asyncio run multiple tasks while preserving order and handling errors - python

my function run_tasks(all_tasks, window_size) that takes a generator of asyncio tasks and returns their value while:
run each window (of size window_size) from the all_tasks concurrently
preserve the order of returned results (all_tasks[i] result is results[i])
handle exceptions for each run
My current implementation:
import asyncio
from itertools import islice
# run all tasks and return their results in the same order
# window is the max number of tasks that will run in parallel
def run_tasks(all_tasks, window_size=4):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
while True:
window_tasks = list(islice(all_tasks, window_size))
if not window_tasks:
futures = asyncio.wait(window_tasks, loop=loop)
finished, unfinished = loop.run_until_complete(futures)
# sort finished tasks by their launch order.
# removing this line makes returned tasks unordered
finished = sorted(finished, key=lambda f: window_tasks.index(f._coro))
for finished_task in finished:
yield finished_task.result()
except Exception as e:
yield repr(e)
# Example Usage:
# a coroutine that sometime raises exception
async def sleepy(i):
print(f'{i} started')
await asyncio.sleep(10 - i)
print(f'{i} finished')
if i == 5:
raise ValueError('5 is the worst')
return i
# a generator of tasks
all_tasks = (sleepy(i) for i in range(10))
for result in list(run_tasks(all_tasks)):
The Problem
The problem with my implementation is that I cannot find a way to sort the tasks in without accessing f._coro which is internal property of asyncio.Task object.
# removing this line makes returned tasks unordered
finished = sorted(finished, key=lambda f: window_tasks.index(f._coro))
I can use asyncio.gather(*tasks) but this will not handle errors.
I am open to suggestions on how to implement this three properties for run_tasks() without access to f._coro.

asyncio.gather can return you errors if you specify it's keyword param return_exceptions. To distinguish real exceptions from exception objects return as result of coroutine, you can wrap your window_tasks with tasks using ensure_future:
futures = [asyncio.ensure_future(t, loop=loop) for t in window_tasks]
gathered = asyncio.gather(*futures, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)
for fut in futures:
yield fut.result()
except Exception as e:
yield repr(e)


Why do I keep getting GetOverlappedResult got err 109

So I got a piece of code like this:
mgr = MP.Manager()
mp_dataset = mgr.dict(dataset)
mp_seen = mgr.dict({k: None for k in seen})
mp_barrier = MP.Barrier(WORKER_COUNT + 1) # +1 to include main process
# TileQueue is a global var
workers = [
MP.Process(target=process_item_worker, args=(TileQueue, mp_dataset, mp_seen, mp_barrier))
for _ in range(0, WORKER_COUNT)
[worker.start() for worker in workers]
print("Waiting for workers...")
start_t = time.monotonic()
elapsed_t = time.monotonic() - start_t
print(f"\nFetching finished in {elapsed_t:,.2f} seconds", flush=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nAn Exception happened: {e}")
# Save the results first, convert from managed to normal dicts
progress["seen"] = dict(mp_seen)
with"wb") as fout:
pickle.dump(progress, fout)
# Then we tell workers to disband
[TileQueue.put(None) for _ in workers]
print("Waiting for workers...", flush=True)
for w in workers:
print("Start processing updated dataset")
Why a combination of async and multiprocessing? Because the fetch_more_data logic is I/O-bound so async works great there, while process_item is heavily CPU-bound so I want to dedicate processes to do the heavy stuff.
The Issue:
I always get the message GetOverlappedResult got err 109 several times (always equal to WORKER_COUNT) prior to the last print() line.
Everything works as expected, though. But that message annoys me.
What could be the problem?
Okay so after doing LOTS of experimentation, I found out the (possible) reason:
I must also 'end' the Manager() instance
So I changed the finally block to be like this:
# Save the results first, convert from managed to normal dicts
progress["seen"] = dict(mp_seen)
with"wb") as fout:
pickle.dump(progress, fout)
# Then we tell workers to disband
[TileQueue.put(None) for _ in workers]
print("Waiting for workers...", flush=True)
for w in workers:
Now I no longer get the GetOverlappedResult got err 109 and I'm happy :-)

Is there any way to stop all workers in a Threadpool if any of the worker raise an Exception in python

I am writing a python script to process an operation through the ThreadPoolExecutor. My requirement is to stop script execution if the exception is raised by any of the workers. I have used the exit method but it only exit/stops the particular thread, not the whole script.
Below is the piece of code:
def create_dump():
tenants = get_all_tenants()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor:, tenants, chunksize=1)
file = open(dump_file_path, 'a')
json.dump(json_dump, file, indent=1)
def process_create_dump(tenant):
r_components = dict()
print("processing.....%s" % tenant)
add_clients(r_components, tenant)
except Exception:
print("Unexpected exception occurred while processing")
I found a solution using threading.Event and shutdown method of ThreadPoolExecutor. Below is the code:
event_object = threading.Event()
def create_dump():
tenants = get_all_tenants()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor:
executor.submit(terminate_executor, executor), tenants, chunksize=1)
file = open(dump_file_path, 'a')
json.dump(json_dump, file, indent=1)
def process_create_dump(tenant):
r_components = dict()
print("processing.....%s" % tenant)
add_clients(r_components, tenant)
except Exception:
def terminate_executor(executor):
executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True)
def set_event_on_success():
while not is_process_completed():

Async IO switch coroutine on multiprocessing.queue.get() not ready

I am writing some code where I have 3 processes (spawned from the main). The first one is a process that uses Async IO to create 3 coroutines and switch between them. The last two processes run independently and generate two outputs that are used in one of the coroutines of the first process.
The communication has been managed using multiprocessing.queue(), the main puts the input data inside queue_source_position_hrir_calculator and queue_source_position_cutoff_calculator, then these two queues are emptied by p2_hrir_computation_process and p3_cutoff_computation_process. These two processes outputs their computation results in two output queues queue_computed_hrirs and queue_computed_cutoff
Finally these two queues are consumed by the Async IO process, in particular inside the input_parameters_coroutine function.
The full code is the following (I will highlight the key parts in following snippets):
import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import time
from classes.HRIR_interpreter_min_phase_linear_interpolation import HRIR_interpreter_min_phase_linear_interpolation
from classes.object_renderer import ObjectRenderer
#Useful resources:
Fs = 44100
# region Async_IO functions
async def audio_input_coroutine(overlay):
for i in range(0,100):
print('Executing audio input coroutine')
await asyncio.sleep(1/(Fs*4))
async def input_parameters_coroutine(overlay, queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff):
for i in range(0,10):
print('Executing audio input_parameters coroutine')
current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get()
print('got current hrir')
current_cutoff = queue_computed_cutoff.get()
print('got current cutoff')
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def audio_output_coroutine(overlay):
for i in range(0,10):
print('Executing audio_output coroutine')
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
async def main_coroutine(overlay, queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff):
await asyncio.gather(audio_input_coroutine(overlay), input_parameters_coroutine(overlay, queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff), audio_output_coroutine(overlay))
def async_IO_main_process(queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff):
overlay = 10, queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff))
# endregion
# region HRIR_computation_process
def compute_hrir(queue_source_position, queue_computed_hrirs):
print('computing hrir')
SOFA_filename = '../HRTF_data/HUTUBS_min_phase.sofa'
# loading the simulated dataset using the support class HRIRInterpreter
HRIRInterpreter = HRIR_interpreter_min_phase_linear_interpolation(SOFA_filename=SOFA_filename)
# variable to check if I have other positions in my input queue
eof_source_position = False
# Un-comment following line to return when no more messages
while not eof_source_position:
#while True:
# print('inside while loop')
# print('state of the queue', queue_source_position.empty())
if not eof_source_position:
position = queue_source_position.get()
if position is None:
eof_source_position = True # end of messages indicator
required_IR = HRIRInterpreter.get_interpolated_IR(position[0], position[1], 1)
# print('printing computed HRIR:', required_IR)
print('completed hrir computation, adding none to queue')
queue_computed_hrirs.put(None) # end of messages indicator
print('completed hrir process')
# endregion
# region cutoff_computation_process
def compute_cutoff(queue_source_position, queue_computed_cutoff):
print('computing cutoff')
cutoff = 20000
object_renderer = ObjectRenderer()
object_positions = np.array([(20, 0), (40, 0), (100, 0), (225, 0)])
eof_source_position = False
# Un-comment following line to return when no more messages
while not eof_source_position:
#while True:
if not eof_source_position:
print('inside source position update')
source_position = queue_source_position.get()
if source_position is None: # end of messages indicator
eof_source_position = True
cutoff = object_renderer.get_cutoff(azimuth=source_position[0], elevation=source_position[1])
queue_computed_cutoff.put(None) # end of messages indicator
# endregion
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
queue_source_position_hrir_calculator = multiprocessing.Queue()
queue_source_position_cutoff_calculator = multiprocessing.Queue()
queue_computed_hrirs = multiprocessing.Queue()
queue_computed_cutoff = multiprocessing.Queue()
i = 0.0
#Basically here I am writing a sequence of positions into the queue
#then I add a None value to detect when I am done with the simulation so the process can end
for _ in range(10):
# print('into main while-> source_position:', source_position[0])
source_position = np.array([i, 0.0])
i += 10
queue_source_position_hrir_calculator.put(None) # "end of messages" indicator
queue_source_position_cutoff_calculator.put(None) # "end of messages" indicator
p1_async_IO_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=async_IO_main_process, args=(queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff)) #process that manages the ASYNC_IO coroutines between DMAs
p2_hrir_computation_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=compute_hrir, args=(queue_source_position_hrir_calculator, queue_computed_hrirs))
p3_cutoff_computation_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=compute_hrir, args=(queue_source_position_cutoff_calculator, queue_computed_cutoff))
#temp cycle to join processes
#for _ in range(2):
# current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get()
# current_cutoff = queue_computed_cutoff.get()
print('joining async_IO process')
print('joined async_IO process')
#NB: to join a process, its qeues must be empty. So before calling the join on p2, I should get the values from the queue_computed_hrirs queue
print('joining hrir computation process')
print('joined hrir computation process')
print('joining hrir computation process')
print('joined hrir computation process')
print('joining cutoff computation process')
print('joined cutoff computation process')
print("completed main")
The important part of the code is:
async def input_parameters_coroutine(overlay, queue_computed_hrirs,queue_computed_cutoff):
for i in range(0,10):
print('Executing audio input_parameters coroutine')
current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get()
print('got current hrir')
current_cutoff = queue_computed_cutoff.get()
print('got current cutoff')
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
This coroutine receives as input 3 variables overlay (which is a dummy variable I am using for future developments) and the two multiprocessing.Queue() classes, queue_computed_hrirs and queue_computed_cutoff.
At the moment my input_parameters_coroutine gets "stuck" while executing current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get() and current_cutoff = queue_computed_cutoff.get(). I said "stuck" because the code works fine and complete its execution, the problem is that those two commands are blocking, thus my coroutine stops until it has something to get from the queue.
What I would like to achieve is: try to execute current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get(), if it is not possible at that moment, switch to another coroutine and let it execute what it wants, then go back and check if it possible to execute current_hrir = queue_computed_hrirs.get(), if yes go on, if not switch again to another coroutine and let it do its job.
I saw that there are some problems in making async IO and multiprocessing communicate ( What kind of problems (if any) would there be combining asyncio with multiprocessing? , Can I somehow share an asynchronous queue with a subprocess? ) but I wasn't able to find a smart solution to my problem.

How to avoid error 429 (Too Many Requests) python with Asyncio

I am using the following code to make requests with aiohttp client. The server that I am trying to send request has a 30k request limit per hour per IP. So I am getting 429 too many request error. I want to put the job on sleep whenever it hits the limit.
I can extract the x_rateLimit_reset from the header so I thought I could use it to put the job on sleep but I observed very strange behavior. Sometimes the job the sleep time becomes negative and sometimes it gets stuck in sleeping mode.
For example, the last time that I ran the job, it first slept for 2000 seconds and then after the time passed, it again tried to sleep for another 2500 seconds and got stuck in sleeping mode. I think maybe the other parallel processes caused the issue so was wondering how to deal with too many request error msg when using Asyncio.
#backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError,TooManyRequests),
async def fetch(self, url, session, params):
async with session.get(url, params=params) as response:
now = int(time.time())
output = await
output = json.loads(output)
if 'X-RateLimit-Remaining' in response.headers:
rate = response.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']
if 'status' in output and output['status'] == 429:
x_rateLimit_reset = int(response.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset'])
print("sleep mode")
seconds = x_rateLimit_reset - now"The job will sleep for {} seconds".format(seconds))
raise TooManyRequests()
return output
except (asyncio.TimeoutError, TypeError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError,
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError) as e:
async def bound_fetch(self, sem, url, session, params):
# Getter function with semaphore.
async with sem:
output = await self.fetch(url, session, params)
return {"url": url, "output": output}
This is how I initiate bound_fetch and define the URLs:
def get_responses(self, urls, office_token, params=None):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(, urls, params))
responses = loop.run_until_complete(future)
return responses
async def run(self, office_token, urls, params):
tasks = []
# create instance of Semaphore
sem = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(200)
timeout = ClientTimeout(total=1000)
async with ClientSession(auth=BasicAuth(office_token, password=' '), timeout=timeout,
connector=TCPConnector(ssl=False)) as session:
for url in urls:
# pass Semaphore and session to every GET request
task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.bound_fetch(sem, url, session, params))
responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return responses
urls = [
"{}/{}".format(self.base_url, "{}?page={}&api_key={}".format(object_name, page_number, self.api_keys))
for page_number in range(batch * chunk_size + 1, chunk_size * (1 + batch) + 1)]
Main reason you are using time.sleep() instead await asyncio.sleep().
Here is minimal working solution and some comment how it works.
Please use it to adopt your solution.
Take a look on asyncio-throttle
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
async def fetch(session, task): # fetching urls and mark result of execution
async with session.get(task['url']) as response:
if response.status != 200:
# response.raise_for_status()
# Here you need to somehow handle 429 code if it acquired
# In my example I just skip it.
task['result'] = response.status
task['status'] = 'done'
await response.text() # just to be sure we acquire data
print(f"{str(}: Got result of {task['url']}") # logging
task['result'] = response.status
task['status'] = 'done'
async def fetch_all(session, urls, persecond):
# convert to list of dicts
url_tasks = [{'url': i, 'result': None, 'status': 'new'} for i in urls]
n = 0 # counter
while True:
# calc how many tasks are fetching right now
running_tasks = len([i for i in url_tasks if i['status'] in ['fetch']])
# calc how many tasks are still need to be executed
is_tasks_to_wait = len([i for i in url_tasks if i['status'] != 'done'])
# check we are not in the end of list n < len()
# check we have room for one more task
if n < len(url_tasks) and running_tasks < persecond:
url_tasks[n]['status'] = 'fetch'
# Here is main trick
# If you schedule task inside running loop
# it will start to execute sync code until find some await
asyncio.create_task(fetch(session, url_tasks[n]))
n += 1
print(f'Schedule tasks {n}. '
f'Running {running_tasks} '
f'Remain {is_tasks_to_wait}')
# Check persecond constrain and wait a sec (or period)
if running_tasks >= persecond:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Here is another main trick
# To keep (or loop.run_until_complete) executing
# we need to wait a little than check that all tasks are done and
# wait and so on
if is_tasks_to_wait != 0:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # wait all tasks done
# All tasks done
return url_tasks
async def main():
urls = ['',
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
res = await fetch_all(session, urls, 3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ( do cancel all pending tasks (we do not have them,
# because we check all task done)
# ( do await canceling all tasks
# ( do stop loop
# exit program

Combine python thread results into one list

I am trying to modify the solution shown here: What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python? except that instead of checking header status I am making an API request which returns a dictionary and I would like the end result of all of these API requests to be a list of all of the dictionaries.
Here is my code -- consider that api_calls is a list that has each url to open for the json request...
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
concurrent = 200
def doWork():
while True:
url = q.get()
result = makeRequest(url[0])
doSomethingWithResult(result, url)
def makeRequest(ourl):
api_call = urlopen(ourl).read()
result = json.loads(api_call)
return result, ourl
return "error", ourl
def doSomethingWithResult(result, url):
q = Queue(concurrent * 2)
for i in range(concurrent):
t = Thread(target=doWork)
t.daemon = True
for url in api_calls:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Like the example linked, this currently will succesfully print the url, result on each line. What I would instead like to do is add the (url, result) to a list in each thread and then at the end join them into one master list. I cannot figure out how to have this master list and join the results at the end. Can anybody help with what I should modify in the doSomethingWithResult? If I was doing one large loop, I would just have an empty list and I would append the result to the list after each API request, but I do not know how to mimick this now that I am using threads.
I expect that a common response will be to use and if this is the suggestion, then I would appreciate somebody actually providing an example that accomplishes as much as the code I have linked above.
Use a ThreadPool instead. It does the heavy lifting for you. Here is a working example that fetches a few urls.
import multiprocessing.pool
concurrent = 200
def makeRequest(ourl):
api_call = urlopen(ourl).read()
result = json.loads(api_call)
return "success", ourl
return "error", ourl
def main():
api_calls = [
for i in range(1,5)]
# a thread pool that implements the process pool API.
pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(processes=concurrent)
return_list =, api_calls, chunksize=1)
for status, data in return_list:

