My program gets deadlock after working about a half hour. I use global thread safe queue usernamesQueue = Queue(), main thread produces items to queue and wait for handling them:
print('processing file...')
with open('usernames') as f:
for line in f:
I start another threads like this:
for i in range(NUMBER_OF_WORKERS):
And handle values in queue like this:
def worker():
while True:
item = None
item = usernamesQueue.get()
if item is not None:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
processUser catch any exception that can be thrown and sure there weren't exceptions before deadlock. What's wrong?
There weren't problems with deadlock, it was in HTTPSConnection which by default doesn't have timeout or have very big, I added timeout 15 seconds and program works fine even when server doesn't want to respond.
I have written a program that I am using to benchmark a mongodb database performing under multithreaded bulk write conditions.
The problem is that the program hangs and does not finish executing.
I am quite sure that the problem is due to writing 530838 records to the database and using 10 threads to bulk write 50 records at a time. This leaves a modulo value of 38 records, however the run method fetches 50 records from the queue so the process hangs when 530800 records have been written and never writes the final 38 records as the following code never finishes executing
for object in range(50):
I would like the program to write 50 records at a time until fewer than 50 remain at which point it should write the remaining records in the queue and then exit the thread when no records remain in the queue.
Thanks in advance :)
import threading
import Queue
import json
from pymongo import MongoClient, InsertOne
import datetime
#Set the number of threads
n_thread = 10
#Create the queue
queue = Queue.Queue()
#Connect to the database
client = MongoClient("mongodb://")
db = client.threads
class ThreadClass(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue):
#Assign thread working with queue
self.queue = queue
def run(self):
while True:
objects = []
#Get next 50 objects from queue
for object in range(50):
#Insert the queued objects into the database
#signals to queue job is done
#Create number of processes
threads = []
for i in range(n_thread):
t = ThreadClass(queue)
#Start thread
#Start timer
starttime =
#Read json object by object
content = json.load(open("data.txt","r"))
for jsonobj in content:
#Put object into queue
#wait on the queue until everything has been processed
for t in threads:
#Print the total execution time
endtime =
duration = endtime-starttime
print(divmod(duration.days * 86400 + duration.seconds, 60))
From the docs on Queue.get you can see that the default settings are block=True and timeout=None, which results in blocked waiting on an empty queue to have a next item that can be taken.
You could use get_nowait or get(False) to ensure you're not blocking. If you want the blocking to be conditional on whether the queue has 50 items, whether it is empty, or other conditions, you can use Queue.empty and Queue.qsize, but note that they do not provide race-condition-proof guarantees of non-blocking behavior... they would merely be heuristics for whether to use block=False with get.
Something like this:
def run(self):
while True:
objects = []
#Get next 50 objects from queue
block = self.queue.qsize >= 50
for i in range(50):
item = self.queue.get(block=block)
except Queue.Empty:
#Insert the queued objects into the database
#signals to queue job is done
Another approach would be to set timeout and use a try ... except block to catch any Empty exceptions that are raised. This has the advantage that you can decide how long to wait, rather than heuristically guessing when to immediately return, but they are similar.
Also note that I changed your loop variable from object to i ... you should most likely avoid having your loop variable ghost the global object class.
i have this code in my main script for starting threads from an array. i have different code in python scripts for different threads to work from. there is 1 particular code that i don't understand why when i hit an exception it seems to hang the entire program/script i have...
import threading #(of course)
def start_threads(threads)
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
threads = []
thread1 = threading.Thread(target=start_test1,args=(self,))
thread1.daemon = True
thread2 = threading.Thread(target=start_test2,args=(self,))
thread2.daemon = True
So the code for thread1 will never cause my main program/script to halt when it hits any exceptions. for some reason the code in thread2 does. i am doing a try/except in the code for either thread so i don't know why thread2 wont return properly.
the code inside thread2 is similar to following:
print('starting thread2')
some_function(options, parameters, etc)
print('thread2 complete')
except Exception as e:
print('error running thread2')
print('msg: %s' % e)
I even added a "return" after the last print line in the exception, when i debug after the last print line in or if i place a return there, nothing happens, meaning walking the lines seem ok, but it never returns to my main code to exit program/script. i see the print messages on console, but my code should be exiting the main program with another message.
This is the problem I have: I'm using Python 2.7, and I have a code which runs in a thread, which has a critical region that only one thread should execute at the time. That code currently has no mutex mechanisms, so I wanted to inquire what I could use for my specific use case, which involves "dropping" of "queued" functions. I've tried to simulate that behavior with the following minimal working example:
useThreading=False # True
if useThreading: from threading import Thread, Lock
else: from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
mymutex = Lock()
import time
tstart = None
def processData(data):
#~ mymutex.acquire()
print('thread {0} [{1:.5f}] Do some stuff'.format(data, time.time()-tstart))
print('thread {0} [{1:.5f}] 1000'.format(data, time.time()-tstart))
print('thread {0} [{1:.5f}] done'.format(data, time.time()-tstart))
#~ mymutex.release()
# main:
tstart = time.time()
for ix in xrange(0,3):
if useThreading: t = Thread(target = processData, args = (ix,))
else: t = Process(target = processData, args = (ix,))
Now, if you run this code, you get a printout like this:
thread 0 [0.00173] Do some stuff
thread 1 [0.00403] Do some stuff
thread 2 [0.00642] Do some stuff
thread 0 [0.50261] 1000
thread 1 [0.50487] 1000
thread 2 [0.50728] 1000
thread 0 [1.00330] done
thread 1 [1.00556] done
thread 2 [1.00793] done
That is to say, the three threads quickly get "queued" one after another (something like 2-3 ms after each other). Actually, they don't get queued, they simply start executing in parallel after 2-3 ms after each other.
Now, if I enable the mymutex.acquire()/.release() commands, I get what would be expected:
thread 0 [0.00174] Do some stuff
thread 0 [0.50263] 1000
thread 0 [1.00327] done
thread 1 [1.00350] Do some stuff
thread 1 [1.50462] 1000
thread 1 [2.00531] done
thread 2 [2.00547] Do some stuff
thread 2 [2.50638] 1000
thread 2 [3.00706] done
Basically, now with locking, the threads don't run in parallel, but they run one after another thanks to the lock - as long as one thread is working, the others will block at the .acquire(). But this is not exactly what I want to achieve, either.
What I want to achieve is this: let's assume that when .acquire() is first triggered by a thread function, it registers an id of a function (say a pointer to it) in a queue. After that, the behavior is basically the same as with the Lock - while the one thread works, the others block at .acquire(). When the first thread is done, it goes in the finally: block - and here, I'd like to check to see how many threads are waiting in the queue; then I'd like to delete/drop all waiting threads except for the very last one - and finally, I'd .release() the lock; meaning that after this, what was the last thread in the queue would execute next. I'd imagine, I would want to write something like the following pseudocode:
if (len(mymutex.queue) > 2): # more than this instance plus one other waiting:
while (len(mymutex.queue) > 2):
mymutex.queue.pop(1) # leave alone [0]=this instance, remove next element
# at this point, there should be only queue[0]=this instance, and queue[1]= what was the last thread queued previously
mymutex.release() # once we releace, queue[0] should be gone, and the next in the queue should acquire the mutex/lock..
With that, I'd expect a printout like this:
thread 0 [0.00174] Do some stuff
thread 0 [0.50263] 1000
thread 0 [1.00327] done
# here upon lock release, thread 1 would be deleted - and the last one in the queue, thread 2, would acquire the lock next:
thread 2 [1.00350] Do some stuff
thread 2 [1.50462] 1000
thread 2 [2.00531] done
What would be the most straightforward way to achieve this in Python?
Seems like you want a queue-like behaviour, so why not use Queue?
import threading
from Queue import Queue
import time
# threads advertise to this queue when they're waiting
wait_queue = Queue()
# threads get their task from this queue
task_queue = Queue()
def do_stuff():
print "%s doing stuff" % str(threading.current_thread())
def queue_thread(sleep_time):
# advertise current thread waiting
# wait for permission to pass
message = task_queue.get()
print "%s got task: %s" % (threading.current_thread(), message)
# unregister current thread waiting
if message == "proceed":
# kill size-1 threads waiting
for _ in range(wait_queue.qsize() - 1):
# release last
if message == "die":
print "%s died without doing stuff" % threading.current_thread()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(1, ))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(2, ))
t3 = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(3, ))
t4 = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(4, ))
# allow first thread to pass
thread-1 arrives first and "acquires" the section, other threads come later to wait at the queue (and advertise they're waiting). Then, when thread-1 leaves it gives permission to the last thread at the queue by telling all other thread to die, and the last thread to proceed.
You can have finer control using different messages, a typical one would be a thread-id in the wait_queue (so you know who is waiting, and the order in which it arrived).
You can probably utilize non-blocking operations (queue.put(block=False) and queue.get(block=False)) in your favour when you're set on what you need.
Using Linux and Python 2.7.6, I have a script that uploads lots of files at one time. I am using multi-threading with the Queue and Threading modules.
I implemented a handler for SIGINT to stop the script if the user hits ctrl-C. I prefer to use daemon threads so I don't have to clear the queue, which would require alot of re-writing code to make the SIGINT handler have access to the Queue object since the handlers don't take parameters.
To make sure the daemon threads finish and clean up before sys.exit(), I am using threading.Event() and threading.clear() to make threads wait. This code seems to work as print threading.enumerate() only shows the main thread before the script terminates when I did debugging. Just to make sure, I was wondering if there is any kind of insight to this clean up implementation that I might be missing even though it seems to be working for me:
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
global kill_received
kill_received = True
msg = (
"\n\nYou pressed Ctrl+C!"
"\nYour logs and their locations are:"
"\n{}\n{}\n{}\n\n".format(debug, error, info))
threads = threading.Event()
while True:
threads_remaining = len(threading.enumerate())
print threads_remaining
if threads_remaining == 1:
def do_the_uploads(file_list, file_quantity,
retry_list, authenticate):
"""The uploading engine"""
value = raw_input(
"\nPlease enter how many concurent "
"uploads you want at one time(example: 200)> ")
value = int(value)'{} concurent uploads will be used.'.format(value))
confirm = raw_input(
"\nProceed to upload files? Enter [Y/y] for yes: ").upper()
if confirm == "Y":
kill_received = False
q = CustomQueue()
def worker():
global kill_received
while not kill_received:
item = q.get()
upload_file(item, file_quantity, retry_list, authenticate, q)
for i in range(value):
t = Thread(target=worker)
for item in file_list:
print "Finished. Cleaning up processes...",
#Allowing the threads to cleanup
def upload_file(file_obj, file_quantity, retry_list, authenticate, q):
"""Uploads a file. One file per it's own thread. No batch style. This way if one upload
fails no others are effected."""
absolute_path_filename, filename, dir_name, token, url = file_obj
url = url + dir_name + '/' + filename
with open(absolute_path_filename) as f:
r = requests.put(url, data=f, headers=header_collection, timeout=20)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
if src_md5 == r.headers['etag']:
If you want to handle Ctrl+C; it is enough to handle KeyboardInterrupt exception in the main thread. Don't use global X in a function unless you do X = some_value in it. Using time.sleep(4) to allow the threads to cleanup is a code smell. You don't need it.
I am using threading.Event() and threading.clear() to make threads wait.
This code has no effect on your threads:
# create local variable
threads = threading.Event()
# clear internal flag in it (that is returned by .is_set/.wait methods)
Don't call from a signal handler in a multithreaded program. It might deadlock your program. Only a limited set of functions can be called from a signal handler. The safe option is to set a global flag in it and exit:
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
global kill_received
kill_received = True
# return (no more code)
The signal might be delayed until q.join() returns. Even if the signal were delivered immediately; q.get() blocks your child threads. They hang until the main thread exits. To fix both issues, you could use a sentinel to signal child processes that there are no more work, drop the signal handler completely in this case:
def worker(stopped, queue, *args):
for item in iter(queue.get, None): # iterate until queue.get() returns None
if not stopped.is_set(): # a simple global flag would also work here
upload_file(item, *args)
break # exit prematurely
# do child specific clean up here
# start threads
q = Queue.Queue()
stopped = threading.Event() # set when threads should exit prematurely
threads = set()
for _ in range(number_of_threads):
t = Thread(target=worker, args=(stopped, q)+other_args)
t.daemon = True
# provide work
for item in file_list:
for _ in threads:
q.put(None) # put sentinel to signal the end
while threads: # until there are alive child threads
for t in threads:
t.join(.3) # use a timeout to get KeyboardInterrupt sooner
if not t.is_alive():
threads.remove(t) # remove dead
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print("got Ctrl+C (SIGINT) or exit() is called")
stopped.set() # signal threads to exit gracefully
I've renamed value to number_of_threads. I've used explicit threads set
If an individual upload_file() blocks then the program won't exit on Ctrl-C.
Your case seems to be simple enough for multiprocessing.Pool interface:
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from functools import partial
def do_uploads(number_of_threads, file_list, **kwargs_for_upload_file):
process_file = partial(upload_file, **kwargs_for_upload_file)
pool = ThreadPool(number_of_threads) # number of concurrent uploads
for _ in pool.imap_unordered(process_file, file_list):
pass # you could report progress here
pool.close() # no more additional work
pool.join() # wait until current work is done
It should gracefully exit on Ctrl-C i.e., uploads that are in progress are allowed to finish but new uploads are not started.
I have some producer function which rely on I/O heavy blocking calls and some consumer functions which too rely on I/O heavy blocking calls. In order to speed them up, I used the Gevent micro-threading library as glue.
Here's what my paradigm looks like:
import gevent
from gevent.queue import *
import time
import random
q = JoinableQueue()
workers = []
producers = []
def do_work(wid, value):
print 'Task', value, 'done', wid
def worker(wid):
while True:
item = q.get()
print "Got item %s" % item
do_work(wid, item)
print "No more items"
def producer():
while True:
item = random.randint(1, 11)
if item == 10:
print "Signal Received"
print "Added item %s" % item
for i in range(4):
workers.append(gevent.spawn(worker, random.randint(1, 100000)))
#This doesnt work.
for j in range(2):
#Uncommenting this makes this script work.
I have four consumer and would like to have two producers. The producers exit when they a signal i.e. 10. The consumers keep feeding off this queue and the whole task finishes when the producers and consumers are over.
However, this doesn't work. If I comment out the for loop which spawns multiple producers and use only a single producer, the script runs fine.
I can't seem to figure out what I've done wrong.
Any ideas?
You don't actually want to quit when the queue has no unfinished work, because conceptually that's not when the application should finish.
You want to quit when the producers have finished, and then when there is no unfinished work.
# Wait for all producers to finish producing
# *Now* we want to make sure there's no unfinished work
# We don't care about workers. We weren't paying them anything, anyways
# And, we're done.
I think it does q.join() before anything is put in the queue and exits immediately. Try joining all producers before joining queue.
What you want do to is to block the main program while the producers and workers communicate. Blocking on the queue will wait until the queue is empty and then yield, which could be immediately. Put this at the end of your program instead of q.join()
I have met same issues like yours. The main problem with your code was that your producer has been spawned in gevent thread which make worker couldn't get task immediately.
I suggest that you should run producer() in the main process not spawn in gevent thread When the process run met the producer which could push the task immediately.
import gevent
from gevent.queue import *
import time
import random
q = JoinableQueue()
workers = []
producers = []
def do_work(wid, value):
print 'Task', value, 'done', wid
def worker(wid):
while True:
item = q.get()
print "Got item %s" % item
do_work(wid, item)
print "No more items"
def producer():
while True:
item = random.randint(1, 11)
if item == 10:
print "Signal Received"
print "Added item %s" % item
for i in range(4):
workers.append(gevent.spawn(worker, random.randint(1, 100000)))
Codes above make sense.. :)