I have a 3D numpy array A of shape (2133, 3, 3). Basically this is a list of 2133 lists with three 3D points. Furthermore I have a function which takes three 3D points and returns one 3D point, x = f(a, b, c), with a, b, c, x numpy arrays of length 3. Now I want to apply f to A, so that the output is an array of shape (2133, 3). So something like numpy.array([f(*A[0]),...,f(*A[2132])).
I tried numpy.apply_along_axis and numpy.vectorize without success.
To be more precise the function f I consider is given by:
def f(a, b, c, r1, r2=None, r3=None):
a = np.asarray(a)
b = np.asarray(b)
c = np.asarray(c)
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.matrix([a, b, c])) != 3:
# raise ValueError('The points are not collinear.')
return None
a, b, c, = sort_triple(a, b, c)
if any(r is None for r in (r2, r3)):
r2, r3 = (r1, r1)
ex = (b - a) / (np.linalg.norm(b - a))
i = np.dot(ex, c - a)
ey = (c - a - i*ex) / (np.linalg.norm(c - a - i*ex))
ez = np.cross(ex, ey)
d = np.linalg.norm(b - a)
j = np.dot(ey, c - a)
x = (pow(r1, 2) - pow(r2, 2) + pow(d, 2)) / (2 * d)
y = ((pow(r1, 2) - pow(r3, 2) + pow(i, 2) + pow(j, 2)) / (2*j)) - ((i/j)*x)
z_square = pow(r1, 2) - pow(x, 2) - pow(y, 2)
if z_square >= 0:
z = np.sqrt(z_square)
intersection = a + x * ex + y*ey + z*ez
return intersection
A = np.array([[[131.83, 25.2, 0.52], [131.51, 22.54, 0.52],[133.65, 23.65, 0.52]], [[13.02, 86.98, 0.52], [61.02, 87.12, 0.52],[129.05, 87.32, 0.52]]])
r1 = 1.7115
Thanks to the great help of #jdehesa I was able to produce an alternative solution to the one given by #hpaulj. I am not sure if this solution is the most elegant one but it worked so far. Comments are appreciated.
def sort_triple(a, b, c):
pts = np.stack((a, b, c), axis=1)
xSorted = pts[np.arange(pts.shape[0])[:, None], np.argsort(pts[:, :, 0])]
orientation = np.cross(xSorted[:, 1] - xSorted[:, 0], xSorted[:, 2] -
xSorted[:, 0])[:, 2] >= 0
xSorted_flipped = np.stack((xSorted[:, 0], xSorted[:, 2], xSorted[:, 1]),
xSorted = np.where(orientation[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], xSorted,
return map(np.squeeze, np.split(xSorted, 3, axis=1))
def f(A, r1, r2=None, r3=None):
a, b, c = map(np.squeeze, np.split(A, 3, axis=1))
a, b, c = sort_triple(a, b, c)
if any(r is None for r in (r2, r3)):
r2, r3 = (r1, r1)
ex = (b - a) / (np.linalg.norm(b - a, axis=1))[:, np.newaxis]
i = inner1d(ex, (c - a))
ey = ((c - a - i[:, np.newaxis]*ex) /
(np.linalg.norm(c - a - i[:, np.newaxis]*ex, axis=1))[:, np.newaxis])
ez = np.cross(ex, ey)
d = np.linalg.norm(b - a, axis=1)
j = inner1d(ey, c - a)
x = (np.square(r1) - np.square(r2) + np.square(d)) / (2 * d)
y = ((np.square(r1) - np.square(r3) + np.square(i) + np.square(j)) / (2*j) -
z_square = np.square(r1) - np.square(x) - np.square(y)
mask = z_square < 0
z_square[mask] *= 0
z = np.sqrt(z_square)
z[mask] = np.nan
intersection = (a + x[:, np.newaxis] * ex + y[:, np.newaxis] * ey +
z[:, np.newaxis] * ez)
return intersection
Probably the map parts in each function could be done better. Maybe also the excessive use of np.newaxis.
This works fine (after commenting out sort_triple):
res = [f(*row,r1) for row in A]
[array([ 132.21182324, 23.80481826, 1.43482849]), None]
That looks like one row produced a (3,) array, the other had some sort of problem and produced None. I don't know if that None was due to removing the sort or not. But in any case, turning a mix of arrays and None back into an array would be a problem. If all items of res were matching arrays, we could stack them back into a 2d array.
There are ways of getting modest speed improvements (compared to this list comprehension). But with a complex function like this, the time spent in the function (called 2000 times) dominates the time spent by the iteration mechanism.
And since you are iterating on the 1st dimension, and passing the other 2 (as 3 arrays), this explicit loop is a lot easier to use than vectorize, frompyfunc or apply_along/over...
To get significant time savings you have to write f() to work with the 3d array directly.
I am currently to new to sympy and I am trying to reproduce the Mathematica example in the attached image in Python. My attempt is written below but it returns an empty list
import sympy
m , n, D_star, a, j = sympy.symbols('m , n, D_star, a, j')
s1 = sympy.Sum(a**(j-1),(j, 1, m-1))
rhs = 6 * sympy.sqrt((D_star * (1 + a)*(n - 1))/2)
expand_expr = sympy.solve(s1 - rhs, m)
temp = sympy.lambdify((a, n, D_star), expand_expr, 'numpy')
n = 100
a = 1.2
D_star = 2.0
ms = temp(1.2, 100, 2.0)
# what I get is an empty list []
# expected answer using Mma FindRoot function is 17.0652
Adding .doit() to expand the sum seems to help. It gives Piecewise((m - 1, Eq(a, 1)), ((a - a**m)/(1 - a), True))/a for the sum in s1.
from sympy import symbols, Eq, Sum, sqrt, solve, lambdify
m, n, j, a, D_star = symbols('m n j a D_star')
s1 = Sum(a**(j - 1), (j, 1, m - 1)).doit()
rhs = 6 * sqrt((D_star * (1 + a) * (n - 1)) / 2)
expand_expr = solve(Eq(s1, rhs), m)
temp = lambdify((a, n, D_star), expand_expr, 'numpy')
n = 100
a = 1.2
D_star = 2.0
ms = temp(1.2, 100, 2.0)
This gives for expand_expr:
[Piecewise((log(a*(3*sqrt(2)*a*sqrt(D_star*(a*n - a + n - 1)) - 3*sqrt(2)*sqrt(D_star*(a*n - a + n - 1)) + 1))/log(a), Ne(a, 1)), (nan, True)),
Piecewise((3*sqrt(2)*a*sqrt(D_star*(a*n - a + n - 1)) + 1, Eq(a, 1)), (nan, True))]
which separates into a != 1 and a == 1.
The result of ms gives [array(17.06524172), array(nan)], again in a bit awkward way to separate a hypothetical a == 1.
I have to compute {sin, cos}(arctan2(x)) on a regular basis. These expressions have much cheaper equivalents, namely
import numpy as np
a, b = np.random.rand(2)
print(np.cos(np.arctan2(b, a)))
print(a / np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2))
# or a / np.hypot(a, b)
print(np.sin(np.arctan2(b, a)))
print(b / np.hypot(a, b))
Unfortunately, for the important border case a == b == 0.0, the alternative yields and error and gives nan. I'd like to avoid both.
Is there a specialized function that computes {sin, cos}(arctan2(x)) or perhaps another more appropriate expression? Like the above, it needs to work for scalar and vector inputs.
One possible trick to get around this issue is to just add a small epsilon to the values when you are dividing by zero.
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(10)
b = np.random.rand(10)
a[0] = 0
b[0] = 0
eps = 1e-9
p1 = np.cos(np.arctan2(b, a))
p2 = (a+eps) / ((np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2))+eps)
print(np.allclose(p1, p2))
p1 = np.sin(np.arctan2(b, a))
p2 = b / (np.hypot(a, b)+eps)
print(np.allclose(p1, p2))
This seems more of a direct question. I will generalize it a bit at the end.
I am trying to this function in numpy. I have been successful using nested for loops but I can't think of a numpy way to do it.
My way of implementation:
bs = 10 # batch_size
nb = 8 # number of bounding boxes
nc = 15 # number of classes
bbox = np.random.random(size=(bs, nb, 4)) # model output bounding boxes
p = np.random.random(size=(bs, nb, nc)) # model output probability
p = softmax(p, axis=-1)
s_rand = np.random.random(size=(nc, nc))
s = (s_rand + s_rand.T)/2 # similarity matrix
pp = np.random.random(size=(bs, nb, nc)) # proposed probability
pp = softmax(pp, axis=-1)
first_term = 0
for b in range(nb):
for b_1 in range(nb):
if b_1 == b:
for l in range(nc):
for l_1 in range(nc):
first_term += (s[l, l_1] * (pp[:, b, l] - pp[:, b_1, l_1])**2)
second_term = 0
for b in range(nb):
for l in range(nc):
second_term += (np.linalg.norm(s[l, :], ord=1) * (pp[:, b, l] - p[:, b, l])**2)
second_term *= nb
epsilon = 0.5
output = ((1 - epsilon) * first_term) + (epsilon * second_term)
I have tried hard to remove the loops and use np.tile and np.repeat instead, in order to achieve the task. But can't think of a possible way.
I have tried searching google for finding exercises like such which can help me learn such conversions in numpy but wasn't successful.
P_hat.shape is (B,L), S.shape is (L,L), P.shape is (B,L).
array_before_sum = S[None,:,None,:]*(P_hat[:,:,None,None]- P_hat[None,None,:,:])**2
array_after_sum = array_before_sum.sum(axis=(1,3))
array_sum_again = (array_after_sum*(1-np.ones((B,B)))).sum()
first_term = (1-epsilon)*array_sum_again
second_term = epsilon*(B*np.abs(S).sum(axis=1)[None,:]*(P_hat - P)**2).sum()
I think you can do both with einsum
first_term = np.einsum('km, ijklm -> i', s, (pp[..., None, None] - pp[:, None, None, ...])**2 )
second_term = np.einsum('k, ijk -> i', np.linalg.norm(s, axis = 1), (pp - p)**2 )
Now there's a problem: that ijklm tensor in first_term is going to get huge if nb and nc get large. You should probably distribute it so that you get 3 smaller tensors:
first_term = np.einsum('km, ijk, ijk -> i', s, pp, pp) +\
np.einsum('km, ilm, ilm -> i', s, pp, pp) -\
2 * np.einsum('km, ijk, ilm -> i', s, pp, pp)
This takes advantage of the fact that (a-b)**2 = a**2 + b**2 - 2ab to allow you to break the problem into three parts that can each be done in one step with the dot product
Maximally optimized code: (removal of first two loops is inspired from L.Iridium's answer)
squared_diff = (pp[:, :, None, :, None] - pp[:, None, :, None, :]) ** 2
weighted_diff = s * squared_diff
b_eq_b_1_removed = b.sum(axis=(3,4)) * (1 - np.eye(nb))
first_term = b_eq_b_1_removed.sum(axis=(1,2))
normalized_s = np.linalg.norm(s, ord=1, axis=1)
squared_diff = (pp - p)**2
second_term = nb * (normalized_s * squared_diff).sum(axis=(1,2))
loss = ((1 - epsilon) * first_term) + (epsilon * second_term)
Timeit track:
512 µs ± 13 µs per loop
Timeit track of code posted in question:
62.5 ms ± 197 µs per loop
That's a huge improvement.
I implemented Conjugate Gradient in python by looking into the Wikipedia reference - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method
The implementation should solve for
ax = b
my application inputs goes as below,
a = <400x400 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 1920 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
b = vector of shape (400, ) and dtype = float64
x = vector of random numbers of shape (400, )
Here is my implementation -
def ConjGrad(a, b, x):
r = (b - np.dot(np.array(a), x));
p = r;
rsold = np.dot(r.T, r);
for i in range(len(b)):
a_p = np.dot(a, p);
alpha = rsold / np.dot(p.T, a_p);
x = x + (alpha * p);
r = r - (alpha * a_p);
rsnew = np.dot(r.T, r);
if (np.sqrt(rsnew) < (10 ** -5)):
p = r + ((rsnew / rsold) * p);
rsold = rsnew;
return p
When i call the above CG function, i get an error within the function for the line -
r = (b - np.dot(np.array(a), x));
The error goes like this -
NotImplementedError: subtracting a sparse matrix from a nonzero scalar is
not supported
At run time, below are the properties of variables within the CG function -
np.dot(np.array(a), x).shape
I wonder why the subtraction is not happenning???
I tested the same function with the sample input arguments below and it worked fine.
a = np.array([[3, 2, -1], [2, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1]]) # 3X3 symmetric matrix
b = (np.array([1, -2, 0])[np.newaxis]).T # 3X1 matrix
x = (np.array([0, 1, 2])[np.newaxis]).T
Can someone please tell me why its not working for a sparse matrix?
When multiplying a sparsa matrix by a array you should not use: np.dot(np.array(a), x)) but a.dot(x). See the documentation below:
Follows a correct routine:
def conjGrad(A,x,b,tol,N):
r = b - A.dot(x)
p = r.copy()
for i in range(N):
Ap = A.dot(p)
alpha = np.dot(p,r)/np.dot(p,Ap)
x = x + alpha*p
r = b - A.dot(x)
if np.sqrt(np.sum((r**2))) < tol:
print('Itr:', i)
beta = -np.dot(r,Ap)/np.dot(p,Ap)
p = r + beta*p
return x
Starting with:
B[z,b] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * np.abs(z - b +x))
B[a,z] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * np.abs(a - z +x))
this produces an n*n grid that acts as a matrix.
n is just a number chosen to represent the indices, i.e. an a*b matrix where a and b both go up to n.
Where z is a constant I choose to replace a row and column with the B[z,b] and B[a,z] formulas. (Essentially the same formula but with a small number added to the np.abs(a-b))
The diagonal of the matrix is given by the bottom line:
I would like to repeat this code 50 times where the only thing that changes is x so I will end up with 50 versions of the B np.ogrid. x is a randomly generated number between -0.8 and 0.8 each time.
I want to generate 50 versions of B with random values of x each time and take a geometric average of the 50 versions of B using the definition:
def geo_mean(y):
y = np.asarray(y)
return np.prod(y ** (1.0 / y.shape[0]), axis=-1)
I have tried to set B as a function of some index and then use a for _ in range(): loop, this doesn't work. Aside from copy and pasting the block 50 times and denoting each one as B1, B2, B3 etc; I can't think of another way of working this out.
I'm now using part of a given solution in order to show clearly what I am looking for:
#A matrix with 50 random values between -0.8 and 0.8 to be used in the loop
X=np.random.uniform(-0.8,0.8, (50,1))
#constructing the base array before modification by random x values in position z
a,b = np.ogrid[0:n+1:1,0:n+1:1]
B = np.exp(1j * ( np.pi / 3) * np.abs( a - b ))
B[diag,diag] = 1 - 1j / np.sqrt(3)
#list to store all modified arrays
randomarrays = []
for i in range( 0,50 ):
#copy array and modify it
Bnew = np.copy( B )
Bnew[z, b] = np.exp( 1j * ( np.pi / 3 ) * np.abs(z - b + X[i]))
Bnew[a, z] = np.exp( 1j * ( np.pi / 3 ) * np.abs(a - z + X[i]))
Bstack = np.dstack(randomarrays)
#calculate the geometric mean value along the axis that was the row in 2D arrays
B0 = geo_mean(Bstack)
From this example, every iteration of i uses the same value of X, I can't seem to get a way to get each new loop of i to use the next value in the matrix X. I am unsure of the ++ action in python, I know it does not work in python, I just don't know how to use the python equivalent. I want a loop to use a value of X, then the next loop to use the next value and so on and so forth so I can dstack all the matrices at the end and find a geo_mean for each element in the stacked matrices.
One pedestrian way would be to use a list comprehension or generator expression:
>>> def f(n, z, x):
... diag = np.arange(n+1)
... a,b=np.ogrid[0:n+1:1,0:n+1:1]
... B=np.exp(1j*(np.pi/3)*np.abs(a-b))
... B[z,b] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * np.abs(z - b +x))
... B[a,z] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * np.abs(a - z +x))
... B[diag,diag]=1-1j/np.sqrt(3)
... return B
>>> X = np.random.uniform(-0.8, 0.8, (10,))
>>> np.prod((*map(np.power, map(f, 10*(4,), 10*(2,), X), 10 * (1/10,)),), axis=0)
But in your concrete example we can do much better than that;
using the identity exp(a) x exp(b) = exp(a + b) we can convert the geometric mean after exponentiation to an arithmetic mean before exponentition. A bit of care is required because of the multivaluedness of the complex n-th root which occurs in the geometric mean. In the code below we normalize the angles occurring to range -pi, pi so as to always hit the same branch as the n-th root.
Please also note that the geo_mean function you provide is definitely wrong. It fails the basic sanity check that taking the average of copies of the same thing should return the same thing. I've provided a better version. It is still not perfect, but I think there actually is no perfect solution, because of the nonuniqueness of the complex root.
Because of this I recommend taking the average before exponentiating. As long as your random spread is less than pi this allows a well-defined averaging procedure with an average that is actually close to the samples
import numpy as np
def f(n, z, X, do_it_pps_way=True):
X = np.asanyarray(X)
diag = np.arange(n+1)
X = X.reshape(-1,1,1)
if do_it_pps_way:
zbx = np.mean(np.abs(z-b+X), axis=0)
azx = np.mean(np.abs(a-z+X), axis=0)
zbx = np.mean((np.abs(z-b+X)+3) % 6 - 3, axis=0)
azx = np.mean((np.abs(a-z+X)+3) % 6 - 3, axis=0)
B[z,b] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * zbx)
B[a,z] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi/3) * azx)
return B
def geo_mean(y):
y = np.asarray(y)
dim = len(y.shape)
y = np.atleast_2d(y)
v = np.prod(y, axis=0) ** (1.0 / y.shape[0])
return v[0] if dim == 1 else v
def geo_mean_correct(y):
y = np.asarray(y)
return np.prod(y ** (1.0 / y.shape[0]), axis=0)
# demo that orig geo_mean is wrong
B = np.exp(1j * np.random.random((5, 5)))
# the mean of four times the same thing should be the same thing:
if not np.allclose(B, geo_mean([B, B, B, B])):
print('geo_mean failed')
if np.allclose(B, geo_mean_correct([B, B, B, B])):
print('but geo_mean_correct works')
n, z, m = 10, 3, 50
X = np.random.uniform(-0.8, 0.8, (m,))
B0 = f(n, z, X, do_it_pps_way=False)
B1 = np.prod((*map(np.power, map(f, m*(n,), m*(z,), X), m * (1/m,)),), axis=0)
B2 = geo_mean_correct([f(n, z, x) for x in X])
# This is the recommended way:
B_recommended = f(n, z, X, do_it_pps_way=True)
print(np.allclose(B1, B0))
print(np.allclose(B2, B1))
I think you should rely more on numpy functionality, when approaching your problem. Not a numpy expert myself, so there is surely room for improvement:
from scipy.stats import gmean
n = 2
z = 1
a = np.arange(n + 1).reshape(1, n + 1)
#constructing the base array before modification by random x values in position z
B = np.exp(1j * (np.pi / 3) * np.abs(a - a.T))
B[a, a] = 1 - 1j / np.sqrt(3)
#list to store all modified arrays
random_arrays = []
for _ in range(50):
#generate random x value
x=np.random.uniform(-0.8, 0.8)
#copy array and modify it
B_new = np.copy(B)
B_new[z, a] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi / 3) * np.abs(z - a + x))
B_new[a, z] = np.exp(1j * (np.pi / 3) * np.abs(a - z + x))
#store all B arrays as a 3D array
B_stack = np.stack(random_arrays)
#calculate the geometric mean value along the axis that was the row in 2D arrays
geom_mean_for_rows = gmean(B_stack, axis = 2)
It uses the geometric mean function from scipy.stats module to have a vectorised approach for this calculation.