I have a nested Json file with arrays.
I want to flat it so there won't be nested Jsons.
For example:
Code for Json:
This Json has sub-Json and also array that contains Json.
The source is:
Output should be:
If there are arrays that contains a single Json they can be ignored. But if they have also sub-json they should be treated as above. Basically from my point of view each array is like a separated Json file.
I know that flating the Json can be done as:
from import json_normalize
But this won't work with arrays.
Any idea how to make this work?
This is how arrays should be handled:
Which means first Json in array stays as is {0}, {1} etc... but the sub-jsons are flatted. There are no columns of attributes_0_value ! Basically convert it to array with a single Json. No nesting (unless there is another array).
Try using this:
import pandas as pd
import json
response = {u'total': 1245, u'limit': 2, u'results': [{u'customer': {u'lastName': u'rtyrtyrt', u'userAccountId': None, u'id': 637, u'firstName': u'rtyrtyrty', u'email': u'ddfgdfg#dfsdfgdfg.ggg'}, u'shippingAddress': {u'city': u'rtyrtyrtyrty', u'vatNumber': None, u'firstName': u'rtyrtyrty', u'companyName': None, u'country': {u'defaultCulture': {u'languageName': u'English', u'code': u'en-GB', u'id': 2, u'name': u'English'}, u'onlineStoreActive': True, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'locale': None, u'isO2LetterCode': u'GB', u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'continent': u'Europe ', u'isoNumericCode': u'826', u'invariantName': u'UNITED KINGDOM', u'id': 2, u'isO3LetterCode': u'GBR'}, u'stateProvince': None, u'lastName': u'rtyrtyrt', u'zipCode': u'5464556', u'email': u'ddfgdfg#dfsdfgdfg.ggg', u'addressLine2': None, u'addressLine1': u'tyrtyrty', u'phoneNumber': u'45644443456456546', u'addressName': None, u'id': 861}, u'orderDateUtc': u'0001-01-01 00:00', u'shoppingCardId': 0, u'paymentType': {u'code': u'SafeCharge', u'invariantName': u'Credit Card', u'id': 50}, u'orderNumber': u'0100000845', u'giftMessage': u'', u'storeId': 1, u'shippingService': {u'deletedOn': None, u'code': u'ROYALSTD', u'courier': None, u'updatedOn': u'2018-01-24 09:23', u'locale': None, u'createdOn': u'2018-01-24 09:23', u'storeId': 1, u'sortOrder': 1, u'invariantName': u'Royal Mail Standard', u'id': 1}, u'referenceOrderNumber': u'', u'totals': {u'shippingChargesNet': 3.95, u'orderLevelDiscount': 0.0, u'grandTotal': 8.95, u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'shippingChargesDiscount': 0.0, u'shippingCharges': 3.95, u'units': 1, u'salesTaxPerc': 0.0, u'subTotal': 5.0, u'salesTax': 1.4916666666666667}, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'status': {u'invariantName': u'Waiting PackingList', u'id': 4, u'name': None}, u'billingAddress': {u'city': u'rtyrtyrtyrty', u'vatNumber': None, u'firstName': u'rtyrtyrty', u'companyName': None, u'country': {u'defaultCulture': {u'languageName': u'English', u'code': u'en-GB', u'id': 2, u'name': u'English'}, u'onlineStoreActive': True, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'locale': None, u'isO2LetterCode': u'GB', u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'continent': u'Europe ', u'isoNumericCode': u'826', u'invariantName': u'UNITED KINGDOM', u'id': 2, u'isO3LetterCode': u'GBR'}, u'stateProvince': None, u'lastName': u'rtyrtyrt', u'zipCode': u'5464556', u'email': u'ddfgdfg#dfsdfgdfg.ggg', u'addressLine2': None, u'addressLine1': u'tyrtyrty', u'phoneNumber': u'456456456546', u'addressName': None, u'id': 861}, u'items': [{u'orderId': 844, u'discountEach': 0.0, u'cancellationId': 0, u'orderedQty': 1, u'giftMessage': u'', u'orderLevelDiscountEach': 0.0, u'historicalCategories': [], u'giftFrom': u'', u'netShippingChargesEach': 3.95, u'promotionItemIds': [], u'variantId': 11282, u'attributes': [{u'value': u'', u'key': u'ProductSeason'}], u'priceEach': 5.0, u'isGift': False, u'id': 939, u'giftTo': u''}], u'attributes': [{u'value': u'2', u'key': u'CustomerCultureId'}, {u'value': u'', u'key': u'IpAddress'}, {u'value': u'UA', u'key': u'IpCountryCode'}, {u'value': u'OLS', u'key': u'OrderSource'}, {u'value': u'111790', u'key': u'SafeCharge_AuthCode'}, {u'value': u'UQBzAGQAaAB3ADgAMgB0AE4AagBHADUAegBpAHMAIwA7AC4ANgA3AFEAXwBMAGAAKwAqAHIAVgBGAEcAKQBFAD0ASQA8AC4ATgA0AD8ANQA+AFAAMwA=', u'key': u'SafeCharge_Token'}, {u'value': u'1512424599', u'key': u'SafeCharge_TransactionId'}, {u'value': u'1', u'key': u'StoreId'}], u'isGift': False, u'id': 844}, {u'customer': {u'lastName': u'dfgdfg', u'userAccountId': None, u'id': 638, u'firstName': u'dfgdfg', u'email': u'hfghfgh#dfdfg.fdg'}, u'shippingAddress': {u'city': u'fghfghhf', u'vatNumber': None, u'firstName': u'dfgdfg', u'companyName': None, u'country': {u'defaultCulture': {u'languageName': u'English', u'code': u'en-GB', u'id': 2, u'name': u'English'}, u'onlineStoreActive': True, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'locale': None, u'isO2LetterCode': u'GB', u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'continent': u'Europe ', u'isoNumericCode': u'826', u'invariantName': u'UNITED KINGDOM', u'id': 2, u'isO3LetterCode': u'GBR'}, u'stateProvince': None, u'lastName': u'dfgdfg', u'zipCode': u'4564566', u'email': u'hfghfgh#dfdfg.fdg', u'addressLine2': None, u'addressLine1': u'fghfghfgh', u'phoneNumber': u'567567567', u'addressName': None, u'id': 862}, u'orderDateUtc': u'0001-01-01 00:00', u'shoppingCardId': 0, u'paymentType': {u'code': u'SafeCharge', u'invariantName': u'Credit Card', u'id': 50}, u'orderNumber': u'0100000846', u'giftMessage': u'', u'storeId': 1, u'shippingService': {u'deletedOn': None, u'code': u'ROYALSTD', u'courier': None, u'updatedOn': u'2018-01-24 09:23', u'locale': None, u'createdOn': u'2018-01-24 09:23', u'storeId': 1, u'sortOrder': 1, u'invariantName': u'Royal Mail Standard', u'id': 1}, u'referenceOrderNumber': u'', u'totals': {u'shippingChargesNet': 3.95, u'orderLevelDiscount': 0.0, u'grandTotal': 8.95, u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'shippingChargesDiscount': 0.0, u'shippingCharges': 3.95, u'units': 1, u'salesTaxPerc': 0.0, u'subTotal': 5.0, u'salesTax': 1.4916666666666667}, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'status': {u'invariantName': u'Shipped', u'id': 6, u'name': None}, u'billingAddress': {u'city': u'fghfghhf', u'vatNumber': None, u'firstName': u'dfgdfg', u'companyName': None, u'country': {u'defaultCulture': {u'languageName': u'English', u'code': u'en-GB', u'id': 2, u'name': u'English'}, u'onlineStoreActive': True, u'currency': {u'symbol': u'\xa3', u'code': u'GBP', u'id': 2, u'currencyCulture': u'en-GB', u'numericCode': 826}, u'locale': None, u'isO2LetterCode': u'GB', u'vatPercentage': 20.0, u'continent': u'Europe ', u'isoNumericCode': u'826', u'invariantName': u'UNITED KINGDOM', u'id': 2, u'isO3LetterCode': u'GBR'}, u'stateProvince': None, u'lastName': u'dfgdfg', u'zipCode': u'4563334566', u'email': u'hfghfgh#dfdfg.fdg', u'addressLine2': None, u'addressLine1': u'fghfghfgh', u'phoneNumber': u'567567567', u'addressName': None, u'id': 862}, u'items': [{u'orderId': 845, u'discountEach': 0.0, u'cancellationId': 0, u'orderedQty': 1, u'giftMessage': u'', u'orderLevelDiscountEach': 0.0, u'historicalCategories': [], u'giftFrom': u'', u'netShippingChargesEach': 3.95, u'promotionItemIds': [], u'variantId': 11282, u'attributes': [{u'value': u'', u'key': u'ProductSeason'}], u'priceEach': 5.0, u'isGift': False, u'id': 940, u'giftTo': u''}], u'attributes': [{u'value': u'2', u'key': u'CustomerCultureId'}, {u'value': u'', u'key': u'IpAddress'}, {u'value': u'UA', u'key': u'IpCountryCode'}, {u'value': u'OLS', u'key': u'OrderSource'}, {u'value': u'111335', u'key': u'SafeCharge_AuthCode'}, {u'value': u'UQA1AEYASgBVAEgAcgBvAE8AWAAlAFMAaABcAGAAMwA0AG4ATABiAHAAcQBoAEkAawB6AHMANQBXAEgAUQApACQATwBpAEQAUABAAGcAKwBcADQAMwA=', u'key': u'SafeCharge_Token'}, {u'value': u'1512424624', u'key': u'SafeCharge_TransactionId'}], u'isGift': False, u'id': 845}], u'offset': 0}
sample_object = pd.DataFrame(response)['results'].to_dict()
def flatten_json(y):
out = {}
def flatten(x, name=''):
if type(x) is dict:
for a in x:
flatten(x[a], name + a + '_')
elif type(x) is list:
out[name[:-1]] = x
out[name[:-1]] = x
return out
flat = {k: flatten_json(v) for k, v in sample_object.items()}
with open('flat.json', 'w') as jsonfile:
I personally use this procedure.
First store the JSON data as string (or, load from url or file)
use nested_to_record() method from pandas
import json
from import nested_to_record
json_dic = json.loads(json_str)
flat = nested_to_record(json_dic, sep='_')
for key in flat:
print key, flat[key]
json file and I successfully parsed it as you can see below. What I want is Get the Id Of ['Users'] and get ['Photos'] ['Url'] part for the related Id.
My .json output
{u'Success': True,
u'Total': 172159,
u'Users': [{u'AboutMe': u'U\xe7mak i\xe7in ku\u015f olmak gerekmiyor, k\xfc\xe7\xfck sevin\xe7ler olsun yeter.',
u'Age': 34,
u'Education': None,
u'EyeColor': u'Mavi',
u'Gender': 2,
u'HairColor': u'A\xe7\u0131k kahve',
u'Height': 183,
u'Id': u'19185978',
u'IsHot': False,
u'IsOnline': True,
u'Job': u'Serbest meslek',
u'JobId': None,
u'LastActivityDate': u'2018-03-07T03:43:50.53855Z',
u'Location': u'\u0130zmir - Merkez',
u'LookingFor': None,
u'MaritalStatus': u'Single',
u'MaritalStatusId': None,
u'Photo': None,
u'Photos': [{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''},
{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''},
{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''},
{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''}],
u'RelationshipType': u'E-Posta Arkada\u015fl\u0131\u011f\u0131, , , ',
u'StatusMessage': u'Siz istiyorsunuz ki her \u015fey benim istedi\u011fim gibi olsun, herkes pe\u015fimden ko\u015fsun. Ama her zaman \xf6yle olmuyor.',
u'TownName': None,
u'Username': u'45ahmet35',
u'Weight': 85,
u'Zodiac': u'Ko\xe7',
u'ZodiacId': None},
{u'AboutMe': None,
u'Age': 42,
u'Education': None,
u'EyeColor': u'Kahverengi',
u'Gender': 2,
u'HairColor': u'K\u0131rla\u015fm\u0131\u015f',
u'Height': 175,
u'Id': u'19274893',
u'IsHot': False,
u'IsOnline': True,
u'Job': u'',
u'JobId': None,
u'LastActivityDate': u'2018-03-07T03:43:24.555Z',
u'Location': u'\u0130zmir - Alia\u011fa',
u'LookingFor': None,
u'MaritalStatus': u'Single',
u'MaritalStatusId': None,
u'Photo': None,
u'Photos': [{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''},
{u'CreateDate': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00',
u'Id': None,
u'PhotoName': None,
u'State': None,
u'Url': u''},
u'RelationshipType': u'',
u'StatusMessage': u'Yok ',
u'TownName': None,
u'Username': u'kaya3510',
u'Weight': 80,
u'Zodiac': u'Ko\xe7',
u'ZodiacId': None},
And My Python Code
import json
json_obj = json.load(open("13.json"))
for i in json_obj['Users']:
print i['Id']
print i['Photos']['Url']
And the Error I get.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/Desktop/siberAlem/", line 7, in
print i['Photos']['Url']
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
Thanks in advance.
This should help:
for i in json_obj['Users']:
print i["Id"]
for j in i["Photos"]:
print j["Url"]
I am trying to get answer in json format but it simply returns a String.What am i doing wrong?
from flask import Flask, request, Response
import mysql.connector
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
def createConnection():
connection = mysql.connector.connect(user="akshay", password="akshay", host="localhost", database="BOOKS")
return connection
def getContacts():
connection = createConnection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
contacts = []
for (ID, NAME, AUTHOR, SUBJECT, PRICE) in cursor:
'ID': ID,
response = Response()
response.content_type ='application/json' = json.loads(json.dumps(contacts))
return response'', 4000)
And this is Output::
[{u'PRICE': 9999.999, u'AUTHOR': u'AKSHAY', u'NAME': u'AKSHAY', u'ID':
4, u'SUBJECT': u'BIG_DATA'}, {u'PRICE': 123.456, u'AUTHOR': u'Yashwant
Kanetkar', u'NAME': u'Exploring C', u'ID': 1001, u'SUBJECT': u'C
Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 371.019, u'AUTHOR': u'Yashwant Kanetkar',
u'NAME': u'Pointers in C', u'ID': 1002, u'SUBJECT': u'C Programming'},
{u'PRICE': 334.215, u'AUTHOR': u'E Balaguruswami', u'NAME': u'ANSI C
Programming', u'ID': 1003, u'SUBJECT': u'C Programming'}, {u'PRICE':
140.121, u'AUTHOR': u'Dennis Ritchie', u'NAME': u'ANSI C Programming', u'ID': 1004, u'SUBJECT': u'C Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 417.764,
u'AUTHOR': u'Herbert Schildt', u'NAME': u'C++ Complete Reference',
u'ID': 2001, u'SUBJECT': u'C++ Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 620.665,
u'AUTHOR': u'Stanley Lippman', u'NAME': u'C++ Primer', u'ID': 2002,
u'SUBJECT': u'C++ Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 987.213, u'AUTHOR':
u'Bjarne Stroustrup', u'NAME': u'C++ Programming Language', u'ID':
2003, u'SUBJECT': u'C++ Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 525.121, u'AUTHOR':
u'Herbert Schildt', u'NAME': u'Java Complete Reference', u'ID': 3001,
u'SUBJECT': u'Java Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 575.651, u'AUTHOR': u'Cay
Horstmann', u'NAME': u'Core Java Volume I', u'ID': 3002, u'SUBJECT':
u'Java Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 458.238, u'AUTHOR': u'James Gosling',
u'NAME': u'Java Programming Language', u'ID': 3003, u'SUBJECT': u'Java
Programming'}, {u'PRICE': 567.391, u'AUTHOR': u'Peter Galvin',
u'NAME': u'Operatig System Concepts', u'ID': 4001, u'SUBJECT':
u'Operating Systems'}, {u'PRICE': 421.938, u'AUTHOR': u'Mauris J
Bach', u'NAME': u'Design of UNIX Operating System', u'ID': 4002,
u'SUBJECT': u'Operating Systems'}, {u'PRICE': 352.822, u'AUTHOR':
u'Uresh Vahalia', u'NAME': u'UNIX Internals', u'ID': 4003, u'SUBJECT':
u'Operating Systems'}, {u'PRICE': 872.652, u'AUTHOR': u'Ayn Rand',
u'NAME': u'Atlas Shrugged', u'ID': 8001, u'SUBJECT': u'Novell'},
{u'PRICE': 9999.999, u'AUTHOR': u'AKSHAY', u'NAME': u'AKSHAY', u'ID':
9001, u'SUBJECT': u'BIG_DATA'}]
There is nothing particularly wrong with your code, just remove the call to json.loads() so that the JSON encoded data is used as the response data.
Calling json.loads() will recreate and pass a Python data structure (list of dictionaries in this case) to the response, which will not serialise as valid JSON. In Python 2 it will serialise using the Python repr() format as produced by str() which will not always produce a JSON compatible string (the u'' string prefix for example is not valid JSON). In Python 3 is will probably cause an exception because it won't be able to convert to a bytes object.
You could improve the code by using flask.json.jsonify() which will return a Response object with the correct content type header and a JSON body:
from flask.json import jsonify
def getContacts():
# create contacts...
return jsonify(contacts)
Ok ,finally got the proper output::
/ 20171119101107
// http://localhost:4000/contact
"PRICE": 9999.999,
"ID": 4,
"SUBJECT": "C Programming",
"PRICE": 123.456,
"AUTHOR": "Yashwant Kanetkar",
"ID": 1001,
"NAME": "Exploring C"
"SUBJECT": "C Programming",
"PRICE": 371.019,
"AUTHOR": "Yashwant Kanetkar",
"ID": 1002,
"NAME": "Pointers in C"
I removed json.loads() and installed json viewer plugin.Thank you very much for help.
Hello i try to listen on a tweet channel using python with libary Tweepy.
I use python 2.7.11 and install Tweepy using pip. When i run the following code i get no response an no error. Can you tell me what the problem is and how can i fix this:
from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
import time
import json
#EDITED 13:25
from tweepy.auth import API
# Twitter Credentials
ckey = 'Consumer Key (API Key)'
csecret = 'Consumer Secret (API Secret)'
atoken = 'Access Token'
asecret = 'Access Token Secret'
class listener(StreamListener):
def on_data(self, data):
tweet = json.loads(data)
if tweet["lang"] == "nl":
print tweet["id"]
return True
except BaseException, e:
print 'failed on_date,', str(e)
def on_error(self, status):
print status
auth = OAuthHandler(ckey, csecret)
auth.set_access_token(atoken, asecret)
twitterStream = Stream(auth, listener())
#EDITED 13:25
print api.verify_credentials()
# twitterStream.filter( track=lstZoekwaarde, languages="nl" )
twitterStream.filter(track='christmas', languages="nl")
CONSOLE: api.verify_credentials()
User(follow_request_sent=False, has_extended_profile=False, profile_use_background_image=True, _json={u'follow_request_sent': False, u'has_extended_profile': False, u'profile_use_background_image': True, u'default_profile_image': False, u'id': 169505005, u'profile_background_image_url_https': u'', u'verified': False, u'translator_type': u'none', u'profile_text_color': u'333333', u'profile_image_url_https': u'', u'profile_sidebar_fill_color': u'DDEEF6', u'entities': {u'description': {u'urls': []}}, u'followers_count': 7, u'profile_sidebar_border_color': u'C0DEED', u'id_str': u'169505005', u'profile_background_color': u'C0DEED', u'listed_count': 0, u'status': {u'contributors': None, u'truncated': False, u'text': u'aan het werk bij Alfam', u'is_quote_status': False, u'in_reply_to_status_id': None, u'id': 541894460343582720, u'favorite_count': 1, u'source': u'Twitter for Android', u'retweeted': False, u'coordinates': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [5.207323, 52.0616799]}, u'entities': 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twitterStream.filter(track=['christmas'], languages=['nl'])
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have the following variable from,am trying to extract the revision value from it..does any one have any inputs on how this can be done?
u'revision': u'ad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63'
data ={u'status': u'MERGED', u'topic': u'', u'currentPatchSet': {u'approvals': [{u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'CRVW', u'description': u'Code Review', u'value': u'2', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'type': u'SUBM', u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'TEST', u'description': u'Developer Verified', u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'VRIF', u'description': u'Verified', u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}], u'createdOn': 1360897100, u'number': u'1', u'parents': [u'354a90cd1ae4ba9ce2a2a4ad38f8efbc8c02b02d', u'e4ffc07a6f78210a49f6ad2e0d705d7054c20ed6'], u'uploader': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'ref': u'refs/changes/52/249452/1', u'revision': u'ad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63'}, u'url': u'', u'createdOn': 1360897100, u'number': u'249452', u'lastUpdated': 1360897121, u'project': u'platform/vendor/qcom-proprietary/wlan', u'sortKey': u'00231d720003ce6c', u'branch': u'master', u'owner': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'open': False, u'id': u'Iad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63', u'subject': u'Merge "wlan: Enable ActiveModeOffload by default"'}
Simply retrieve it by following the 'currentPatchSet' key then the 'revision' key
Interactive example which shows how this works:
>>> import pprint # pretty print for seeing the layout of the dict
>>> data ={u'status': u'MERGED', u'topic': u'', u'currentPatchSet': {u'approvals': [{u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'CRVW', u'description': u'Code Review', u'value': u'2', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'type': u'SUBM', u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'TEST', u'description': u'Developer Verified', u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}, {u'by': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'type': u'VRIF', u'description': u'Verified', u'value': u'1', u'grantedOn': 1360897100}], u'createdOn': 1360897100, u'number': u'1', u'parents': [u'354a90cd1ae4ba9ce2a2a4ad38f8efbc8c02b02d', u'e4ffc07a6f78210a49f6ad2e0d705d7054c20ed6'], u'uploader': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'ref': u'refs/changes/52/249452/1', u'revision': u'ad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63'}, u'url': u'', u'createdOn': 1360897100, u'number': u'249452', u'lastUpdated': 1360897121, u'project': u'platform/vendor/qcom-proprietary/wlan', u'sortKey': u'00231d720003ce6c', u'branch': u'master', u'owner': {u'username': u'lnxbuild', u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account', u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost'}, u'open': False, u'id': u'Iad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63', u'subject': u'Merge "wlan: Enable ActiveModeOffload by default"'}
Let's visualize the data
>>> pprint.pprint(data)
{u'branch': u'master',
u'createdOn': 1360897100,
u'currentPatchSet': {u'approvals': [{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Code Review',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'CRVW',
u'value': u'2'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'SUBM',
u'value': u'1'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Developer Verified',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'TEST',
u'value': u'1'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Verified',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'VRIF',
u'value': u'1'}],
u'createdOn': 1360897100,
u'number': u'1',
u'parents': [u'354a90cd1ae4ba9ce2a2a4ad38f8efbc8c02b02d',
u'ref': u'refs/changes/52/249452/1',
u'revision': u'ad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63',
u'uploader': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'}},
u'id': u'Iad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63',
u'lastUpdated': 1360897121,
u'number': u'249452',
u'open': False,
u'owner': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'project': u'platform/vendor/qcom-proprietary/wlan',
u'sortKey': u'00231d720003ce6c',
u'status': u'MERGED',
u'subject': u'Merge "wlan: Enable ActiveModeOffload by default"',
u'topic': u'',
u'url': u''}
So the revision appears to be in the currentPatchSet dictionary:
>>> pprint.pprint(data['currentPatchSet'])
{u'approvals': [{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Code Review',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'CRVW',
u'value': u'2'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'SUBM',
u'value': u'1'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Developer Verified',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'TEST',
u'value': u'1'},
{u'by': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'},
u'description': u'Verified',
u'grantedOn': 1360897100,
u'type': u'VRIF',
u'value': u'1'}],
u'createdOn': 1360897100,
u'number': u'1',
u'parents': [u'354a90cd1ae4ba9ce2a2a4ad38f8efbc8c02b02d',
u'ref': u'refs/changes/52/249452/1',
u'revision': u'ad0beef66e5890cde6f0961ed03d8bc7e3defc63',
u'uploader': {u'email': u'lnxbuild#localhost',
u'name': u'Linux Build Service Account',
u'username': u'lnxbuild'}}
Indeed it is, under the 'revision' key. We retrieve it:
>>> print data['currentPatchSet']['revision']