Having trouble parsing a .CSV file into a dict - python

I've done some simple .csv parsing in python but have a new file structure that's giving me trouble. The input file is from a spreadsheet converted into a .CSV file. Here is an example of the input:
Each set can have many layouts, and each layout can have many layers. Each layer has only one layer and name.
Here is the code I am using to parse it in. I suspect it's a logic/flow control problem because I've parsed things in before, just not this deep. The first header row is skipped via code. Any help appreciated!
import csv
import pprint
def import_layouts_schema(layouts_schema_file_name = 'C:\\layouts\\LAYOUT1.csv'):
class set_template:
def __init__(self):
self.set_name =''
self.layout_name =''
self.layer_name =''
self.obj_name =''
def check_layout(st, row, layouts_schema):
if st.layout_name == '':
st.layer_name = row[c+2]
st.obj_name = row[c+3]
layer = {st.layer_name : st.obj_name}
layout = {st.layout_name : layer}
layouts_schema.update({st.set_name : layout})
st.layout_name = row[c+1]
st.layer_name = row[c+2]
st.obj_name = row[c+3]
layer = {st.layer_name : st.obj_name}
layout = {st.layout_name : layer}
layouts_schema.update({st.set_name : layout})
return layouts_schema
def layouts_schema_parsing(obj_list_raw1): #, location_categories, image_schema, set_location):
#------ init -----------------------------------
skipfirst = True
c = 0
firstrow = True
layouts_schema = {}
end_flag = ''
st = set_template()
#---------- start parsing here -----------------
print('Now parsing layouts schema list')
for row in obj_list_raw1:
#print ('This is the row: ', row)
if skipfirst==True:
if row[c] != '':
st.set_name = row[c]
st.layout_name = row[c+1]
st.layer_name = row[c+2]
st.obj_name = row[c+3]
print('FOUND A NEW SET. SET details below:')
print('Set name:', st.set_name, 'Layout name:', st.layout_name, 'Layer name:', st.layer_name, 'Object name:', st.obj_name)
if firstrow == True:
print('First row of layouts import!')
layer = {st.layer_name : st.obj_name}
layout = {st.layout_name : layer}
layouts_schema = {st.set_name : layout}
firstrow = False
check_layout(st, row, layouts_schema)
elif firstrow == False:
print('Not the first row of layout import')
layer = {st.layer_name : st.obj_name}
layout = {st.layout_name : layer}
layouts_schema.update({st.set_name : layout})
check_layout(st, row, layouts_schema)
return layouts_schema
#begin subroutine main
layouts_schema_file_name ='C:\\Users\\jason\\Documents\\RAY\\layout_schemas\\ANIBOT_LAYOUTS_SCHEMA.csv'
full_path_to_file = layouts_schema_file_name
print('============ Importing LAYOUTS schema from: ', full_path_to_file , ' ==============')
openfile = open(full_path_to_file)
reader_ob = csv.reader(openfile)
layout_list_raw1 = list(reader_ob)
layouts_schema = layouts_schema_parsing(layout_list_raw1)
print('=========== End of layouts schema import =========')
return layouts_schema
layouts_schema = import_layouts_schema()
Feel free to throw any part away that doesn't work. I suspect I've inside my head a little bit here. A for loop or another while loop may do the trick. Ultimately I just want to parse the file into a dict with the same key structure shown. i.e. the final dict's first line would look like:
{'RESTAURANT': {'RR_FACING1': {'BACKDROP': 'restaurant1'}}}
And the rest on from there. Ultimately I am goign to use this key structure and the dict for other purposes. Just can't get the parsing down!

Wouaw, that's a lot of code !
Maybe try something simpler :
with open('file.csv') as f:
keys = f.readline().split(';') # assuming ";" is your csv fields separator
for line in f:
vals = line.split(';')
d = dict(zip(keys, vals))
Then either make a better data file (without blanks), or have the parser remembering the previous values.

While I agree with #AK47 that the code review site may be the better approach, I received so many help from SO that I'll try to give back a little: IMHO you are overthinking the problem. Please find below an approach that should get you in the right direction and doesn't even require converting from Excel to CSV (I like the xlrd module, it's very easy to use). If you already have a CSV, just exchange the loop in the process_sheet() function. Basically, I just store the last value seen for "SET" and "LAYOUT" and if they are different (and not empty), I set the new value. Hope that helps. And yes, you should think about a better data structure (redundancy is not always bad, if you can avoid empty cells :-) ).
import xlrd
def process_sheet(sheet : xlrd.sheet.Sheet):
curr_set = ''
curr_layout = ''
for rownum in range(1, sheet.nrows):
row = sheet.row(rownum)
set_val = row[0].value.strip()
layout_val = row[1].value.strip()
if set_val != '' and set_val != curr_set:
curr_set = set_val
if layout_val != '' and layout_val != curr_layout:
curr_layout = layout_val
result = {curr_set: {curr_layout: {row[2].value: row[3].value}}}
def main():
# open a workbook (adapt your filename)
# then get the first sheet (index 0)
# and call the process function
wbook = xlrd.open_workbook('/tmp/test.xlsx')
sheet = wbook.sheet_by_index(0)
if __name__ == '__main__':


Saving file format after editing it with ConfigParser

i am using ConfigParser to write some modification in a configuration file, basically what i am doing is :
retrieve my urls from an api
write them in my config file
but after the edit, i noticed that the file format has changed :
Before the edit :
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
urls= []
interval = "140s"
exp = "exp"
After the edit :
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
percpu = true
totalcpu = true
interval = "140s"
response_timeout = "120s"
exp = "snmp"
the offset changed and all the comments that were in the file has been deleted, my code :
edit = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False, allow_no_value=True, empty_lines_in_values=False)
edit.set("[section]", "urls", str(urls))
# Write changes back to file
with open('file.conf', 'w') as configfile:
I have already tried : SafeConfigParser, RawConfigParser but it doesn't work.
when i do a print(edit.section()), here is what i get : ['global_tags', 'agent', '[inputs.cpu', , '[inputs.prometheus', 'inputs.prometheus.tags']
Is there any help please ?
Here's an example of a "filter" parser that retains all other formatting but changes the urls line in the agent section if it comes across it:
import io
def filter_config(stream, item_filter):
Filter a "config" file stream.
:param stream: Text stream to read from.
:param item_filter: Filter function; takes a section and a line and returns a filtered line.
:return: Yields (possibly) filtered lines.
current_section = None
for line in stream:
stripped_line = line.strip()
if stripped_line.startswith('['):
current_section = stripped_line.strip('[]')
elif not stripped_line.startswith("#") and " = " in stripped_line:
line = item_filter(current_section, line)
yield line
def urls_filter(section, line):
if section == "agent" and line.strip().startswith("urls = "):
start, sep, end = line.partition(" = ")
return start + sep + "hi there..."
return line
# Could be a disk file, just using `io.StringIO()` for self-containedness here
config_file = io.StringIO("""
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
urls = ""
urls = can't touch this!!!
for line in filter_config(config_file, urls_filter):
print(line, end="")
The output is
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
urls = hi there...
urls = can't touch this!!!
so you can see all comments and (mis-)indentation was preserved.
The problem is that you're passing brackets with the section name, which is unnecessary:
edit.set("[section]", "urls", str(urls))
See this example from the documentation:
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
# Please note that using RawConfigParser's set functions, you can assign
# non-string values to keys internally, but will receive an error when
# attempting to write to a file or when you get it in non-raw mode. Setting
# values using the mapping protocol or ConfigParser's set() does not allow
# such assignments to take place.
config.set('Section1', 'an_int', '15')
config.set('Section1', 'a_bool', 'true')
config.set('Section1', 'a_float', '3.1415')
config.set('Section1', 'baz', 'fun')
config.set('Section1', 'bar', 'Python')
config.set('Section1', 'foo', '%(bar)s is %(baz)s!')
# Writing our configuration file to 'example.cfg'
with open('example.cfg', 'w') as configfile:
But, anyway, it won't preserve the identation, nor will it support nested sections; you could try the YAML format, which does allow to use indentation to separate nested sections, but it won't keep the exact same indentation when saving, but, do you really need it to be the exact same? Anyway, there are various configuration formats out there, you should study them to see what fits your case better.

I cannot discover error, attempting to insert ...columns do not match

So the code runs until inserting new row, at which time I get>>>
'attempting to insert [ 3 item result] into these columns [ 5 items]. I have tried to discover where my code is causing a loss in results, but cannot. Any suggestions would be great.
Additional information, my feature class I am inserting has five fields and they are they same as the fields as the source fields. It reaches to my length != and my error prints. Please assist if you anyone would like.
# coding: utf8
import arcpy
import os, sys
from arcpy import env
arcpy.env.workspace = r"E:\Roseville\ScriptDevel.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = bool('TRUE')
# set as python bool, not string "TRUE"
fc_buffers = "Parcels" # my indv. parcel buffers
fc_Landuse = "Geology" # my land use layer
outputLayer = "IntersectResult" # output layer
outputFields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(outputLayer) if f.type not in ['OBJECTID', "Geometry"]] + ['SHAPE#']
landUseFields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc_Landuse) if f.type not in ['PTYPE']]
parcelBufferFields = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc_buffers) if f.type not in ['APN']]
intersectionFeatureLayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc_Landuse, 'intersectionFeatureLayer').getOutput(0)
selectedBuffer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc_buffers, 'selectedBuffer').getOutput(0)
def orderFields(luFields, pbFields):
ordered = []
for field in outputFields:
# append the matching field
if field in landUseFields:
if field in parcelBufferFields:
return ordered
print pbfields
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc_buffers, ["OBJECTID", 'SHAPE#'] + parcelBufferFields) as sc, arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outputLayer, outputFields) as ic:
for row in sc:
oid = row[0]
shape = row[1]
print (oid)
print "Got this far"
selectedBuffer.setSelectionSet('NEW', [oid])
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(intersectionFeatureLayer,"intersect", selectedBuffer)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(intersectionFeatureLayer, ['SHAPE#'] + landUseFields) as intersectionCursor:
for record in intersectionCursor:
recordShape = record[0]
print "list made"
outputShape = shape.intersect(recordShape, 4)
newRow = orderFields(row[2:], record[1:]) + [outputShape]
if len(newRow) != len(outputFields):
print 'there is a problem. the number of columns in the record you are attempting to insert into', outputLayer, 'does not match the number of destination columns'
print '\tattempting to insert:', newRow
print '\tinto these columns:', outputFields
# insert into the outputFeatureClass
Your with statement where you define the cursors is creating a input cursor with 5 fields, but your row you are trying to feed it is only 3 fields. You need to make sure your insert cursor is the same length as the row. I suspect the problem is actually in the orderfields method. Or what you pass to it.

How to read contents of a LibreOffice writer annotation from a python macro

LibreOffice writer allows the user to insert annotations(notes/comments) within the text.
My issue is I am unable to find a method to access the contents of a line specific annotation.
The following python code looks for selected/highlighted text and then strips out everything except a formatted time code (e.g. 01:10:23 or 11:10) which it converts into seconds.
If no text has been selected, it selects the entire current line and attempts to find the time code. However, the time code could be in an annotation.
I have managed to get a list of all of the annotations within the document, commented out at the start of the code but it is of no use to me.
I have been unable to discover a method of divining
a) whether the current line has an annotation or
b) how to access its contents.
If anyone has managed to achieve this, I'd appreciate any pointers.
def fs2_GoToTimestamp(*args):
#get the doc from the scripting context which is made available to all scripts
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
#access annotations for the whole document
# oEnum = model.getTextFields().createEnumeration()
# cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
# while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
# oField = oEnum.nextElement()
# cursor.gotoRange(oField,False)
# print (cursor.getPosition())
# if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
# print (oField.Content)
# x = oField.getAnchor()
# print (dir(x))
oText = ""
try: #Grab the text selected/highlighted
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
if oText == "": # Nothing selected grab the whole line
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
cursor.gotoStartOfLine(False) #move cursor to start without selecting (False)
cursor.gotoEndOfLine(True) #now move cursor to end of line selecting all (True)
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
# Deselect line to avoid inadvertently deleting it on next keystroke
time = str(oText)
time = ''.join(char for char in time if char in valid_chars)
if time.count(":") == 1:
oM, oS = time.split(":")
oH = "00"
elif time.count(":") == 2:
oH,oM,oS = time.split(":")
return None
if len(oS) != 2:
secs = int(oS)
secs = secs + int(oM) * 60
secs = secs + int(oH) *3600
return None
seek_instruction = 'seek'+str(secs)+'\n'
#Now do something with the seek instruction
Enumerate the annotations and use getAnchor() to find out where each is located. This answer is based on https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Text/Editing_Text#Text_Contents_Other_Than_Strings.
Your code is close to working.
while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
oField = oEnum.nextElement()
if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
xTextRange = oField.getAnchor()
cursor.gotoRange(xTextRange, False)
Instead of print (dir(x)), an introspection tool such as XrayTool or MRI will give better information. It makes the API docs easier to figure out.
With much needed help from Jim K a self answer is posted below. I have commented where I believe it will help most.
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import BUTTONS_OK
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import INFOBOX
def fs2_GoToTimestamp(*args):
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
parentwindow = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
CursorPos = cursor.getText().createTextCursorByRange(cursor)#Store original cursor position
except:# The cursor has been placed in the annotation not the text
mess = "Position cursor in the text\nNot the comment box"
heading = "Positioning Error"
MessageBox(parentwindow, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
return None
oText = ""
try: #Grab the text selected/highlighted
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
if oText == "": # Nothing selected grab the whole line
store_position = 0
cursor.gotoStartOfLine(False) #move cursor to start without selecting (False)
cursor.gotoEndOfLine(True) #now move cursor to end of line selecting all (True)
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
y = cursor.getPosition()
store_position = y.value.Y
# Deselect line to avoid inadvertently deleting it on next user keystroke
if oText.count(":") == 0:
# Still nothing found check for an annotation at this location
#enumerate through annotations for the whole document
oEnum = model.getTextFields().createEnumeration()
while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
oField = oEnum.nextElement()
if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
anno_at = oField.getAnchor()
pos = cursor.getPosition()
if pos.value.Y == store_position: # Found an annotation at this location
oText = oField.Content
# Re-set cursor to original position after enumeration & deselect
time = str(oText)
time = ''.join(char for char in time if char in valid_chars) #Strip out all invalid characters
if time.count(":") == 1: # time 00:00
oM, oS = time.split(":")
oH = "00"
elif time.count(":") == 2: # time 00:00:00
oH,oM,oS = time.split(":")
return None
if len(oS) != 2: # in case time includes tenths 00:00.0 reduce to whole seconds
secs = int(oS)
secs = secs + int(oM) * 60
secs = secs + int(oH) *3600
return None
seek_instruction = 'seek'+str(secs)+'\n'
# Do something with seek_instruction
def MessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType, MsgButtons):
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
si = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", ctx)
mBox = si.createMessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgType, MsgButtons, MsgTitle, MsgText)

Creating loop for __main__

I am new to Python, and I want your advice on something.
I have a script that runs one input value at a time, and I want it to be able to run a whole list of such values without me typing the values one at a time. I have a hunch that a "for loop" is needed for the main method listed below. The value is "gene_name", so effectively, i want to feed in a list of "gene_names" that the script can run through nicely.
Hope I phrased the question correctly, thanks! The chunk in question seems to be
def get_probes_from_genes(gene_names)
import json
import urllib2
import os
import pandas as pd
api_url = "http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/query.json"
def get_probes_from_genes(gene_names):
if not isinstance(gene_names,list):
gene_names = [gene_names]
#in case there are white spaces in gene names
gene_names = ["'%s'"%gene_name for gene_name in gene_names]**
api_query = "?criteria=model::Probe"
api_query= ",rma::criteria,[probe_type$eq'DNA']"
api_query= ",products[abbreviation$eq'HumanMA']"
api_query= ",gene[acronym$eq%s]"%(','.join(gene_names))
api_query= ",rma::options[only$eq'probes.id','name']"
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(api_url api_query))
d = {probe['id']: probe['name'] for probe in data['msg']}
if not d:
raise Exception("Could not find any probes for %s gene. Check " \
"http://help.brain- map.org/download/attachments/2818165/HBA_ISH_GeneList.pdf? version=1&modificationDate=1348783035873 " \
"for list of available genes."%gene_name)
return d
def get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probe_ids):
if not isinstance(probe_ids,list):
probe_ids = [probe_ids]
#in case there are white spaces in gene names
probe_ids = ["'%s'"%probe_id for probe_id in probe_ids]
api_query = "? criteria=service::human_microarray_expression[probes$in%s]"% (','.join(probe_ids))
data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(api_url api_query))
expression_values = [[float(expression_value) for expression_value in data["msg"]["probes"][i]["expression_level"]] for i in range(len(probe_ids))]
well_ids = [sample["sample"]["well"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
donor_names = [sample["donor"]["name"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
well_coordinates = [sample["sample"]["mri"] for sample in data["msg"] ["samples"]]
return expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names
def get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids):
package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
frame = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(package_directory, "data", "corrected_mni_coordinates.csv"), header=0, index_col=0)
return list(frame.ix[well_ids].itertuples(index=False))
if __name__ == '__main__':
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes("SLC6A2")
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)
whoa, first things first. Python ain't Java, so do yourself a favor and use a nice """xxx\nyyy""" string, with triple quotes to multiline.
api_query = """?criteria=model::Probe"
or something like that. you will get white spaces as typed, so you may need to adjust.
If, like suggested, you opt to loop on the call to your function through a file, you will need to either try/except your data-not-found exception or you will need to handle missing data without throwing an exception. I would opt for returning an empty result myself and letting the caller worry about what to do with it.
If you do opt for raise-ing an Exception, create your own, rather than using a generic exception. That way your code can catch your expected Exception first.
class MyNoDataFoundException(Exception):
#replace your current raise code with...
if not d:
raise MyNoDataFoundException(your message here)
clarification about catching exceptions, using the accepted answer as a starting point:
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(r"/tmp/genes.txt","r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
#keep track of your input data
search_data = line.strip()
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes(search_data)
except MyNoDataFoundException, e:
#and do whatever you feel you need to do here...
print "bummer about search_data:%s:\nexception:%s" % (search_data, e)
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)
You may want to create a file with Gene names, then read content of the file and call your function in the loop. Here is an example below
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(r"/tmp/genes.txt","r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
probes_dict = get_probes_from_genes(line.strip())
expression_values, well_ids, well_coordinates, donor_names = get_expression_values_from_probe_ids(probes_dict.keys())
print get_mni_coordinates_from_wells(well_ids)

Python Dictionary Throwing KeyError for Some Reason

In some code I pass a dictionary (TankDict) a string from a list. This throws a KeyError, no matter what letter I put in. When I copied and pasted the dictionary out of the context of the program and passed in the same letters from a list, they came out correctly. I have also run type(TankDict) and it comes back as 'dict'.
Here is the dictionary:
TankDict = {'E':0, 'F':1, 'G':2, 'H':3, 'I':4, 'J':5,
'K':6, 'L':7, 'M':8, 'N':9,
'O':10, 'P':11, 'Q':12, 'R':13, 'S':14, 'T':15,
'U':16, 'V':17, 'W':18, 'X':19}
The error:
enter code herechannelData[1] = tank_address_dict[channelData[1]]
KeyError: 'L'
(tank_address_dict is a function argument into which TankDict is passed)
the contents of channelData: ['447', 'L', '15', 'C']
Can anyone tell me the (probably simple) reason that this happens?
EDIT: Code!
This is the function where the error is:
def getTankID(channel,tank_address_dict,PTM_dict,channel_ref):
rawChannelData = 'NA'
for line in channel_ref:
if str(channel) in line: rawChannelData = line
if(rawChannelData == 'NA'): return -1;
channelData = rawChannelData.split(' ')
channelData[1] = channelData[1][:-1]
channelData[3] = channelData[1][-1]
channelData[1] = channelData[1][:-1]
channelData[2] = channelData[1][1:]
channelData[1] = channelData[1][:1]
print channelData #debug
print 'L' in tank_address_dict
print 'E' in tank_address_dict
print 'O' in tank_address_dict
print 'U' in tank_address_dict
print type(tank_address_dict)
channelData[1] = tank_address_dict[channelData[1]]
channelData[3] = PTM_dict[channelData[3]]
This is the function that calls it:
def runFile(model, datafile, time_scale, max_PEs, tank_address_dict, PMT_dict, channel_ref):
#add initSerial for ser0-4
raw_data = datafile.readline() #intake data
if(raw_data == ''): break #End while loop if the file is done
data = raw_data.split(' ') #break up the parts of each line
del data[::2] #delete the human formatting
data[2] = data[2][:-1] #rm newline (NOTE: file must contain blank line at end!)
TankID = getTankID(data[0], tank_address_dict, PMT_dict,channel_ref)
if(TankID == -1):
print '!---Invalid channel number passed by datafile---!'; break #check for valid TankID
model[TankID[0]][TankID[1]][TankID[2]] = scale(data[2],(0,max_PEs),(0,4096))
data[2] = data[2]*time_scale #scale time
time.sleep(data[2]) #wait until the next event
print data #debug
if(TankID != -1): print '---File',datafile,'finished---' #report errors in file run
else: print '!---File',datafile,'finished with error---!'
And this is the code that calls that:
import hawc_func
import debug_options
#begin defs
model = hawc_func.createDataStruct() #create the data structure
TankDict = hawc_func.createTankDict() #tank grid coordinate conversion table
PTMDict = hawc_func.createPMTDict() #PMT conversion table
log1 = open('Logs/log1.txt','w') #open a logfile
data = open('Data/event.txt','r') #open data
channel_ref = open('aux_files/channel_map.dat','r')
time_scale = 1 #0-1 number to scale nano seconds? to seconds
#end defs
#close files
#end close files
print '-----Done-----' #confirm tasks finished
tank_address_dict is created through this function, run by the 3rd block of code, then passed on through the other two:
def createTankDict():
TankDict = {'E':0, 'F':1, 'G':2, 'H':3, 'I':4, 'J':5,
'K':6, 'L': 7, 'M':8, 'N':9,
'O':10, 'P':11, 'Q':12, 'R':13, 'S':14, 'T':15,
'U':16, 'V': 17, 'W':18, 'X':19}
return TankDict
You are not passing your arguments correctly.
def runFile(model, datafile, time_scale, max_PEs, tank_address_dict, PMT_dict, channel_ref):
Here, you have max_PEs = TankDict.
That may not be your only problem. Fix that first, and if you are still having problems, update your post with your fixed code and then tell us what your new error is.

