Reconstructing curve from gradient - python

Suppose I have a curve, and then I estimate its gradient via finite differences by using np.gradient. Given an initial point x[0] and the gradient vector, how can I reconstruct the original curve? Mathematically I see its possible given this system of equations, but I'm not certain how to do it programmatically.
Here is a simple example of my problem, where I have sin(x) and I compute the numerical difference, which matches cos(x).
test = np.vectorize(np.sin)(x)
numerical_grad = np.gradient(test, 30./100)
analytical_grad = np.vectorize(np.cos)(x)
## Plot data.
ax.plot(test, label='data', marker='o')
ax.plot(numerical_grad, label='gradient')
ax.plot(analytical_grad, label='proof', alpha=0.5)

I found how to do it, by using numpy's trapz function (trapezoidal rule integration).
Following up on the code I presented on the question, to reproduce the input array test, we do:
x = np.linspace(1, 30, 100)
integral = list()
for t in range(len(x)):
integral.append(test[0] + np.trapz(numerical_grad[:t+1], x[:t+1]))
The integral array then contains the results of the numerical integration.

You can restore initial curve using integration.
As life example: If you have function for position for 1D moving, you can get function for velocity as derivative (gradient)
v(t) = s(t)' = ds / dt
And having velocity, you can potentially get position (not all functions are integrable analytically - in this case numerical integration is used) with some unknown constant (shift) added - and with initial position you can restore exact value
s(T) = Integral[from 0 to T](v(t)dt) + s(0)


Can I get first derivative for kernel density estimation in python?

I have a data as 2D array and I used gaussian_kde to make estimation for data distribution. Now, I want to get the first derivative for the resultant density estimator to get zero crossings. Is it possible to get it from estimated density ?. If so, is there any built-in function in Python that can help ?
Following the example in the documentation of the gaussian_kde, once you have the Z, or more generally, the estimation of your density in a X axis, you can calculate its derivatives using standard numpy functions:
diff = np.gradient(Z)
Note that np.gradient computes central differences. If you would like forward differences you could do something like:
diff = np.r_[Z[1:] - Z[:-1], 0]
To find the zero-crossings you can do:
sdiff = np.sign(diff)
zc = np.where(sdiff[:-1] != sdiff[1:])
You can extend the above for 2D as dy, dx = np.gradient(Z) with Z a 2D array. And then operate in both Y and X direction.

Fitting an ellipse through orbital data

I've generated a bunch of data for the (x,y,z) coordinates of a planet as it orbits around the Sun. Now I want to fit an ellipse through this data.
What I tried to do:
I created a dummy ellipse based on five parameters: The semi-major axis & eccentricity that defines the size & shape and the three euler angles that rotate the ellipse around. Since my data is not always centered at origin I also need to translate the ellipse requiring additional three variables (dx,dy,dz).
Once I initialise this function with these eight variables I get back N number of points that lie on this ellipse. (N = number of data points I am plotting the ellipse through)
I calculate the deviation of these dummy points from the actual data and then I minimise this deviation using some minimisation method to find the best fitting values for these eight variables.
My problem is with the very last part: minimising the deviation and finding the variables' values.
To minimise the deviation I use scipy.optimize.minimize to try and approximate the best fitting variables but it just doesn't do good enough of a job:
Here is an image of what one of my best fits looks like and that's with a very generously accurate initial guess. (blue = data, red = fit)
Here is the entire code. (No data required, it generates its own phony data)
In short, I use this scipy function:
initial_guess = [0.3,0.2,0.1,0.7,3,0.0,-0.1,0.0]
bnds = ((0.2, 0.5), (0.1, 0.3), (0, 2*np.pi), (0, 2*np.pi), (0, 2*np.pi), (-0.5,0.5), (-0.5,0.5), (-0.3,0.3)) #reasonable bounds for the variables
result = optimize.minimize(deviation, initial_guess, args=(data,), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bnds, tol=1e-8) #perform minimalisation
semi_major,eccentricity,inclination,periapsis,longitude,dx,dy,dz = result["x"]
To minimize this error (or deviation) function:
def deviation(variables, data):
This function calculates the cumulative seperation between the ellipse fit points and data points and returns it
num_pts = len(data[:,0])
semi_major,eccentricity,inclination,periapsis,longitude,dx,dy,dz = variables
dummy_ellipse = generate_ellipse(num_pts,semi_major,eccentricity,inclination,periapsis,longitude,dz,dy,dz)
deviations = np.zeros(len(data[:,0]))
pair_deviations = np.zeros(len(data[:,0]))
# Calculate separation between each pair of points
for j in range(len(data[:,0])):
for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
pair_deviations[i] = np.sqrt((data[j,0]-dummy_ellipse[i,0])**2 + (data[j,1]-dummy_ellipse[i,1])**2 + (data[j,2]-dummy_ellipse[i,2])**2)
deviations[j] = min(pair_deviations) # only pick the closest point to the data point j.
total_deviation = sum(deviations)
return total_deviation
(My code may be a bit messy & inefficient, I'm new to this)
I may be making some logical error in my coding but I think it comes down to the scipy.minimize.optimize function. I don't know enough about how it works and what to expect of it. I was also recommended to try Markov chain Monte Carlo when dealing with this many variables. I did take a look at the emcee, but it's a little above my head right now.
First, you have a typo in your objective function that prevents optimization of one of the variables:
dummy_ellipse = generate_ellipse(...,dz,dy,dz)
should be
dummy_ellipse = generate_ellipse(...,dx,dy,dz)
Also, taking sqrt out and minimizing the sum of squared euclidean distances makes it numerically somewhat easier for the optimizer.
Your objective function is also not everywhere differentiable because of the min(), as assumed by the BFGS solver, so its performance will be suboptimal.
Also, approaching the problem from analytical geometry perspective may help: an ellipse in 3d is defined as a solution of two equations
f1(x,y,z,p) = 0
f2(x,y,z,p) = 0
Where p are the parameters of the ellipse. Now, to fit the parameters to a data set, you could try to minimize
F(p) = sum_{j=1}^N [f1(x_j,y_j,z_j,p)**2 + f2(x_j,y_j,z_j,p)**2]
where the sum goes over data points.
Even better, in this problem formulation you could use optimize.leastsq, which may be more efficient in least squares problems.

Fitting Fresnel Equations Using Scipy

I am attempting a non-linear fit of Fresnel equations with data of reflectance against angle of incidence. Found on this site are two graphs that have a red and blue line. I need to basically fit the blue line when n1 = 1 to my data.
Here I use the following code where th is theta, the angle of incidence.
def Rperp(th, n, norm, constant):
numerator = np.cos(th) - np.sqrt(n**2.0 - np.sin(th)**2.0)
denominator = 1.0 * np.cos(th) + np.sqrt(n**2.0 - np.sin(th)**2.0)
return ((numerator / denominator)**2.0) * norm + constant
The parameters I'm looking for are:
the index of refraction n
some normalization to multiply by and
a constant to shift the baseline of the graph.
My attempt is the following:
xdata = angle[1:] * 1.0 # angle of incidence
ydata = greenDD[1:] # reflectance
params = curve_fit(Rperp, xdata, ydata)
What I get is a division of zero apparently and gives me [1, 1, 1] for the parameters. The Fresnel equation itself is the bit without the normalizer and the constant in Rperp. Theta in the equation is the angle of incidence also. Overall I am just not sure if I am doing this right at all to get the parameters.
The idea seems to be the first parameter in the function is the independent variable and the rest are the dependent variables going to be found. Then you just plug into scipy's curve_fit and it will give you a fit to your data for the parameters. If it is just getting around division of zero, which I had though might be integer division, then it seems like I should be set. Any help is appreciated and let me know if things need to be clarified (such as np is numpy).
Make sure to pass the arguments to the trigonometric functions, like sine, in radians, not degrees.
As for why you're getting a negative refractive index returned: it is because in your function, you're always squaring the refractive index. The curve_fit algorithm might end up in a local minimum state where (by accident) n is negative, because it has the same value as n positive.
Ideally, you'd add constraints to the minimization problem, but for this (simple) problem, just observe your formula and remember that a result of negative n is simply solved by changing the sign, as you did.
You could also try passing an initial guess to the algorithm and you might observe that it will not end up in the local minimum with negative value.

Calculating gradient in 3D

I have the following set of points in 3d-space and D'd like to calculate the gradient everywhere, i.e. have a vector field returned.
points = []
for i in np.linspace(-20,20,100):
for j in np.linspace(-20,20,100):
points = np.array(points)
It's an elliptic paraboloid.
Using np.gradient(points),
I neither get the correct values nor the dimension I would expect. Can anyone give me a hint?
You are mixing together the indices and the values in 'points', so the gradient is giving you wrong results. Here is a better way to construct the points with numpy and calculate the gradient:
x, y = np.mgrid[-20:20:100j, -20:20:100j]
z = x**2 + y**2
grad = np.gradient(z)
The resulting gradient is a tuple with two arrays, one for the gradient on the first direction, another for the gradient on the second direction. Note that this gradient doesn't take into account the separation between points (ie, delta x and delta y), so to get the derivative you need to divide by it:
deriv = grad/(40./100.)
If you want to reconstruct your 'points' as before, you just need to do:
points = np.array([x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()]).T
You may also be interested in numpy's diff function, that gives the discrete difference along a given axis.

Discrete Fourier Transform: How to use fftshift correctly with fft

I want numerically compute the FFT on a numpy array Y. For testing, I'm using the Gaussian function Y = exp(-x^2). The (symbolic) Fourier Transform is Y' = constant * exp(-k^2/4).
import numpy
X = numpy.arange(-100,100)
Y = numpy.exp(-(X/5.0)**2)
The naive approach fails:
from numpy.fft import *
from matplotlib import pyplot
def plotReIm(x,y):
f = pyplot.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, numpy.real(y), 'b', label='R()')
ax.plot(x, numpy.imag(y), 'r:', label='I()')
ax.plot(x, numpy.abs(y), 'k--', label='abs()')
Y_k = fftshift(fft(Y))
k = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y)))
real(Y_k) jumps between positive and negative values, which correspond to a jumping phase, which is not present in the symbolic result. This is certainly not desirable. (The result is technically correct in the sense that abs(Y_k) gives the amplitudes as expected ifft(Y_k) is Y.)
Here, the function fftshift() renders the array k monotonically increasing and changes Y_k accordingly. The pairs zip(k, Y_k) are not changed by applying this operation to both vectors.
This changes appears to fix the issue:
Y_k = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(Y)))
k = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y)))
Is this the correct way to employ the fft() function if monotonic Y and Y_k are required?
The reverse operation of the above is:
Yx = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(Y_k)))
x = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y_k), k[1] - k[0]))
For this case, the documentation clearly states that Y_k must be sorted compatible with the output of fft() and fftfreq(), which we can achieve by applying ifftshift().
Those questions have been bothering me for a long time: Are the output and input arrays of both fft() and ifft() always such that a[0] should contain the zero frequency term, a[1:n/2+1] should contain the positive-frequency terms, and a[n/2+1:] should contain the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency [numpy reference], where 'frequency' is the independent variable?
The answer on Fourier Transform of a Gaussian is not a Gaussian does not answer my question.
The FFT can be thought of as producing a set vectors each with an amplitude and phase. The fft_shift operation changes the reference point for a phase angle of zero, from the edge of the FFT aperture, to the center of the original input data vector.
The phase (and thus the real component of the complex vector) of the result is sometimes less "jumpy" when this is done, especially if some input function is windowed such that it is discontinuous around the edges of the FFT aperture. Or if the input is symmetric around the center of the FFT aperture, the phase of the FFT result will always be zero after an fft_shift.
An fft_shift can be done by a vector rotate of N/2, or by simply flipping alternating sign bits in the FFT result, which may be more CPU dcache friendly.
The definition for the output of fft (and ifft) is here:
This is what the routines compute, no more and no less. Observe that the discrete Fourier transform is rather different from the continuous Fourier transform. For a densely sampled function there is a relation between the two, but the relation also involves phase factors and scaling in addition to fftshift. This is the cause of the oscillations you see in your plot. The necessary phase factor you can work out yourself from the above mathematical formula for the DFT.

