wrong Xpath in IMDB spider scrapy - python

IMDB scrapy get all movie data
returns empty list. I tried to change it to:
response.xpath("//*[contains(#class,'chart full-width')]/tbody/tr")
without success.
Any help please? Thanks.

I did not have time to go through IMDB scrapy get all movie data thoroughly, but have got the gist of it. The Problem statement is to get All movie data from the given site. It involves two things. First is to go through all the pages that contain the list of all the movies of that year. While the Second one is to get the link to each movie and then here you do your own magic.
The problem you faced is with the getting the xpath for the link to each movies. This may most likely be due to change in the website structure (I did not have time to verify what maybe the difference). Anyways, following is the xpath you would require.
We take div class nav as a landmark and find the lister-page-next next-page class in its children.
response.xpath("//div[#class='nav']/div/a[#class='lister-page-next next-page']/#href").extract_first()
Here this will give : Link for the next page | returns None if at the last page (since next-page tag not present)
This is the original doubt by the OP.
#Get the list of the container having the title, etc
list = response.xpath("//div[#class='lister-item-content']")
#From the container extract the required links
paths = list.xpath("h3[#class='lister-item-header']/a/#href").extract()
Now all you would need to do is loop through each of these paths element and request the page.

Thanks for your answer. I eventually used your xPath like so:
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from crawler.items import MovieItem
IMDB_URL = "http://imdb.com"
class IMDBSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'imdb'
# in order to move the next page
rules = (Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(), restrict_xpaths=("//div[#class='nav']/div/a[#class='lister-page-next next-page']",)),
callback="parse_page", follow= True),)
def __init__(self, start=None, end=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(IMDBSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.start_year = int(start) if start else 1874
self.end_year = int(end) if end else 2017
# generate start_urls dynamically
def start_requests(self):
for year in range(self.start_year, self.end_year+1):
# movies are sorted by number of votes
yield scrapy.Request('http://www.imdb.com/search/title?year={year},{year}&title_type=feature&sort=num_votes,desc'.format(year=year))
def parse_page(self, response):
content = response.xpath("//div[#class='lister-item-content']")
paths = content.xpath("h3[#class='lister-item-header']/a/#href").extract() # list of paths of movies in the current page
# all movies in this page
for path in paths:
item = MovieItem()
item['MainPageUrl'] = IMDB_URL + path
request = scrapy.Request(item['MainPageUrl'], callback=self.parse_movie_details)
request.meta['item'] = item
yield request
# make sure that the start_urls are parsed as well
parse_start_url = parse_page
def parse_movie_details(self, response):
pass # lots of parsing....
Runs it with scrapy crawl imdb -a start=<start-year> -a end=<end-year>


Scrapy one item with multiple parsing functions

I am using Scrapy with python to scrape a website and I face some difficulties with filling the item that I have created.
The products are properly scraped and everything is working well as long as the info is located within the response.xpath mentioned in the for loop.
'trend' and 'number' are properly added to the Item using ItemLoader.
However, the date of the product is not located within the response.xpath cited below but in the response.css as a title : response.css('title')
import scrapy
import datetime
from trends.items import Trend_item
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
#Initiate the spider
class trendspiders(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'milk'
start_urls = ['https://thewebsiteforthebestmilk/ireland/2022-03-16/7/']
def parse(self, response):
for milk_unique in response.xpath('/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div/div[3]/table/tbody/tr'):
l = ItemLoader(item=Milk_item(), selector=milk_unique, response=response)
l.add_css('milk', 'a::text')
l.add_css('number', 'span.small.text-muted::text')
return l.load_item()
How can I add the 'date' to my item please (found in response.css('title')?
I have tried to add l.add_css('date', "response.css('title')")in the for loop but it returns an error.
Should I create a new parsing function? If yes then how to send the info to the same Item?
I hope I’ve made myself clear.
Thank you very much for your help,
Since the date is outside of the selector you are using for each row, what you should do is extract that first before your for loop, since it doesn't need to be updated on each iteration.
Then with your item loader you can just use l.add_value to load it with the rest of the fields.
For example:
class trendspiders(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'trends'
start_urls = ['https://getdaytrends.com/ireland/2022-03-16/7/']
def parse(self, response):
date_str = response.xpath("//title/text()").get()
for trend_unique in response.xpath('/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/section[1]/div/div[3]/table/tbody/tr'):
l = ItemLoader(item=Trend_item(), selector=trend_unique, response=response)
l.add_css('trend', 'a::text')
l.add_css('number', 'span.small.text-muted::text')
l.add_value('date', date_str)
yield l.load_item()
If response.css('title').get() gives you the answer you need, why not use the same CSS with add_css:
l.add_css('date', 'title')
Also, .add_css('date', "response.css('title')") is invalid because the second argument a valid CSS selector.

How to make indexing work with ItemLoader's add_xpath method

I'm trying to rewrite this piece of code to use ItemLoader class:
import scrapy
from ..items import Book
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
def parse(self, response):
item = Book()
# notice I only grab the first book among many there are on the page
item['title'] = response.xpath('//*[#class="link linkWithHash detailsLink"]/#title')[0].extract()
return item
The above works perfectly well. And now the same with ItemLoader:
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
def parse(self, response):
l = ItemLoader(item=Book(), response=response)
l.add_xpath('title', '//*[#class="link linkWithHash detailsLink"]/#title'[0]) # this does not work - returns an empty dict
# l.add_xpath('title', '//*[#class="link linkWithHash detailsLink"]/#title') # this of course work but returns every book title there is on page, not just the first one which is required
return l.load_item()
So I only want to grab the first book title, how do I achieve that?
A problem with your code is that Xpath uses one-based indexing. Another problem is that the index bracket should be inside the string you pass to the add_xpath method.
So the correct code would look like this:
l.add_xpath('title', '(//*[#class="link linkWithHash detailsLink"]/#title)[1]')

Scrapy Pull Same Data from Multiple Pages

This is related to the previous question I wrote here. I am trying to pull the same data from multiple pages on the same domain. A small explanation, I'm trying to pull data like offensive yards, turnovers, etc from a bunch of different box scores on a main page. Pulling the data from individual pages is working properly as is generation of the urls but when I try to have the spider cycle through all of the pages nothing is returned. I've looked through many other questions people have asked and the documentation and I can't figure out what is not working. Code is below. Thanks to anyone who's able to help in advance.
import scrapy
from scrapy import Selector
from nflscraper.items import NflscraperItem
class NFLScraperSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "pfr"
allowed_domains = ['www.pro-football-reference.com/']
start_urls = [
def parse(self,response):
for href in response.xpath('//a[contains(text(),"boxscore")]/#href'):
item = NflscraperItem()
url = response.urljoin(href.extract())
request = scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_dir_contents)
request.meta['item'] = item
yield request
def parse_dir_contents(self,response):
item = response.meta['item']
# Code to pull out JS comment - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38781357/pro-football-reference-team-stats-xpath/38781659#38781659
extracted_text = response.xpath('//div[#id="all_team_stats"]//comment()').extract()[0]
new_selector = Selector(text=extracted_text[4:-3].strip())
# Item population
item['home_score'] = response.xpath('//*[#id="content"]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[last()]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
item['away_score'] = response.xpath('//*[#id="content"]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[last()]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
item['home_oyds'] = new_selector.xpath('//*[#id="team_stats"]/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
item['away_oyds'] = new_selector.xpath('//*[#id="team_stats"]/tbody/tr[6]/td[1]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
item['home_dyds'] = item['away_oyds']
item['away_dyds'] = item['home_oyds']
item['home_turn'] = new_selector.xpath('//*[#id="team_stats"]/tbody/tr[8]/td[2]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
item['away_turn'] = new_selector.xpath('//*[#id="team_stats"]/tbody/tr[8]/td[1]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
yield item
The subsequent requests you make are filtered as offsite, fix your allowed_domains setting:
allowed_domains = ['pro-football-reference.com']
Worked for me.

Scrapy Start_request parse

I am writing a scrapy script to search and scrape result from a website. I need to search items from website and parse each url from the search results. I started with Scrapy's start_requests where i'd pass the search query and redirect to another function parse which will retrieve the urls from the search result. Finally i called another function parse_item to parse the results. I'm able to extract the all the search results url but i'm not being able to parse the results ( parse_item is not working). Here is the code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from scrapy.http.request import Request
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
class xyzspider(BaseSpider):
name = 'dspider'
allowed_domains = ["www.example.com"]
mylist = ['Search item 1','Search item 2']
url = 'https://example.com/search?q='
def start_requests(self):
for i in self.mylist:
i = i.replace(' ','+')
starturl = self.url+ i
yield Request(starturl,self.parse)
def parse(self,response):
itemurl = response.xpath(".//section[contains(#class, 'search-results')]/a/#href").extract()
for j in itemurl:
print j
yield Request(j,self.parse_item)
def parse_item(self,response):
print "hello"
'''rating = response.xpath(".//ul(#class = 'ratings')/li[1]/span[1]/text()").extract()
print rating'''
Could anyone please help me. Thank you.
I was getting a Filtered offsite request error. I changed the allowed domain from allowed_domains = www.xyz.com to
xyz.com and it worked perfectly.
Your code looks good. So you might need to use the Request attribute dont_filter set to True:
yield Request(j,self.parse_item, dont_filter=True)
From the docs:
dont_filter (boolean) – indicates that this request should not be filtered by the scheduler. This is used when you want to perform an identical request multiple times, to ignore the duplicates filter. Use it with care, or you will get into crawling loops. Default to False.
Anyway I recommend you to have a look at the item Pipelines.
Those are used to process scraped items using the command:
yield my_object
Item pipelines are used to post-process everything yielded by the spider.

How to avoid duplication in a crawler

I wrote a crawler using the scrapy framework in python to select some links and meta tags.It then crawls the start urls and write the data in a JSON encoded format onto a file.The problem is that when the crawler is run two or three times with the same start urls the data in the file gets duplicated .To avoid this I used a downloader middleware in scrapy which is this : http://snippets.scrapy.org/snippets/1/
What I did was copy and paste the above code in a file inside my scrapy project and I enabled it in the settings.py file by adding the following line:
SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES = {'a11ypi.removeDuplicates.IgnoreVisitedItems':560}
where "a11ypi.removeDuplicates.IgnoreVisitedItems" is the class path name and finally I went in and modified my items.py file and included the following fields
visit_id = Field()
visit_status = Field()
But this doesn't work and still the crawler produces the same result appending it to the file when run twice
I did the writing to the file in my pipelines.py file as follows:
import json
class AYpiPipeline(object):
def __init__(self):
self.file = open("a11ypi_dict.json","ab+")
# this method is called to process an item after it has been scraped.
def process_item(self, item, spider):
d = {}
i = 0
# Here we are iterating over the scraped items and creating a dictionary of dictionaries.
while i<len(item["foruri"]):
d.setdefault(item["foruri"][i],{}).setdefault(item["rec"][i],{})[item["foruri_id"][i]] = item['thisurl'] + ":" +item["thisid"][i]
except IndexError:
print "Index out of range"
return item
And my spider code is as follows:
from scrapy.contrib.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors.sgml import SgmlLinkExtractor
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from a11ypi.items import AYpiItem
class AYpiSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "a11y.in"
allowed_domains = ["a11y.in"]
# This is the list of seed URLs to begin crawling with.
start_urls = ["http://www.a11y.in/a11ypi/idea/fire-hi.html"]
# This is the callback method, which is used for scraping specific data
def parse(self,response):
temp = []
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
item = AYpiItem()
wholeforuri = hxs.select("//#foruri").extract() # XPath to extract the foruri, which contains both the URL and id in foruri
for i in wholeforuri:
item["foruri"] = [i[0] for i in temp] # This contains the URL in foruri
item["foruri_id"] = [i.split(":")[-1] for i in wholeforuri] # This contains the id in foruri
item['thisurl'] = response.url
item["thisid"] = hxs.select("//#foruri/../#id").extract()
item["rec"] = hxs.select("//#foruri/../#rec").extract()
return item
Kindly suggest what to do.
try to understand why the snippet is written as it is:
if isinstance(x, Request):
if self.FILTER_VISITED in x.meta:
visit_id = self._visited_id(x)
if visit_id in visited_ids:
log.msg("Ignoring already visited: %s" % x.url,
level=log.INFO, spider=spider)
visited = True
Notice in line 2, you actually require a key in in Request.meta called FILTER_VISITED in order for the middleware to drop the request. The reason is well-intended because every single url you have visited will be skipped and you will not have urls to tranverse at all if you do not do so. So, FILTER_VISITED actually allows you to choose what url patterns you want to skip. If you want links extracted with a particular rule skipped, just do
Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(allow=('url_regex1', 'url_regex2' )), callback='my_callback', process_request = setVisitFilter)
def setVisitFilter(request):
request.meta['filter_visited'] = True
return request
P.S I do not know if it works for 0.14 and above as some of the code has changed for storing spider context in the sqlite db.

