Why does passing a dictionary as a parameter take more time? - python

I tried to a leetcode problem. I find one of the following code throws a time limit exceeded error. I created the following testing code. I found the first one pass dictionary as a parameter takes more time the the other one. 0.94s vs 0.84s.
Can anyone explain this ?
class Solution(object):
def longestPalindromeSubseq(self, x):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
#dic = {}
def helper(s, dic):
if len(s) == 0:
return 0
if len(s) == 1:
return 1
if s in dic:
return dic[s]
if s[0] == s[-1]:
res = helper(s[1:-1], dic)+2
l1 = helper(s[:-1], dic)
l2 = helper(s[1:], dic)
res = max(l1,l2)
dic[s] = res
#print (id(dic), dic)
return res
d = {}
ans = helper(x, d)
#print (id(d), d)
return ans
class Solution1(object):
def longestPalindromeSubseq(self, x):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
dic = {}
def helper(s):
if len(s) == 0:
return 0
if len(s) == 1:
return 1
if s in dic:
return dic[s]
if s[0] == s[-1]:
res = helper(s[1:-1])+2
l1 = helper(s[:-1])
l2 = helper(s[1:])
res = max(l1,l2)
dic[s] = res
#print (id(dic), dic)
return res
ans = helper(x)
#print (id(dic), dic)
return ans
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = "gphyvqruxjmwhonjjrgumxjhfyupajxbjgthzdvrdqmdouuukeaxhjumkmmhdglqrrohydrmbvtuwstgkobyzjjtdtjroqpyusfsbjlusekghtfbdctvgmqzeybnwzlhdnhwzptgkzmujfldoiejmvxnorvbiubfflygrkedyirienybosqzrkbpcfidvkkafftgzwrcitqizelhfsruwmtrgaocjcyxdkovtdennrkmxwpdsxpxuarhgusizmwakrmhdwcgvfljhzcskclgrvvbrkesojyhofwqiwhiupujmkcvlywjtmbncurxxmpdskupyvvweuhbsnanzfioirecfxvmgcpwrpmbhmkdtckhvbxnsbcifhqwjjczfokovpqyjmbywtpaqcfjowxnmtirdsfeujyogbzjnjcmqyzciwjqxxgrxblvqbutqittroqadqlsdzihngpfpjovbkpeveidjpfjktavvwurqrgqdomiibfgqxwybcyovysydxyyymmiuwovnevzsjisdwgkcbsookbarezbhnwyqthcvzyodbcwjptvigcphawzxouixhbpezzirbhvomqhxkfdbokblqmrhhioyqubpyqhjrnwhjxsrodtblqxkhezubprqftrqcyrzwywqrgockioqdmzuqjkpmsyohtlcnesbgzqhkalwixfcgyeqdzhnnlzawrdgskurcxfbekbspupbduxqxjeczpmdvssikbivjhinaopbabrmvscthvoqqbkgekcgyrelxkwoawpbrcbszelnxlyikbulgmlwyffurimlfxurjsbzgddxbgqpcdsuutfiivjbyqzhprdqhahpgenjkbiukurvdwapuewrbehczrtswubthodv"
print (x)
t0 = time.time()
sol = Solution()
print (sol.longestPalindromeSubseq(x))
t1 = time.time()
print(t1- t0)
sol1 = Solution1()
print (sol1.longestPalindromeSubseq(x))
t2 = time.time()

Python uses something that is called call by sharing. The function gets only the alias on the parameter. With that in mind, it does't matter what you pass to the function.
But the script may take different time to execute. It is not constant. Using recursion makes it even harder to predict


Python nested currying

I was trying to solve a codewars problem here, and I got a bit stuck. I believe I should be using nested currying in Python.
Let us just take the case of add. Let us constrain the problem even more, and just get nested add working on the right hand side, i.e. write an add function such that
prints 12.
It should be possible to nest it as deep as required, for e.g. I want
should give me 18.
What I have done so far -
My initial attempt is to use the following nested function -
def add_helper():
current_sum = 0
def inner(inp):
if isinstance(inp, int):
nonlocal current_sum
current_sum += inp
print(f"current_sum = {current_sum}")
return inner
return inner
add = add_helper()
However, this does not do the trick. Instead, I get the following output, for when I do something like print((add)(add)(3)(4)(add)(5)(6))
current_sum = 3
current_sum = 7
current_sum = 12
current_sum = 18
<function add_helper.<locals>.inner at 0x...>
Does anyone know how I have to change my function so that I just return 18, because the function will know it is "done"?
Any help will be appreciated!
After looking at Bharel's comments, I have the following so far -
def add_helper():
val = 0
ops_so_far = []
def inner(inp):
if isinstance(inp, int):
nonlocal val
val += inp
return inner
ops_so_far.append(("+", val))
return inp
def set_ops_so_far(inp_list):
nonlocal ops_so_far
ops_so_far = inp_list
def get_val():
nonlocal val
return val
def get_ops_so_far():
nonlocal ops_so_far
return ops_so_far
inner.get_ops_so_far = get_ops_so_far
inner.set_ops_so_far = set_ops_so_far
inner.get_val = get_val
return inner
def mul_helper():
val = 1
ops_so_far = []
def inner(inp):
if isinstance(inp, int):
nonlocal val
val *= inp
return inner
ops_so_far.append(("*", val))
return inp
def get_ops_so_far():
nonlocal ops_so_far
return ops_so_far
def set_ops_so_far(inp_list):
nonlocal ops_so_far
ops_so_far = inp_list
def get_val():
nonlocal val
return val
inner.get_ops_so_far = get_ops_so_far
inner.get_val = get_val
inner.set_ops_so_far = set_ops_so_far
return inner
add = add_helper()
mul = mul_helper()
and now when I do
res = (add)(add)(3)(4)(mul)(5)(6)
I get
[('+', 0), ('+', 7)]
Still not sure if this is the correct direction to be following?
This is how I solved it for anyone still looking in the future -
from copy import deepcopy
def start(arg):
def start_evalutaion(_arg, eval_stack, variables):
new_eval_stack = deepcopy(eval_stack)
new_variables = deepcopy(variables)
to_ret = evaluate_stack(_arg, new_eval_stack, new_variables)
if to_ret is not None:
return to_ret
def inner(inner_arg):
return start_evalutaion(
inner_arg, new_eval_stack, new_variables
return inner
return start_evalutaion(arg, [], dict())
add = lambda a, b, variables: variables.get(a, a) + variables.get(b, b)
sub = lambda a, b, variables: variables.get(a, a) - variables.get(b, b)
mul = lambda a, b, variables: variables.get(a, a) * variables.get(b, b)
div = lambda a, b, variables: variables.get(a, a) // variables.get(b, b)
def let(name, val, variables):
variables[name] = val
def return_(val, variables):
return variables.get(val, val)
def evaluate_stack(_arg, eval_stack, variables):
if callable(_arg):
if _arg.__name__ == "return_":
req_args = 1
req_args = 2
eval_stack.append((_arg, req_args, []))
while True:
func_to_eval, req_args, args_so_far = eval_stack[-1]
if len(args_so_far) == req_args:
_arg = func_to_eval(*args_so_far, variables)
if func_to_eval.__name__ == "return_":
return _arg
elif _arg is None:
Passes all testcases

Need an OOP method for share variable between function?

I have a class and some functions. In the 'check_reflexive()' function, there is a variable called reflexive_list. I want to use this variable also in the 'antisymmetric' function.
I checked some examples about class but didn't find a specific example to solve this problem.
I'll be waiting for your advice. Hope you have a nice day
class MyClass():
def __init__(self):
def checkif_pair(k):
for a in k:
if a%2 == 0:
return False
return True
def check_reflexive(k):
j = 0
z = 0
reflexive_list = []
while j < len(k):
i = 0
while i < len(k):
if k[i] == k[j]:
tup = k[j],k[i]
i += 1
j = j + 1
if len(reflexive_list) == len(self.list1):
return True
return False
def antisymmetric(k):
antisymettric_list = []
for b in k:
swap1 = b[0]
swap2 = b[1]
newtuple = (swap2, swap1)
for ü in reflexive_list:
if ü in antisymettric_list:
for q in antisymettric_list:
if q in k:
print("The system is not Anti-Symmetric.")
print("The system is Anti-Symmetric.")
def transitive(k):
result = {}
for first, second in k:
result.setdefault(first, []).append(second)
for a, b in k:
for x in result[b]:
if x in result[a]:
print("There is no {} in the {}".format(x, result[a]))
return False
return True
You can just use reflexive_list as an instance variable. Just add a constructor where the variable is defined:
class MyClass():
def __init__(self):
self.reflexive_list = []
And everytime you want to use it inside the function, you use self.reflexive_list

Having an issue with Python's unittest

I am learning Python and trying to test a Polynomial class I wrote using unittest. It seems like I am getting different results from directly running a test in Python and running a test using unittest and I don't understand what's going on.
import unittest
from w4_polynomial import Polynomial
class TestPolynomialClass(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.A = Polynomial()
self.A[1] = 1
self.A[2] = 2
self.B = Polynomial()
self.B[1234] = 5678
def test_assertNotEq(self):
self.C = Polynomial()
self.C[1234] = 5678
self.C[1] = 1
self.C[2] = 3
self.assertNotEqual(self.A+self.B, self.C)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Unittest fails... but I don't understand why. The two polynomials aren't the same. Here are the results from the same test done in a python script using print to compare. The polynomial is different, but same results:
A+B = 442x^123 + 12x^6 + 12x^4 + 5x^1 + 0x^0 + -99x^-12
C = 442x^123 + 12x^6 + 12x^4 + 5x^1 + 0x^0 + 99x^-12
A+B==C is False
Any help explaining what's going on would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry forgot the error from unittest,
FAIL: test_assertEq (__main__.TestPolynomialClass)
Traenter code hereceback (most recent call last):
File "add.py", line 18, in test_assertEq
self.assertNotEqual(self.A+self.B, self.C)
AssertionError: <w4_polynomial.Polynomial object at 0x7f2d419ec390> == <w4_polynomial.Polynomial object at 0x7f2d419ec358>
And now the Polynomial Class:
class Polynomial():
def __init__(self, value=[0]):
self.v = []
self.n = []
temp = list(reversed(value[:]))
if value == [0]:
self[0] = 0
for x in range(0, len(temp)):
self[x] = temp[x]
def __eq__(self, value):
temp1 = self.v[:]
temp2 = self.n[:]
temp3 = value.v[:]
temp4 = value.n[:]
return (temp1 == temp3 and temp2 == temp4)
def __ne__(self, value):
temp1 = self.v[:]
temp2 = self.n[:]
temp3 = value.v[:]
temp4 = value.n[:]
return (temp1 != temp3 and temp2 != temp4)
def main():
if __name__=="__main__":
I think the issue is with the implementation with def __ne__ function in Polynomial class.
assertNotEqual when called, expects a True value when the values passed are not equal. But in this class, you are directly sending the output of temp1 != temp3 and temp2 != temp4.
So, the function should be like this
def __ne__(self, value):
temp1 = self.v[:]
temp2 = self.n[:]
temp3 = value.v[:]
temp4 = value.n[:]
result = True if not (temp1 != temp3 and temp2 != temp4) else False
return result

Python -- polynomials in finite fields. Why does only __add__() work with super() in this case?

I'm trying to use the parent class's __div__() in order to maintain the same type so that many operations can be called at once as in the last example mix1 = bf2/bf4*bf1%bf5 in main() below where multiple arithmetic operations are strung together. For some reason, I can use super() in __add__() but not in __div__(). The error is "IndexError: list index out of range" and I've been going over and over this without any progress. Note that this is all related to polynomial arithmetic within a finite field.
I'm including the parsePolyVariable() and it's dependents (sorry if it looks like there's a bit of code but I assure you it's all for a good cause and builds character), since that's where the list error seems to be stemming from but I can't for the life of me figure out where everything is going very wrong. I'm teaching myself Python, so I'm sure there are some other beginners out there who will see where I'm missing the obvious.
I've been looking over these but they don't seem to be related to this situation:
Python super(Class, self).method vs super(Parent, self).method
How can I use Python's super() to update a parent value?
import re
class GF2Polynomial(object): #classes should generally inherit from object
def __init__(self, string):
'''__init__ is a standard special method used to initialize objects.
Here __init__ will initialize a gf2infix object based on a string.'''
self.string = string #basically the initial string (polynomial)
#if self.parsePolyVariable(string) == "0": self.key,self.lst = "0",[0]
self.key,self.lst = self.parsePolyVariable(string) # key determines polynomial compatibility
self.bin = self.prepBinary(string) #main value used in operations
def id(self,lst):
"""returns modulus 2 (1,0,0,1,1,....) for input lists"""
return [int(lst[i])%2 for i in range(len(lst))]
def listToInt(self,lst):
"""converts list to integer for later use"""
result = self.id(lst)
return int(''.join(map(str,result)))
def parsePolyToListInput(self,poly):
replaced by parsePolyVariable. still functional but not needed.
performs regex on raw string and converts to list
c = [int(i.group(0)) for i in re.finditer(r'\d+', poly)]
return [1 if x in c else 0 for x in xrange(max(c), -1, -1)]
def parsePolyVariable(self,poly):
performs regex on raw string, converts to list.
also determines key (main variable used) in each polynomial on intake
c = [int(m.group(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'\d+', poly)] #re.finditer returns an iterator
if sum(c) == 0: return "0",[0]
letter = [str(m.group(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'[a-z]', poly)]
degree = max(c); varmatch = True; key = letter[0]
for i in range(len(letter)):
if letter[i] != key: varmatch = False
else: varmatch = True
if varmatch == False: return "error: not all variables in %s are the same"%a
lst = [1 if x in c else (1 if x==0 else (1 if x=='x' else 0)) for x in xrange(degree, -1, -1)]
return key,lst
def polyVariableCheck(self,other):
return self.key == other.key
def prepBinary(self,poly):
"""converts to base 2; bina,binb are binary values like 110100101100....."""
x = self.lst; a = self.listToInt(x)
return int(str(a),2)
def __add__(self,other):
__add__ is another special method, and is used to override the + operator. This will only
work for instances of gf2pim and its subclasses.
self,other are gf2infix instances; returns GF(2) polynomial in string format
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(self.bin^other.bin))
def __sub__(self,other):
__sub__ is the special method for overriding the - operator
same as addition in GF(2)
return self.__add__(other)
def __mul__(self,other):
__mul__ is the special method for overriding the * operator
returns product of 2 polynomials in gf2; self,other are values 10110011...
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
bitsa = reversed("{0:b}".format(self.bin))
g = [(other.bin<<i)*int(bit) for i,bit in enumerate(bitsa)]
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(reduce(lambda x,y: x^y,g)))
def __div__(self,other):
__div__ is the special method for overriding the / operator
returns quotient formatted as polynomial
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.bin == other.bin: return 1
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(self.bin/other.bin))
def __mod__(self,other):
__mod__ is the special method for overriding the % operator
returns remainder formatted as polynomial
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.bin == other.bin: return 0
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(self.bin%other.bin))
def __str__(self):
return self.string
def outFormat(self,raw):
"""process resulting values into polynomial format"""
raw = "{0:b}".format(raw); raw = str(raw[::-1]); g = [] #reverse binary string for enumeration
g = [i for i,c in enumerate(raw) if c == '1']
processed = "x**"+" + x**".join(map(str, g[::-1]))
proc1 = processed.replace("x**1","x"); proc2 = proc1.replace("x**0","1")
if len(g) == 0: return 0 #return 0 if list empty
return proc2 #returns result in gf(2) polynomial form
class BinaryField(GF2Polynomial):
def __init__(self, poly, mod):
if mod == "0": self.string = "Error: modulus division by 0"
elif mod == "0": self.string = "%s is 0 so resulting mod is 0"%(poly)
fieldPoly = GF2Polynomial(poly) % mod
if fieldPoly == 0: self.string = "%s and %s are the same so resulting mod is 0"%(poly,mod)
else: super(BinaryField, self).__init__(fieldPoly.string)
#self.degree = len(str(fieldPoly))
def polyFieldCheck(self,other):
return self.degree() == other.degree()
def __add__(self, other):
inherited from GF2Polynomial
return super(BinaryField, self).__add__(other) % min(other,self)
def __sub__(self,other):
inherited from GF2Polynomial
return self.__add__(other)
def __mul__(self, other):
special method of BinaryField, needed for format adjustments between classes
#print "self = %s,%s other = %s,%s "%(self.degree(),type(self.degree()),other.degree(),type(other.degree()))
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.polyFieldCheck(other) == False:
return "error: fields of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
else: print "Operation will proceed: fields of %s and %s match"%(self.string,other.string)
bitsa = reversed("{0:b}".format(self.bin))
g = [(other.bin<<i)*int(bit) for i,bit in enumerate(bitsa)]
result = reduce(lambda x,y: x^y,g)%min(self.bin,other.bin)
return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(result))
def __div__(self, other):
special method of BinaryField, needed for format adjustments between classes
if self.polyVariableCheck(other) == False:
return "error: variables of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.polyFieldCheck(other) == False:
return "error: fields of %s and %s do not match"%(self.string,other.string)
else: print "Operation will proceed: fields of %s and %s match"%(self.string,other.string)
if self.bin == other.bin: return 1
result = self.bin/other.bin
#return self.outFormat(result)
return super(BinaryField, self).__div__(other) #% min(other,self)
def degree(self):
return len(self.lst)-1
And here's the main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
## "x**1 + x**0" polynomial string style input
poly1 = "x**14 + x**1 + x**0"; poly2 = "x**6 + x**2 + x**1"; poly3 = "y**6 + y**2 + y**1"
a = GF2Polynomial(poly1); b = GF2Polynomial(poly2); c = GF2Polynomial(poly3)
## "x+1" polynomial string style input
poly4 = "x**14 + x + 1"; poly5 = "x**6 + x**2 + x"; poly6 = "x**8 + x**3 + 1"
d = GF2Polynomial(poly4); e = GF2Polynomial(poly5); f = GF2Polynomial(poly6)
poly7 = "x**9 + x**5 + 1"; poly8 = "x**11 + x**7 + x**4 + 1"; poly9 = "x**5 + x**4 + x**2 + x"
g = GF2Polynomial(poly7); h = GF2Polynomial(poly8); i = GF2Polynomial(poly9)
## g = GF2Polynomial("x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + 1"); h = GF2Polynomial("x**5 + x"); print "(g*h)%b = ",(g*h)%b
## dd = GF2Polynomial("x**0"); print "dd -- ",dd
## ee = GF2Polynomial("0"); print "ee -- ",ee
bf1 = BinaryField(poly1,b); print bf1; print "degree bf1 = ",bf1.degree()
bf2 = BinaryField(poly4,e); print "bf2 ",bf2; bf3 = BinaryField(poly4,d); print "bf3 ",bf3,type(bf3)
bf4 = BinaryField(poly4,h); bf5 = BinaryField(poly9,e); bf6 = BinaryField(poly8,i)
add1 = bf1+bf2
print "add1 ",add1
div1 = bf1/bf2
print "div1 ",div1,type(div1)
mix1 = bf2*bf1%bf5
print "mix1 ",mix1,type(mix1)
The full traceback --
Message File Name Line Position
<module> C:\Users\win7pro-vm\Desktop\crypto\GF2BinaryField.py 233
__div__ C:\Users\win7pro-vm\Desktop\crypto\GF2BinaryField.py 197
__div__ C:\Users\win7pro-vm\Desktop\crypto\GF2BinaryField.py 100
__init__ C:\Users\win7pro-vm\Desktop\crypto\GF2BinaryField.py 20
parsePolyVariable C:\Users\win7pro-vm\Desktop\crypto\GF2BinaryField.py 48
IndexError: list index out of range
For reference line 48 is degree = max(c); varmatch = True; key = letter[0].
Personal notes and information were removed, adjusting the line numbers.
Your return GF2Polynomial(self.outFormat(self.bin/other.bin)) line results in the string 1, which is then passed to the GF2Polynomial.parsePolyVariable() method.
This value has no letters, so the line:
letter = [str(m.group(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'[a-z]', poly)]
returns an empty list. The next line:
degree = max(c); varmatch = True; key = letter[0]
then fails because key = letter[0] gives a IndexError exception.
Your code is hard to read because you use one-letter variables and put multiple statements on one line, so it is hard to make out what your expectations are in that function.
The exception has otherwise nothing to do with super(). There is a simple bug in your own code somewhere.

Python -- TypeError on string format from binary output

I'm getting a getting a TypeError for unbound method (at the bottom). I'm teaching myself Python so this may be some simple mistake. The issue is with outFormat(), which didn't give me problems when I test it by itself but is not working within the class. Here's the class:
class gf2poly:
#binary arithemtic on polynomials
def __init__(self,expr):
self.expr = expr
def id(self):
return [self.expr[i]%2 for i in range(len(self.expr))]
def listToInt(self):
result = gf2poly.id(self)
return int(''.join(map(str,result)))
def prepBinary(a,b):
a = gf2poly.listToInt(a); b = gf2poly.listToInt(b)
bina = int(str(a),2); binb = int(str(b),2)
a = min(bina,binb); b = max(bina,binb);
return a,b
def outFormat(raw):
raw = str(raw); g = []
[g.append(i) for i,c in enumerate(raw) if c == '1']
processed = "x**"+' + x**'.join(map(str, g[::-1]))
#print "processed ",processed
return processed
def divide(a,b): #a,b are lists like (1,0,1,0,0,1,....)
a,b = gf2poly.prepBinary(a,b)
bitsa = "{0:b}".format(a); bitsb = "{0:b}".format(b)
difflen = len(str(bitsb)) - len(str(bitsa))
c = a<<difflen; q=0
while difflen >= 0 and b != 0:
q+=1<<difflen; b = b^c
lendif = abs(len(str(bin(b))) - len(str(bin(c))))
c = c>>lendif; difflen -= lendif
r = "{0:b}".format(b); q = "{0:b}".format(q)
#print "r,q ",type(r),type(q)
return r,q #returns r remainder and q quotient in gf2 division
def remainder(a,b): #separate function for clarity when calling
r = gf2poly.divide(a,b)[0]; r = int(str(r),2)
return "{0:b}".format(r)
def quotient(a,b): #separate function for clarity when calling
q = gf2poly.divide(a,b)[1]; q = int(str(q),2)
return "{0:b}".format(q)
This is how I'm calling it:
testp = gf2poly.quotient(f4,f2)
testr = gf2poly.remainder(f4,f2)
print "quotient: ",testp
print "remainder: ",testr
print "***********************************"
print "types ",type(testp),type(testr),testp,testr
testp = str(testp)
print "outFormat testp: ",gf2poly.outFormat(testp)
#print "outFormat testr: ",gf2poly.outFormat(testr)
This is the error:
TypeError: unbound method outFormat() must be called with gf2poly instance as first argument (got str instance instead)
Where you have this:
def outFormat(raw):
You probably want either this:
def outFormat(self, raw):
Or this:
def outFormat(raw):
The former if you eventually need access to self in outFormat(), or the latter if you do not (as currently is the case in the posted code).

