This is a response i get from my app using a python client.
All i want to do is extract:
intent value field.
The entity type.
The value field of the entity.
{'msg_id': '0KqBWZaeY9qKeVvdv3n', '_text': 'what is the temperature', 'entities': {'on_off': [{'confidence': 0.98730879525862, 'value': 'on'}], 'intent': [{'confidence': 0.99846661176623, 'value': 'get_temperature'}]}}
Please note that the message can be different each time. Hard-coding locations in the dictionary might not be a great idea.
{'msg_id': '0GN7pJRwYincs2p7xCo', '_text': 'turn light 1 off', 'entities': {'number': [{'confidence': 1, 'value': 1, 'type': 'value'}], 'on_off' [{'confidence': 0.96433768880251, 'value': 'off'}], 'intent': [{'confidence': 0.99552821331643, 'value': 'lights'}]}}
Assuming you have this output stored in a variable, like so:
dictionary = {'msg_id': '0KqBWZaeY9qKeVvdv3n', '_text': 'what is the temperature', 'entities': {'on_off': [{'confidence': 0.98730879525862, 'value': 'on'}], 'intent': [{'confidence': 0.99846661176623, 'value': 'get_temperature'}]}}
Intent value would be here:
intentValue = dictionary['entities']['intent'][0]['value']
Entity value would be here:
entityValue = dictionary['entities']['on_off'][0]['value']
I don't understand what you mean by entity type.
I want to be able to GET information from API 1 and match it with API 2 and be able to update API 2's information with API 1. I am trying to figure out the most efficient/automated way to accomplish this as it also needs to be updated at a interval of every 10 minutes
I can query and get the results from API 1 this is my code and what my code looks like.
import json
import requests
myToken = '52c32f6588004cb3ab33b0ff320b8e4f'
myUrl = ''
head = {'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(myToken)}
response = requests.get(myUrl, headers=head)
r = json.loads(response.content)
The payload looks like this from API 1
{ "device" : {
"id": 153,
"battery_status" : 61,
"serial_no": "5QBYGKUI05",
"location_lat": "-45.948917",
"location_lng": "29.832179",
"location_address": "800 Laurel Rd, Lansdale, PA 192522,USA"}
I want to be able to take this information and match by "serial_no" and update all the other pieces of information for the corresponding device in API 2
I query the data for API 2 and this is what my code looks like
params = {
url = requests.get('',auth=('api2', '123456'), params=params)
r = json.loads(url.content)
The JSON payload looks like this
[{'id': '064ca857-3783-460e-a7a2-245e054dcbe3',
'name': 'Apple Laptop 1',
'model': {'id': '50f5993e-2abf-49c8-86e0-8743dd58db6f',
'name': 'MacBook Pro'},
'manufacturer': {'id': 'f56244e2-76e3-46da-97dd-f72f92ca0779',
'name': 'APPLE'},
'room': {'id': '700ff2dc-0118-46c6-936a-01f0fa88c620',
'name': 'Storage Room 1',
'thirdPartyId': ''},
'location': {'id': 'cf6707e3-f0ae-4040-a184-737b21a4bbd1',
'name': 'Iron Mountain',
'thirdPartyId': ''},
'position': 'NonMounted',
'containerAsset': {'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'name': None},
'baseAsset': {'id': '064ca857-3783-460e-a7a2-245e054dcbe3',
'name': 'Apple Laptop 1'},
'description': None,
'status': {'id': 'df9906d8-2856-45e3-9cba-bd7a1ac4971f',
'name': 'Production'},
'serialNumber': '5QBYGKUI06',
'tagNumber': None,
'alternateTagNumber': None,
'verificationStatus': {'id': 'cb3560a9-eef5-47b9-b033-394d3a09db18',
'name': 'Verified'},
'requiresRFID': False,
'requiresHangTag': False,
'bottomPosition': 0.0,
'leftPosition': 0.0,
'rackPosition': 'Front',
'labelX': None,
'labelY': None,
'verifyNameInRear': False,
'verifySerialNumberInRear': False,
'verifyBarcodeInRear': False,
'isNonDataCenter': False,
'rotate': False,
'customer': {'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'name': None},
'thirdPartyId': '',
'temperature': None,
'dateLastScanned': None,
'placement': 'Floor',
'lastScannedLabelX': None,
'lastScannedLabelY': None,
'userDefinedValues': [{'userDefinedKeyId': '79e77a1e-4030-4308-a8ff-9caf40c04fbd',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Longitude ',
'value': '-75.208917'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '72c8056e-9b7d-40ac-9270-9f5929097e82',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Address',
'value': '800 Laurel Rd, New York ,NY 19050, USA'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '31aeeb91-daef-4364-8dd6-b0e3436d6a51',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Battery Level',
'value': '67'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '22b7ce4f-7d3d-4282-9ecb-e8ec2238acf2',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Latitude',
'value': '35.932179'}]}
The documentation provided by API 2 tells me they only support PUT for updates as of right now but I would also want to know how I would do this using PATCH as it will be available in the future. So the data payload that I need to successful PUT is this
payload = {'id': '064ca857-3783-460e-a7a2-245e054dcbe3',
'name': 'Apple Laptop 1',
'model': {'id': '50f5993e-2abf-49c8-86e0-8743dd58db6f',
'name': 'MacBook Pro'},
'manufacturer': {'id': 'f56244e2-76e3-46da-97dd-f72f92ca0779',
'name': 'APPLE'},
'room': {'id': '700ff2dc-0118-46c6-936a-01f0fa88c620',
'name': 'Storage Room 1',
'thirdPartyId': ''},
'status': {'id': 'df9906d8-2856-45e3-9cba-bd7a1ac4971f',
'name': 'Production'},
'serialNumber': '5QBYGKUI06',
'verificationStatus': {'id': 'cb3560a9-eef5-47b9-b033-394d3a09db18',
'name': 'Verified'},
'requiresRFID': 'False',
'requiresHangTag': 'False',
'userDefinedValues': [{'userDefinedKeyId': '79e77a1e-4030-4308-a8ff-9caf40c04fbd',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Longitude ',
'value': '-75.248920'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '72c8056e-9b7d-40ac-9270-9f5929097e82',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Address',
'value': '801 Laurel Rd, New York, Ny 192250, USA'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '31aeeb91-daef-4364-8dd6-b0e3436d6a51',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Battery Level',
'value': '67'},
{'userDefinedKeyId': '22b7ce4f-7d3d-4282-9ecb-e8ec2238acf2',
'userDefinedKeyName': 'Latitude',
'value': '29.782177'}]}
So apart of this is figuring out how I can query the json data portions that I need for the update
I am able to update the information using this line
requests.put('',auth=('API2', '123456'), data=json.dumps(payload))
but I need for it to dynamically update so I don't think the hard coded id parameter in the line will be efficient in a automation/efficiency standpoint. If anybody has any ideas, resources to point me in the right direction to know more about this process (I don't really know what it is even called) would be greatly appreciated.
Not entirely sure what you are trying to do here, but if you want to pull information nested in the responses you can do this.
Serial number from API 1
Serial number for API 2
either r[0]['serialNumber'] or r['items'][0]['serialNumber'] depending on what you are showing
To modify the payload serial number, for example
payload['serialNumber'] = '123456abcdef'
I'm trying to covert an api response from json to a dataframe in pandas. the problem I am having is that de data is nested in the json format and I am not getting the right columns in my dataframe.
The data is collect from a api with the following format:
{'tickets': [{'url': 'https...',
'id': 1,
'external_id': None,
'via': {'channel': 'web',
'source': {'from': {}, 'to': {}, 'rel': None}},
'created_at': '2020-05-01T04:16:33Z',
'updated_at': '2020-05-23T03:02:49Z',
'type': 'incident',
'subject': 'Subject',
'raw_subject': 'Raw subject',
'description': 'Hi, this is the description',
'priority': 'normal',
'status': 'closed',
'recipient': None,
'requester_id': 409467360874,
'submitter_id': 409126461453,
'assignee_id': 409126461453,
'organization_id': None,
'group_id': 360009916453,
'collaborator_ids': [],
'follower_ids': [],
'email_cc_ids': [],
'forum_topic_id': None,
'problem_id': None,
'has_incidents': False,
'is_public': True,
'due_at': None,
'tags': ['tag_1',
'custom_fields': [{'id': 360042034433, 'value': 'value of the first custom field'},
{'id': 360041487874, 'value': 'value of the second custom field'},
{'id': 360041489414, 'value': 'value of the third custom field'},
{'id': 360040980053, 'value': 'correo_electrónico'},
{'id': 360040980373, 'value': 'suscribe_newsletter'},
{'id': 360042046173, 'value': None},
{'id': 360041028574, 'value': 'product'},
{'id': 360042103034, 'value': None}],
'satisfaction_rating': {'score': 'unoffered'},
'sharing_agreement_ids': [],
'comment_count': 2,
'fields': [{'id': 360042034433, 'value': 'value of the first custom field'},
{'id': 360041487874, 'value': 'value of the second custom field'},
{'id': 360041489414, 'value': 'value of the third custom field'},
{'id': 360040980053, 'value': 'correo_electrónico'},
{'id': 360040980373, 'value': 'suscribe_newsletter'},
{'id': 360042046173, 'value': None},
{'id': 360041028574, 'value': 'product'},
{'id': 360042103034, 'value': None}],
'followup_ids': [],
'ticket_form_id': 360003608013,
'deleted_ticket_form_id': 360003608013,
'brand_id': 360004571673,
'satisfaction_probability': None,
'allow_channelback': False,
'allow_attachments': True},
What I already tried is the following: I have converted the JSON format into a dict as following:
x = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(x['tickets'])
But I'm struggling with the output. I don't know how to get a correct, ordered, normalized dataframe.
(I'm new in this :) )
Let's supose you get your request data by this code r = requests.get(url, auth)
Your data ins't clear yet, so let's get a dataframe of it data = pd.read_json(json.dumps(r.json, ensure_ascii = False))
But, probably you will get a dataframe with one single row.
When I faced a problem like this, I wrote this function to get the full data:
listParam = []
def listDict(entry):
if type(entry) is dict:
elif type(entry) is list:
for ent in entry:
Because your data looks like a dict because of {'tickets': ...} you will need to get the information like that:
And then,
I can't show the results because you didn't post the complete data nor told where I can find the data to test, but this will probably work.
You have to convert the json to dictionary first and then convert the dictionary value for key 'tickets' into dataframe.
file = open('file.json').read()
ticketDictionary = json.loads(file)
df = pd.DataFrame(ticketDictionary['tickets'])
'file.json' contains your data here.
df now contains your dataFrame in this format.
For the lists within the response you can have separate dataframes if required:
for field in df['fields']:
df = pd.DataFrame(field)
It will give you this for lengths:
id value
0 360042034433 value of the first custom field
1 360041487874 value of the second custom field
2 360041489414 value of the third custom field
3 360040980053 correo_electrónico
4 360040980373 suscribe_newsletter
5 360042046173 None
6 360041028574 product
7 360042103034 None
This can be one way to structure as you haven't mentioned the exact expected format.
Below json data has 3 rules (dict type). I have created as list with some changes. Now i need to convert this "list to dict" data type. The below data has lot of nested list/dict. I want to split this list of list (3 list) and append it to dictionary.(dict datatype)
<class 'list'>
{'ID': 'Glacierize bird_sporr after 2 weeks',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'Transitions': [{'Days': 14, 'StorageClass': 'GLACIER'}],
'NoncurrentVersionTransitions': [{'NoncurrentDays': 14, 'StorageClass': 'GLACIER'}],
'Prefix': 'bird_sporr'},
{'Days': 45},
'ID': 'Delete files after 45 days',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'NoncurrentVersionExpiration': {'NoncurrentDays': 45},
'Prefix': 'bird_sporr'
{'ID': 'PruneAbandonedMultipartUpload',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload': {'DaysAfterInitiation': 30},
'Prefix': ''}
I need the below output with dict data type.. This API will not acccept the list data type. Please help on this. Let me know if any queries.
<class 'dict'>
{'ID': 'Glacierize bird_sporr after 2 weeks',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'Transitions': [{'Days': 14, 'StorageClass': 'GLACIER'}],
'NoncurrentVersionTransitions': [{'NoncurrentDays': 14, 'StorageClass': 'GLACIER'}],
'Prefix': 'bird_sporr'},
{'Days': 45},
'ID': 'Delete files after 45 days',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'NoncurrentVersionExpiration': {'NoncurrentDays': 45},
'Prefix': 'bird_sporr'},
{'ID': 'PruneAbandonedMultipartUpload',
'Status': 'Enabled',
'AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload': {'DaysAfterInitiation': 30},
'Prefix': ''}
If your problem is just that, you have a list with your output. But you need just the output, without it being contained by a list, Then you should simply be able to do this:
list[0] should give you your desired dictionary.
I have a list like this, below is the example. How can I pull the data without 'hidden' key using python? like the second one.
My code is
if tab['label'] == 'toolname' and 'hidden' not in tab :
print(course['id'], tab['label'], tab['hidden'])
I got
KeyError: 'hidden' error, how to write the code to replace ''hidden' not in tab '
'id': 'context_external_tool_35702',
'html_url': '/courses/1242593/external_tools/35702',
'full_url': 'https://url/courses/1242593/external_tools/35702',
'position': 35,
'hidden': True,
'visibility': 'admins',
'label': 'toolname',
'type': 'external',
'url': 'https://url/api/v1/courses/1242593/external_tools/sessionless_launch?id=35702&launch_type=course_navigation'
'id': 'context_external_tool_35702',
'html_url': '/courses/1235556/external_tools/35702',
'full_url': 'https://url/courses/1235556/external_tools/35702',
'position': 19,
'visibility': 'admins',
'label': 'toolname',
'type': 'external',
'url': 'https://url/api/v1/courses/1235556/external_tools/sessionless_launch?id=35702&launch_type=course_navigation'
Your if statement is working fine. The problem is that the last thing you're printing is tab['hidden'] when 'hidden' is not in tab. Only print the id and label.
print(course['id'], tab['label'])
I have a YAML file that parses into an object, e.g.:
{'name': [{'proj_directory': '/directory/'},
{'categories': [{'quick': [{'directory': 'quick'},
{'description': None},
{'table_name': 'quick'}]},
{'intermediate': [{'directory': 'intermediate'},
{'description': None},
{'table_name': 'intermediate'}]},
{'research': [{'directory': 'research'},
{'description': None},
{'table_name': 'research'}]}]},
{'nomenclature': [{'extension': 'nc'}
{'handler': 'script'},
{'filename': [{'id': [{'type': 'VARCHAR'}]},
{'date': [{'type': 'DATE'}]},
{'v': [{'type': 'INT'}]}]},
{'data': [{'time': [{'variable_name': 'time'},
{'units': 'minutes since 1-1-1980 00:00 UTC'},
{'latitude': [{'variable_n...
I'm having trouble accessing the data in python and regularly see the error TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
I want to be able to access all elements corresponding to 'name' so to retrieve each data field I imagine it would look something like:
import yaml
settings_stream = open('file.yaml', 'r')
settingsMap = yaml.safe_load(settings_stream)
yaml_stream = True
print 'loaded settings for: ',
for project in settingsMap:
print project + ', ' + settingsMap[project]['project_directory']
and I would expect each element would be accessible via something like ['name']['categories']['quick']['directory']
and something a little deeper would just be:
or am I completely wrong here?
The brackets, [], indicate that you have lists of dicts, not just a dict.
For example, settingsMap['name'] is a list of dicts.
Therefore, you need to select the correct dict in the list using an integer index, before you can select the key in the dict.
So, giving your current data structure, you'd need to use:
Or, revise the underlying YAML data structure.
For example, if the data structure looked like this:
settingsMap = {
{'proj_directory': '/directory/',
'categories': {'quick': {'directory': 'quick',
'description': None,
'table_name': 'quick'}},
'intermediate': {'directory': 'intermediate',
'description': None,
'table_name': 'intermediate'},
'research': {'directory': 'research',
'description': None,
'table_name': 'research'},
'nomenclature': {'extension': 'nc',
'handler': 'script',
'filename': {'id': {'type': 'VARCHAR'},
'date': {'type': 'DATE'},
'v': {'type': 'INT'}},
'data': {'time': {'variable_name': 'time',
'units': 'minutes since 1-1-1980 00:00 UTC'}}}}}
then you could access the same value as above with
# quick