Check if mp3 file is in given directory - python

I can't see what i am doing wrong here
import os
def check():
path = "d://Mu$ic//"
for file in os.listdir(path):
if file.endswith("*.mp3"):
print (os.path.join(path,file))
The output doesn't show up , any idea what am i doing wrong?

Omitting the * should work, since endswith matches on a string suffix (as opposed to *.mp3 which is a wildcard):
Also, you could replace // with just /.

Is only mp3 files in the folder? If so why do you need the check for endswith? If mp3 is the only file type in that folder it should be able to return them without checking if they end with .mp3. Unless you have other file types in there then you would need the endswith check. I did your code here without endswith and it returned every .wav file in the folder.

If you are using python 3, you also can use glob
import glob
_path = '{0}**/*.mp3'.format("d://Mu$ic//")
file_lst = glob.glob(_path, recursive=True)
['2.mp3', '3.mp3', ...]


python: set file path to only point to files with a specific ending

I am trying to run a program with requires pVCF files alone as inputs. Due to the size of the data, I am unable to create a separate directory containing the particular files that I need.
The directory contains multiple files with 'vcf.gz.tbi' and 'vcf.gz' endings. Using the following code:
file_url = "file:///mnt/projects/samples/vcf_format/*.vcf.gz"
I tried to create a file path that only grabs the '.vcf.gz' files while excluding the '.vcf.gz.tbi' but I have been unsuccesful.
The code you have, as written, is just assigning your file path to the variable file_url. For something like this, glob is popular but isn't the only option:
import glob, os
file_url = "file:///mnt/projects/samples/vcf_format/"
for file in glob.glob("*.vcf.gz"):
Note that the file path doesn't contain the kind of file you want (in this case, a gzipped VCF), the glob for loop does that.
Check out this answer for more options.
It took some digging but it looks like you're trying to use the import_vcf function of Hail. To put the files in a list so that it can be passed as input:
import glob, os
file_url = "file:///mnt/projects/samples/vcf_format/"
def get_vcf_list(path):
vcf_list = []
for file in glob.glob("*.vcf.gz"):
vcf_list.append(path + "/" + file)
return vcf_list
# Now you pass 'get_vcf_list(file_url)' as your input instead of 'file_url'
mt = hl.import_vcf(get_vcf_list(file_url), force_bgz=True, reference_genome="GRCh38", array_elements_required=False)

Need to read every file of directory for particular word around 172 directories,we have done for single directory

Here is the below code we have developed for single directory of files
from os import listdir
with open("/user/results.txt", "w") as f:
for filename in listdir("/user/stream"):
with open('/user/stream/' + filename) as currentFile:
text =
if 'checksum' in text:
f.write('current word in ' + filename[:-4] + '\n')
f.write('NOT ' + filename[:-4] + '\n')
I want loop for all directories
Thanks in advance
If you're using UNIX you can use grep:
grep "checksum" -R /user/stream
The -R flag allows for a recursive search inside the directory, following the symbolic links if there are any.
My suggestion is to use glob.
The glob module allows you to work with files. In the Unix universe, a directory is / should be a file so it should be able to help you with your task.
More over, you don't have to install anything, glob comes with python.
Note: For the following code, you will need python3.5 or greater
This should help you out.
import os
import glob
for path in glob.glob('/ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/**', recursive=True):
# At some point, `path` will be `/ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/inf_<$APP>_pvt/error`
if not os.path.isdir(path):
# Check the `id` of the file
# Do things with the file
# If there are files inside `/ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/inf_<$APP>_pvt/error` you will be able to access them here
What glob.glob does is, it Return a possibly-empty list of path names that match pathname. In this case, it will match every file (including directories) in /user/stream/. If these files are not directories, you can do whatever you want with them.
I hope this will help you!
Regarding your 3 point comment attempting to clarify the question, especially this part we need to put appi dynamically in that path then we need to read all files inside that directory
No, you do not need to do this. Please read my answer carefully and please read glob documentation.
In this case, it will match every file (including directories) in /user/stream/
If you replace /user/stream/ with /ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/, you will have access to every file in /ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/. Assuming your app ids are 1, 2, 3, this means, you will have access to the following files.
You do not have to specify the id, because you will be iterating over all files. If you do need the id, you can just extract it from the path.
If everything looks like this, /ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/inf_<$APP>_pvt/error, you can get the id by removing /ai2/data/prod/admin/inf/ and taking everything until you encounter _.

How do I use wild cards in python as specified in a text file

Hello I'm new to python and I'd like to know how to process a .txt file line by line to copy files specifid as wild cards
basically the .txt file looks like this.
so now with that information I'd like to be able to read my .txt file match the directory copy all the files that start with * for that directory, also I'd like to be able to copy the folders listed in the .txt file. What's the best practical way of doing this? your help is appreciated, thanks.
Here's something to start with...
import glob # For specifying pathnames with wildcards
import shutil # For doing common "shell-like" operations.
import os # For dealing with pathnames
# Grab all the pathnames of all the files matching those specified in `text_file.txt`
matching_pathnames = []
for line in open('text_file.txt','r'):
matching_pathnames += glob.glob(line)
# Copy all the matched files to the same filename + '.new' at the end
for pathname in matching_pathnames:
shutil.copyfile(pathname, '' % (pathname,))
You might want to look at the glob and re modules

Fast way to read filename from directory?

Given a local directory structure of /foo/bar, and assuming that a given path contains exactly one file (filename and content does not matter), what is a reasonably fast way to get the filename of that single file (NOT the file content)?
1st element of os.listdir()
import os
Well I know this code works...
for file in os.listdir('.'):
#do something
you can also use glob
import glob
print glob.glob("/path/*")[0]
os.path.basename will return the file name for you
so you can use it for the exact one file by adding your file path :
or you can run through the files in the folder and read all names
file_src = "/foo/bar/"
for x in os.listdir(file_src):

How can I find path to given file?

I have a file, for example "something.exe" and I want to find path to this file
How can I do this in python?
Perhaps os.path.abspath() would do it:
import os
print os.path.abspath("something.exe")
If your something.exe is not in the current directory, you can pass any relative path and abspath() will resolve it.
use os.path.abspath to get a normalized absolutized version of the pathname
use os.walk to get it's location
import os
exe = 'something.exe'
#if the exe just in current dir
print os.path.abspath(exe)
# output
# D:\python\note\something.exe
#if we need find it first
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'D:\python'):
for name in files:
if name == exe:
print os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, name))
# output
# D:\python\note\something.exe
if you absolutely do not know where it is, the only way is to find it starting from root c:\
import os
for r,d,f in os.walk("c:\\"):
for files in f:
if files == "something.exe":
print os.path.join(r,files)
else, if you know that there are only few places you store you exe, like your system32, then start finding it from there. you can also make use of os.environ["PATH"] if you always put your .exe in one of those directories in your PATH variable.
for p in os.environ["PATH"].split(";"):
for r,d,f in os.walk(p):
for files in f:
if files == "something.exe":
print os.path.join(r,files)
Just to mention, another option to achieve this task could be the subprocess module, to help us execute a command in terminal, like this:
import subprocess
command = "find"
directory = "/Possible/path/"
flag = "-iname"
file = ""
args = [command, directory, flag, file]
process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
path = process.stdout.decode().strip("\n")
With this we emulate passing the following command to the Terminal:
find /Posible/path -iname "".
After that, given that the attribute stdout is binary string, we need to decode it, and remove the trailing "\n" character.
I tested it with the %timeit magic in spyder, and the performance is 0.3 seconds slower than the os.walk() option.
I noted that you are in Windows, so you may search for a command that behaves similar to find in Unix.
Finally, if you have several files with the same name in different directories, the resulting string will contain all of them. In consequence, you need to deal with that appropriately, maybe using regular expressions.
This is really old thread, but might be useful to someone who stumbles across this. In python 3, there is a module called "glob" which takes "egrep" style search strings and returns system appropriate pathing (i.e. Unix\Linux and Windows).
Example usage would be:
results = glob.glob('./**/FILE_NAME')
Then you get a list of matches in the result variable.
Uh... This question is a bit unclear.
What do you mean "have"? Do you have the name of the file? Have you opened it? Is it a file object? Is it a file descriptor? What???
If it's a name, what do you mean with "find"? Do you want to search for the file in a bunch of directories? Or do you know which directory it's in?
If it is a file object, then you must have opened it, reasonably, and then you know the path already, although you can get the filename from too.

