How to stop the python turtle from drawing - python

Can anyone tell me why this code always has a line on the screen and also how to stop it?
Slight problem with this is that every time this happens, I always get a line on my canvas no matter what I try to do. Any ideas on how to prevent this?
Now this is probably too much code, but I have no idea how else to show the failing code. I have tried a variety of ways but none seem to work.
def drawpixel(x, y, colour):
turtle.goto(x, y), colour)
def main():
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.title('Mandelbrot set drawer')
turtle.tracer(-10000, 0)
width = int(turtle.numinput('Screen size', 'What width?', 600, 100, 20000))
height = int(turtle.numinput('Screen size', 'What height?', 600, 100, 10000))
turtle.setworldcoordinates((-width)//2, (-height)//2, (width)//2, (height)//2)
radius = 2
turtle.goto((-width)//2, (-height)//2)
x, y = ((-width)//2, (-height)//2)
while y<((height)//2 +1):
while x!=((width)//2 +1):
newx = x/(width//2)*radius
newy = y/(width//2)*radius
mpos = newx + newy*1j
drawpixel(x, y, getcolour(mpos))
x += 1
y += 1
turtle.goto((-width)//2, y)
Maybe the getcolour is failing so here is the code for it:
def iterc(c):
iters = 0
z = 0+0j
while iters < 16 and math.hypot(z.real, z.imag)<2:
z = z*z+c
iters += 1
return iters
def getcolour(pos):
x = iterc(pos)
colournum = int(x*6.25)
colour = 'gray{}'.format(colournum)

I've reworked your code to get rid of the line and fix other issues that I saw:
def main():
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.title('Mandelbrot Set')
width = int(screen.numinput('Screen size', 'What width?', 600, 100, 20000))
height = int(screen.numinput('Screen size', 'What height?', 600, 100, 10000))
screen.setworldcoordinates(-width // 2, -height // 2, width // 2, height // 2)
screen.tracer(0, 0)
radius = 2
x, y = -width // 2, -height // 2
turtle.goto(x, y)
while y < (height // 2):
while x < (width // 2):
newx = x / (width // 2) * radius
newy = y / (width // 2) * radius
mpos = newx + newy * 1j
drawpixel(x, y, getcolour(mpos))
x += 1
x, y = -width // 2, y + 1
Despite its title, I don't picture this drawing a Mandelbrot but it should at least scan correctly.
Now that you've provided getcolour(), the Mandelbrot nature of this becomes clear. Below is the complete reworked code and some output:
import math
import turtle
def iterc(c):
iters = 0
z = 0 + 0j
while iters < 16 and math.hypot(z.real, z.imag) < 2:
z = z * z + c
iters += 1
return iters
def getcolour(pos):
x = iterc(pos)
colournum = int(x * 6.25)
return 'gray{}'.format(colournum)
def drawpixel(x, y, colour):
turtle.goto(x, y), colour)
def main():
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.title('Mandelbrot Set')
width = int(screen.numinput('Screen size', 'What width?', 600, 100, 20000))
height = int(screen.numinput('Screen size', 'What height?', 600, 100, 10000))
screen.setworldcoordinates(-width // 2, -height // 2, width // 2, height // 2)
screen.tracer(0, 0)
radius = 2
x, y = -width // 2, -height // 2
turtle.goto(x, y)
while y < (height // 2):
while x < (width // 2):
newx = x / (width // 2) * radius
newy = y / (width // 2) * radius
mpos = newx + newy * 1j
drawpixel(x, y, getcolour(mpos))
x += 1
x, y = -width // 2, y + 1
OUTPUT (reduced in size, still not finished running)
Neither the prettiest nor the fastest implementation but it is a Mandelbrot.
Now that you've seen your code works on my system, you need to review your environment (Python version, Windows or Unix, etc.) to see what's different. The above was done with Python 3.6.0 on Max OSX 10.11


finding velx, and vely knowing only final x, y and g [duplicate]

So I created this parabola class which can be instantiated with 3 parameters (a, b and c) or with 3 points belonging to the parabola. The punti() function returns all the points belonging to the parabola in a range defined by n and m. Here's the code (Most of this is in Italian, sorry):
class Parabola:
def __init__(self, tipo=0, *params):
Il tipo รจ 0 per costruire la parabola con a, b, c; 1 per costruire la parabola con
tre punti per la quale passa
if tipo == 0:
self.__a = params[0]
self.__b = params[1]
self.__c = params[2]
self.__delta = self.__b ** 2 - (4 * self.__a * self.__c)
elif tipo == 1:
matrix_a = np.array([
[params[0][0]**2, params[0][0], 1],
[params[1][0]**2, params[1][0], 1],
[params[2][0]**2, params[2][0], 1]
matrix_b = np.array([params[0][1], params[1][1], params[2][1]])
matrix_c = np.linalg.solve(matrix_a, matrix_b)
self.__a = round(matrix_c[0], 2)
self.__b = round(matrix_c[1], 2)
self.__c = round(matrix_c[2], 2)
self.__delta = self.__b ** 2 - (4 * self.__a * self.__c)
def trovaY(self, x):
y = self.__a * x ** 2 + self.__b * x + self.__c
return y
def punti(self, n, m, step=1):
output = []
for x in range(int(min(n, m)), int(max(n, m)) + 1, step):
output.append((x, self.trovaY(x)))
return output
Now my little game is about shooting targets with a bow and i have to use the parabola for the trajectory and it passes by 3 points:
The player center
A point with the cursor's x and player's y
A point in the middle with the cursors's y
The trajectory is represented by a black line but it clearly doesn't work and I can't understand why. Here's the code of the game (Don't mind about the bow's rotation, I still have to make it function properly):
import os
import sys
import pygame
from random import randint
1, __file__.replace("pygame-prototype\\" + os.path.basename(__file__), "coniche\\")
import parabola
# Initialization
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 1024, 576
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
# Function to rotate without losing quality
def rot_from_zero(surface, angle):
rotated_surface = pygame.transform.rotozoom(surface, angle, 1)
rotated_rect = rotated_surface.get_rect()
return rotated_surface, rotated_rect
# Function to map a range of values to another
def map_range(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax):
# Figure out how 'wide' each range is
leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin
rightSpan = rightMax - rightMin
# Convert the left range into a 0-1 range (float)
valueScaled = float(value - leftMin) / float(leftSpan)
# Convert the 0-1 range into a value in the right range.
return rightMin + (valueScaled * rightSpan)
# Player class
class Player:
def __init__(self, x, y, width=64, height=64):
self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height)
self.dirx = 0
self.diry = 0
def draw(self):
rectangle = pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), self.rect)
# Target class
class Target:
def __init__(self, x, y, acceleration=0.25):
self.x, self.y = x, y
self.image = pygame.image.load(
__file__.replace(os.path.basename(__file__), "target.png")
self.speed = 0
self.acceleration = acceleration
def draw(self):
screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))
def update(self):
self.speed -= self.acceleration
self.x += int(self.speed)
if self.speed < -1:
self.speed = 0
player = Player(64, HEIGHT - 128)
# Targets init
targets = []
targets_spawn_time = 3000
previous_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
# Ground animation init
ground_frames = []
for i in os.listdir(__file__.replace(os.path.basename(__file__), "ground_frames")):
__file__.replace(os.path.basename(__file__), "ground_frames\\" + i)
) # Load all ground frames
ground_frame_counter = 0 # Keep track of the current ground frame
frame_counter = 0
# Bow
bow = pygame.image.load(__file__.replace(os.path.basename(__file__), "bow.png"))
angle = 0
while 1:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Spawning the targets
current_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
if current_ticks - previous_ticks >= targets_spawn_time:
targets.append(Target(WIDTH, randint(0, HEIGHT - 110)))
previous_ticks = current_ticks
screen.fill((101, 203, 214))
for i, e in list(enumerate(targets))[::-1]:
if e.x <= -e.image.get_rect().width:
del targets[i]
# Calculating the angle of the bow
mouse_pos = pygame.Vector2(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
angle = map_range(mouse_pos.x, 0, WIDTH, 90, 0)
# Rotate the bow
rotated_bow, rotated_bow_rect = rot_from_zero(bow, angle) =
screen.blit(rotated_bow, rotated_bow_rect)
# Animate the ground
if frame_counter % 24 == 0:
ground_frame_counter += 1
if ground_frame_counter >= len(ground_frames):
ground_frame_counter = 0
for i in range(round(WIDTH / ground_frames[ground_frame_counter].get_rect().width)):
ground_frames[ground_frame_counter].get_rect().width * i,
HEIGHT - ground_frames[ground_frame_counter].get_rect().height,
# Calculating the trajectory
mouse_pos.x = (
mouse_pos.x if mouse_pos.x != rotated_bow_rect.centerx else mouse_pos.x + 1
# print(mouse_pos,
v_x = rotated_bow_rect.centerx + ((mouse_pos.x - rotated_bow_rect.centerx) / 2)
trajectory_parabola = parabola.Parabola(
(mouse_pos.x, rotated_bow_rect.centery),
(v_x, mouse_pos.y),
trajectory = [(i[0], int(i[1])) for i in trajectory_parabola.punti(0, WIDTH)]
pygame.draw.lines(screen, (0, 0, 0), False, trajectory)
screen, (128, 128, 128), pygame.Rect(v_x - 15, mouse_pos.y - 15, 30, 30)
(128, 128, 128),
pygame.Rect(mouse_pos.x - 15, rotated_bow_rect.centery - 15, 30, 30),
if frame_counter == 120:
for i in trajectory:
frame_counter += 1
You can run all of this and understand what's wrong with it, help?
You round the values of a, b and c to 2 decimal places. This is too inaccurate for this application:
self.__a = round(matrix_c[0], 2)
self.__b = round(matrix_c[1], 2)
self.__c = round(matrix_c[2], 2)
self.__a = matrix_c[0]
self.__b = matrix_c[1]
self.__c = matrix_c[2]
Similar to answer above... rounding is the issue here. This is magnified when the scale of the coordinates gets bigger.
However, disagree with other solution: It does not matter what order you pass the coordinates into your parabola construction. Any order works fine. points are points.
Here is a pic of your original parabola function "drooping" because of rounding error:
p1 = (0, 10) # left
p2 = (100, 10) # right
p3 = (50, 100) # apex
p = Parabola(1, p3, p2, p1)
traj = p.punti(0, 100)
xs, ys = zip(*traj)
plt.scatter(xs, ys)
plt.plot([0, 100], [10, 10], color='r')

A few minor problems with my tkinter sand simulation

I have made a sand simulation in tkinter. Only tkinter. No pygame, no matplotlib, none of that. It works great, it looks great, but nothing in life is perfect.
Minor Problem #1: When I hold down and let the sand fall, the column where the cursor is stays the same color. I haven't been able to track this down yet.
Minor Problem #2: When I create happy little piles of sand, the sides seem to build up from the bottom rather that fall from the top. I suspect this is a rendering issue, but I also haven't found the reason for this.
That's all the problems I've noticed, but if you see any others feel free to let me know.
from tkinter import *
from random import choice, random
from copy import deepcopy
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
AIR = 0
WALL = 1
SAND = 2
BG = '#cef'
SANDCOLOR = (45, 45, 86)
WALLCOLOR = (224, 37, 34)
def randomColor(h, s, v):
h, s, v = (h / 360), s / 100, v / 100
s += (random() - 0.5) * 0.1
v += (random() - 0.5) * 0.1
if s < 0: s = 0
if s > 1: s = 1
if v < 0: v = 0
if v > 1: v = 1
r, g, b = [round(i * 255) for i in hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)]
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)
class App:
def __init__(self):
self.master = Tk()
self.master.title('Sand Simulation')
self.master.resizable(0, 0)
self.master.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
WIDTH = self.master.winfo_screenwidth() // CELLSIZE
HEIGHT = self.master.winfo_screenheight() // CELLSIZE
self.canvas = Canvas(self.master, width=Width, height=Height, bg=BG, highlightthickness=0)
self.canvas.pack() = [[AIR] * WIDTH for i in range(HEIGHT)]
self.colors = [[BG] * WIDTH for i in range(HEIGHT)]
self.positions = []
for x in range(WIDTH):
for y in range(HEIGHT):
self.positions.append([x, y])
self.dragging, self.dragX, self.dragY = False, 0, 0
self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.mouseDown)
self.canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.mouseDrag)
self.canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouseUp)
## self.images = [PhotoImage(file='images/sandButton.png'), PhotoImage(file='images/sandButtonActivated.png'),
## PhotoImage(file='images/wallButton.png'), PhotoImage(file='images/wallButtonActivated.png')]
self.images = [PhotoImage().blank(), PhotoImage().blank(), PhotoImage().blank(), PhotoImage().blank()]
self.sandButton = self.canvas.create_image(125, 125, anchor='center', image=self.images[1])
self.wallButton = self.canvas.create_image(125, 325, anchor='center', image=self.images[2])
self.drawingMode = 'SAND'
self.master.after(round(1 / TARGETFPS * 1000), self.frame)
def swapBlocks(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
block1 =[y1][x1]
color1 = self.colors[y1][x1][y1][x1] =[y2][x2]
self.colors[y1][x1] = self.colors[y2][x2][y2][x2] = block1
self.colors[y2][x2] = color1
def mouseDown(self, event):
if 50 < event.x < 200 and 50 < event.y < 200:
self.drawingMode = 'SAND'
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.sandButton, image=self.images[1])
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.wallButton, image=self.images[2])
elif 50 < event.x < 200 and 250 < event.y < 400:
self.drawingMode = 'WALL'
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.sandButton, image=self.images[0])
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.wallButton, image=self.images[3])
self.dragging = True
self.dragX = event.x // CELLSIZE
self.dragY = event.y // CELLSIZE
if self.dragX > WIDTH - 1: self.dragX = WIDTH - 1
if self.dragX < 0: self.dragX = 0
if self.dragY > HEIGHT - 1: self.dragY = HEIGHT - 1
if self.dragY < 0: self.dragY = 0
def mouseDrag(self, event):
self.dragX = event.x // CELLSIZE
self.dragY = event.y // CELLSIZE
if self.dragX > WIDTH - 1: self.dragX = WIDTH - 1
if self.dragX < 0: self.dragX = 0
if self.dragY > HEIGHT - 1: self.dragY = HEIGHT - 1
if self.dragY < 0: self.dragY = 0
def mouseUp(self, event):
self.dragging = False
def updateParticles(self):
if self.dragging:
color = choice(['red', 'white', 'blue'])
if self.drawingMode == 'SAND':[self.dragY][self.dragX] = SAND
self.colors[self.dragY][self.dragX] = randomColor(SANDCOLOR[0], SANDCOLOR[1], SANDCOLOR[2])
elif self.drawingMode == 'WALL':[self.dragY][self.dragX] = WALL
self.colors[self.dragY][self.dragX] = randomColor(WALLCOLOR[0], WALLCOLOR[1], WALLCOLOR[2])
for block in self.positions:
x, y = block
block =[y][x]
if block == SAND:
if y == HEIGHT - 1:
below = WALL
below =[y + 1][x]
if below == AIR:
self.swapBlocks(x, y, x, y + 1)
left, right, belowLeft, belowRight = AIR, AIR, AIR, AIR
if y == HEIGHT - 1:
belowLeft, belowRight = WALL, WALL
if x == 0:
belowLeft = WALL
left = WALL
belowLeft =[y + 1][x - 1]
left =[y][x - 1]
if x == WIDTH - 1:
belowRight = WALL
right = WALL
belowRight =[y + 1][x + 1]
right =[y][x + 1]
if belowLeft == AIR and belowRight == AIR:
if choice([True, False]):
if left == AIR:
self.swapBlocks(x, y, x - 1, y + 1)
if right == AIR:
self.swapBlocks(x, y, x + 1, y + 1)
if belowLeft == AIR and left == AIR:
self.swapBlocks(x, y, x - 1, y + 1)
if belowRight == AIR and right == AIR:
self.swapBlocks(x, y, x + 1, y + 1)
def renderMap(self, previousMap):
for block in self.positions:
x, y = block
previousBlock = previousMap[y][x]
currentBlock =[y][x]
x1, y1 = x * CELLSIZE, y * CELLSIZE
x2, y2 = x1 + CELLSIZE, y1 + CELLSIZE
if previousBlock == AIR and currentBlock != AIR:
if currentBlock == WALL: color = self.colors[y][x]
if currentBlock == SAND: color = self.colors[y][x]
rect = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline='', fill=color)
if previousBlock != AIR and currentBlock == AIR:
blockAtPosition = self.canvas.find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if previousBlock != AIR and currentBlock != AIR and previousBlock != currentBlock:
blockAtPosition = self.canvas.find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if currentBlock == WALL: color = self.colors[y][x]
if currentBlock == SAND: color = self.colors[y][x]
rect = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline='', fill=color)
def frame(self):
previousMap = deepcopy(
self.master.after(round(1 / TARGETFPS * 1000), self.frame)
def main():
app = App()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Please help me fix any bugs, glitches, etc...
Problem #1 is caused by the fact that your rendering function doesn't create a new rectangle if both the old and new block types are sand. As the sand falls in a column, the first bit of sand causes rectangles to be created with its color, and because another bit of sand always falls in its place on the next frame, it just stays that color. You could compare old and new colors to see which blocks need refreshing, or store which blocks changed.
Problem #2 is related to the order of your positions. You're inserting [x,y] positions into the positions array from the left to the right, one column at a time, each column from top to bottom, and then reversing the result, which gives you an ordering of bottom to top per column with the columns from right to left. So when you iterate through the positions, you're essentially sweeping from right to left as you process the blocks, so any block that falls to the left is going to be reprocessed in the same update, and as it keeps falling to the left it will keep being reprocessed, until it settles, and all of that happened in one frame. So particles will seem to fall to the left instantly.
I bet you don't have this problem with particles falling to the right, which is why on the right side of your image you have some diagonal bands of color: problem #1 is happening there too any time two sand blocks fall to the right in sequence.
You can fix problem #2 by reordering your width and height loops when you set up self.positions. Since blocks always move down one row when they are moved, iterating from bottom to top will always update each particle only once. If you ever introduce anything that makes particles move up, you'll need a better solution.

Threading in Tkinter and Python3

I was adjusting this code to my needs in PyCharm where it worked well, without any exceptions and errors. When I was trying it out in Jupyter Notebook it worked, but when I closed the Tkinter window, I get the exception Exception in thread Thread-: and the Error RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop .
The traceback is: line 90, in run - line 51, in do action - line 30, in try_move
I tried to find the solution, but I only found mtTkinter for Python2.
Since I am new to threading, I don't know how to solve this problem and why it is only showing in Jupyter Notebook. Is it possible that Jupyter Notebook is the source of the problem?
The code is:
from tkinter import *
import threading
import time
def render_grid():
global specials, walls, WIDTH, x, y, player
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill="misty rose", width=1)
temp = {}
cell_scores[(i, j)] = temp
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill=c, width=1)
for (i, j) in walls:
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill="wheat4", width=1)
def set_cell_score(state, action, val):
global cell_score_min, cell_score_max
def try_move(dx, dy):
global player, x, y, score, walk_reward, me, restart
if restart:
new_x = player[0] + dx
new_y = player[1] + dy
score += walk_reward
if (new_x >= 0) and (new_x < x) and (new_y >= 0) and (new_y < y) and not ((new_x, new_y) in walls):
board.coords(me, new_x * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, new_y * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, new_x * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10,
new_y * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10)
player = (new_x, new_y)
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
if new_x == i and new_y == j:
score -= walk_reward
score += w
if score > 0:
print("Success! score: ", score)
print("Fail! score: ", score)
restart = True
# print "score: ", score
def call_up(event):
try_move(0, -1)
def call_down(event):
try_move(0, 1)
def call_left(event):
try_move(-1, 0)
def call_right(event):
try_move(1, 0)
def restart_game():
global player, score, me, restart
player = (0, y - 1)
score = 1
restart = False
board.coords(me, player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10,
player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10)
def has_restarted():
return restart
def start_game():
master = Tk()
master.resizable(False, False)
cell_score_min = -0.2
cell_score_max = 0.2
WIDTH = 100
(x, y) = (5, 5)
actions = ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
board = Canvas(master, width=x * WIDTH, height=y * WIDTH)
player = (0, y - 1)
score = 1
restart = False
walk_reward = -0.04
walls = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
specials = [(4, 1, "salmon1", -1), (4, 0, "medium sea green", 1)]
cell_scores = {}
discount = 0.3
states = []
Q = {}
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
states.append((i, j))
for state in states:
temp = {}
for action in actions:
temp[action] = 0.1
set_cell_score(state, action, temp[action])
Q[state] = temp
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
for action in actions:
Q[(i, j)][action] = w
set_cell_score((i, j), action, w)
def do_action(action):
s = player
r = -score
if action == actions[0]:
try_move(0, -1)
elif action == actions[1]:
try_move(0, 1)
elif action == actions[2]:
try_move(-1, 0)
elif action == actions[3]:
try_move(1, 0)
s2 = player
r += score
return s, action, r, s2
def max_Q(s):
val = None
act = None
for a, q in Q[s].items():
if val is None or (q > val):
val = q
act = a
return act, val
def inc_Q(s, a, alpha, inc):
Q[s][a] *= 1 - alpha
Q[s][a] += alpha * inc
set_cell_score(s, a, Q[s][a])
def run():
global discount
alpha = 1
t = 1
while True:
# Pick the right action
s = player
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s)
(s, a, r, s2) = do_action(max_act)
# Update Q
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s2)
inc_Q(s, a, alpha, r + discount * max_val)
t += 1.0
if has_restarted():
t = 1.0
master.bind("<Up>", call_up)
master.bind("<Down>", call_down)
master.bind("<Right>", call_right)
master.bind("<Left>", call_left)
me = board.create_rectangle(player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10,
player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, fill="sandy brown",
width=1, tag="me")
board.grid(row=0, column=0)
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
Probably all GUIs don't like to run in threads and all changes in widgets should be in main thread (but calculations still can be in separated threads)
In tkinter you could use master.after(milliseconds, function_name) instead of thread and while-loop to run code periodically - and this will works like loop but in current thread.
def run():
global t
# Pick the right action
s = player
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s)
(s, a, r, s2) = do_action(max_act)
# Update Q
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s2)
inc_Q(s, a, alpha, r + discount * max_val)
t += 1.0
if has_restarted():
t = 1.0
# run again after 100ms
master.after(100, run)
and later start it as normal function
#master.after(100, run) # run after 100ms
run() # run at once
Full working code:
You may also use global variable - ie. running = True - to stop looping before destroying GUI.
It may need also master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_delete) to execute function when you click closing button [X]
from tkinter import *
#import threading
import time
def render_grid():
global specials, walls, WIDTH, x, y, player
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill="misty rose", width=1)
temp = {}
cell_scores[(i, j)] = temp
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill=c, width=1)
for (i, j) in walls:
board.create_rectangle(i * WIDTH, j * WIDTH, (i + 1) * WIDTH, (j + 1) * WIDTH, fill="wheat4", width=1)
def set_cell_score(state, action, val):
global cell_score_min, cell_score_max
def try_move(dx, dy):
global player, x, y, score, walk_reward, me, restart
if restart:
new_x = player[0] + dx
new_y = player[1] + dy
score += walk_reward
if (new_x >= 0) and (new_x < x) and (new_y >= 0) and (new_y < y) and not ((new_x, new_y) in walls):
board.coords(me, new_x * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, new_y * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, new_x * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10,
new_y * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10)
player = (new_x, new_y)
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
if new_x == i and new_y == j:
score -= walk_reward
score += w
if score > 0:
print("Success! score: ", score)
print("Fail! score: ", score)
restart = True
# print "score: ", score
def call_up(event):
try_move(0, -1)
def call_down(event):
try_move(0, 1)
def call_left(event):
try_move(-1, 0)
def call_right(event):
try_move(1, 0)
def restart_game():
global player, score, me, restart
player = (0, y - 1)
score = 1
restart = False
board.coords(me, player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10,
player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10)
def has_restarted():
return restart
def start_game():
def do_action(action):
s = player
r = -score
if action == actions[0]:
try_move(0, -1)
elif action == actions[1]:
try_move(0, 1)
elif action == actions[2]:
try_move(-1, 0)
elif action == actions[3]:
try_move(1, 0)
s2 = player
r += score
return s, action, r, s2
def max_Q(s):
val = None
act = None
for a, q in Q[s].items():
if val is None or (q > val):
val = q
act = a
return act, val
def inc_Q(s, a, alpha, inc):
Q[s][a] *= 1 - alpha
Q[s][a] += alpha * inc
set_cell_score(s, a, Q[s][a])
def run():
global t
# Pick the right action
s = player
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s)
(s, a, r, s2) = do_action(max_act)
# Update Q
max_act, max_val = max_Q(s2)
inc_Q(s, a, alpha, r + discount * max_val)
t += 1.0
if has_restarted():
t = 1.0
# run again after 100ms
if running:
master.after(100, run)
def on_delete():
global running
running = False
# --- main ---
master = Tk()
master.resizable(False, False)
cell_score_min = -0.2
cell_score_max = 0.2
WIDTH = 100
(x, y) = (5, 5)
actions = ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
board = Canvas(master, width=x * WIDTH, height=y * WIDTH)
player = (0, y - 1)
score = 1
restart = False
walk_reward = -0.04
walls = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
specials = [(4, 1, "salmon1", -1), (4, 0, "medium sea green", 1)]
cell_scores = {}
discount = 0.3
states = []
Q = {}
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
states.append((i, j))
for state in states:
temp = {}
for action in actions:
temp[action] = 0.1
set_cell_score(state, action, temp[action])
Q[state] = temp
for (i, j, c, w) in specials:
for action in actions:
Q[(i, j)][action] = w
set_cell_score((i, j), action, w)
master.bind("<Up>", call_up)
master.bind("<Down>", call_down)
master.bind("<Right>", call_right)
master.bind("<Left>", call_left)
me = board.create_rectangle(player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 2 / 10,
player[0] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, player[1] * WIDTH + WIDTH * 8 / 10, fill="sandy brown",
width=1, tag="me")
board.grid(row=0, column=0)
#t = threading.Thread(target=run)
running = True
alpha = 1
t = 1
run() # run at once
#master.after(100, run) # run after 100ms
master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_delete)

Is it possible to undraw a previously drawn shape from a loop? Zelle Graphics Python

I was wondering if it was possible to undraw previously drawn shapes from a loop. I have this function that'll create squares on click however I want to make it so that when the same area is clicked a second time the square will undraw.
from graphics import *
def createGrid():
X = 0
Y = 0
gridSize = 5
for i in range(1, gridSize + 1):
for j in range(1, gridSize + 1):
gridSquare = Rectangle(Point(X, Y), Point(X + 100, Y + 100))
X = X + 100
Y = Y + 100
X = 0
def editMode():
SelectedSquare = []
instruction = input("> ")
if instruction == "s":
def selectionMode(SelectedSquare):
editSquare = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(20, 20))
while True:
selection = win.getMouse()
clickXPos = selection.getX()
clickYPos = selection.getY()
if clickXPos > 20 and clickYPos > 20:
PosX, PosY = clickXPos - (clickXPos % 100), clickYPos - (clickYPos % 100)
SelectedSquare = SelectedSquare + [Point(PosX, PosY)]
rect = Rectangle(Point(PosX, PosY), Point(PosX + 100, PosY + 100))
win = GraphWin("GRID", 500, 500)
while True:
As you can see, on click, there will be a thicker border around the grid square that was selected, I would like to be able to
1) remove the thickened border if clicked a second time
2) be able to remove all thickened borders surrounding grid squares
but I just cannot seem to figure this out, any help would be greatly appreciated!
The general problem seems to be that you have no underlying data structure or logic for your program -- you're drawing the interface first and then trying to make its behaviors define the program.
Below I've patched your code to have the points on the selected squares list remember what rectangle was drawn to highlight them, so if they are selected again, the highlight can be undone and the point removed:
from graphics import *
def createGrid():
X, Y = 0, 0
for _ in range(1, GRID_SIZE + 1):
for _ in range(1, GRID_SIZE + 1):
gridSquare = Rectangle(Point(X, Y), Point(X + SQUARE_SIZE, Y + SQUARE_SIZE))
X = 0
def editMode():
selectedSquares = []
instruction = input("> ")
if instruction == "s":
def checkSelected(point, squares):
for selected in squares:
if point.getX() == selected.getX() and point.getY() == selected.getY():
return selected
return None
def selectionMode(selectedSquares):
editSquare = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(EDIT_BUTTON_SIZE, EDIT_BUTTON_SIZE))
while True:
selection = win.getMouse()
clickXPos = selection.getX()
clickYPos = selection.getY()
if clickXPos <= EDIT_BUTTON_SIZE and clickYPos <= EDIT_BUTTON_SIZE:
PosX, PosY = clickXPos - clickXPos % SQUARE_SIZE, clickYPos - clickYPos % SQUARE_SIZE
point = Point(PosX, PosY)
selected = checkSelected(point, selectedSquares)
if selected:
rect = Rectangle(point, Point(PosX + SQUARE_SIZE, PosY + SQUARE_SIZE))
point.rect = rect
while True:
But this is only a band-aid -- as you add more functionality the issue of a lack of data structure and spelled out logic will continue to frustrate you.

How to Create a Rainbow Triangle Tessellation

I'm attempting to create a triangle tessellation like the following in Python:
All I've gotten is Sierpensky's triangle. I assume it'd use some of the same code.
import turtle as t
import math
import colorsys
h = 0
def draw_tri(x,y,size):
global h
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,1,1)
h += 0.1
def draw_s(x,y,size,n):
if n == 0:
There are various approaches; the following example generates all line segments prior to directing the turtle to draw them on the canvas.
import turtle as t
import math
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 800
OFFSET = -WIDTH // 2, -HEIGHT // 2
class Point:
"""convenience for point arithmetic
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
self.x, self.y = x, y
def __add__(self, other):
return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
def __iter__(self):
yield self.x
yield self.y
def get_line_segments(side_length=50):
"""calculates the coordinates of all vertices
organizes them by line segment
stores the segments in a container and returns it
triangle_height = int(side_length * math.sqrt(3) / 2)
half_side = side_length // 2
p0 = Point(0, 0)
p1 = Point(0, side_length)
p2 = Point(triangle_height, half_side)
segments = []
for idx, x in enumerate(range(-triangle_height, WIDTH+1, triangle_height)):
for y in range(-side_length, HEIGHT+1, side_length):
y += half_side * (idx%2 + 1)
offset = Point(x, y)
pa, pb, pc = p0 + offset, p1 + offset,p2 + offset
segments += [[pa, pb], [pb, pc], [pc, pa]]
return segments
def draw_segment(segment):
p0, p1 = segment
p0, p1 = p0 + offset, p1 + offset
def draw_tiling():
for segment in get_line_segments():
offset = Point(*OFFSET)
If you want to see how the tiling is traced, you can replace the following lines:
# t.hideturtle()
# t.tracer(0, 0)
and enlarge the canvas screen with your mouse to see the boundary of the tiling (I made it overlap the standard size of the window)
As #ReblochonMasque notes, there are multiple approaches to the problem. Here's one I worked out to use as little turtle code as possible to solve the problem:
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
screen = Screen()
width = TRIANGLE_SIDE * (screen.window_width() // TRIANGLE_SIDE)
height = TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * (screen.window_height() // TRIANGLE_HEIGHT)
diagonal = width + height
turtle = Turtle('square', visible=False)
turtle.shapesize(diagonal / CURSOR_SIZE, 1 / CURSOR_SIZE)
turtle = turtle.clone()
turtle = turtle.clone()
for _ in range(int(diagonal / TRIANGLE_HEIGHT)):
for turtle in screen.turtles():
It probably could use optimizing but it gets the job done. And it's fun to watch...

