As the title says, I'm using networkX to represent some cell networks in Python.
The network is at the bottom of this post since it's a large image.
The reason I'm doing this is because some of theres nodes are considered "input" and some will be considered "output", and I need to be able to calculate the number of signal paths (the number of paths from input to output) that each node participates in. however, I don't think networkX offers edge directionality, which I believe is needed to calculate signal paths for nodes.
Does anyone know if its possible to add direction to edges in networkX, or if its possible to calculate signal paths without directionality?
Here's the code I wrote up until I realized I needed directional edges:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
molecules = ["CD40L", "CD40", "NF-kB", "XBP1", "Pax5", "Bach2", "Irf4", "IL-4",
"IL-4R", "STAT6", "AID", "Blimp1", "Bcl6", "ERK", "BCR", "STAT3", "Ag", "STAT5",
"IL-21R", "IL-21", "IL-2", "IL-2R"]
Bcl6_edges = [("Bcl6", "Bcl6"), ("Bcl6", "Blimp1"), ("Bcl6", "Irf4")]
STAT5_edges = [("STAT5", "Bcl6")]
edges = Bcl6_edges + STAT5_edges
Try G = nx.DiGraph() for a directed graph.
I'm trying to predict the possible future links or missing edges in a directed graph, that is, will there be links between any node pairs in the future?
This is the dataset I'm using right now :
data_train_edge.csv is used for training data, there are about 20,000 edges. (This is a directed network, so each node pair represents a directed edge. E.g., (361, 981) represents an edge from node 361 to node 981.)
predict.csv is the node pair (node1, node2) to be predicted. The third cloumn ans is the prediction result 0 or 1. (0 means there is no hidden edge for this node pair; otherwise the ans is 1.)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
df = pd.read_csv("data_train_edge.csv")
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from(df[['node1', 'node2']].values)
I just built a directed graph with the above code, but I'm not quite sure how to do link prediction. You can use any kind of prediction method such as Jaccard Coefficient, Adamic-Adar index, etc.
However, I think networkx does not support link prediction using directed graphs because of Errors. If directed graph really doesn't works, it can be implemented with undirected graphs.
It would be a great help if can provide the code or any tips! Thanks a lot.
I have a csr matrix from which I extracted data, rows, and columns.
I want to create a bipartite graph using NetworkX, and I also tried several solutions without success (as an example: Plot bipartite graph using networkx in Python). The reasons why it doesn't work, in my opinion, is a matter of labeling. My two sets and the nodes inside them have no string name.
For example in a 10x10 matrix, the rows/cols indexes represent the name of the nodes of the two sets, while the intersection of these nodes is the weighted link between those nodes.
In my case, then, if I have (0,0)=0.5 it doesn't mean that it is a self-loop; instead, the link with weight 0.5 connects the "node 0" of the first set with the "node 0" of the second one.
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def function(foo, n_row, n_col):
After the creation of the matrix, I obtain my data
weights = weights.tocsr()
wcoo = weights.tocoo()
m_data =
m_rows = wcoo.row
m_cols = wcoo.col
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_nodes_from(m_cols, bipartite=0)
g.add_nodes_from(m_rows, bipartite=1)
bi_m = bipartite.matrix.biadjacency_matrix(g, m_data)
g.add_weighted_edges_from(zip(m_cols, m_rows, m_data))
nx.draw(g, node_size=500)
I expected a bipartite graph with two sets of 10 nodes per each with a certain amount of weighted links among them (without link among the same set) as a result.
I, instead, obtained a classic non-oriented graph with 10 nodes in total.
At the same time, I'd like to optimize as well as I can my code to speed-up the computational time without affecting the readability.
I am trying to have nodes connect to a main node with different distances.
What I have so far:
import networkx as nx
G = nx.empty_graph( 3 , create_using= None)
Graph with equal distance to a main node
However, as it can be seen from the image, the distance between the node on either side have equal distance to the main node. Is there a way to have their distance to the main node different?
There are two parts to your question:
Part 1 - Distance between nodes:
In network theory, the distance between nodes is represented by the weight of the edge between them. So you can add all your edges with weights to your network with the following line:
G = nx.Graph()
You can randomize the weights on the edges above for random distance between nodes.
Part 2 - Network Visualization:
I understand that you're more concerned with how the network graph is shown. If you use nx.draw_random(G) you can get randomized distances between your nodes, and suggest that you save a picture when you get the desired figure, as it randomizes every time you run.
Hope it helps... :)
I have 1000 different names, each constituting a node. Each name can be connected with 0..1000 other names an unlimited amount of times. I would like to graph it in such a way that the distance between two nodes is inversely proportional to the number of times they are connected.
'node1' : ['node2','node2','node2','node2','node2','node3']
'node2' : ['node1','node1','node1','node1','node1']
'node3' : ['node1']
node1and node2 should huddle together and node3 should be further away.
Is that possible? Currently I'm graphing using the following code:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.Graph()
for k in grapharr:
for j in grapharr[k]:
nx.draw_networkx(G, **options)
grapharris a dict structure where the keys are nodes and the values are arrays containing the connections for the particular node.
It is impossible in the general case. Look at this graph:
Imagine that the central node has a thousand connections to each other, but 'square' nodes have only one connection between them. How will you draw them?
Anyway, you can set the connectivity level as edge weight and use force-directed layouts that will try to create the best layout (but not 100% optimal, of course). In networkx, there are:
graphviz_layout with prog='neato' parameter
Can the package NetworkX be used to draw complex network with weights given by a distribution, for example a power law? Then can I write a code to draw the weight distribution or strength distribution, or even further to draw the weighted average nearest neighbours degree of a node? then coloring each class of similar degrees, or similar strenghs, etc.
I have a large data of a complex network consisting of about 300 nodes, and data about individual egdes' weights. What is the best way to draw such a network?
Edges in networkx can use the special attribute 'weight' which can be used in a number of algorithms requiring weighted edges. You can use networkx drawing commands to take these weights into account (e.g., by the spring force in a spring embedded visualisation). Something like:
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = nx.Graph()
>>> # add nodes, edges, etc.
>>> nx.draw_spring(G)