
alpha = 1E-2 # regularization parameter
s = np.logspace(-3, 6, 20).reshape((-1, 1)) # x of the ILT
g0 = np.ones(s.size).reshape((-1, 1)) # guess of y of ILT
y = data # noisy data
options = {'maxiter':1e8, 'maxfun':1e8} # for the fmin function
constraints=['g>0', 'zero_at_extremes'] # constraints for the MSD function
R=np.zeros((len(g0) - 2, len(g0)), order='F') # Regularizor
w=np.ones(y.reshape(-1, 1).size).reshape((-1, 1)) # Weights
sM, tM = np.meshgrid(s, t, indexing='xy')
A = np.exp(-tM/sM)
g0 = g0 * y.sum() / (A # g0).sum() # Makes a "better guess" for the distribution, according to algorithm
print('msd of input data:\n', msd(g0, y, A, alpha, R, w, constraints))
for i in range(5): # Just for testing. If this is extremely high, ~1000, it's still bad.
g = fmin(func=msd,
x0 = g0,
args=(y, A, alpha, R, w, constraints),
disp=True)[:, np.newaxis]
msdfit = msd(g, y, A, alpha, R, w, constraints)
if 'zero_at_extremes' in constraints:
g[0] = 0
g[-1] = 0
if 'g>0' in constraints:
g = np.abs(g)
g0 = g
print('New guess', g)
print('Final msd of g', msdfit)
# Visualize the fit
plt.plot(s, g, label='Initial approximation')
plt.plot(np.logspace(-3, 6, 11), np.array([0, 0, 10.1625, 25.1974, 21.8711, 1.6377, 7.3895, 8.736, 1.4256, 0, 0]), label='Distribution to match')
% Objective: match this distribution
g0 = [0 0 10.1625 25.1974 21.8711 1.6377 7.3895 8.736 1.4256 0 0]';
s0 = logspace(-3,6,length(g0))';
t = linspace(0.01,500,100)';
[sM,tM] = meshgrid(s0,t);
A = exp(-tM./sM);
% Creates data from the initial distribution with some random noise.
data = A*g0 + 0.07*rand(size(t));
% Parameters and function start
alpha = 1e-2; % regularization parameter
s = logspace(-3,6,20)'; % x of the ILT
g0 = ones(size(s)); % initial guess of y of ILT
y = data; % noisy data
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',1e8,'MaxIter',1e8); % constraints for fminsearch
constraints = {'g>0','zero_at_the_extremes'}; % constraints for MSD
R = zeros(length(g0)-2,length(g0));
w = ones(size(y(:)));
[sM,tM] = meshgrid(s,t);
A = exp(-tM./sM);
g0 = g0*sum(y)/sum(A*g0); % Makes a "better guess" for the distribution
disp('msd of input data:')
disp(msd(g0, y, A, alpha, R, w, constraints))
for k = 1:5
[g,msdfit] = fminsearch(#msd,g0,options,y,A,alpha,R,w,constraints);
if ismember('zero_at_the_extremes',constraints)
g(1) = 0;
g(end) = 0;
if ismember('g>0',constraints)
g = abs(g);
g0 = g;
disp('New guess')
disp('Final msd of g')
% Visualize the fit
semilogx(s, g)
hold on
semilogx(logspace(-3,6,11), [0 0 10.1625 25.1974 21.8711 1.6377 7.3895 8.736 1.4256 0 0])
legend('First approximation', 'Distribution to match')
hold off
function out = msd(g,y,A,alpha,R,w,constraints)
% msd: The mean square deviation; this is the function
% that has to be minimized by fminsearch
% Constraints and any 'a priori' knowledge
if ismember('zero_at_the_extremes',constraints)
g(1) = 0;
g(end) = 0;
if ismember('g>0',constraints)
g = abs(g); % must be g(i)>=0 for each i
r = diff(diff(g(1:end))); % second derivative of g
yfit = A*g;
% Sum of weighted square residuals
VAR = sum(w.*(y-yfit).^2);
% Regularizor
REG = alpha^2 * sum((r-R*g).^2);
% Output to be minimized
out = VAR+REG;
Here is the optimization in Python
Here is the optimization in Matlab
I have checked the output of MSD of g0 before starting, and both give the value of 2651. After minimization, Python goes up, to 4547, and Matlab goes down to 0.1381.
I think the problem is one of the following. It's in my implementation, that is, I am using fmin wrong, or there's some other passage I got wrong, but I can't figure out what. The fact the MSD increases when it should have decreased with a minimization function is damning. Reading the documentation, the scipy implementation is different from Matlab's (they use the Nelder Mead method described in Lagarias, per their documentation), while scipy uses the original Nelder Mead). Maybe that affects significantly? Or perhaps my initial guess is too bad for scipy's algorithm?
So, quite a long time since I posted this, but I wanted to share what I ended up learning and doing.
The Inverse Laplace Transform for CPMG data is a bit of a misnomer, and it's more properly called just inversion. The general problem is solving a Fredholm integral of the first kind. One way of doing this is the Tikhonov regularization method. Turns out, you can describe this problem quite easily using numpy, and solve it with a scipy package, so I don't have to "reinvent" the wheel with this.
I used the solution shown in this post, and the names here reflect that solution.
def tikhonov_regularized_inversion(
kernel: np.ndarray, alpha: float, data: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
data = data.reshape(-1, 1)
I = alpha * np.eye(*kernel.shape)
C = np.concatenate([kernel, I], axis=0)
d = np.concatenate([data, np.zeros_like(data)])
x, _ = nnls(C, d.flatten())
Here, kernel is a matrix containing all the possible exponential decay curves, and my solution judges the contribution of each decay curve in the data I received. First, I stack my data as a column, then pad it with zeros, creating the vector d. I then stack my kernel on top of a diagonal matrix containing the regularization parameter alpha along the diagonal, of the same size as the kernel. Last, I call the convenient nnls, a non negative least square solver in scipy.optimize. This is because there's no reason to have a negative contribution, only no contribution.
This solved my problem, it's quick and convenient.

