create a dictionary with incrementing values - python

I have a list and I want to generate a dictionary d taking out duplicates and excluding a single item, such that the first key has value 0, the second has value 1, and so on.
I have written the following code:
d = {}
i = 0
for l in a_list:
if (l not in d) and (l != '<'):
d[l] = i
i += 1
If a_list = ['a', 'b', '<', 'c', 'b', 'd'], after running the code d contains {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd':3}. Order is not important.
Is there a more elegant way to obtain the same result?

Use dict.fromkeys to get your unique occurrences (minus values you don't want), then .update it to apply the sequence, eg:
a_list = ['a', 'b', '<', 'c', 'b', 'd']
d = dict.fromkeys(el for el in a_list if el != '<')
d.update((k, i) for i, k in enumerate(d))
Gives you:
{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'd': 2, 'c': 3}
If order is important, then use collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys to retain the ordering of the original values, or sort the unique values if they should be alphabetical instead.

{b: a for a, b in enumerate(set(a_list) - {'<'})}
set(a_list) creates a set from a_list.
That effectively strips duplicate numbers in a_list, as a set can only contain unique values.

What is needed here is an ordereddict and to manually filter the list:
from collections import OrderedDict
d = OrderedDict()
new_list = []
a_list = [1,3,2,3,2,1,3,2,3,1]
for i in a_list:
if i not in new_list:
for i, a in enumerate(new_list):
if a != "<":
d[i] = a
OrderedDict([(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2)])
If original order is not important:
final_d = {i:a for i, a in enumerate(set(a_list)) if a != "<"}

I personally find recursion quite elegant, tail-recursion especially so:
def f( d, a_list ):
if a_list:
if a_list[0] not in d and a_list[0] != '<':
d[a_list[0]] = len(d)
return f( d, a_list[1:] )
return d
So that
f( {}, "acbcbabcbabcb" )
will yield
{'a': 0, 'c': 1, 'b': 2}
just like the original code does on the same input (modulo order of the keys).

If truly:
Order is not important.
{k: i for i, k in enumerate(filter(lambda x: x not in "<", set(a_list)))}
# {'a': 3, 'b': 1, 'c': 0, 'd': 2}
EDIT: #qnnnnez's answer takes advantage of set operations, giving an elegant version of the latter code.
Otherwise you can implement the unique_everseen itertools recipe to preserve order. For convenience, you can import it from a library that implements this recipe for you, i.e. more_itertools.
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
{k: i for i, k in enumerate(filter(lambda x: x not in "<", unique_everseen(a_list)))}
# {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3}


How do I swap two random values from a dictionary?

I need to swap two random values from a dicitonary
def alphabetcreator():
letters = random.sample(range(97,123), 26)
newalpha = []
engalpha =['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
alphasmerged = {}
for i in letters:
alphasmerged = dict(zip(engalpha, newalpha))
This code gives me my two different alphabets, putting them into a dictionary so I can translate between one and the other. I now need to randomly swap two of the values whilst keeping all the rest the same. How can I do this?
You can first use random.sample to randomly pick two different values from a collection.
From the doc:
Return a k length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set. Used for random sampling without replacement.
Use this function on the keys of your dictionary to have two distinct keys.
In Python 3, you can directly use it on a dict_keys object.
In Python 2, you can either convert d.keys() into a list, or directly pass the dictionary to the sample.
>>> import random
>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> k1, k2 = random.sample(d.keys(), 2) # Python 3
>>> k1, k2 = random.sample(d, 2) # Python 2
>>> k1, k2
['a', 'b']
Then, you can in-place-ly swap two values of a collection.
>>> d[k1], d[k2] = d[k2], d[k1]
>>> d
{'b': 1, 'a': 2}
d = {12: 34, 67: 89}
k, v = random.choice(list(d.items()))
d[v] = k
which when running, gave the random output of d as:
{12: 34, 89: 67}
You can try this:
import random
engalpha =['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
new_dict = {a:b for a, b in zip(engalpha, map(chr, random.sample(range(97,123), 26)))}
key_val = random.choice(list(new_dict.keys()))
final_dict = {b if a == key_val else a:a if a == key_val else b for a, b in new_dict.items()}
Regarding your recent comment:
import random
s = {'a': 'h', 'b': 'd', 'c': 'y'}
random_dict = [(a, b) for a, b in random.sample(list(s.items()), 2)]
new_dict = {a:b for a, b in zip([i[0] for i in sorted(random_dict, key=lambda x:x[0])], [i[-1] for i in sorted(random_dict, key=lambda x:x[-1])][::-1])}
final_dict = {a:new_dict.get(a, b) for a, b in s.items()}
Output (randomly generated):
{'a': 'y', 'c': 'h', 'b': 'd'}

How can I find dict keys for matching values in two dicts?

I have two dictionaries mapping IDs to values. For simplicity, lets say those are the dictionaries:
d_source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, '3': 3}
d_target = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, '1': 1}
As named, the dictionaries are not symmetrical.
I would like to get a dictionary of keys from dictionaries d_source and d_target whose values match. The resulting dictionary would have d_source keys as its own keys, and d_target keys as that keys value (in either a list, tuple or set format).
This would be The expected returned value for the above example should be the following list:
{'a': ('1', 'A'),
'b': ('B',),
'c': ('C',),
'3': ('C',)}
There are two somewhat similar questions, but those solutions can't be easily applied to my question.
Some characteristics of the data:
Source would usually be smaller than target. Having roughly few thousand sources (tops) and a magnitude more targets.
Duplicates in the same dict (both d_source and d_target) are not too likely on values.
matches are expected to be found for (a rough estimate) not more than 50% than d_source items.
All keys are integers.
What is the best (performance wise) solution to this problem?
Modeling data into other datatypes for improved performance is totally ok, even when using third party libraries (i'm thinking numpy)
All answers have O(n^2) efficiency which isn't very good so I thought of answering myself.
I use 2(source_len) + 2(dict_count)(dict_len) memory and I have O(2n) efficiency which is the best you can get here I believe.
Here you go:
from collections import defaultdict
d_source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, '3': 3}
d_target = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, '1': 1}
def merge_dicts(source_dict, *rest):
flipped_rest = defaultdict(list)
for d in rest:
while d:
k, v = d.popitem()
return {k: tuple(flipped_rest.get(v, ())) for k, v in source_dict.items()}
new_dict = merge_dicts(d_source, d_target)
By the way, I'm using a tuple in order not to link the resulting lists together.
As you've added specifications for the data, here's a closer matching solution:
d_source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, '3': 3}
d_target = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, '1': 1}
def second_merge_dicts(source_dict, *rest):
"""Optimized for ~50% source match due to if statement addition.
Also uses less memory.
unique_values = set(source_dict.values())
flipped_rest = defaultdict(list)
for d in rest:
while d:
k, v = d.popitem()
if v in unique_values:
return {k: tuple(flipped_rest.get(v, ())) for k, v in source_dict.items()}
new_dict = second_merge_dicts(d_source, d_target)
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
d_source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, '3': 3}
d_target = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, '1': 1}
d_result = defaultdict(list)
{d_result[a].append(b) for a in d_source for b in d_target if d_source[a] == d_target[b]}
{'3': ['C'],
'a': ['A', '1'],
'b': ['B'],
'c': ['C']}
Timing results:
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from random import randint
from timeit import timeit
def Craig_match(source, target):
result = defaultdict(list)
{result[a].append(b) for a in source for b in target if source[a] == target[b]}
return result
def Bharel_match(source_dict, *rest):
flipped_rest = defaultdict(list)
for d in rest:
while d:
k, v = d.popitem()
return {k: tuple(flipped_rest.get(v, ())) for k, v in source_dict.items()}
def modified_Bharel_match(source_dict, *rest):
"""Optimized for ~50% source match due to if statement addition.
Also uses less memory.
unique_values = set(source_dict.values())
flipped_rest = defaultdict(list)
for d in rest:
while d:
k, v = d.popitem()
if v in unique_values:
return {k: tuple(flipped_rest.get(v, ())) for k, v in source_dict.items()}
# generate source, target such that:
# a) ~10% duplicate values in source and target
# b) 2000 unique source keys, 20000 unique target keys
# c) a little less than 50% matches source value to target value
# d) numeric keys and values
source = {}
for k in range(2000):
source[k] = randint(0, 1800)
target = {}
for k in range(20000):
if k < 1000:
target[k] = randint(0, 2000)
target[k] = randint(2000, 19000)
best_time = {}
approaches = ('Craig', 'Bharel', 'modified_Bharel')
for a in approaches:
best_time[a] = None
for _ in range(3):
for approach in approaches:
test_source = deepcopy(source)
test_target = deepcopy(target)
statement = 'd=' + approach + '_match(test_source,test_target)'
setup = 'from __main__ import test_source, test_target, ' + approach + '_match'
t = timeit(stmt=statement, setup=setup, number=1)
if not best_time[approach] or (t < best_time[approach]):
best_time[approach] = t
for approach in approaches:
print(approach, ':', '%0.5f' % best_time[approach])
Craig : 7.29259
Bharel : 0.01587
modified_Bharel : 0.00682
Here is another solution. There are a lot of ways to do this
for key1 in d1:
for key2 in d2:
if d1[key1] == d2[key2]:
Note that you can use any name for key1 and key2.
This maybe "cheating" in some regards, although if you are looking for the matching values of the keys regardless of the case sensitivity then you might be able to do:
import sets
aa = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}
bb = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'd': 3}
bbl = {k.lower():v for k,v in bb.items()}
result = {k:k.upper() for k,v in aa.iteritems() & bbl.viewitems()}
print( result )
{'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'}
The bbl declaration changes the bb keys into lowercase (it could be either aa, or bb).
* I only tested this on my phone, so just throwing this idea out there I suppose... Also, you've changed your question radically since I began composing my answer, so you get what you get.
It is up to you to determine the best solution. Here is a solution:
def dicts_to_tuples(*dicts):
result = {}
for d in dicts:
for k,v in d.items():
result.setdefault(v, []).append(k)
return [tuple(v) for v in result.values() if len(v) > 1]
d1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}
d2 = {'A': 1, 'B': 2}
print dicts_to_tuples(d1, d2)

Deleting dictionary keys from a provided list in Python [duplicate]

I know how to remove an entry, 'key' from my dictionary d, safely. You do:
if d.has_key('key'):
del d['key']
However, I need to remove multiple entries from a dictionary safely. I was thinking of defining the entries in a tuple as I will need to do this more than once.
entities_to_remove = ('a', 'b', 'c')
for x in entities_to_remove:
if x in d:
del d[x]
However, I was wondering if there is a smarter way to do this?
Using dict.pop:
d = {'some': 'data'}
entries_to_remove = ('any', 'iterable')
for k in entries_to_remove:
d.pop(k, None)
Using Dict Comprehensions
final_dict = {key: value for key, value in d if key not in [key1, key2]}
where key1 and key2 are to be removed.
In the example below, keys "b" and "c" are to be removed & it's kept in a keys list.
>>> a
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}
>>> keys = ["b", "c"]
>>> print {key: a[key] for key in a if key not in keys}
{'a': 1, 'd': 4}
Why not like this:
entries = ('a', 'b', 'c')
the_dict = {'b': 'foo'}
def entries_to_remove(entries, the_dict):
for key in entries:
if key in the_dict:
del the_dict[key]
A more compact version was provided by mattbornski using dict.pop()
a solution is using map and filter functions
python 2
map(d.__delitem__, filter(d.__contains__,l))
python 3
list(map(d.__delitem__, filter(d.__contains__,l)))
you get:
{'c': 3}
If you also need to retrieve the values for the keys you are removing, this would be a pretty good way to do it:
values_removed = [d.pop(k, None) for k in entities_to_remove]
You could of course still do this just for the removal of the keys from d, but you would be unnecessarily creating the list of values with the list comprehension. It is also a little unclear to use a list comprehension just for the function's side effect.
Found a solution with pop and map
d = {'a': 'valueA', 'b': 'valueB', 'c': 'valueC', 'd': 'valueD'}
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
list(map(d.pop, keys))
The output of this:
{'d': 'valueD'}
I have answered this question so late just because I think it will help in the future if anyone searches the same. And this might help.
The above code will throw an error if a key does not exist in the dict.
DICTIONARY = {'a': 'valueA', 'b': 'valueB', 'c': 'valueC', 'd': 'valueD'}
keys = ['a', 'l', 'c']
def remove_key(key):
DICTIONARY.pop(key, None)
list(map(remove_key, keys))
DICTIONARY = {'b': 'valueB', 'd': 'valueD'}
Some timing tests for cpython 3 shows that a simple for loop is the fastest way, and it's quite readable. Adding in a function doesn't cause much overhead either:
timeit results (10k iterations):
all(x.pop(v) for v in r) # 0.85
all(map(x.pop, r)) # 0.60
list(map(x.pop, r)) # 0.70
all(map(x.__delitem__, r)) # 0.44
del_all(x, r) # 0.40
<inline for loop>(x, r) # 0.35
def del_all(mapping, to_remove):
"""Remove list of elements from mapping."""
for key in to_remove:
del mapping[key]
For small iterations, doing that 'inline' was a bit faster, because of the overhead of the function call. But del_all is lint-safe, reusable, and faster than all the python comprehension and mapping constructs.
I have no problem with any of the existing answers, but I was surprised to not find this solution:
keys_to_remove = ['a', 'b', 'c']
my_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip("a b c d e f g".split(' '), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])}
for k in keys_to_remove:
del my_dict[k]
except KeyError:
assert my_dict == {'d': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6}
Note: I stumbled across this question coming from here. And my answer is related to this answer.
I have tested the performance of three methods:
# Method 1: `del`
for key in remove_keys:
if key in d:
del d[key]
# Method 2: `pop()`
for key in remove_keys:
d.pop(key, None)
# Method 3: comprehension
{key: v for key, v in d.items() if key not in remove_keys}
Here are the results of 1M iterations:
del: 2.03s 2.0 ns/iter (100%)
pop(): 2.38s 2.4 ns/iter (117%)
comprehension: 4.11s 4.1 ns/iter (202%)
So both del and pop() are the fastest. Comprehensions are 2x slower.
But anyway, we speak nanoseconds here :) Dicts in Python are ridiculously fast.
Why not:
entriestoremove = (2,5,1)
for e in entriestoremove:
if d.has_key(e):
del d[e]
I don't know what you mean by "smarter way". Surely there are other ways, maybe with dictionary comprehensions:
entriestoremove = (2,5,1)
newdict = {x for x in d if x not in entriestoremove}
import functools
#: not key(c) in d
d = {"a": "avalue", "b": "bvalue", "d": "dvalue"}
entitiesToREmove = ('a', 'b', 'c')
#: python2
map(lambda x: functools.partial(d.pop, x, None)(), entitiesToREmove)
#: python3
list(map(lambda x: functools.partial(d.pop, x, None)(), entitiesToREmove))
# output: {'d': 'dvalue'}
I think using the fact that the keys can be treated as a set is the nicest way if you're on python 3:
def remove_keys(d, keys):
to_remove = set(keys)
filtered_keys = d.keys() - to_remove
filtered_values = map(d.get, filtered_keys)
return dict(zip(filtered_keys, filtered_values))
>>> remove_keys({'k1': 1, 'k3': 3}, ['k1', 'k2'])
{'k3': 3}
It would be nice to have full support for set methods for dictionaries (and not the unholy mess we're getting with Python 3.9) so that you could simply "remove" a set of keys. However, as long as that's not the case, and you have a large dictionary with potentially a large number of keys to remove, you might want to know about the performance. So, I've created some code that creates something large enough for meaningful comparisons: a 100,000 x 1000 matrix, so 10,000,00 items in total.
from itertools import product
from time import perf_counter
# make a complete worksheet 100000 * 1000
start = perf_counter()
prod = product(range(1, 100000), range(1, 1000))
cells = {(x,y):x for x,y in prod}
print(f"Create time {perf_counter()-start:.2f}s")
clock = perf_counter()
# remove everything above row 50,000
keys = product(range(50000, 100000), range(1, 100))
# for x,y in keys:
# del cells[x, y]
for n in map(cells.pop, keys):
stop = perf_counter()
print(f"Removal time {stop-clock:.2f}s")
10 million items or more is not unusual in some settings. Comparing the two methods on my local machine I see a slight improvement when using map and pop, presumably because of fewer function calls, but both take around 2.5s on my machine. But this pales in comparison to the time required to create the dictionary in the first place (55s), or including checks within the loop. If this is likely then its best to create a set that is a intersection of the dictionary keys and your filter:
keys = cells.keys() & keys
In summary: del is already heavily optimised, so don't worry about using it.
Another map() way to remove list of keys from dictionary
and avoid raising KeyError exception
dic = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, keys_to_remove))
print('k=', k)
print('dic after = \n', dic)
**this will produce output**
k= ['key_not_exist', 1, 2, 3]
dic after = {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}
Duplicate keys_to_remove is artificial, it needs to supply defaults values for dict.pop() function.
You can add here any array with len_ = len(key_to_remove)
For example
dic = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, np.zeros(len(keys_to_remove))))
print('k=', k)
print('dic after = ', dic)
** will produce output **
k= [0.0, 1, 2, 3]
dic after = {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}
def delete_keys_from_dict(dictionary, keys):
Deletes the unwanted keys in the dictionary
:param dictionary: dict
:param keys: list of keys
:return: dict (modified)
from import MutableMapping
keys_set = set(keys)
modified_dict = {}
for key, value in dictionary.items():
if key not in keys_set:
if isinstance(value, list):
modified_dict[key] = list()
for x in value:
if isinstance(x, MutableMapping):
modified_dict[key].append(delete_keys_from_dict(x, keys_set))
elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
modified_dict[key] = delete_keys_from_dict(value, keys_set)
modified_dict[key] = value
return modified_dict
_d = {'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325, 'c': {'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325}, 'd': 98765,
'e': [{'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325},
{'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325},
{'t': 767}]}
_output = delete_keys_from_dict(_d, ['a', 'b'])
_expected = {'c': {}, 'd': 98765, 'e': [{}, {}, {'t': 767}]}
I'm late to this discussion but for anyone else. A solution may be to create a list of keys as such.
k = ['a','b','c','d']
Then use pop() in a list comprehension, or for loop, to iterate over the keys and pop one at a time as such.
new_dictionary = [dictionary.pop(x, 'n/a') for x in k]
The 'n/a' is in case the key does not exist, a default value needs to be returned.

Python equivalent of zip for dictionaries

If I have these two lists:
la = [1, 2, 3]
lb = [4, 5, 6]
I can iterate over them as follows:
for i in range(min(len(la), len(lb))):
print la[i], lb[i]
Or more pythonically
for a, b in zip(la, lb):
print a, b
What if I have two dictionaries?
da = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
db = {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}
Again, I can iterate manually:
for key in set(da.keys()) & set(db.keys()):
print key, da[key], db[key]
Is there some builtin method that allows me to iterate as follows?
for key, value_a, value_b in common_entries(da, db):
print key, value_a, value_b
There is no built-in function or method that can do this. However, you could easily define your own.
def common_entries(*dcts):
if not dcts:
for i in set(dcts[0]).intersection(*dcts[1:]):
yield (i,) + tuple(d[i] for d in dcts)
This builds on the "manual method" you provide, but, like zip, can be used for any number of dictionaries.
>>> da = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> db = {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}
>>> list(common_entries(da, db))
[('c', 3, 6), ('b', 2, 5), ('a', 1, 4)]
When only one dictionary is provided as an argument, it essentially returns dct.items().
>>> list(common_entries(da))
[('c', 3), ('b', 2), ('a', 1)]
With no dictionaries, it returns an empty generator (just like zip())
>>> list(common_entries())
The object returned by dict.keys() (called a dictionary key view) acts like a set object, so you can just take the intersection of the keys:
da = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'e': 7}
db = {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6, 'd': 9}
common_keys = da.keys() & db.keys()
for k in common_keys:
print(k, da[k], db[k])
On Python 2 you'll need to convert the keys to sets yourself:
common_keys = set(da) & set(db)
for k in common_keys:
print k, da[k], db[k]
Dictionary key views are already set-like in Python 3. You can remove set():
for key in da.keys() & db.keys():
print(key, da[key], db[key])
In Python 2:
for key in da.viewkeys() & db.viewkeys():
print key, da[key], db[key]
In case if someone is looking for generalized solution:
import operator
from functools import reduce
def zip_mappings(*mappings):
keys_sets = map(set, mappings)
common_keys = reduce(set.intersection, keys_sets)
for key in common_keys:
yield (key,) + tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(key), mappings))
or if you like to separate key from values and use syntax like
for key, (values, ...) in zip_mappings(...):
we can replace last line with
yield key, tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(key), mappings))
from collections import Counter
counter = Counter('abra')
other_counter = Counter('kadabra')
last_counter = Counter('abbreviation')
for (character,
frequency, other_frequency, last_frequency) in zip_mappings(counter,
print('character "{}" has next frequencies: {}, {}, {}'
gives us
character "a" has next frequencies: 2, 3, 2
character "r" has next frequencies: 1, 1, 1
character "b" has next frequencies: 1, 1, 2
(tested on Python 2.7.12 & Python 3.5.2)
Python3: How about the following?
da = {'A': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
db = {'B': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6}
for key, (value_a, value_b) in {k:(da[k],db[k]) for k in set(da)&set(db)}.items():
print(key, value_a, value_b)
The above snippet prints values of common keys ('b' and 'c') and discards the keys which don't match ('A' and 'B').
In order to include all keys into the output we could use a slightly modified comprehension: {k:(da.get(k),db.get(k)) for k in set(da)|set(db)}.

Removing multiple keys from a dictionary safely

I know how to remove an entry, 'key' from my dictionary d, safely. You do:
if d.has_key('key'):
del d['key']
However, I need to remove multiple entries from a dictionary safely. I was thinking of defining the entries in a tuple as I will need to do this more than once.
entities_to_remove = ('a', 'b', 'c')
for x in entities_to_remove:
if x in d:
del d[x]
However, I was wondering if there is a smarter way to do this?
Using dict.pop:
d = {'some': 'data'}
entries_to_remove = ('any', 'iterable')
for k in entries_to_remove:
d.pop(k, None)
Using Dict Comprehensions
final_dict = {key: value for key, value in d if key not in [key1, key2]}
where key1 and key2 are to be removed.
In the example below, keys "b" and "c" are to be removed & it's kept in a keys list.
>>> a
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}
>>> keys = ["b", "c"]
>>> print {key: a[key] for key in a if key not in keys}
{'a': 1, 'd': 4}
Why not like this:
entries = ('a', 'b', 'c')
the_dict = {'b': 'foo'}
def entries_to_remove(entries, the_dict):
for key in entries:
if key in the_dict:
del the_dict[key]
A more compact version was provided by mattbornski using dict.pop()
a solution is using map and filter functions
python 2
map(d.__delitem__, filter(d.__contains__,l))
python 3
list(map(d.__delitem__, filter(d.__contains__,l)))
you get:
{'c': 3}
If you also need to retrieve the values for the keys you are removing, this would be a pretty good way to do it:
values_removed = [d.pop(k, None) for k in entities_to_remove]
You could of course still do this just for the removal of the keys from d, but you would be unnecessarily creating the list of values with the list comprehension. It is also a little unclear to use a list comprehension just for the function's side effect.
Found a solution with pop and map
d = {'a': 'valueA', 'b': 'valueB', 'c': 'valueC', 'd': 'valueD'}
keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
list(map(d.pop, keys))
The output of this:
{'d': 'valueD'}
I have answered this question so late just because I think it will help in the future if anyone searches the same. And this might help.
The above code will throw an error if a key does not exist in the dict.
DICTIONARY = {'a': 'valueA', 'b': 'valueB', 'c': 'valueC', 'd': 'valueD'}
keys = ['a', 'l', 'c']
def remove_key(key):
DICTIONARY.pop(key, None)
list(map(remove_key, keys))
DICTIONARY = {'b': 'valueB', 'd': 'valueD'}
Some timing tests for cpython 3 shows that a simple for loop is the fastest way, and it's quite readable. Adding in a function doesn't cause much overhead either:
timeit results (10k iterations):
all(x.pop(v) for v in r) # 0.85
all(map(x.pop, r)) # 0.60
list(map(x.pop, r)) # 0.70
all(map(x.__delitem__, r)) # 0.44
del_all(x, r) # 0.40
<inline for loop>(x, r) # 0.35
def del_all(mapping, to_remove):
"""Remove list of elements from mapping."""
for key in to_remove:
del mapping[key]
For small iterations, doing that 'inline' was a bit faster, because of the overhead of the function call. But del_all is lint-safe, reusable, and faster than all the python comprehension and mapping constructs.
I have no problem with any of the existing answers, but I was surprised to not find this solution:
keys_to_remove = ['a', 'b', 'c']
my_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip("a b c d e f g".split(' '), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])}
for k in keys_to_remove:
del my_dict[k]
except KeyError:
assert my_dict == {'d': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6}
Note: I stumbled across this question coming from here. And my answer is related to this answer.
I have tested the performance of three methods:
# Method 1: `del`
for key in remove_keys:
if key in d:
del d[key]
# Method 2: `pop()`
for key in remove_keys:
d.pop(key, None)
# Method 3: comprehension
{key: v for key, v in d.items() if key not in remove_keys}
Here are the results of 1M iterations:
del: 2.03s 2.0 ns/iter (100%)
pop(): 2.38s 2.4 ns/iter (117%)
comprehension: 4.11s 4.1 ns/iter (202%)
So both del and pop() are the fastest. Comprehensions are 2x slower.
But anyway, we speak nanoseconds here :) Dicts in Python are ridiculously fast.
Why not:
entriestoremove = (2,5,1)
for e in entriestoremove:
if d.has_key(e):
del d[e]
I don't know what you mean by "smarter way". Surely there are other ways, maybe with dictionary comprehensions:
entriestoremove = (2,5,1)
newdict = {x for x in d if x not in entriestoremove}
import functools
#: not key(c) in d
d = {"a": "avalue", "b": "bvalue", "d": "dvalue"}
entitiesToREmove = ('a', 'b', 'c')
#: python2
map(lambda x: functools.partial(d.pop, x, None)(), entitiesToREmove)
#: python3
list(map(lambda x: functools.partial(d.pop, x, None)(), entitiesToREmove))
# output: {'d': 'dvalue'}
I think using the fact that the keys can be treated as a set is the nicest way if you're on python 3:
def remove_keys(d, keys):
to_remove = set(keys)
filtered_keys = d.keys() - to_remove
filtered_values = map(d.get, filtered_keys)
return dict(zip(filtered_keys, filtered_values))
>>> remove_keys({'k1': 1, 'k3': 3}, ['k1', 'k2'])
{'k3': 3}
It would be nice to have full support for set methods for dictionaries (and not the unholy mess we're getting with Python 3.9) so that you could simply "remove" a set of keys. However, as long as that's not the case, and you have a large dictionary with potentially a large number of keys to remove, you might want to know about the performance. So, I've created some code that creates something large enough for meaningful comparisons: a 100,000 x 1000 matrix, so 10,000,00 items in total.
from itertools import product
from time import perf_counter
# make a complete worksheet 100000 * 1000
start = perf_counter()
prod = product(range(1, 100000), range(1, 1000))
cells = {(x,y):x for x,y in prod}
print(f"Create time {perf_counter()-start:.2f}s")
clock = perf_counter()
# remove everything above row 50,000
keys = product(range(50000, 100000), range(1, 100))
# for x,y in keys:
# del cells[x, y]
for n in map(cells.pop, keys):
stop = perf_counter()
print(f"Removal time {stop-clock:.2f}s")
10 million items or more is not unusual in some settings. Comparing the two methods on my local machine I see a slight improvement when using map and pop, presumably because of fewer function calls, but both take around 2.5s on my machine. But this pales in comparison to the time required to create the dictionary in the first place (55s), or including checks within the loop. If this is likely then its best to create a set that is a intersection of the dictionary keys and your filter:
keys = cells.keys() & keys
In summary: del is already heavily optimised, so don't worry about using it.
Another map() way to remove list of keys from dictionary
and avoid raising KeyError exception
dic = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, keys_to_remove))
print('k=', k)
print('dic after = \n', dic)
**this will produce output**
k= ['key_not_exist', 1, 2, 3]
dic after = {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}
Duplicate keys_to_remove is artificial, it needs to supply defaults values for dict.pop() function.
You can add here any array with len_ = len(key_to_remove)
For example
dic = {
'key1': 1,
'key2': 2,
'key3': 3,
'key4': 4,
'key5': 5,
keys_to_remove = ['key_not_exist', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3']
k = list(map(dic.pop, keys_to_remove, np.zeros(len(keys_to_remove))))
print('k=', k)
print('dic after = ', dic)
** will produce output **
k= [0.0, 1, 2, 3]
dic after = {'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}
def delete_keys_from_dict(dictionary, keys):
Deletes the unwanted keys in the dictionary
:param dictionary: dict
:param keys: list of keys
:return: dict (modified)
from import MutableMapping
keys_set = set(keys)
modified_dict = {}
for key, value in dictionary.items():
if key not in keys_set:
if isinstance(value, list):
modified_dict[key] = list()
for x in value:
if isinstance(x, MutableMapping):
modified_dict[key].append(delete_keys_from_dict(x, keys_set))
elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
modified_dict[key] = delete_keys_from_dict(value, keys_set)
modified_dict[key] = value
return modified_dict
_d = {'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325, 'c': {'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325}, 'd': 98765,
'e': [{'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325},
{'a': 1245, 'b': 1234325},
{'t': 767}]}
_output = delete_keys_from_dict(_d, ['a', 'b'])
_expected = {'c': {}, 'd': 98765, 'e': [{}, {}, {'t': 767}]}
I'm late to this discussion but for anyone else. A solution may be to create a list of keys as such.
k = ['a','b','c','d']
Then use pop() in a list comprehension, or for loop, to iterate over the keys and pop one at a time as such.
new_dictionary = [dictionary.pop(x, 'n/a') for x in k]
The 'n/a' is in case the key does not exist, a default value needs to be returned.

