autocomplete for like git <tab> - python

when I issue git with tab , it can auto-complete with a list, I want to write a, when I type followed with tab, it can auto-complete with a given list defined in, is it possible ?
$ git [tab]
add branch column fetch help mv reflog revert stash
am bundle commit filter-branch imap-send name-rev relink rm status
annotate checkout config format-patch init notes remote send-email submodule
apply cherry credential fsck instaweb p4 repack shortlog subtree
archive cherry-pick describe gc log pull replace show tag
bisect clean diff get-tar-commit-id merge push request-pull show-branch whatchanged
blame clone difftool grep mergetool rebase reset stage

The method you are looking for is: readline.set_completer . This method interacts with the readline of the bash shell. It's simple to implement. Examples:

That's not a feature of the git binary itself, it's a bash completion 'hack' and as such has nothing to do with Python per-se, but since you've tagged it as such let's add a little twist. Let's say we create a script aware of its acceptable arguments -
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
# let's define some sample functions to be called on passed arguments
def f1():
print("F1 called!")
def f2():
print("F2 called!")
def f3():
print("F3 called!")
def f_invalid(): # a simple invalid placeholder function
print("Invalid command!")
def f_list(): # a function to list all valid arguments
print(" ".join(sorted(arguments.keys())))
if __name__ == "__main__": # make sure we're running this as a script
arguments = { # a simple argument map, use argparse or similar in a real world use
"arg1": f1,
"arg2": f2,
"arg3": f3,
"list_arguments": f_list
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for arg in sys.argv[1:]: # loop through all arguments
arguments.get(arg, f_invalid)() # call the mapped or invalid function
print("At least one argument required!")
NOTE: Make sure you add an executable flag to the script (chmod +x so its shebang is used for executing instead of providing it as an argument to the Python interpreter.
Apart from all the boilerplate, the important argument is list_arguments - it lists all available arguments to this script and we'll use this output in our bash completion script to instruct bash how to auto-complete. To do so, create another script, let's call it test-completion.bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
local cursor options
options=$(${SCRIPT_PATH}/${SCRIPT_NAME} list_arguments)
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${options}" -- ${cursor}) )
return 0
complete -F _complete_script ${SCRIPT_NAME}
What it does is essentially adding to complete the _complete_script function to be called whenever a completion over is invoked. The _complete_script function itself first calls list_arguments on to retrieve its acceptable arguments, and then uses compgen to create a required structure for complete to be able to print it out.
To test, all you need is to source this script as:
source test-completion.bash
And then your bash will behave as:
$ ./ [tab]
arg1 arg2 arg3 list_arguments
And what's more, it's completely controllable from your Python script - whatever gets printed as a list on list_arguments command is what will be shown as auto-completion help.
To make the change permanent, you can simply add the source line to your .bashrc, or if you want more structured solution you can follow the guidelines for your OS. There are a couple of ways described on the git-flow-completion page for example. Of course, this assumes you actually have bash-autocomplete installed and enabled on your system, but your git autocompletion wouldn't work if you didn't.
Speaking of git autocompletion, you can see how it's implemented by checking git-completion.bash source - a word of warning, it's not for the fainthearted.


How to configure pytest to raise/trigger BytesWarning?

Maybe I am going about this the wrong way, because my search turned up nothing useful.
Adding the -b (-bb) option when calling the python interpreter will warn (raise) whenever an implicit bytes to string or bytes to int conversion takes place:
Issue a warning when comparing bytes or bytearray with str or bytes with int. Issue an error when the option is given twice (-bb).
I would like to write a unit test around this using pytest. I.e., I'd like to do
import pytest
def test_foo():
with pytest.raises(BytesWarning):
print(b"This is a bytes string.")
When calling the above as pytest the test will fail (no BytesWarning raised). When I call the above test as python -bb -m pytest it will pass, because BytesWarning is raised as an exception. So far so good.
What I can't work out (nor do I seem to be able to find anything useful on the internet), is if/how it is possible to configure pytest to do this automatically so that I can run pytest --some_arg and it will do the intended thing. Is this possible?
When you execute pytest, your shell will look for the pytest program. You can know which one will be executed with the command which pytest. For me, it's /home/stack_overflow/venv/bin/pytest which looks like that :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from pytest import console_main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
It just calls console_main() from the pytest library.
If you add a print(sys.argv), you can see how it was called. For me, it is ['/home/stack_overflow/venv/bin/pytest', '']. It matches the path from the first line, which is called a shebang. It instructs how your program should be invoked. Here, it indicates to run the file using the python from my venv.
If I modify the line :
#!/home/stack_overflow/venv/bin/python -bb
# ^^^^
now your test passes.
It may be a solution, although not very elegant.
You may notice that, even now, the -bb do not appear when printing sys.argv. The reason is explained in the doc you linked yourself :
An interface option terminates the list of options consumed by the interpreter, all consecutive arguments will end up in sys.argv [...]
So it is not possible to check if it was activated using sys.argv.
I found a question about how to retrieve them from the interpreter's internal state, in case you are interested to check it as pre-condition for your test : Retrieve the command line arguments of the Python interpreter. Although, checking for sys.flags.bytes_warning is simpler in our case ({0: None, 1: '-b', 2: '-bb'}).
Continuing on your question, how to run pytest with the -bb interpreter option ?
You already have a solution : python -bb -m pytest
If you prefer, it is possible to create a file pytest whose content is just python -bb -m pytest $# (don't forget to make it executable). Run it with ./pytest Or make it an alias.
You can't tell pytest which Python interpreter options you want, because pytest would already be running in the interpreter itself, which would have already handled its own options.
As far as I know, these options are really not easy to change. I guess if you could write into the PyConfig C struct, it would have the desired effect. For example see function bytes_richcompare which does :
if (_Py_GetConfig()->bytes_warning && (op == Py_EQ || op == Py_NE)) {
if (PyUnicode_Check(a) || PyUnicode_Check(b)) {
if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_BytesWarning,
"Comparison between bytes and string", 1))
return NULL;
then you could activate it from within your test, as in :
def test_foo():
if sys.flags.bytes_warning < 2:
# change PyConfig.bytes_warning
assert sys.flags.bytes_warning == 2
with pytest.raises(BytesWarning):
print(b"This is a bytes string.")
# change back the PyConfig.bytes_warning
But I think how to do that should be another question.
As a workaround, you can use pytest.warns like so :
def test_foo():
with pytest.warns(BytesWarning):
print(b"This is a bytes string.")
and it only requires the -b option (although -bb works too).

How to get full command executed using sh module?

I ran into an error while executing one of our devops scripts. The script uses the sh package (for executing common unix commands, pypi link). However, the commands that are executed are truncated in the messages printed by sh. How can I see the whole command that was executed?
import sh
'rsync -av {src} {dst}'.format(src=src,
Produces output like:
INFO:sh.command:<Command '/bin/ssh dbw#ny...(77 more)' call_args {'bg': False, 'timeo...(522 more)>: starting process
I'd like to see the full command executed, and all of the call_args.
sh.ssh returns an sh.RunningCommand object, which you can query to find the call args and the cmd:
import sh
'rsync -av {src} {dst}'.format(src=src,
After peeking into the source code, it looks like this is controlled by the max_len parameter of the friendly_truncate function, so one option may be to edit the code directly and set a higher int value:
Or, possibly just remove points where that function is called.

LLDB: Python API & Setting callback function for a watchpoint

Looking at the documentation for SBWatchpoint at, I do not see a method for assigning a python callback function for when a watchpoint is triggered.
Is there a way to do this with the Python API?
There is a
watchpoint command add
command that supports doing that
watchpoint command add [-e <boolean>] [-s <none>] [-F <python-function>] <watchpt-id>
If you have an SBWatchpoint, you can query for its ID, and then craft an appropriate command line to pass down to SBDebugger.HandleCommand
You will need your Python module to contain the script function you want executed, and pass it by qualified name on the command line. For instance, if you have
def callback(wp_no):
# stuff
# more stuff
mywatchpoint = ...
debugger.HandleCommand("watchpoint command add -F myfile.callback %s" % mywatchpoint.GetID())
would be the way to tell LLDB about your callback
Currently, there is no way to pass Python functions directly to LLDB API calls.
There is no reason why that is impossible, but it is a little tricky to get right in a world where multiple scripting languages could coexist, and given the lack of a viable alternative strategy, there's not much pressure to get it working.

Access previous bash command in python

I would like to be able to log the command used to run the current python script within the script itself. For instance this is something I tried:
import sys,subprocess
with open('~/.bash_history','r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
with open('logfile','r') as f:
f.write('the command you ran: %s'%line.strip('\n'))
However the .bash_history does not seem to be ordered in chronological order. What's the best recommended way to achieve the above for easy logging? Thanks.
Update: unfortunately sys.argv doesn't quite solve my problem because I need to use process subtitution as input variables sometimes.
e.g. python <( cat file | head -3)
What you want to do is not universally possible. As devnull says, the history file in bash is not written for every command typed. In some cases it's not written at all (user sets HISTFILESIZE=0, or uses a different shell).
The command as typed is parsed and processed long before your python script is invoked. Your question is therefore not related to python at all. Wether what you want to do is possible or not is entirely up to the invoking shell. bash does not provide what you want.
If your can control the caller's shell, you could try using zsh instead. There, if you setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY, zsh will append to its history file for each command typed, so you can do the parse history file hack.
One option is to use sys.argv. It will contain a list of arguments you passed to the script.
import sys
print 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.'
print 'Argument List:', str(sys.argv)
Example output:
Number of arguments: 1 arguments.
Argument List: ['']
>python -l ten
Number of arguments: 3 arguments.
Argument List: ['', '-l', 'ten']
As you can see, the sys.argv variable contains the name of the script and then each individual parameter passed. It does miss the python portion of the command, though.

Unit Test for Bash completion script

I would like to write a Unit Test for a (rather complex) Bash completion script, preferrably with Python - just something that gets the values of a Bash completion programmatically.
The test should look like this:
def test_completion():
# trigger_completion should return what a user should get on triggering
# Bash completion like this: 'pbt createkvm<TAB>'
assert trigger_completion('pbt createkvm') == "module1 module2 module3"
How can I simulate Bash completion programmatically to check the completion values inside a testsuite for my tool?
Say you have a bash-completion script in a file called asdf-completion, containing:
_asdf() {
local cur prev
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "one two three four five six" -- "$cur") )
return 0
complete -F _asdf asdf
This uses the shell function _asdf to provide completions for the fictional asdf command. If we set the right environment variables (from the bash man page), then we can get the same result, which is the placement of the potential expansions into the COMPREPLY variable. Here's an example of doing that in a unittest:
import subprocess
import unittest
class BashTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_complete(self):
cmd=["asdf", "other", "arguments", partial_word]
cmdline = ' '.join(cmd)
out = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-i', '-c',
r'source {compfile}; COMP_LINE="{cmdline}" COMP_WORDS=({cmdline}) COMP_CWORD={cword} COMP_POINT={cmdlen} $(complete -p {cmd} | sed "s/.*-F \\([^ ]*\\) .*/\\1/") && echo ${{COMPREPLY[*]}}'.format(
compfile=completion_file, cmdline=cmdline, cmdlen=len(cmdline), cmd=cmd[0], cword=cmd.index(partial_word)
stdout, stderr = out.communicate()
self.assertEqual(stdout, "four five\n")
if (__name__=='__main__'):
This should work for any completions that use -F, but may work for others as well.
je4d's comment to use expect is a good one for a more complete test.
bonsaiviking's solution almost worked for me. I had to change the bash string script. I added an extra ';' separator to the executed bash script otherwise the execution wouldn't work on Mac OS X. Not really sure why.
I also generalized the initialization of the various COMP_ arguments a bit to handle the various cases I ended up with.
The final solution is a helper class to test bash completion from python so that the above test would be written as:
from completion import BashCompletionTest
class AdsfTestCase(BashCompletionTest):
def test_orig(self):
self.run_complete("other arguments f", "four five")
def run_complete(self, command, expected):
super(AdsfTestCase, self).run_complete(completion_file, program, command, expected)
if (__name__=='__main__'):
The completion lib is located under

