Python Coin Change Dynamic Programming - python

I am currently trying to implement dynamic programming in Python, but I don't know how to setup the backtracking portion so that it does not repeat permutations.
For example, an input would be (6, [1,5]) and the expected output should be 2 because there are 2 possible ways to arrange 1 and 5 so that their sum is equivalent to 6. Those combinations are {1,1,1,1,1,1} and {1,5} but the way my program currently works, it accounts for the combinations displayed above and the combination {5,1}. This causes the output to be 3 which is not what I wanted. So my question is "How do I prevent from repeating permutations?". My current code is shown below.
import collections as c
class DynamicProgram(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fib_memo = {}
# nested dictionary, collections.defaultdict works better than a regular nested dictionary
self.coin_change_memo = c.defaultdict(dict)
self.__dict__.update({x:k for x, k in locals().items() if x != 'self'})
def coin_change(self, n, coin_array):
# check cache
if n in self.coin_change_memo:
if len(coin_array) in self.coin_change_memo[n]:
return [n][len(coin_array)]
# base cases
if n < 0: return 0
elif n == 1 or n == 0: return 1
result = 0
i = 0
# backtracking (the backbone of how this function works)
while i <= n and i < len(coin_array):
result += self.coin_change(n-coin_array[i], coin_array)
i += 1
# append to cache
self.coin_change_memo[n][len(coin_array)] = result
# return result
return result

One of the way of avoiding permutation is to use the numbers in "non-decreasing" order. By doing so you will never add answer for [5 1] because it is not in "non-decreasing" order.And [1 5] will be added as it is in "non-decreasing" order.
So the change in your code will be if you fix to use the ith number in sorted order than you will never ever use the number which is strictly lower than this.
The code change will be as described in Suparshva's answer with initial list of numbers sorted.

Quick fix would be:
result += self.coin_change(n-coin_array[i], coin_array[i:]) # notice coin_array[i:] instead of coin_array
But you want to avoid this as each time you will be creating a new list.
Better fix would be:
Simply add a parameter lastUsedCoinIndex in the function. Then always use coins with index >= lastUsedCoinIndex from coin array. This will ensure that the solutions are distinct.
Also you will have to make changes in your memo state. You are presently storing sum n and size of array(size of array is not changing in your provided implementation unlike the quick fix I provided, so its of no use there!!) together as a state for memo. Now you will have n and lastUsedCoinIndex, together determining a memo state.
Your function would look like:
def coin_change(self,coin_array,n,lastUsedCoinIndex):
Here, the only variables changing will be n and lastUsedCoinIndex. So you can also modify your constructor such that it takes coin_array as input and then you will access the coin_array initialized by constructor through self.coin_array. Then the function would become simply:
def coin_change(self,n,lastUsedCoinIndex):


Recursively generating a list of lists in a triangular format given a height and value

I recently started looking into recursion to clean up my code and "up my game" as it were. As such, I'm trying to do things which could normally be accomplished rather simply with loops, etc., but practicing them with recursive algorithms instead.
Currently, I am attempting to generate a two-dimensional array which should theoretically resemble a sort of right-triangle in an NxN formation given some height n and the value which will get returned into the 2D-array.
As an example, say I call: my_function(3, 'a');, n = 3 and value = 'a'
My output returned should be: [['a'], ['a', 'a'], ['a', 'a', 'a']]
['a', 'a'],
['a', 'a', 'a']]
Wherein n determines both how many lists will be within the outermost list, as well as how many elements should successively appear within those inner-lists in ascending order.
As it stands, my code currently looks as follows:
def my_function(n, value):
base_val = [value]
if n == 0:
return [base_val]
return [base_val] + [my_function(n-1, value)]
Unfortunately, using my above example n = 3 and value = 'a', this currently outputs: [['a'], [['a'], [['a'], [['a']]]]]
Now, this doesn't have to get formatted or printed the way I showed above in a literal right-triangle formation (that was just a visualization of what I want to accomplish).
I will answer any clarifying questions you need, of course!
return [base_val]
Okay, for n == 0 we get [[value]]. Solid. Er, sort of. That's the result with one row in it, right? So, our condition for the base case should be n == 1 instead.
Now, let's try the recursive case:
return [base_val] + [my_function(n-1, value)]
We had [[value]], and we want to end up with [[value], [value, value]]. Similarly, when we have [[value], [value, value]], we want to produce [[value], [value, value], [value, value, value]] from it. And so on.
The plan is that we get one row at the moment, and all the rest of the rows by recursing, yes?
Which rows will we get by recursing? Answer: the ones at the beginning, because those are the ones that still look like a triangle in isolation.
Therefore, which row do we produce locally? Answer: the one at the end.
Therefore, how do we order the results? Answer: we need to get the result from the recursive call, and add a row to the end of it.
Do we need to wrap the result of the recursive call? Answer: No. It is already a list of lists. We're just going to add one more list to the end of it.
How do we produce the last row? Answer: we need to repeat the value, n times, in a list. Well, that's easy enough.
Do we need to wrap the local row? Answer: Yes, because we want to append it as a single item to the recursive result - not concatenate all its elements.
Okay, let's re-examine the base case. Can we properly handle n == 0? Yes, and it makes perfect sense as a request, so we should handle it. What does our triangle look like with no rows in it? Well, it's still a list of rows, but it doesn't have any rows in it. So that's just []. And we can still append the first row to that, and proceed recursively. Great.
Let's put it all together:
if n == 0:
return []
return my_function(n-1, value) + [[value] * n]
Looks like base_val isn't really useful any more. Oh well.
We can condense that a little further, with a ternary expression:
return [] if n == 0 else (my_function(n-1, value) + [[value] * n])
You have a couple logic errors: off-by-1 with n, growing the wrong side (critically, the non-base implementation should not use a base-sized array), growing by an array of the wrong size. A fixed version:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def my_function(n, value):
if n <= 0:
return []
return my_function(n-1, value) + [[value]*n]
def main():
print(my_function(3, 'a'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Since you're returning mutable, you can get some more efficiency by using .append rather than +, which would make it no longer functional. Also note that the inner mutable objects don't get copied (but since the recursion is internal this doesn't really matter in this case).
It would be possible to write a tail-recursive version of this instead, by adding a parameter.
But python is a weird language for using unnecessary recursion.
The easiest way for me to think about recursive algorithms is in terms of the base case and how to build on that.
The base case (case where no recursion is necessary) is when n = 1 (or n = 0, but I'm going to ignore that case). A 1x1 "triangle" is just a 1x1 list: [[a]].
So how do we build on that? Well, if n = 2, we can assume we already have that base case value (from calling f(1)) of [[a]]. So we need to add [a, a] to that list.
We can generalize this as:
f(1) = [[a]]
f(n > 1) = f(n - 1) + [[a] * n]
, or, in Python:
def my_function(n, value):
if n == 1:
return [[value]]
return my_function(n - 1, value) + [[value] * n]
While the other answers proposed another algorithm for solving your Problem, it could have been solved by correcting your solution:
Using a helper function such as:
def indent(x, lst):
new_lst = []
for val in lst:
new_lst += [x] + val
return new_lst
You can implement the return in the original function as:
return [base_val] + indent(value, [my_function(n-1, value)])
The other solutions are more elegant though so feel free to accept them.
Here is an image explaining this solution.
The red part is your current function call and the green one the previous function call.
As you can see, we also need to add the yellow part in order to complete the triangle.
These are the other solutions.
In these solutions you only need to add a new row, so that it's more elegant overall.

sub-sum from a list without loops

So i'm studying recursion and have to write some codes using no loops
For a part of my code I want to check if I can sum up a subset of a list to a specific number, and if so return the indexes of those numbers on the list.
For example, if the list is [5,40,20,20,20] and i send it with the number 60, i want my output to be [1,2] since 40+20=60.
In case I can't get to the number, the output should be an empty list.
I started with
def find_sum(num,lst,i,sub_lst_sum,index_lst):
if num == sub_lst_sum:
return index_lst
if i == len(sum): ## finished going over the list without getting to the sum
return []
if sub_lst_sum+lst[i] > num:
return find_sum(num,lst,i+1,sub_lst_sum,index_lst)
return ?..
index_lst = find_sum(60,[5,40,20,20,20],0,0,[])
num is the number i want to sum up to,
lst is the list of numbers
the last return should go over both the option that I count the current number in the list and not counting it.. (otherwise in the example it will take the five and there will be no solution).
I'm not sure how to do this..
Here's a hint. Perhaps the simplest way to go about it is to consider the following inductive reasoning to guide your recursion.
index_list = find_sum(num,lst,i+1)
index_list = find_sum(num,lst,i)
That is, if a list of indices can be use to construct a sum num using elements from position i+1 onwards, then it is also a solution when using elements from position i onwards. That much should be clear. The second piece of inductive reasoning is,
index_list = find_sum(num-lst[i],lst,i+1)
[i]+index_list = find_sum(num,lst,i)
That is, if a list of indices can be used to return a sum num-lst[i] using elements from position i+1 onwards, then you can use it to build a list of indices whose respective elements sum is num by appending i.
These two bits of inductive reasoning can be translated into two recursive calls to solve the problem. Also the first one I wrote should be used for the second recursive call and not the first (question: why?).
Also you might want to rethink using empty list for the base case where there is no solution. That can work, but your returning as a solution a list that is not a solution. In python I think None would be a the standard idiomatic choice (but you might want to double check that with someone more well-versed in python than me).
Fill in the blanks
def find_sum(num,lst,i):
if num == 0 :
return []
elif i == len(lst) :
return None
else :
ixs = find_sum(???,lst,i+1)
if ixs != None :
return ???
else :
return find_sum(???,lst,i+1)

Changing from lists to arguments in Python 3.0

I've recently constructed a piece of python code which finds the least commonly repeated number in a list! Here is my code...
from collections import Counter
def least_common():
from collections import Counter
List = [1,1,1,0,0,3,3,2]
CountList = Counter(List)
Mincount = min(CountList.values())
least_common = next(n for n in reversed(List) if CountList[n] == Mincount)
print (least_common)
However as you can clearly see, this uses a list to call the numbers which will be compared.
I'm now trying to get it to do the same task, but instead of using a built in list, I want it to use an argument of integers.
For example
def the_least_common(integers)
--------code with argument which will find lowest repeated number---------
print the_least_common([1,1,1,0,0,3,3,2])
Is any of the code which I've already created reusable for what I now need to create? Apologies if this is a stupid question or comes across as really simple as I'm a little stuck
Any advice is much appreciated!
Since you're using Counter, there's a builtin method - most_common - that returns a sorted list of elements and their counts, starting with the most common first. You can query the last element of this list.
In [418]: Counter([1,1,1,0,0,3,3,2]).most_common()[-1]
Out[418]: (2, 1)
Your function would look something like this:
def least_common(data):
return Counter(data).most_common()[-1][0]
If your data can have multiple integers with the same least count, and your function needs to return every one of them, you can iterate over most_common:
def least_common(data):
c = Counter(data).most_common()[::-1]
yield c[0][0]
for x, y in c[1:]:
if x != c[0][1]:
yield y

Python Non-recursive Permutation

Does anyone understand the following iterative algorithm for producing all permutations of a list of numbers?
I do not understand the logic within the while len(stack) loop. Can someone please explain how it works?
# Non-Recursion
#param nums: A list of Integers.
#return: A list of permutations.
def permute(self, nums):
if nums is None:
return []
nums = sorted(nums)
permutation = []
stack = [-1]
permutations = []
while len(stack):
index = stack.pop()
index += 1
while index < len(nums):
if nums[index] not in permutation:
index += 1
if len(permutation):
if len(permutation) == len(nums):
return permutations
I'm just trying to understand the code above.
As mentioned in the comments section to your question, debugging may provide a helpful way to understand what the code does. However, let me provide a high-level perspective of what your code does.
First of all, although there are no recursive calls to the function permute, the code your provided is effectively recursive, as all it does is keeping its own stack, instead of using the one provided by the memory manager of your OS. Specifically, the variable stack is keeping the recursive state, so to speak, that is passed from one recursive call to another. You could, and perhaps should, consider each iteration of the outer while loop in the permute function as a recursive call. If you do so, you will see that the outer while loop helps 'recursively' traverse each permutation of nums in a depth-first manner.
Noticing this, it's fairly easy to figure out what each 'recursive call' does. Basically, the variable permutation keeps the current permutation of nums which is being formed as while loop progresses. Variable permutations store all the permutations of nums that are found. As you may observe, permutations are updated only when len(permutation) is equal to len(nums) which can be considered as the base case of the recurrence relation that is being implemented using a custom stack. Finally, the inner while loop picks which element of nums to add to the current permutation(i.e. stored in variable permutation) being formed.
So that is about it, really. You can figure out what is exactly being done on the lines relevant to the maintenance of stack using a debugger, as suggested. As a final note, let me repeat that I, personally, would not consider this implementation to be non-recursive. It just so happens that, instead of using the abstraction provided by the OS, this recursive solution keeps its own stack. To provide a better understanding of how a proper non-recursive solution would be, you may observe the difference in recursive and iterative solutions to the problem of finding nth Fibonacci number provided below. As you can see, the non-recursive solution keeps no stack, and instead of dividing the problem into smaller instances of it(recursion) it builds up the solution from smaller solutions. (dynamic programming)
def recursive_fib(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
elif n == 1:
return 1
return recursive_fib(n-1) + recursive_fib(n-2)
def iterative_fib(n):
f_0 = 0
f_1 = 1
for i in range(3, n):
f_2 = f_1 + f_0
f_0 = f_1
f_1 = f_2
return f_1
The answer from #ilim is correct and should be the accepted answer but I just wanted to add another point that wouldn't fit as a comment. Whilst I imagine you are studying this algorithm as an exercise it should be pointed out that a better way to proceed, depending on the size of the list, may be to user itertools's permutations() function:
print [x for x in itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3])]
Testing on my machine with a list of 11 items (39m permutations) took 1.7secs with itertools.permutations(x) but took 76secs using the custom solution above. Note however that with 12 items (479m permutations) the itertools solution blows up with a memory error. If you need to generate permutations of such size efficiently you may be better dropping to native code.

Why doesnt this sort function work for Python

Please tell me why this sort function for Python isnt working :)
def sort(list):
if len(list)==0:
return list
elif len(list)==1:
return list
for b in range(1,len(list)):
if list[b-1]>list[b]:
print (list[b-1])
hold = list[b-1]
list[b] = hold
a = [1,2,13,131,1,3,4]
print (sort(a))
It looks like you're attempting to implement a neighbor-sort algorithm. You need to repeat the loop N times. Since you only loop through the array once, you end up with the largest element being in its place (i.e., in the last index), but the rest is left unsorted.
You could debug your algorithm on your own, using pdb.
Or, you could use python's built-in sorting.
Lets take a look at you code. Sort is a built in Python function (at least I believe it is the same for both 2.7 and 3.X) So when you are making your own functions try to stay away from name that function with inbuilt functions unless you are going to override them (Which is a whole different topic.) This idea also applies to the parameter that you used. list is a type in the python language AKA you will not be able to use that variable name. Now for some work on your code after you change all the variables and etc...
When you are going through your function you only will swap is the 2 selected elements are next to each other when needed. This will not work with all list combinations. You have to be able to check that the current i that you are at is in the correct place. So if the end element is the lowest in the List then you have to have it swap all the way to the front of the list. There are many ways of sorting (ie. Quick sort, MergeSort,Bubble Sort) and this isnt the best way... :) Here is some help:
def sortThis(L):
if (len(L) == 0 or len(L) == 1):
return list
for i in range(len(L)):
value = L[i]
j = i - 1
while (j >= 0) and (L[j] > value):
L[j+1] = L[j]
j -= 1
L[j+1] = value
a = [1,2,13,131,1,3,4]
print a
Take a look at this for more sorting Fun: QuickSort MergeSort
If it works, it would be the best sorting algotithm in the world (O(n)). Your algorithm only puts the greatest element at the end of the list. you have to apply recursively your function to list[:-1].
You should not use python reserved words

