Retweets of my tweets - python

So I am trying to find out retweets of my tweets using tweepy
# To get first tweet
firstTweet = api.user_timeline("zzaibis")[0]
# then getting the retweet data using tweet id and it gives me the results
resultsOfFirstTweet = api.retweets(
# but when I try to find any other tweet except first tweet, this returns nothing.
secondTweet = api.user_timeline("zzaibis")[1]
Any idea why this is not working beyond that, and also what I need to follow to get all the retweet data of my tweets considering that I don't have limited tweets and retweets in my account.

To find the number of retweets a user gets on each tweet from their timeline try the following code:
for tweet in api.user_timeline(screen_name = 'StackOverflow', count = 10):
To edit the user who is being searched change the "screen_name" to the username of the person you want to search. To change the number of statuses is seaches change the "count".
you can also print information like the tweet id of the tweet being searched using:


Tweepy get Tweets related to a specific country

I am working on a topic modeling for twitter project.
The idea is to retrieve all tweets related to a specific country and analyze them in order to discover what people from a specific country are talking about on Twitter.
What I have tried
1.First Solution
I know that we can use twitter streaming API or cursor to retrieve tweets from a specific country and I have tried the following code to get all tweets given geocodes coordinates of a country.
I have written the following code :
def get_tweets(query_fname, auth, max_time, location=None):
stop = + max_time
twitter_stream = Stream(auth, CustomListener(query_fname))
while < stop:
if location:
twitter_stream.filter(locations=[11.94,-13.64,30.54,5.19], is_async=True)
twitter_stream.filter(track=query, is_async=True)
The problem of this approach
Not everyone has allowed Twitter to access his location details and with this approach, I can only get a few tweets something like 300 tweets for my location.
There are some persons who are not in the country but who tweet about the country and people within the country replies to them. Their tweets are not captured by this approach.
2.Second Solution
Another approach was to collect tweets with hashtags related to a country with a cursor
I have tried this code :
def query_tweet(client, query=[], max_tweets=2000, country=None):
query tweets using the query list pass in parameter
query = ' OR '.join(query)
name = 'by_hashtags_'
now =
today = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M")
with open('data/query_drc_{}_{}.jsonl'.format(name, today), 'w') as f:
for status in Cursor(,
f.write(json.dumps(status._json) + "\n")
This approach gives more results than the first one but as you may notice, not everyone uses those hashtags to tweets about the country.
3.Third approach
I have tried to retrieve the tweet using place id specific to a country but it gives the same problem as the first approach.
My questions
How can I retrieve all tweets about a specific country? I mean everything people are tweeting about for a specific country with or without country-specific hashtags?
Hint: For people who are not located in the country, It may be a good idea to get their tweets if they were replied or retweeted by people within the country.

twitter tweet_mode = 'extended' not just giving me the text in the tweet

I'm trying to download tweets using tweepy. But the tweets keep getting cut off.
results =, lang="en", count=num, tweet_mode="extended")
for tweet in results:
I end up getting outputs looking like this:
RT #Acosta: Trump also said at the meeting “why do we need more Haitians? Take them out,” a person familiar with today’s meeting confirms t…
I just want the actual full text part of the tweet.
Already answered here
Instead of full_text=True you need tweet_mode="extended"
Then, instead of text you should use full_text to get the full tweet text.
Your code should look like:
new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=200, tweet_mode="extended")
Then in order to get the full tweets text:
tweets = [[tweet.full_text] for tweet in new_tweets]

how to return all tweets without providing a search query

I am working on a text mining project that deals with analyzing tweets.
I would like to get all tweets tweeted in english during a short period of time(not more than a day), without having the result matching to a specific search query, trend, or user criteria.
I am familiar with tweepy's function. However, when i try to run it without a search query:, since_id=str(since_id),lang='en', max_id=str(max_id-1))
i get the following message: "exception raised, waiting 15 minutes".
You can get all the tweet by giving * to the query parameter:
tweets ='*', lang='en', count=200, since_id=since_id, max_id=max_id)
If you need a specific number of tweets, you could use tweepy Cursor like this:
# Get 1000 English tweets from max_id
tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q='*', lang='en', count=200, max_id=max_id).items(1000)]

How to use Tweepy to retweet with a comment

So i am stuck trying to figure out how to retweet a tweet with a comment, this was added to twitter recently.
this is when you click retweet and add a comment to the retweet and retweet it.
basically this is what i am talking about :
i was looking at the api and count find a method dedicated to this. And even the retweet method does not have a parameter where i can pass text.
So i was wondering is there a way to do this?
Tweepy doesn't have functionality to retweet with your own text, but what you can do is make a url like this<user_displayname>/status/<tweet_id> and include it with the text you want comment. It's not a retweet but you are embedding the tweet in your new tweet.
user_displayname - display name of person, whose tweet you are retweeting
tweet_id - tweet id of tweet you are retweeting
September 2021 Update
Tweepy does have the functionality to quote retweet. Just provide the url of the tweet you want to quote into attachment_url of the API.update_status method.
Python example:
# Get the tweet you want to quote
# Quote it in a new status
api.update_status("text", attachment_url=tweet_to_quote_url)
# Done!
In the documentation, there is a quote_tweet_id parameter in create_tweet method.
You can create a new tweet with the tweet ID of the tweet you want to quote.
comment = "Yep!"
quote_tweet = 1592447141720780803
client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=access_token)
client.create_tweet(text=comment, quote_tweet_id=quote_tweet, user_auth=False)

Original tweet or retweeted?

I am using Tweepy with python and trying to get the original tweets authored by set of users (i.e., I want to exclude any tweet in their timeline that is actually a retweet). How can I do this with Tweepy?
I tried something like this and I do not know if it works:
tweets = api.user_timeline(id=user['id'], count=30)
for tweet in tweets:
if not tweet.retweeted:
Does the api.user_timeline() return only original tweets? Or retweets of this user as well?
Tweepy by default doesn't include retweets in user_timeline therefore tweet.retweeted will always be false. To include retweets you can specify include_rts as True like
tweets= api.user_timeline(id=user['id'], count=30,include_rts=True)
for tweet in tweets:
if not tweet.retweeted:
#do something with retweet

