I really don't know what's goin' on. I look up (in my search bar) "Hi" and it says 2 results found, if I looks up ANY OTHER WORD it just gives me a 500 error. Anyone?
#! /usr/bin/python
import cgi
data = cgi.FieldStorage()
searchHome = data.getvalue( 'search' )
result = "There was 0 results for search " + searchHome
total = 0
total = int(total)
with open('index.py') as f:
for line in f:
finded = line.find(searchHome)
if finded != -1 and finded != 0:
total += 1
total = str(total)
result = "There was " + total + " result(s) for search term: " + searchHome
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\r\n\r'
print result
Thanks for your help, Reefive / Sky Coleman. EDIT: Just fixed the code :D
More edits:
Ok, the error, I cannot find, I went through all the cPanel files, and more, looked at the help, etc. it just gives me a 500 error when I look up anything other than "Hi".
This program works for me except the changes that are made to the input .srt (subtitle) file are displayed but NOT saved back in the input file or a new file. Can anyone please tell me what is missing? Thanks. Stuart.
code follows:
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys;
# Patching SRT files to make them readable on Samsung TVs
# It basically inserts blank subtitles when silence should occur.
subs = open(sys.argv[1])
print "Please provide subtile file to process"
while True:
begin,arrow,end=subs.readline().rstrip('\n\r').split(" ")
srtText = subs.readline();
again = subs.readline();
while len(again.strip('\n\r')) > 0:
srtText = srtText + again
again = subs.readline()
print "%d\n%s --> %s\n%s" % (seqNo, begin, end, srtText)
seqNo = seqNo + 1
print "%d\n%s --> %s\n%s\n" % (seqNo, end, end, " ")
seqNo = seqNo + 1
Background information: I'm looking to pull data from ratemyprofessor.com - I have limited programming experience so I decided to see if something was pre-built to accomplish this task.
I came across this here: https://classic.scraperwiki.com/scrapers/ratemyprofessors/
Which is exactly what I'm looking for. ScraperWiki closed down but has it setup to transfer everything to Morph.io - Which I did here: https://morph.io/reddyfire/ratemyprofessors
My problem: It doesn't work. It should be outputting a database that gives me information I've identified as needing. I'm assuming it has something to do with the URL it's pulling from:
response = scraperwiki.scrape("http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/SelectTeacher.jsp?sid=%s&pageNo=%s" % (sid,str(i)))
But I have no idea if that's right. I'm feeling pretty defeated by this but I want to keep going for a solution.
What I need: I'm looking to get the **Name, Department,Total Ratings,Overall Quality, Easiness, and Hotness rating for each instructor at the colleges. Here's some sample output in the desired format:
I tested to do a simplified scraper for you. Do note that it isnt pythonic (ie not beautiful or fast), but as a starting point it works.
__author__ = 'Victor'
import urllib
import re
url = 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=306975'
def crawlURL(addedURL):
url = addedURL
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
teacherData = re.findall(r'\">(.*?)</',html)
output = ''
addStuff = 0
for x in xrange(len(teacherData)):
if teacherData[x] == 'Submit a Correction':
output = 'professor: '
for y in xrange(4):
output += teacherData[x-8+y] + ' '
addStuff = 1
elif teacherData[x] == 'Helpfulness' and addStuff == 1:
output += ': Overall quality: '+ str(teacherData[x-2]) + ': Average grade: ' + str(teacherData[x-1]) + ': Helpfulness: ' + teacherData[x+1]
elif teacherData[x] == 'Easiness' and addStuff == 1:
output += ': Easiness: ' + str(teacherData[x+1])
addStuff = 0
print output
It renders this output:
Dr. Kimora John Jay College : Overall quality: 5.0: Average grade:
A: Helpfulness: 5.0 : Easiness: 4.6
There is plenty of room for improvement, but this is as close to pseudcode i could get.
In this example it is a function that prints the output, if you want to add it to a list just add a "return output" in the end and call the function with "listName.append(crawlURL(url))"
This is for Python 2.7
And yes, it doesnt get the exact data you requested. It just opens the door for you ;)
Here is an example on how to loop the requests
def crawlURL(addesURL):
return output
baseURL = 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=306'
for x in xrange(50):
url = baseURL + str(x+110)
if crawlURL(url) != '': print crawlURL(url)
If you are iterating through all of their data you should consider to add delays every now and then so you dont accidentally DDoS them.
Recently I had to make a script for my internship to check if a subnet occurs in a bunch of router/switch configs.
I've made a script that generates the output. Now I need a second script (I couldn't get it to work into one), that reads the output, if the subnet occurs write it to aanwezig.txt, if not write to nietAanwezig.txt.
A lot of other answers helped me to make this script and it works but it only executes for the first 48 IPs and there are over 2000...
The code of checkOutput.py:
def main():
file = open('../iprangesclean.txt', 'rb')
aanwezig = open('../aanwezig.txt', 'w')
nietAanwezig = open('../nietAanwezig.txt', 'w')
output = open('output.txt', 'rb')
for line in file:
originalLine = line
line = line.replace(' ', '')
line = line.replace('\n', '')
line = line.replace('\r', '')
one,two,three,four = line.split('.')
# 3Byte IP:
ipaddr = str(one) + "." + str(two) + "." + str(three)
counter = 1
found = 0
for lijn in output:
if re.search("\b{0}\b".format(ipaddr),lijn) and found == 0:
found = 1
found = 2
print counter
counter= counter + 1
if found == 1:
print "Written to aanwezig"
elif found == 2:
print "Written to nietAanwezig"
found = 0
The format of iprangesclean.txt is like following:
and so on...
Part of output.txt (I can't give you everything because it has user information):
*name of device*.txt:logging
*name of device*.txt:access-list 37 permit
*name of device*.txt:access-list 38 permit
*name of device*.txt:snmp-server host *someword*
*name of device*.txt:logging
Try this change:
for lijn in output:
found = 0 # put this here
if re.search("\b{0}\b".format(ipaddr),lijn) and found == 0:
found = 1
found = 2
print counter
counter= counter + 1
"""Indent one level so it us in the for statement"""
if found == 1:
print "Written to aanwezig"
elif found == 2:
print "Written to nietAanwezig"
If I understand the problem correctly, this should guide you to the right direction. The if statement is currently not executed in the for statement. If this does solve your problem, then you don't need the found variable either. You can just have something like:
for counter, lijn in enumerate(output, 1):
if re.search("\b{0}\b".format(ipaddr),lijn):
print "Written to aanwezig"
print "Written to nietAanwezig"
print counter
Please let me know if I have misunderstood the question.
Note I haven't tested the code above, try them out as a starting point.
Sorry - My questions is how can I change a file object within a function from a different function?
I've been trying to work out this error in my first python script for too long now, Dr Google and the forums aren't helping me too much, but I'm hoping you can.
I have a looping function that generates alot of data and I would like to output it to a text file, and create a new text file after the third loop.
I have 2 functions defined, one to create the data hashes, the other to create the new files.
The new files are being created as expected (aaa.txt, baa.txt...etc) but the "hashit" function only ever writes to the first file (aaa.txt) even though the others are being created.
I have tried fo.close() fo.flush(), as well as referencing fo in the functions but can't seem to make it work. Also I've moved the fo.write from the function to the main body.
I have included a cut down version of the code that I've been using to troubleshoot this issue, the real one has several more loops increasing the string length.
Thanks in advance
import smbpasswd, hashlib
base = '''abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '''
# base length 95
baselen = len(base)
name = 'aaa.txt'
fo = open(name, "w")
print "Name of the file: ", fo.name
print "Closed or not : ", fo.closed
print "Opening mode : ", fo.mode
print "Softspace flag : ", fo.softspace
pw01 = 0
pw02 = 0
pw03 = 0
def hashit(passwd):
# Need to install module
# sudo apt-get install python-smbpasswd
hex_dig_lm = smbpasswd.lmhash(passwd)
hex_dig_ntlm = smbpasswd.nthash(passwd)
#print '%s:%s' % smbpasswd.hash(passwd)
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5(passwd)
hex_dig_md5 = hash_md5.hexdigest()
hashstring = passwd +","+ hex_dig_lm +","+ hex_dig_md5 + '\n'
def newfile(name):
fo = open(name, "a")
print "Name of the file: ", fo.name
print "Closed or not : ", fo.closed
print('NewFile : ' + name)
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
# add 3rd digit
while (pw03 < baselen):
pwc03 = base[pw03]
name = pwc03 + 'aa.txt'
pw03 += 1
while (pw02 < baselen):
pwc02 = base[pw02]
pw02 += 1
while (pw01 < baselen):
pwc01 = base[pw01]
pw01 += 1
passwd = pwc03 + pwc02 + pwc01
pw01 = 0
pw02 = 0
pw03 = 0
In your newfile() function, add this line first:
global fo
So I've designed a program that runs on a computer, looks for particular aspects of files that have been plaguing us, and deletes the files if a flag is passed. Unfortunately the program seems to be almost-randomly shutting down/crashing. I say almost-randomly, because the program always exits after it deletes a file, though it will commonly stay up after a success.
I've run a parallel Python program that counts upwards in the same intervals, but does nothing else. This program does not crash/exit, and stays open.
Is there perhaps a R/W access issue? I am running the program as administrator, so I'm not sure why that would be the case.
Here's the code:
import glob
import os
import time
import stat
import logging
import datetime
runTimes = 0
currentPhp = 0
output = 0
output2 = 0
while runTimes >= 0:
#Cycles through .php files
openedProg = glob.glob('*.php')
openedProg = openedProg[currentPhp:currentPhp+1]
progInput = ''.join(openedProg)
if progInput != '':
theBot = open(progInput,'r')
#Singles out "$output" on this particular line and closes the process
readLines = theBot.readlines()
wholeLine = (readLines[-4])
output = wholeLine[4:11]
#Singles out "set_time_limit(0)"
wholeLine2 = (readLines[0])
output2 = wholeLine2[6:23]
if progInput == '':
currentPhp = -1
#Kills the program if it matches the code
currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
if output == '$output':
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
logging.warning(str(currentTime) +' ' + progInput + ' has been deleted. Please search for a faux httpd.exe process and kill it.')
currentPhp = 0
if output2 == 'set_time_limit(0)':
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
logging.warning(str(currentTime) +' ' + progInput + ' has been deleted. Please search for a faux httpd.exe process and kill it.')
currentPhp = 0
currentPhp = currentPhp + 1
#Prints the number of cycles
runTimes = runTimes + 1
logging.warning((str(currentTime) + ' botKiller2.0 has scanned '+ str(runTimes) + ' times.'))
print('botKiller3.0 has scanned ' + str(runTimes) + ' times.')
Firstly, it'll be hell of a lot easier to work out what's going on if you base your code around something like this...
for fname in glob.glob('*.php'):
with open(fname) as fin:
lines = fin.readlines()
if '$output' in lines[-4] or 'set_time_limit(0)' in lines[0]:
except IOError as e:
print "Couldn't remove:", fname
And err, that's not actually a secondly at the moment, your existing code is just too tricky to follow fullstop, let alone all the bits that could cause a strange error that we don't know yet!
if os.path.exists(progInput):
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
You never reset the output or output2 variables in the loop?
is this on purpose?