I have two pandas dataframes as given below:
Name City Postal_Code State
James Phoenix 85003 AZ
John Scottsdale 85259 AZ
Jeff Phoenix 85003 AZ
Jane Scottsdale 85259 AZ
Postal_Code Income Category
85003 41038 Two
85259 104631 Four
I would like to insert two columns, Income and Category, to df1 by capturing the values for Income and Category from df2 corresponding to the postal_code for each row in df1.
The closest question that I could find in SO was this - Fill DataFrame row values based on another dataframe row's values pandas. But, the pd.merge solution does not solve the problem for me. Specifically, I used
All I got was nan values in the two new columns. Not sure whether this is because the no of rows for df1 and df2 are different. Any suggestions to solve this problem?
you just have the wrong how, use 'inner' instead. This matches where keys exist in both dataframes
df1.Postal_Code = df1.Postal_Code.astype(int)
df2.Postal_Code = df2.Postal_Code.astype(int)
Name City Postal_Code State Income Category
0 James Phoenix 85003 AZ 41038 Two
1 Jeff Phoenix 85003 AZ 41038 Two
2 John Scottsdale 85259 AZ 104631 Four
3 Jane Scottsdale 85259 AZ 104631 Four
I am working on two data-frames which have different column names and dimensions.
First data-frame "df1" contains single column "name" that has names need to be located in second data-frame. If matched, value from df2 first column df2[0] needs to be returned and added in the result_df
Second data-frame "df2" has multiple columns and no header. This contains all the possible diminutive names and full names. Any of the column can have the "name" that needs to be matched
Goal: Locate the name in "df1" in "df2" and if it is matched, return the value from first column of the df2 and add in the respective row of df1
The code i have written so far is giving error. I need to write it as an efficient code as it will be checking millions of entries in df1 with df2:
result_df = process_name(df1, df2)
def process_name(df1, df2):
for elem in df2.values:
if elem in df1['name']:
df1["matched_name"] = df2[0]
Try via concat(),merge(),drop() and rename() and reset_index() method:
df=(pd.concat((df1.merge(df2,left_on='name',right_on=x) for x in df2.columns))
Output of df:
name matched_name
0 robert robert
1 ab abram
2 alex alexander
3 bill william
4 bob robert
I have two dataframes that are being queried off two separate databases that share common characteristics, but not always the same characteristics, and I need to find a way to reliably join the two together.
As an example:
import pandas as pd
inp = [{'Name':'Jose', 'Age':12,'Location':'Frankfurt','Occupation':'Student','Mothers Name':'Rosy'}, {'Name':'Katherine','Age':23,'Location':'Maui','Occupation':'Lawyer','Mothers Name':'Amy'}, {'Name':'Larry','Age':22,'Location':'Dallas','Occupation':'Nurse','Mothers Name':'Monica'}]
df = pd.DataFrame(inp)
print (df)
Age Location Mothers Name Name Occupation
0 12 Frankfurt Rosy Jose Student
1 23 Maui Amy Katherine Lawyer
2 22 Dallas Monica Larry Nurse
inp2 = [{'Name': '','Occupation':'Nurse','Favorite Hobby':'Basketball','Mothers Name':'Monica'},{'Name':'Jose','Occupation':'','Favorite Hobby':'Sewing','Mothers Name':'Rosy'},{'Name':'Katherine','Occupation':'Lawyer','Favorite Hobby':'Reading','Mothers Name':''}]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(inp2)
Favorite Hobby Mothers Name Name Occupation
0 Basketball Monica Nurse
1 Sewing Rosy Jose
2 Reading Katherine Lawyer
I need to figure out a way to reliably join these two dataframes without the data always being consistent. To further complexify the problem, the two databases are not always the same length. Any ideas?
you can preform your merge on your possible column combinations and concat those dfs then merge your new df on the first (complete) df:
# do your three possible merges on 'Mothers Name', 'Name', and 'Occupation'
# then concat your dataframes
new_df = pd.concat([df.merge(df2, on=['Mothers Name', 'Name']),
df.merge(df2, on=['Name', 'Occupation']),
df.merge(df2, on=['Mothers Name', 'Occupation'])], sort=False)
# take the first dataframe, which is complete, and merge with your new_df and drop dups
df.merge(new_df[['Age', 'Location', 'Favorite Hobby']], on=['Age', 'Location']).drop_duplicates()
Age Location Mothers Name Name Occupation Favorite Hobby
0 12 Frankfurt Rosy Jose Student Sewing
2 23 Maui Amy Katherine Lawyer Reading
4 22 Dallas Monica Larry Nurse Basketball
This assumes that each rows age and location are unique
I have 3 dataframes as below
id first_name surname state
id given_name surname state street_num
17 John Doe NY 5
88 Tom Murphy CA 423
190 Dave Casey KY 250
id first_name family_name state car
1 John Woods NY ford
74 Tom Kite FL vw
2509 Mike Johnson KY toyota
Some id's from df1 are in df2 and others are in df3. There are also id's in df2 and df3 that are not in df1.
EDIT: there are also some id's in df1 that re not in either df2 or df3.
I want to fill the columns in df1 with the values in the dataframe containing the id. However, I do not want all columns (so i think merge is not suitable). I have tried to use the isin function but that way I could not update records individually and got an error. This was my attempt using isin:
df1.loc[df1.index.isin(df2.index), 'first_name'] = df2.given_name
Is there an easy way to do this without iterating through the dataframes checking if index matches?
I think you first need to rename your columns to align the DataFrames in concat and then reindex to filter by df1.index and df1.columns:
df21 = df2.rename(columns={'given_name':'first_name'})
df31 = df3.rename(columns={'family_name':'surname'})
df = pd.concat([df21, df31]).reindex(index=df1.index, columns=df1.columns)
print (df)
first_name surname state
1 John Woods NY
88 Tom Murphy CA
190 Dave Casey KY
2509 Mike Johnson KY
EDIT: If need intersection of indices only:
df4 = pd.concat([df21, df31])
df = df4.reindex(index=df1.index.intersection(df4.index), columns=df1.columns)
My question is similar to Pandas Merge - How to avoid duplicating columns but I cannot find a solution for the specific example below.
I have DateFrame df:
Customer Address
J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu
and Dataframe emails:
Name Email
J. Smith j.smith#myemail.com
I want to merge the two dataframes to produce:
Customer Address Email
J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu j.smith#myemail.com
I am using the following code:
data_names = {'Name':data_col[1], ...}
mapped_name = data_names['Name']
df = df.merge(emails, how='inner', left_on='Customer', right_on=mapped_name)
The result is:
Customer Address Email Name
J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu j.smith#myemail.com J. Smith
While I could just delete the column named mapped_name, there is the possibility that the mapped_name could be 'Customer' and in that case I dont want to remove both Customer columns.
Any ideas?
I think you can rename first column in email dataframe to Customer, how='inner' can be omit because default value:
emails.columns = ['Customer'] + emails.columns[1:].tolist()
df = df.merge(emails, on='Customer')
print (df)
Customer Address Email
0 J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu j.smith#myemail.com
And similar solution as another answer - is possible rename first column selected by [0]:
df = df.merge(emails.rename(columns={emails.columns[0]:'Customer'}), on='Customer')
print (df)
Customer Address Email
0 J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu j.smith#myemail.com
You can just rename your email name column to 'Customer' and then merge. This way, you don't need to worry about dropping the column at all.
df.merge(emails.rename(columns={mapped_name:'Customer'}), how='inner', on='Customer')
Customer Address Email
0 J. Smith 10 Sunny Rd Timbuktu j.smith#myemail.com
I have a dataframe df with two of the columns being 'city' and 'zip_code':
df = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['Cambridge','Washington','Miami','Cambridge','Miami',
'Washington'], 'zip_code': ['12345','67891','23457','','','']})
As shown above, a particular city contains zip code in one of the rows, but the zip_code is missing for the same city in some other row. I want to fill those missing values based on the zip_code values of that city in some other row. Basically, wherever there is a missing zip_code, it checks zip_code for that city in other rows, and if found, fills the value for zip_code.If not found, fills 'NA'.
How do I accomplish this task using pandas?
You can go for:
import numpy as np
df['zip_code'] = df.replace(r'', np.nan).groupby('city')['zip_code'].fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')
>>> df
city zip_code
0 Cambridge 12345
1 Washington 67891
2 Miami 23457
3 Cambridge 12345
4 Miami 23457
5 Washington 67891
You can check the string length using str.len and for those rows, filter the main df to those with valid zip_codes, set the index to those and call map on the 'city' column which will perform the lookup and fill those values:
In [255]:
df.loc[df['zip_code'].str.len() == 0, 'zip_code'] = df['city'].map(df[df['zip_code'].str.len() == 5].set_index('city')['zip_code'])
city zip_code
0 Cambridge 12345
1 Washington 67891
2 Miami 23457
3 Cambridge 12345
4 Miami 23457
5 Washington 67891
If your real data has lots of repeating values then you'll need to additionally call drop_duplicates first:
df.loc[df['zip_code'].str.len() == 0, 'zip_code'] = df['city'].map(df[df['zip_code'].str.len() == 5].drop_duplicates(subset='city').set_index('city')['zip_code'])
The reason you need to do this is because it'll raise an error if there are duplicate index entries
My suggestion would be to first create a dictonary that maps from the city to the zip code. You can create this dictionary from the one DataFrame.
And then you use that dictionary to fill in all missing zip code values.