I try to extreact data from twitter json file retrived by using tweepy streaming
Here is my code for streaming:
class MyListener(Stream):
def on_data(self, data):
print (data)
self.t_count += 0
#stop by
if self.t_count >= 5000:
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print (status)
if __name__ == '__main__':
stream = MyListener(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret)
stream.filter(track=['corona'], languages = ["en"])
Here is my code for reading the file:
with open("covid-test-out", "r") as f:
count = 0
for line in f:
data = json.loads(line)
Then I got the error
JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Here is one line in the json file. I noticed that there is a b-prefix in front of each line but when I check the type of the line, it is not bytes object but still string object. And I am not even sure if this is the reason that I can not get the correct data.
b'{"created_at":"Mon Nov 22 07:37:46 +0000 2021","id":1462686730956333061,"id_str":"1462686730956333061","text":"RT #corybernardi: Scientists 'mystified'. \n\nhttps:\/\/\/rvTYCUEQ74","source":"\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter Web App\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":1336870146242056192,"id_str":"1336870146242056192","name":"Terence Byrnes","screen_name":"byrnes_terence","location":null,"url":null,"description":"Retired Aussie. Against mandatory vaccinations, government interference in our lives, and the climate cult. Now on Gab Social as a backup : Terence50","translator_type":"none","protected":false,"verified":false,"followers_count":960,"friends_count":1012,"listed_count":3,"favourites_count":15163,"statuses_count":171876,"created_at":"Thu Dec 10 03:08:01 +0000 2020","utc_offset":null,"time_zone":null,"geo_enabled":false,"lang":null,"contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"F5F8FA","profile_background_image_url":"","profile_background_image_url_https":"","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_link_color":"1DA1F2","profile_sidebar_border_color":"C0DEED","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6","profile_text_color":"333333","profile_use_background_image":true,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/1428994180458508292\/fT2Olt4J_normal.jpg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_images\/1428994180458508292\/fT2Olt4J_normal.jpg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/\/profile_banners\/1336870146242056192\/1631520259","default_profile":true,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null,"withheld_in_countries":[]},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweeted_status":{"created_at":"Sun Nov 21 19:42:14 +0000 2021","id":1462506658421112834,"id_str":"1462506658421112834","text":"Scientists 'mystified'. \n\nhttps:\/\/\/rvTYCUEQ74","source":"\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTwitter Web App\u003c\/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":80965423,"id_str":"80965423","name":"","screen_name":"corybernardi","location":"Adelaide ","url":"http:\/\/","description":"Get your free Weekly Dose of Common Sense email at https:\/\/\/MAJpp7iZJy.\n\nLaughing at liars and leftists since 2006. Tweets deleted weekly to infuriate losers.","translator_type":"none","protected":false,"verified":true,"followers_count":47794,"friends_count":63,"listed_count":461,"favourites_count":112,"statuses_count":55,"created_at":"Thu Oct 08 22:54:55 +0000 2009","utc_offset":null,"time_zone":null,"geo_enabled":false,"lang":null,"contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"C0DEED","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png","profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_link_color":"1DA1F2","profile_sidebar_border_color":"C0DEED","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6","profile_text_color":"333333","profile_use_background_image":true,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/1446336496827387904\/Ay6QRHQt_normal.jpg","profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_images\/1446336496827387904\/Ay6QRHQt_normal.jpg","profile_banner_url":"https:\/\/\/profile_banners\/80965423\/1633668973","default_profile":true,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null,"withheld_in_countries":[]},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"is_quote_status":false,"quote_count":5,"reply_count":30,"retweet_count":40,"favorite_count":136,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/rvTYCUEQ74","expanded_url":"https:\/\/\/article\/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-united-nations-fcf28a83c9352a67e50aa2172eb01a2f","display_url":"\/article\/corona\u2026","indices":[26,49]}],"user_mentions":[],"symbols":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"possibly_sensitive":false,"filter_level":"low","lang":"en"},"is_quote_status":false,"quote_count":0,"reply_count":0,"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":0,"entities":{"hashtags":[],"urls":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/rvTYCUEQ74","expanded_url":"https:\/\/\/article\/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-united-nations-fcf28a83c9352a67e50aa2172eb01a2f","display_url":"\/article\/corona\u2026","indices":[44,67]}],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"corybernardi","name":"","id":80965423,"id_str":"80965423","indices":[3,16]}],"symbols":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"possibly_sensitive":false,"filter_level":"low","lang":"en","timestamp_ms":"1637566666722"}'
I've been using the script below to download technical videos for later analysis. The script has worked well for me and retrieves the highest resolution version available for the videos that I have needed.
Now I've come across a 4K YouTube video, and my script only saves an mp4 with 1280x720.
I'd like to know if there is a way to adjust my current script to download higher resolution versions of this video. I understand there are python packages that might address this, but right now I would like stick to this step-by-step method if possible.
above: info from Quicktime and OSX
length: 175 seconds
quality: hd720
type: video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2"
Last-Modified: Sun, 21 Aug 2016 10:41:48 GMT
Content-Type: video/mp4
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 16:50:16 GMT
Expires: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 16:50:16 GMT
Cache-Control: private, max-age=21294
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 35933033
Connection: close
Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Server: gvs 1.
import urlparse, urllib2
vid = "vzS1Vkpsi5k"
save_title = "YouTube SpaceX - Booster Number 4 - Thaicom 8 06-06-2016"
url_init = "" + vid
resp = urllib2.urlopen(url_init, timeout=10)
data =
info = urlparse.parse_qs(data)
title = info['title']
print "length: ", info['length_seconds'][0] + " seconds"
stream_map = info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'][0]
vid_info = stream_map.split(",")
mp4_filename = save_title + ".mp4"
for video in vid_info:
item = urlparse.parse_qs(video)
print 'quality: ', item['quality'][0]
print 'type: ', item['type'][0]
url_download = item['url'][0]
resp = urllib2.urlopen(url_download)
print resp.headers
length = int(resp.headers['Content-Length'])
my_file = open(mp4_filename, "w+")
done, i = 0, 0
buff =
while buff:
done += 1024
percent = done * 100.0 / length
buff =
if not i%1000:
percent = done * 100.0 / length
print str(percent) + "%"
i += 1
Ok, so I have not taken the time to get to the bottom of this. However, I did find that when you do:
stream_map = info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'][0]
Somehow you only get a selection of a single 720p option, one 'medium' and two 'small'.
However, if you change that line into:
stream_map = info['adaptive_fmts'][0]
you will get all the available versions, including the 2160p one. Thus, the 4K one.
PS: You'd have to comment out the print quality and print type command since those labels aren't always available in the new throughput. When commenting them out however, and adapting your script as explained above, I was able to successfully download the 4K version.
info ['adaptive_fmts'] [0]
returns the information of the whole video, but the url is not usable directly , but the bar of advancement
urllib.urlretrieve returns silently even if the file doesn't exist on the remote http server, it just saves a html page to the named file. For example:
urllib.urlretrieve('', 'abc.jpg')
just returns silently, even if abc.jpg doesn't exist on server, the generated abc.jpg is not a valid jpg file, it's actually a html page . I guess the returned headers (a httplib.HTTPMessage instance) can be used to actually tell whether the retrieval successes or not, but I can't find any doc for httplib.HTTPMessage.
Can anybody provide some information about this problem?
Consider using urllib2 if it possible in your case. It is more advanced and easy to use than urllib.
You can detect any HTTP errors easily:
>>> import urllib2
>>> resp = urllib2.urlopen("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
resp is actually HTTPResponse object that you can do a lot of useful things with:
>>> resp = urllib2.urlopen("")
>>> resp.code
>>> resp.headers["content-type"]
'text/html; charset=windows-1251'
I keep it simple:
# Simple downloading with progress indicator, by Cees Timmerman, 16mar12.
import urllib2
remote = r"http://some.big.file"
local = r"c:\downloads\bigfile.dat"
u = urllib2.urlopen(remote)
h =
totalSize = int(h["Content-Length"])
print "Downloading %s bytes..." % totalSize,
fp = open(local, 'wb')
blockSize = 8192 #100000 # urllib.urlretrieve uses 8192
count = 0
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk: break
count += 1
if totalSize > 0:
percent = int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize)
if percent > 100: percent = 100
print "%2d%%" % percent,
if percent < 100:
print "\b\b\b\b\b", # Erase "NN% "
print "Done."
if not totalSize:
According to the documentation is is undocumented
to get access to the message it looks like you do something like:
a, b=urllib.urlretrieve('', r'c:\abc.jpg')
b is the message instance
Since I have learned that Python it is always useful to use Python's ability to be introspective when I type
I see lots of methods or functions to play with
And then I started doing things with b
for example
Lists lots of interesting things, I suspect that playing around with these things will allow you to get the attribute you want to manipulate.
Sorry this is such a beginner's answer but I am trying to master how to use the introspection abilities to improve my learning and your questions just popped up.
Well I tried something interesting related to this-I was wondering if I could automatically get the output from each of the things that showed up in the directory that did not need parameters so I wrote:
for each in dir(b):
print x
You can create a new URLopener (inherit from FancyURLopener) and throw exceptions or handle errors any way you want. Unfortunately, FancyURLopener ignores 404 and other errors. See this question:
How to catch 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve
I ended up with my own retrieve implementation, with the help of pycurl it supports more protocols than urllib/urllib2, hope it can help other people.
import tempfile
import pycurl
import os
def get_filename_parts_from_url(url):
fullname = url.split('/')[-1].split('#')[0].split('?')[0]
t = list(os.path.splitext(fullname))
if t[1]:
t[1] = t[1][1:]
return t
def retrieve(url, filename=None):
if not filename:
garbage, suffix = get_filename_parts_from_url(url)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = '.' + suffix, delete=False)
filename =
f = open(filename, 'wb')
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, str(url))
c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, f.write)
filename = None
return filename
class MyURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
http_error_default = urllib.URLopener.http_error_default
url = ""
filename = "download.txt"
def reporthook(blockcount, blocksize, totalsize):
(f,headers)=MyURLopener().retrieve(url, filename, reporthook)
except Exception, e:
print e
:) My first post on StackOverflow, have been a lurker for years. :)
Sadly dir(urllib.urlretrieve) is deficient in useful information.
So from this thread thus far I tried writing this:
a,b = urllib.urlretrieve(imgURL, saveTo)
print "A:", a
print "B:", b
which produced this:
A: /home/myuser/targetfile.gif
B: Accept-Ranges: bytes
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: max-age=604800
Content-Type: image/gif
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 23:37:34 GMT
Etag: "4e1a5d9cc0857184df682518b9b0da33"
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:16:48 GMT
Server: ECS (hnd/057A)
Timing-Allow-Origin: *
X-Cache: HIT
Content-Length: 27027
Connection: close
I guess one can check:
if b.Content-Length > 0:
My next step is to test a scenario where the retrieve fails...
Results against another server/website - what comes back in "B" is a bit random, but one can test for certain values:
A: get_good.jpg
B: Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 00:44:19 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sat, 02 Jan 2016 09:17:21 GMT
ETag: "524cf9-18afe-528565aef9ef0"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 101118
Connection: close
Content-Type: image/jpeg
A: get_bad.jpg
B: Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 00:44:20 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 1363
X-Frame-Options: deny
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
In the 'bad' case (non-existing image file) "B" retrieved a small chunk of (Googlebot?) HTML code and saved it as the target, hence Content-Length of 1363 bytes.
Thanks for reading.
I am trying to read a streaming API feed that returns data in JSON format, and then storing this data to a pymongo collection. The streaming API requires a "Accept-Encoding" : "Gzip" header.
What's happening:
Code fails on json.loads and outputs - Extra data: line 2 column 1 - line 4 column 1 (char 1891 - 5597) (Refer Error Log below)
This does NOT happen while parsing every JSON object - it happens at random.
My guess is I am encountering some weird JSON object after every "x" proper JSON objects.
I did reference how to use pycurl if requested data is sometimes gzipped, sometimes not? and Encoding error while deserializing a json object from Google but so far have been unsuccessful at resolving this error.
Could someone please help me out here?
Error Log:
Note: The raw dump of the JSON object below is basically using the repr() method that prints the raw representation of the string without resolving CRLF/LF(s).
'{"id":",2005:207958320747782146","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"","link":"","displayName":"Death News 7/24","postedTime":"2012-02-16T01:30:12.000Z","image":"","summary":"Crashes, Murders, Suicides, Accidents, Crime and Naturals Death News From All Around World","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":56,"followersCount":14,"listedCount":1,"statusesCount":1029,"twitterTimeZone":null,"utcOffset":null,"preferredUsername":"Deathnews_7_24","languages":["tr"]},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2012-05-30T22:15:02.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"web","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"Kathi Kamen Goldmark, Writers\xe2\x80\x99 Catalyst, Dies at 63","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:207958320747782146","summary":"Kathi Kamen Goldmark, Writers\xe2\x80\x99 Catalyst, Dies at 63","link":"","postedTime":"2012-05-30T22:15:02.000Z"},"twitter_entities":{"urls":[{"display_url":"\xe2\x80\xa6","indices":[52,72],"expanded_url":"","url":""}],"hashtags":[],"user_mentions":[]},"gnip":{"language":{"value":"en"},"matching_rules":[{"value":"url_contains:","tag":null}],"klout_score":11,"urls":[{"url":"","expanded_url":""}]}}\r\n{"id":",2005:207958321003638785","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"","link":"","displayName":"Donald Ochs","postedTime":"2010-08-15T16:33:56.000Z","image":"","summary":"","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":10272,"followersCount":9698,"listedCount":30,"statusesCount":725,"twitterTimeZone":"Mountain Time (US & Canada)","utcOffset":"-25200","preferredUsername":"Mobanu","languages":["en"],"location":{"objectType":"place","displayName":"Crested Butte, Colorado"}},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2012-05-30T22:15:02.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"twitterfeed","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"Mobanu: Can Exercise Be Bad for You?: Researchers have found evidence that some people who exercise do worse on ...","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:207958321003638785","summary":"Mobanu: Can Exercise Be Bad for You?: Researchers have found evidence that some people who exercise do worse on ...","link":"","postedTime":"2012-05-30T22:15:02.000Z"},"twitter_entities":{"urls":[{"display_url":"","indices":[116,136],"expanded_url":"","url":""}],"hashtags":[],"user_mentions":[]},"gnip":{"language":{"value":"en"},"matching_rules":[{"value":"url_contains:","tag":null}],"klout_score":12,"urls":[{"url":"","expanded_url":""}]}}\r\n'
json exception: Extra data: line 2 column 1 - line 4 column 1 (char 1891 - 5597)
Header Output:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 22:14:48 UTC
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Encoding: gzip
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pycurl
import json
import pymongo
AUTH = "userid:passwd"
DB_HOST = ""
DB_NAME = "stream_test"
class StreamReader:
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
self.buff = ""
self.mongo = pymongo.Connection(DB_HOST)
self.db = self.mongo[DB_NAME]
self.raw_tweets = self.db["raw_tweets_gnip"]
self.conn = pycurl.Curl()
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, 'gzip')
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, STREAM_URL)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, AUTH)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.on_receive)
self.conn.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.header_rcvd)
while True:
except Exception as ex:
print "error ocurred : %s" % str(ex)
def header_rcvd(self, header_data):
print header_data
def on_receive(self, data):
temp_data = data
self.buff += data
if data.endswith("\r\n") and self.buff.strip():
tweet = json.loads(self.buff, encoding = 'UTF-8')
self.buff = ""
if tweet:
except Exception as insert_ex:
print "Error inserting tweet: %s" % str(insert_ex)
self.count += 1
if self.count % 10 == 0:
print "inserted "+str(self.count)+" tweets"
except Exception as json_ex:
print "json exception: %s" % str(json_ex)
print repr(temp_data)
stream = StreamReader()
Fixed Code:
def on_receive(self, data):
self.buff += data
if data.endswith("\r\n") and self.buff.strip():
# NEW: Split the buff at \r\n to get a list of JSON objects and iterate over them
json_obj = self.buff.split("\r\n")
for obj in json_obj:
if len(obj.strip()) > 0:
tweet = json.loads(obj, encoding = 'UTF-8')
except Exception as json_ex:
print "JSON Exception occurred: %s" % str(json_ex)
Try to paste your dumped string into jsbeatuifier.
You'll see that it's actually two json objects, not one, which json.loads can't deal with.
They are separated by \r\n, so it should be easy to split them.
The problem is that the data argument passed to on_receive doesn't neccessarily end with \r\n if it contains a newline. As this shows it also can be somewhere in the middle of the string, so only looking at the end of the data chunk won't be enough.
urllib.urlretrieve returns silently even if the file doesn't exist on the remote http server, it just saves a html page to the named file. For example:
urllib.urlretrieve('', 'abc.jpg')
just returns silently, even if abc.jpg doesn't exist on server, the generated abc.jpg is not a valid jpg file, it's actually a html page . I guess the returned headers (a httplib.HTTPMessage instance) can be used to actually tell whether the retrieval successes or not, but I can't find any doc for httplib.HTTPMessage.
Can anybody provide some information about this problem?
Consider using urllib2 if it possible in your case. It is more advanced and easy to use than urllib.
You can detect any HTTP errors easily:
>>> import urllib2
>>> resp = urllib2.urlopen("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
resp is actually HTTPResponse object that you can do a lot of useful things with:
>>> resp = urllib2.urlopen("")
>>> resp.code
>>> resp.headers["content-type"]
'text/html; charset=windows-1251'
I keep it simple:
# Simple downloading with progress indicator, by Cees Timmerman, 16mar12.
import urllib2
remote = r"http://some.big.file"
local = r"c:\downloads\bigfile.dat"
u = urllib2.urlopen(remote)
h =
totalSize = int(h["Content-Length"])
print "Downloading %s bytes..." % totalSize,
fp = open(local, 'wb')
blockSize = 8192 #100000 # urllib.urlretrieve uses 8192
count = 0
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk: break
count += 1
if totalSize > 0:
percent = int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize)
if percent > 100: percent = 100
print "%2d%%" % percent,
if percent < 100:
print "\b\b\b\b\b", # Erase "NN% "
print "Done."
if not totalSize:
According to the documentation is is undocumented
to get access to the message it looks like you do something like:
a, b=urllib.urlretrieve('', r'c:\abc.jpg')
b is the message instance
Since I have learned that Python it is always useful to use Python's ability to be introspective when I type
I see lots of methods or functions to play with
And then I started doing things with b
for example
Lists lots of interesting things, I suspect that playing around with these things will allow you to get the attribute you want to manipulate.
Sorry this is such a beginner's answer but I am trying to master how to use the introspection abilities to improve my learning and your questions just popped up.
Well I tried something interesting related to this-I was wondering if I could automatically get the output from each of the things that showed up in the directory that did not need parameters so I wrote:
for each in dir(b):
print x
You can create a new URLopener (inherit from FancyURLopener) and throw exceptions or handle errors any way you want. Unfortunately, FancyURLopener ignores 404 and other errors. See this question:
How to catch 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve
I ended up with my own retrieve implementation, with the help of pycurl it supports more protocols than urllib/urllib2, hope it can help other people.
import tempfile
import pycurl
import os
def get_filename_parts_from_url(url):
fullname = url.split('/')[-1].split('#')[0].split('?')[0]
t = list(os.path.splitext(fullname))
if t[1]:
t[1] = t[1][1:]
return t
def retrieve(url, filename=None):
if not filename:
garbage, suffix = get_filename_parts_from_url(url)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = '.' + suffix, delete=False)
filename =
f = open(filename, 'wb')
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, str(url))
c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, f.write)
filename = None
return filename
class MyURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
http_error_default = urllib.URLopener.http_error_default
url = ""
filename = "download.txt"
def reporthook(blockcount, blocksize, totalsize):
(f,headers)=MyURLopener().retrieve(url, filename, reporthook)
except Exception, e:
print e
:) My first post on StackOverflow, have been a lurker for years. :)
Sadly dir(urllib.urlretrieve) is deficient in useful information.
So from this thread thus far I tried writing this:
a,b = urllib.urlretrieve(imgURL, saveTo)
print "A:", a
print "B:", b
which produced this:
A: /home/myuser/targetfile.gif
B: Accept-Ranges: bytes
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: max-age=604800
Content-Type: image/gif
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 23:37:34 GMT
Etag: "4e1a5d9cc0857184df682518b9b0da33"
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:16:48 GMT
Server: ECS (hnd/057A)
Timing-Allow-Origin: *
X-Cache: HIT
Content-Length: 27027
Connection: close
I guess one can check:
if b.Content-Length > 0:
My next step is to test a scenario where the retrieve fails...
Results against another server/website - what comes back in "B" is a bit random, but one can test for certain values:
A: get_good.jpg
B: Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 00:44:19 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sat, 02 Jan 2016 09:17:21 GMT
ETag: "524cf9-18afe-528565aef9ef0"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 101118
Connection: close
Content-Type: image/jpeg
A: get_bad.jpg
B: Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 00:44:20 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 1363
X-Frame-Options: deny
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
In the 'bad' case (non-existing image file) "B" retrieved a small chunk of (Googlebot?) HTML code and saved it as the target, hence Content-Length of 1363 bytes.