django rest get instance of validator field of serializer - python

I need to get the instance of the serializer field validator. I have not found such information on the Internet...
If i have a model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
file = FileField(max_length=200, storage=Storage(), upload_to=get_file_path, validators=FileValidator(max_size=10*1024*1024))
I can get the instance of validator somehow this way
I need it for an example to mock max_size attribute in tests
with mock.patch.object(target=Mymodel._meta.get_field('file').validators[0], attribute='max_size, new=1)
Now I have another model for which validation occurs on the serializer
class TextItemFileSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
attachments = SomeCustomField(validators=[ArrayMaxLengthValidator(limit_value=30)])
and I need to mock limit_value in the same way as for the model via the validator instance
But the problem is that I do not know how to access to the instance of validator.
Are there any ideas?

obj = None # TextItem Instance
serializer = TextItemFileSerializer(obj)
validators = serializer.get_fields()['attachments'].validators
$ <class 'app.models.UniqueValidator'>]


Add object to ManyToMany field using CreateModelMixin.create()

I use mixins.CreateModelMixin.create to create object, but also I need to add request.user to m2m fields in it. So my idea is to catch the object from self.create() and than filally make obj.users.add(user). But CreateModelMixin return only responce. How can I get an object from .create? Is it a better way to add user? Can I user super (not good in it)? Thanks!
I can use perform_create() and catch object here, but it makes code bigger and repeat .create() mostly, so I don't think that is a right way.
Code I user now:
#action(detail=False, methods=['POST'], serializer_class=CompanyAdminSerializer)
def create_company(self, request):
user = self.request.user
if user.user_of_company.exists():
raise NotAcceptable(detail='Only one company allowed')
serializer = self.get_serializer(
company =
return Response(
To catch the instance from create you will have to override the create method.
The simplest way would be to override the perform_create method.
.save() returns the instance of the created object. source
Your code will look like the following:
#Assuming you're using CreateAPIView
class New_Create(CreateAPIView):
def perform_create(self, serializer):
obj =
#Adding to M2M
DRF Serializers do not support M2M create/update out of the box.
I do not recommend overriding the create method. The perform_create method has been created to serve exactly this purpose. You can access the instance only after .save() has been called. So, after calling .save() on the serializer you can update the instance however you want. Two ways to access the instance are:
1) Use the object being returned by the .save method (as shown above)
2) You can use serializer.instance. (Again you can only access the instance after .save has been called. )

Django: Fields of DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass (without instance)

I try to discover the fields which a django form class has.
I only have a class, not an instance.
The form-class is of type DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass.
If I try this:
class FooForm(forms.Form):
spreadsheet = forms.FileField()
for field in FooForm:
I get this exception:
TypeError: 'DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass' object is not iterable
I know that I could do FooForm() instead of FooForm, but in my real use case I only have a class.
You can access FooForm.base_fields.

Suppress "field should be unique" error in Django REST framework

I have a model like
class MyModel(models.Model):
uuid = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True)
and a serializer
class MyModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('uuid')
And I want to receive JSON with MyModel object but it can be existing objects. So, when I use serializer.is_valid() with data about existing object it gives me an error:
for record in request['records']:
# request - body of JSON request,
# 'records' - array of records I want to add or update
serializer = MyModelSerializer(data=record)
if serializer.is_valid():
# Do stuff
{"uuid":["This field must be unique."]}
Is there a way to separate behavior for new and existing objects? Particularly, I want to create new MyModel object if it's not it database yet and update existing MyModel object if it's present.
You are basically overloading a single entry point of your REST API by trying to both create new instances and update existing instances using a POST request. In addition, it seems you are trying to create and update multiple instances simultaneously within a single POST request.
Django REST Framework (DRF) expects a POST request to only create new instances. Therefore, sending an existing instance record triggers a unique constraint violation for the uuid field since DRF tries to create that record as a new instance, as the existing instance already has that uuid value.
A solution to make your REST API more "RESTful" would be to separate the creation and updating of records into POST and PUT requests respectively. It is unclear if you are using the generic API views provided by DRF, but you can use the CreateAPIView to POST new instances, then create a separate UpdateAPIView to PUT and/or PATCH existing instances. Even better you could allow retrieval via GET for both of these endpoints using the generic views ListCreateAPIView and RetrieveUpdateAPIView.
Finally, for handling bulk requests (i.e. multi-instances in a single request) you can either override the built-in view methods or use a 3rd-party package such as django-rest-framework-bulk.
I had a situation where I had a deep create method, with 2 levels of hierarchy above the end point, that it was important that all models were idempotent.
I override the validation in the serializer, and created it by hand.
It is important that you add the field to the class at the top (otherwise the validator won't be run)
class ParticipantSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
device = DeviceSerializer(required=False)
uuid = serializers.CharField()
def validate_uuid(self, value):
if value is not None and isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value) < 256:
return value
if value is not None:
raise serializers.ValidationError("UUID can't be none")
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
raise serializers.ValidationError("UUID must be a string")
elif len(value) < 256:
raise serializers.ValidationError("UUID must be below 256 characters")
raise serializers.ValidationError("UUID has failed validation")
class Meta:
model = Participant
fields = ("uuid", "platform", "device")

Django REST Framework: creating hierarchical objects using URL arguments

I have a django-rest-framework REST API with hierarchical resources. I want to be able to create subobjects by POSTing to /v1/objects/<pk>/subobjects/ and have it automatically set the foreign key on the new subobject to the pk kwarg from the URL without having to put it in the payload. Currently, the serializer is causing a 400 error, because it expects the object foreign key to be in the payload, but it shouldn't be considered optional either. The URL of the subobjects is /v1/subobjects/<pk>/ (since the key of the parent isn't necessary to identify it), so it is still required if I want to PUT an existing resource.
Should I just make it so that you POST to /v1/subobjects/ with the parent in the payload to add subobjects, or is there a clean way to pass the pk kwarg from the URL to the serializer? I'm using HyperlinkedModelSerializer and ModelViewSet as my respective base classes. Is there some recommended way of doing this? So far the only idea I had was to completely re-implement the ViewSets and make a custom Serializer class whose get_default_fields() comes from a dictionary that is passed in from the ViewSet, populated by its kwargs. This seems quite involved for something that I would have thought is completely run-of-the-mill, so I can't help but think I'm missing something. Every REST API I've ever seen that has writable endpoints has this kind of URL-based argument inference, so the fact that django-rest-framework doesn't seem to be able to do it at all seems strange.
Make the parent object serializer field read_only. It's not optional but it's not coming from the request data either. Instead you pull the pk/slug from the URL in pre_save()...
# Assuming list and detail URLs like:
# /v1/objects/<parent_pk>/subobjects/
# /v1/objects/<parent_pk>/subobjects/<pk>/
def pre_save(self, obj):
parent = models.MainObject.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['parent_pk'])
obj.parent = parent
Here's what I've done to solve it, although it would be nice if there was a more general way to do it, since it's such a common URL pattern. First I created a mixin for my ViewSets that redefined the create method:
class CreatePartialModelMixin(object):
def initial_instance(self, request):
return None
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.initial_instance(request)
serializer = self.get_serializer(
instance=instance, data=request.DATA, files=request.FILES,
if serializer.is_valid():
self.object =
self.post_save(self.object, created=True)
headers = self.get_success_headers(
return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED,
return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
Mostly it is copied and pasted from CreateModelMixin, but it defines an initial_instance method that we can override in subclasses to provide a starting point for the serializer, which is set up to do a partial deserialization. Then I can do, for example,
class SubObjectViewSet(CreatePartialModelMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
# ....
def initial_instance(self, request):
instance = models.SubObject(owner=request.user)
if 'pk' in self.kwargs:
parent = models.MainObject.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
instance.parent = parent
return instance
(I realize I don't actually need to do a .get on the pk to associate it on the model, but in my case I'm exposing the slug rather than the primary key in the public API)
If you're using ModelSerializer (which is implemented by HyperlinkedModelSerializer) it's as easy as implementing the restore_object() method:
class MySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
def restore_object(self, attrs, instance=None):
if instance is None:
# If `instance` is `None`, it means we're creating
# a new object, so we set the `parent_id` field.
attrs['parent_id'] = self.context['view'].kwargs['parent_pk']
return super(MySerializer, self).restore_object(attrs, instance)
# ...
restore_object() is used to deserialize a dictionary of attributes into an object instance. ModelSerializer implements this method and creates/updates the instance for the model you specified in the Meta class. If the given instance is None it means the object still has to be created, so you just add the parent_id attribute on the attrs argument and call super().
So this way you don't have to specify a read-only field, or have a custom view/serializer.
More information:
Maybe a bit late, but i guess this drf nested routers library could be helpful for that operation.

Accessing form fields as properties in a django view

According to the Django tutorial, you should access form fields using cleaned_data dictionary. I'm wondering why I can't access the properties of the form directly? My form validates just fine, but when I try to access it, Django complains that the object does not have the attribute. I added some code below that I hope will help diagnose the problem.
class CustomForm(forms.Form):
description = forms.CharField(widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'placeholder' : 'enter some text'}), label = "My form")
def process_form(request):
if request.method != 'POST':
raise Http404
myForm = CustomForm(request.POST)
if not myForm.is_valid():
c = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response('home/index.html', {'form' : myForm }, c)
# debug
print 'Description: ' + myForm.description # this does NOT work
# print 'Description: ' + myForm.cleaned_data['description'] # this does work
I get the following error: 'CustomForm' object has no attribute 'description'. Did I miss something in the docs that says I can't do that?
If your form is validated then you can access myForm cleaned_data:
print myForm.cleaned_data.get('description')
If you want to see why you cannot access myForm.description then you can see the data dictionary of your myForm:
print myForm.__dict__
The way you define fields using django.forms is just a convenient, declarative syntax; it's not really representative of what the final Form class, or an instance of it, looks like in terms of attributes.
Forms have a metaclass (without getting too deep into it, a metaclass is to declaring a class using the class keyword as an __init__ method is to creating an instance of a class using parentheses -- a hook to customise the object being created, which in the case of a metaclass, is a class!) which picks off Fields from the form class at definition time and adds them to a base_fields dict. When you instantiate a form, its base_fields are deep-copied to a fields attribute on the instance.
One point of confusion might be that you use . to access fields for display in templates -- what's actually happening there is that Django's template engine first attempts to use dictionary-style [] access to resolve property lookups and the base form class defines a __getitem__ method to take advantage of this, looking up the appropriate field from the form instance's fields dict and wrapping it with a BoundField, a wrapper which knows how to use the field and data from the form for displaying the field.
You can access the fields of a Form instance from its fields attribute.
And some property like label can be accessed like this:
Not sure how to display the value corresponding. Anybody having idea?
here is my reference
You can access your field trought dict.

