I am using following code in the free heroku scheduler add-on to send emails to certain users. After the email was sent a value in the DB must be changed, to be more precise:
setattr(user, "stats_email_sent", True)
Somehow the db_session.commit() is executed but doesnt save the new value. Here is the code:
all_users = User.query.all()
for user in all_users:
if user.stats_email_sent is False and user.number_of_rooms > 0:
if date.today() <= user.end_offer_date and date.today() >= user.end_offer_date - relativedelta(days=10):
print user.id, user.email, user.number_of_rooms, user.bezahlt
if user.bezahlt is True:
with app.app_context():
print "app context true", user.id, user.email, user.number_of_rooms, user.bezahlt
html = render_template('stats_email_once.html', usersname=user.username)
subject = u"Update"
setattr(user, "stats_email_sent", True)
#send_email(user.email, subject, html, None)
with app.app_context():
print "app context false", user.id, user.email, user.number_of_rooms, user.bezahlt
html = render_template('stats_email_once.html', usersname=user.username)
subject = u"Update"
setattr(user, "stats_email_sent", True)
#send_email(user.email, subject, html, None)
print "executing commit"
I tryed moving db_session.commit() right after setattr then it will work, but only for one user (for the first user).
setattr(user, "stats_email_sent", True)
And give me this in the logs:
sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError: Instance <User at 0x7f5c04d462d0> is not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed
I also found some topics on detaching an instance, but I don't need to detach here anything, or?
I tryed now also adding db_session.expire_on_commit = False. This sadly had no effect.
I also looked on the bulk updates, which also didn't worked.
I even tryed to ignore and pass the DetachedInstanceError.
I cant believe that updating multiple rows at once is such an issue. I am running out of ideas here. Any help is appriciated. It either has no effect or is run into DetachedInstanceError.
I solved the issue, had yesterday a similar one. I assume the query and its variables were consumed, thats why it didnt worked.
To solve this I created a list client_id_list = [] and appended all the ids of users which got the email and where the value needs to be changed.
Then I created a completely new query and all in all run the same code with the same logic, but the variables here were not consumed I guess? I wont answer the question again, because I am not sure whether this is true or not, here is the code which I appended to the code above which changes the values:
all_users_again = User.query.all()
for user in all_users_again:
if user.id in client_id_list:
setattr(user, "stats_email_sent", True)
myDatabaseCursor.execute("SELECT username, password FROM member")
// get data from form to make a tuple
userCheck = (request.form["signInUsername"], request.form["signInPassword"])
// iterate selected data tuple into a list
results = []
for selectedData in myDatabaseCursor:
// check if there is a match in MySQL database
if userCheck in results:
return redirect("/member")
return redirect("/error/?message=wrong username or password")
When I ran my server and tried typing in the username and the right password, successfully logged in; tried typing in the username and the wrong password, which, didn't have any match in the database, got rejected logging in. ALL GOOD...
BUT, when I tried typing in the username and the wrong password, which, HAS A MATCH IN THE PASSWORD COLUMN THOUGH DOESN'T BELONG TO THE RIGHT USERNAME, still successfully logged in.
I am really confused now, hope you guys have any idea about this situation.
Thanks, appreciate your replies.
You could change your query to support WHERE clause. Something along the lines of:
# get data from form to make a tuple
username, password = (
SELECT username, password
FROM member
WHERE username = '{username}' AND password = '{password}'
""".format(username=username, password=password)
# set userCheck to True or False if the myDatabaseCursor result is not empty..
# if row was in returned table
if userCheck:
return redirect("/member")
return redirect("/error/?message=wrong username or password")
Probably the problem lies in the session['status']. You never set it to e.g. "unlogged", so if you don't close the browser, the status will always be 'logged' after first successful login.
Try to initialize your variable at the beginning of the script, i.e. session["status"]=None and then in every other page check that the status is actually 'Logged' as you're probably already doing.
myDatabaseCursor.execute("SELECT username, password FROM member")
// get data from form to make a tuple
userCheck = (request.form["signInUsername"], request.form["signInPassword"])
// iterate selected data tuple into a list
results = []
for selectedData in myDatabaseCursor:
// check if there is a match in MySQL database
if userCheck in results:
return redirect("/member")
return redirect("/error/?message=wrong username or password")
In any case, for the sake of best practice, you should amend your code to apply the logic depicted by #matthewking, retrieving just the password you need to check.
I was wondering if it's possible to get a username from a user id globally on discord.
within a Cog, I am currently using the line below to retrieve information if the search is local.
But I'm hoping to expand into a global search, but I'm not even sure if it's possible
I was also thinking if I can't get the username, I'd want to change the NULL return I get into something like "External User"
I'm using this line to make the search and iterate through a list (Local version)
table = ("\n".join(f'{idx + 1}. {self.ctx.guild.get_member(entry[0])} (XP: {entry[1]} | Level: {entry[2]} \n' for idx, entry in enumerate(entries)))
You can use user = self.get_user(USERID) to get any user on discord, and user.name to get their username. Look at https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#discord.Client.get_user to find more about get_user.
The other answer only works if you have the user cached. This is not guaranteed, and in larger bots is almost guaranteed to not be unless you have the members intent enabled.
You can use bot.fetch_user, which will give you the user object regardless of your cache. It's still a good idea to check .get_user first.
I often have a function like this in my code:
def get_or_fetch_user(bot, user_id):
user = bot.get_user(user_id)
if not user: # the user isn't in the cache, or it doesn't exist
user = await bot.fetch_user(user_id)
except discord.NotFound: # fetch_user raises an error if the user doesn't exist
user = None
return user
When adding a vital component of methods=["POST", "GET"], my code gives the error:
Line 127, in PatientDashboard
IndexError: list index out of range
I understand what this error normally means but I don't understand how adding methods affect the size of my list.
#app.route("/PatientDashboard.html", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def PatientDashboard():
Username = (request.args.get("Username"))
Connection = sqlite3.connect(DB)
Cursor = Connection.cursor()
Data = Cursor.execute("""
FROM PatientTable
WHERE Username = '{}'
Data = Data.fetchall()
AllAppointments = Cursor.execute("""
SELECT Title, Firstname, Surname, TimeSlot, Date, Status
FROM AppointmentTable
INNER JOIN DoctorTable ON AppointmentTable.DoctorID = DoctorTable.DoctorID
WHERE PatientID = '{}'
AllAppointments = AllAppointments.fetchall()
The SQL statements work perfectly (database isn't empty) and when adding print(Data) after the first SQL statement there is an output of a nested list.
I have tried troubleshooting by looking at various other questions on stackoverflow but with no luck.
Thank you ever so much in advance.
Username = (request.args.get("Username"))
print("Username: ", Username)
Gives the correct output, e.g. Username: nx_prv but after using the POST request the output becomes Username: None.
I have managed to fix this using flask.sessions. The problem was that the request.args.get("Username") was getting 'reset' every time.
The scenario I envision: the route was tested with a GET method (because there was not methods argument), and everything was fine. The methods argument was added so a POST could be tested, and it "stopped working". But it really didn't stop working, it's just not built to handle a POST request.
From flask doc on request object the two salient attributes are:
A MultiDict with the parsed form data from POST or PUT requests. Please keep in mind that file uploads will not end up here, but
instead in the files attribute.
A MultiDict with the parsed contents of the query string. (The part in the URL after the question mark).
So a GET request will "populate" args and a POST request, form. Username will be None from this line Username = (request.args.get("Username")) on a POST request.
You can determine which method by interrogating the method attribute of the request object.
The current request method (POST, GET etc.)
I have a pretty simply utility function that gets an open web order if their is a session key called 'orderId', and will create one if there is no session key, and the parameter 'createIfNotFound' is equal to true in the function. Stepping through it with my debugger I can see that the piece of code that sets the session key after an order has been created does get hit with no exceptions, but when I check the Http request object' session field, it does not have that attribute ?
def get_open_web_order(request, createIfNotFound=False):
# Check for orderId in session
order_id = request.session.get('orderId')
web_order = None
if None != order_id:
web_order = WebOrder.objects.get(id=order_id, status='O')
logging.info('Found open web order')
except WebOrder.DoesNotExist:
logging.info('Web order not found')
if (None == web_order) and (createIfNotFound == True):
logging.info('Creating new web order')
web_order = WebOrder()
web_order.status = 'O'
request.session['orderId'] = web_order.id
# Assign logged in user and default billing and shipping
if request.user.is_authenticated() and hasattr(request.user, 'customer'):
customer = request.user.customer
web_order.customer = customer
return web_order
In some cases you need to explicitly tell the session that it has been modified.
You can do this by adding request.session.modified = True to your view, after changing something in session
You can read more on this here - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/http/sessions/#when-sessions-are-saved
I had a similar issue, turns out I had set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN in settings.py to the incorrect domain so it would not save any of my new session data. If you are using SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, try checking that!
For example, if I am running the server on my localhost but I have in my settings SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = "notlocalhost", then nothing I change in request.session will save.
I'm creating unit tests for my views using Django's built-in Test Client to create mock requests.
The view I'm calling should create an object in the database. However, when I query the database from within the test method the object isn't there - it either hasn't been created or has been discarded on returning from the view.
Here's the view:
def apply_to_cmp(request, campaign_id):
""" Creates a new Application to 'campaign_id' for request.user """
campaign = Campaign.objects.get(pk = campaign_id)
if not Application.objects\
.filter(campaign = campaign, user = request.user)\
application = Application(**{'campaign' : campaign,
'user' : request.user})
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
This is the test that calls it:
def test_create_campaign_app(self):
""" Calls the method apply_to_cmp in .views """
c = Client()
c.login(username = self.username, password = self.password)
url = '/campaign/' + self.campaign.id + '/apply/'
response = c.get(url)
# Check whether request was successful (should return 302: redirect)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
# Verify that an Application object was created
app_count = Application.objects\
.filter(user = self.user, campaign = self.campaign)\
self.assertEqual(app_count, 1)
This is the output from the running the test:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/test_views.py", line 40, in test_create_campaign_app
self.assertEqual(app_count, 1)
AssertionError: 0 != 1
The method apply_to_cmp is definitely being called, since response.status_code == 302, but still the Application object is not created. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Solution
Client.login failed because the login system was not properly initialised in the setUp method. I fixed this by calling call_command('loaddata', 'initial_data.json') with initial_data.json containing the setup for the login system. Also, HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')) didn't work for obvious reasons. I changed that bit to
if request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'):
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'))
return HttpResponse()
And therefore the test to
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
Thanks for your help!
Nothing stands out as particularly wrong with your code - but clearly either your test case or the code your are testing is not working the way you think. It is now time to question your assumptions.
The method apply_to_cmp is definitely being called, since response.status_code == 302
This is your first assumption, and it may not be correct. You might get a better picture of what is happening if you examine other details in the response object. For example, check the response.redirect_chain and confirm that it actually redirects where you expect it to:
response = c.get(url, follow=True)
self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [<expected output here>])
What about other details? I can't see where self.username and self.password are defined from the code you provided. Are you 100% sure that your test code to login worked? c.login() returns 'True' or 'False' to indicate if the login was successful. In my test cases, I like to confirm that the login succeeds.
login_success = c.login(username = self.username, password = self.password)
You can also be a bit more general. You find nothing if you check Application.objects.filter(user=self.user, campaign=self.campaign), but what about checking Application.objects.all()? You know that a specific item isn't in your database, but do you know what is stored in the database (if anything at all) in the test code at that time? Do you expect other items in there? Check to confirm that what you expect is true.
I think you can solve this one, but you'll need to be a bit more aggressive in your analysis of your test case, rather than just seeing that your app_count variable doesn't equal 1. Examine your response object, put in some debug statements, and question every assumption.
First of all, if you are subclassing from django.test.TestCase, please take in consideration the fact that each test is wrapped into transactions (official docs).
Then, you can add db logging to your project to see whether there was a hit to the database or not (official docs).
And finally be sure that you're using correct lookups at this line: filter(user = self.user, campaign = self.campaign)