Python exp operation for matrices - python

I have a matrix
x=np.mat('0.1019623; 0.1019623; 0.1019623')
and I want to find the exponential of every element and have it in a matrix of the same size. One way I found was by converting to array and proceed. However, this won't be a solution if we have, let's say, a 2x3 matrix. Is there a general solution?

The problem was with me using math.exp instead of np.exp.


how to get the inverse of distance matrix?

I have a huge distance matrix.
Example: (10000 * 10000)..
Is there an effective way to find a inverse matrix?
I've tried numpy's Inv() but it's too slow.
Is there a more effective way?
You can try using Singular Value Decomposition
Inverting the decomposed form might take less time.
You probably don't actually need the inverse matrix.
There are a lot of numeric techniques that let people solve matrix problems without computing the inverse. Unfortunately, you have not described what your problem is, so there is no way to know which of those techniques might be useful to you.
For such a large matrix (10k x 10k), you probably want to look for some kind of iterative technique. Alternately, it might be better to look for some way to avoid constructing such a large matrix in the first place -- e.g., try using the source data in some other way.

tensorflow gather then reduce_sum

Let's say I have a matrix M of size 10x5, and a set of indices ix of size 4x3. I want to do tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(M,ix),axis=1) which would give me a result of size 4x5. However, to do this, it creates an intermediate gather matrix of size 4x3x5. While at these small sizes this isn't a problem, if these sizes grow large enough, I get an OOM error. However, since I'm simply doing a sum over the 1st dimension, I never need to calculate the full matrix. So my question is, is there a way to calculate the end 4x5 matrix without going through the intermediate 4x3x5 matrix?
I think you can just multiply by sparse matrix -- I was searching if the two are internally equivalent then I landed on your post

Is there a way to tell what makes a particular numpy array singular?

I am trying to generate a few very large arrays, and at least one is ending up being singular, which is made obvious by this familiar error message:
File "C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\linalg\", line 90, in _raise_linalgerror_singular
raise LinAlgError("Singular matrix")
LinAlgError: Singular matrix
Of course I do not want my array to be singular, but I am more interested in determining WHY my array is singular. What I mean by this is that I would like to have a way to answer the following questions without manually checking each entry:
Is the array square? (I believe this is returned by a separate error message, which is convenient, but I'll include this as a singularity property anyway)
Are any rows populated only by zeros?
Are any columns populated only by zeros?
Are any rows not linearly independent of all other rows?
For relatively small arrays, the first two conditions are easily answered by visual inspection. However, because my arrays are substantially large, I do not want to have to go in and manually check each array element to see if any of those conditions are met.
I tried pulling up the script to see if I could see how it determines a matrix to be singular, but I could not tell how it determines a matrix to be singular.
(this paragraph was edited for clarity)
I also tried searching for info online, and nothing seemed to be of help. Most topics seemed to only answer some form of the following questions/objectives: 1) "I want Python to tell me if my matrix is singular" or 2) why is Python giving me this error message". Because I already know that my matrix/matrices are singular, neither of these two questions are of importance to me.
Again, I am not looking for an answer along the lines of, "Oh, well this particular matrix is singular because . . .". I am looking for a method I can use immediately on ANY singular matrix to determine (especially for large arrays) what is causing the singularity.
Is there a built-in Python function that does this, or is there some other relatively simple way to do this before I try to create a function that will do this for me?
Singular matrices have at least one eigenvalue equal to zero. You can create a diagonalizable singular matrix by starting from its eigenvalue decomposition:
A = V D V^{-1}
D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. So create any matrix V, the diagonal matrix D that has at least one zero in the diagonal, and then A will be singular.
The traditional way of checking is by computing an SVD. This is what the function numpy.linalg.matrix_rank uses to compute the rank, and you can then check if matrix_rank(M) == M.shape[0] (assuming a square matrix).
For more information, check out this excellent answer to a similar question for Matlab users.
The rank of the matrix will tell you how many rows aren't zero or linear combinations, but not specifically which ones. It's a relatively fast operation, so it might be useful as a first-pass check.

Array for Large Data

I need to form a 2D matrix with total size 2,886 X 2,003,817. I try to use numpy.zeros to make a 2D zero element matrix and then calculate and assign each element of Matrix (most of them are zero son I need to replace few of them).
but when I try to initialize my matrix I get the following memory error:
C=numpy.zeros((2886,2003817)) "MemoryError"
I also try to form the matrix without initialization. Basically I calculate the element of each row in each iteration of my algorithm and then
in which C is my final matrix and A is the calculated row at the current iteration. But I find out this method takes a lots of time, I am guessing it is because of using numpy.concatenate(?)
could you please let me know if there is a way to avoid memory error in initializing my matrix or is there any better method or suggestion to form the matrix in this size?
If your data has a lot of zeros in it, you should use scipy.sparse matrix.
It is a special data structure designed to save memory for matrices that have a lot of zeros. However, if your matrix is not that sparse, sparse matrices start to take up more memory. There are many kinds of sparse matrices, and each of them is efficient at one thing, while inefficient at another thing, so be careful with what you choose.

How to assemble large sparse matrices effectively in python/scipy

I am working on an FEM project using Scipy. Now my problem is, that
the assembly of the sparse matrices is too slow. I compute the
contribution of every element in dense small matrices (one for each
element). For the assembly of the global matrices I loop over all
small dense matrices and set the matrice entries the following way:
[i,j] = someList[k][l]
Mglobal[i,j] = Mglobal[i,j] + Mlocal[k,l]
Mglobal is a lil_matrice of appropriate size, someList maps the
indexing variables.
Of course this is rather slow and consumes most of the matrice
assembly time. Is there a better way to assemble a large sparse matrix
from many small dense matrices? I tried scipy.weave but it doesn't
seem to work with sparse matrices
I posted my response to the scipy mailing list; stack overflow is a bit easier
to access so I will post it here as well, albeit a slightly improved version.
The trick is to use the IJV storage format. This is a trio of three arrays
where the first one contains row indicies, the second has column indicies, and
the third has the values of the matrix at that location. This is the best way
to build finite element matricies (or any sparse matrix in my opinion) as access
to this format is really fast (just filling an an array).
In scipy this is called coo_matrix; the class takes the three arrays as an
argument. It is really only useful for converting to another format (CSR os
CSC) for fast linear algebra.
For finite elements, you can estimate the size of the three arrays by something
size = number_of_elements * number_of_basis_functions**2
so if you have 2D quadratics you would do number_of_elements * 36, for example.
This approach is convenient because if you have local matricies you definitely
have the global numbers and entry values: exactly what you need for building
the three IJV arrays. Scipy is smart enough to throw out zero entries, so
overestimating is fine.

