What side should a django 'many-to-many' relationship reside on - python

Lets say I have a recipe website with two basic models, 'User' and 'Recipe'
class User(models.Model):
username= models.CharField()
email = models.CharField()
class Recipe(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
description = models.CharField()
I would like to add the functionality so that users can 'favorite' a recipe.
In this case, I need to use a many-to-many relationship. My question is, how do I decide which model to add the relationship to?
For example, each user could have a list of 'favorite' recipes:
class User(models.Model):
favorites = models.ManyToManyField(Recipe)
Alternatively, each recipe could have a list of users who Favorited the recipe:
class Recipe(models.Model):
user_favorites = models.ManyToManyField(User)
What is considered the best practice? Is either one better for query performance?

It makes no difference from the database point of view, as pointed out in the comments.
But I have had two arguments where it did matter to me.
First (maybe less important), the built-in admin treats the two models differently by default. The model on which you define the relationship gets a widget for choosing the related objects. And a '+' for conveniently adding new objects of the related type.
secondly, you have to import one of the models in the file of the other one, if they are in different files. This matters if you want to write a reusable app that does not depend on anything outside. It mattered to me also because:
I once (well, not just once actually :)) broke my app/database/etc such, that I decided to start a new project and copy the code there. In this case you have to comment out some settings.INSTALLED_APPS to test step for step that everything works. Here it is important not to have circular includes (to include a commented-out app raises an error). So I try to import the "most basic" into the others, and not the other way round.
This not a simple answer to your question, but two points which I consider. Maybe some more experienced users can correct me if it's wrong in some sense.


Django: Polymorphic foreignkey relationships

I'm developing kind of a social network in Django, but I don't see the way to maintain coupled my models.
I have a model User, which can comment on other Users, Pics, Pages (capitals are because they're models) via a Comment model. In order to arrange all that comments I created the Board model, that has one owner and receives all the comments addresed to that owner. The problem is I don't know how is its owner, i.e., which model does it belong to. It could be a pic's board, but also a user's one. So I end up with a model like this:
class Board(models.Model):
category = models.IntegerField()
owner_id = models.IntegerField()
I store owner's id and owner's category to be able to perform other tasks, but this solution doesn't convince me at all. A friend has advised me to use an abstract class Board, and then create a UserBoard, PicBoard, PageBoard which inherit from Board, but I think that will be useless too. I've thought about GenericRelations, but I'm not sure if that is the correct way to achieve what I'm trying. Any proposal will be listened and considered, thanks for your help :)
PS: Oh, and sorry if the title isn't very descriptive, but I couldn't figure out a better one. It's hard to explain this problem
Option 1
Create a class BoardOwner. Have all models which have a board inherit from that, and have the board have a foreignkey relationship with BoardOwner. You'll need to then scan over the various childlinks to figure out which one is the "real" child. This more fiddly, but localises all of the complexity in one class.
Option 2
Have a foreignkey from each class that has a board to the board. If you always have boards enter your system via a method on the owner (as opposed to a query on Board or elsewhere), you can have code in the owner which lets the Board know which foreign key reverse relationship to use. You'll probably want to factor that code into its own class.
Option 3
Use contenttypes: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/contenttypes/
This wraps up this sort of thing.

Given Products, each with multiple Versions, what is the preferred/best way to support custom attributes at the Product/Version level in my Django app

I'm building my first Django app to manage multiple SaaS products.
This entails storing custom attributes for each Version of each Product.
For example, a new version of a Product is released that includes new configuration options that the earlier versions of the Product do not support.
I need to be able to keep track of those new values for each instance of the new Version.
I'm thinking I want the Admins to be able to add "custom fields" at the Product level by Version.
Looking for suggestions as to the best approach.
The common way of tracking model versions is to use django-reversion.
It sounds like each instance needs its own custom attributes. That means that changing the Models relating to Product and Version need not occur. This is good, because models can only change with the code (unless you get into dynamically generating Models which is usually not a good idea).
So, you need to be able to model attributes for each Product instance, regardless of Version. This should be a simple data modelling exercise, not necessarily related to Django.
A Product has a set of fields
A Product has a Version
A Product has a set of Attributes
This is quite easily modelled, depending on how you want to manage attributes.
class Version(models.Model):
version = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class ProductAttributes(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
description = models.CharField(max_length=255)
# other fields as necessary
class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
version = models.ForeignKey(Version)
attributes = models.ManyToManyField(ProductAttributes, related_name='products')
That should be your modelling sorted in a very basic way. Now, let's create some instances.
v1 = Version(version='1.0.0')
hosted = ProductAttributes(name='Hosted', description='We host the apps!')
shiny = ProductAttributes(name='Shiny', description='I like shiny')
p = Product(name='Web Based Email', version=v1)
# shows shiny and hosted!
You can tweak the ModelAdmin for Product such that you can add ProductAttributes inline when adding or editing a Product. You can also have a separate ModelAdmin for ProductAttributes so you can create a list of known Attributes that can be applied to products at a later date.
There are two basic approaches for this.
Use a document based db (ie, "NoSQL") like Couch or Mongo. These have flexible schemas, so allow for multiple variations on a product.
Use the Entity Attribute Value (wikipedia) schema pattern. django-eav is an app that provides this.
Decide to go with sub-classes with each Product as each has a limited set of specific attributes that won't change much or at all over time. Thanks for all the great feedback. Learned a lot :-)

Writing test cases for django models

Half way through my current project, after suffering the pain of spending uncountable minutes on debugging, I have decided to adopt TDD. To start, I am planning to write a set of unit tests for each existing models. But for models that only have attributes defined (ie. no additional methods/properties) I am not sure what I need to test nor how.
class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
description = models.TextField(default='', blank=True)
retails = models.ManyToManyField(Retail, verbose_name='Retail stores that carry the product')
manufacturer = models.ForeignKey(Manufacturer, related_name='products')
date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
date_modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
Using Product as an example, what are the things about it that unit tests should cover? And how should ForeignKey and ManyToManyField be covered?
This was an article I found helpful: A Guide to Testing in Django (archived link). Here is a good summary of what to test:
Another common setback for developers/designers new to testing is the
question of 'what should (or shouldn't) I test?' While there are no
hard & fast rules here that neatly apply everywhere, there are some
general guidelines I can offer on making the decision:
If the code in question is a built-in Python function/library, don't test it. Examples like the datetime library.
If the code in question is built into Django, don't test it. Examples like the fields on a Model or testing how the built-in
template.Node renders included tags.
If your model has custom methods, you should test that, usually with unit tests.
Same goes for custom views, forms, template tags, context processors, middleware, management commands, etc. If you implemented
the business logic, you should test your aspects of the code.
So, for your example, there wouldn't really be anything to test until you write some custom functions.
In my opinion, testing ForeignKey and ManyToManyField links would fall under the second category (code built into Django), so I wouldn't test these, as you are really testing whether or not Django is functioning properly. If you have a method which creates an instance of your product, including foreign relationships and M2Ms, you could verify the data has been created, that would be testing your custom method, not Django functionality.
Using the TDD paradigm, the tests are built to verify business logic, and design requirements.
My CS350 class TDD stipulated that it's best practice to test all accessors and mutators. So for a model, you would first write tests that call each assessor function and make sure that it returns the proper value.
For each function which changes a data field in the model, you would not only test the result of that data field in particular, but you would also test all of the other fields in the model instance to make sure that none of them were modified erroneously.
To restat:, if a model has fields a, b, and c, you would create an instance using your constructor, then asset that all three are set properly. Say there's another function, set_a(). You would assert that not only the value of 'a' has changed, but that the values of b and c remain unchanged.

More than one profile in Django?

Is it possible to use Django's user authentication features with more than one profile?
Currently I have a settings.py file that has this in it:
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'auth.UserProfileA'
and a models.py file that has this in it:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserProfileA(models.Model):
company = models.CharField(max_length=30)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
that way, if a user logs in, I can easily get the profile because the User has a get_profile() method. However, I would like to add UserProfileB. From looking around a bit, it seems that the starting point is to create a superclass to use as the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE and have both UserProfileA and UserProfileB inherit from that superclass. The problem is, I don't think the get_profile() method returns the correct profile. It would return an instance of the superclass. I come from a java background (polymorphism) so I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing.
Well I found a way to do it via something called an "inheritance hack" that I found at this site http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1031/
It works really well, however, coming from a java background where this stuff happens automatically, I'm a little unsettled by the fact that someone had to code this up and call it a "hack" to do it in python. Is there a reason why python doesn't enable this?
So the issue you're going to have is that whatever you want for your profile, you need to persist it in a database of some sort. Basically all of the back-ends for django are relational, and thus every field in a persisted object is present in every row of the table. there are a few ways for getting what you want.
Django provides some support for inheritance. You can use the techniques listed and get reasonable results in a polymorphic way.
The most direct approach is to use multiple table inheritance. Roughly:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
# set settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE to this class!
class UserProfileA(UserProfile):
class UserProfileB(UserProfile):
To use it:
profile = user.get_profile().userprofilea
# user profile is UserProfileA
except UserProfileA.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't UserProfileB
profile = user.get_profile().userprofileb
# user profile is UserProfileB
except UserProfileB.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't either a or b...
Edit: Re, your comment.
The relational model implies a number of things that seem to disagree with object oriented philosophy. For a relation to be useful, it requires that every element in the relation to have the same dimensions, so that relational queries are valid for the whole relation. Since this is known a-priori, before encountering an instance of a class stored in the relation, then the row cannot be a subclass. django's orm overcomes this impedance mismatch by storing the subclass information in a different relation (one specific to the subclass), There are other solutions, but they all obey this basic nature of the relational model.
If it helps you come to terms with this, I'd suggest looking at how persistence on a RDBMs works for applications in the absence of an ORM. In particular, relational databases are more about collections and summaries of many rows, rather than applying behaviors to data once fetched from the database.
The specific example of using the profile feature of django.contrib.auth is a rather uninteresting one, especially if the only way that model is ever used is to fetch the profile data associated with a particular django.contrib.auth.models.User instance. If there are no other queries, you don't need a django.models.Model subclass at all. You can pickle a regular python class and store it in a blob field of an otherwise featureless model.
On the other hand, if you want to do more interesting things with profiles, like search for users that live in a particular city, then it will be important for all profiles to have an index for their city property. That's got nothing to do with OOP, and everything to do with relational.
The idios app by the Pinax team aimed at solving the multiple-profile problem. You can tweak the model to make the inheritance of the base profile class either abstract or non-abstract.
Here is the answer to my question of how to get multiple profiles to work:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class Contact(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,editable=False,null=True)
def save(self):
if(not self.content_type):
self.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.__class__)
def as_leaf_class(self):
content_type = self.content_type
model = content_type.model_class()
if(model == Contact):
return self
return model.objects.get(id=self.id)
I don't really understand why it works or why the developers of django/python made inheritance work this way
If you have app-specific options for each user, I would rather recommend to put them into a separate model.
A simplified example:
class UserSettings(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, primary_key = True)
# Settings go here
defaultLocale = models.CharField(max_length = 80, default = "en_US")
This would be used like so:
def getUserSettings(request):
return UserSettings.objects.get(pk = request.user)
except UserSettings.DoesNotExist:
# Use defaults instead, that's why you should define reasonable defaults
# in the UserSettings model
return UserSettings()

Beginner: Trying to understand how apps interact in Django

I just got done working through the Django tutorials for the second time, and am understanding things much more clearly now. However, I'm still unclear how apps inside a site interact with one another.
For example, lets say I'm writing a blog application (a rather popular activity, apparently). Blog posts and comments tend to go together, and yet they are distinct enough that they should be built into separate apps, as is the general philosophy of Djano development.
Consider the following example. In reality I would not actually write the comment app myself, as good code for that already exists on the web, but this is for demonstration/practice purposes:
from django.db import models
class post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
author = models.CharField(max_length=200)
content = models.TextField()
from django.db import models
from mysite.blog.models import post
class comment(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField()
post = models.ForeignKey(post)
author = models.CharField(max_length=200)
text = models.TextField()
Is what I wrote above, importing a model from another app and setting it as a foreign key, how Django apps interact? Or is there a different/better method for the apps that comprise a site to interact?
Per the recommendation in one response, I'm reading the documentation for contrib.contenttypes. If I'm reading this correctly, I could rewrite my example comment app like this:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contentypes import generic
class comment(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField()
author = models.CharField(max_length=200)
text = models.TextField()
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey(content_type, id)
Would this be correct?
Take a look at django's built-in contenttypes framework:
It allows you develop your applications as stand-alone units. This is what the django developers used to allow django's built-in comment framework to attach a comment to any model in your project.
For instance, if you have some content object that you want to "attach" to other content objects of different types, like allowing each user to leave a "favorite" star on a blog post, image, or user profile, you can create a Favorite model with a generic relation field like so:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
class Favorite(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
In this way you can add a Favorite star from any user to any model in your project. If you want to add API access via the recipient model class you can either add a reverse generic relation field on the recipient model (although this would be "coupling" the two models, which you said you wanted to avoid), or do the lookup through the Favorite model with the content_type and object_id of the recipient instance, see the official docs for an example.
"Is what I wrote above, importing a model from another app and setting it as a foreign key, how Django apps interact?"
Yep. Works for me.
We have about 10 applications that borrow back and forth among themselves.
This leads to a kind of dependency in our unit test script.
It looks like this.
"ownership". We have a simple data ownership application that defines some core ownership concepts that other applications depend on. There are a few simple tables here.
"thing". [Not the real name]. Our thing application has data elements owned by different user groups. There are actually several complex tables the model for this app. It depends on "ownership".
"tables". [Not the real name]. Some of our users create fairly complex off-line models (probably with spreadsheets) and upload the results of that modeling in "tables". This has a cluster of fairly complex tables. It depends on "ownership".
"result". [Not the real name]. Our results are based on things which have owners. The results are based on things and tables, and are responses to customer requests. This isn't too complex, perhaps only two or three core tables. It depends on "things" and "table". No, it doesn't completely stand-alone. However, it is subject to more change than the other things on which it depends. That's why it's separate.
"processing". We schedule and monitor big batch jobs. This is in this application. It's really generic, and can be used in a variety of ways. It completely stands alone.
"welcome". We have a "welcome" app that presents a bunch of mostly static pages. This doesn't have too many tables. But it's on it's second incarnation because the first was too complex. It completely stands alone.
The only relationship among the dependent apps is some table names. As long as we preserve those tables (and their keys) we can rearrange other apps as we see fit.
There's nothing wrong (imho) with making some app dependent on another. After all, apps are just operations on a set of models. you just have to always be aware of which app depends on which app (I guess you could call that a dependency map).
You can achieve loose coupling with the contenttypes framework. It allows an app to be truely portable/pluggable yet still integrated with other applications.
I wrote a comments app (yea, I re-invented the wheel), that can be integrated into any other application, with a few lines in the template of the page where comments should be posted (using custom tags).
Say you want a model "thread" to be pluggable into any other model. The idea is to create e generic foreign key (see django documentation on that), and write a small function that takes any object and returns a "thread" corresponding to it (or creates one if necessary), and write a custom template tag that uses that functionality, e.g. {% get_thread for arbitrary_object as thread %}. All posts are related to a thread, which is related to the object, which can be of any type.
You can think of the "thread" object as a kind of a proxy, so instead of having a post be related to a certain "article" or a "blog post", it's just related to a thread, which is abstract in a sense, what is is a thread? It's just a collection of posts. The thread then allows itself to be related to any object regardless of its type. (although it does more than that, it could hold extra information such as allowing/disallowing anon. posts, closing/opening comments on the page, etc ..)
Here's how you can create a generic foreign key with the content types framework:
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class Thread( models.Model ):
object_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
object = generic.GenericForeignKey('object_type', 'object_id')
You can make it more "transparent" by exploiting the implicit "common" interface that django assumes all objects implement ..
#inside the Thread class:
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.object)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return self.object.get_absolute_url()
Your code seems correct. I would keep the post and the comment in a blog app though. I am not saying this is the Django way, but those models are close enough to be in the same app.
How To Divide The Project
I would seperate an app if;
I plan to design it resuable. (and try loose coupling)
(for big projects) It consists of a major section of the project.
On the other hand; having many tiny apps (such as an app with a single model and two views) is hard to read and maintain IMHO.
How Apps Should Interact
This depends on the type of project and the type of the app again. For example if an app is implicitly dependent on another (ie not generic) importing and using references from the other app is acceptable. In this case the second app might be installed alone, but the first one needs the presence of the second.
If you want to make an app highly reusable and generic, such as a commenting app, you might need to integrate some setup mechanism. Maybe some new settings or additional URL configuration, or a special directive/method on your models... django.contrib.admin is a good example for this.
Apps shouldn't interact if it is not necessary though. Designing apps to avoid unnecessary coupling is very useful. It improves your app's flexibility and makes it more maintainable (but possibly with a higher cost in integrating).

