I have two numpy arrays: One array x with shape (n, a0, a1, ...) and one array k with shape (n, b0, b1, ...). I would like to compute and array of exponentials such that the output has dimension (a0, a1, ..., b0, b1, ...) and
out[i0, i1, ..., j0, j1, ...] == prod(x[:, i0, i1, ...] ** k[:, j0, j1, ...])
If there is only one a_i and one b_j, broadcasting does the trick via
import numpy
x = numpy.random.rand(2, 31)
k = numpy.random.randint(1, 10, size=(2, 101))
out = numpy.prod(x[..., None]**k[:, None], axis=0)
If x has a few dimensions more, more Nones have to be added:
x = numpy.random.rand(2, 31, 32, 33)
k = numpy.random.randint(1, 10, size=(2, 101))
out = numpy.prod(x[..., None]**k[:, None, None, None], axis=0)
If x has a few dimensions more, more Nones have to be added at other places:
x = numpy.random.rand(2, 31)
k = numpy.random.randint(1, 10, size=(2, 51, 51))
out = numpy.prod(x[..., None, None]**k[:, None], axis=0)
How to make the computation of out generic with respect to the dimensionality of the input arrays?
Here's one using reshaping of the two arrays so that they are broadcastable against each other and then performing those operations and prod reduction along the first axis -
k0_shp = [k.shape[0]] + [1]*(x.ndim-1) + list(k.shape[1:])
x0_shp = list(x.shape) + [1]*(k.ndim-1)
out = (x.reshape(x0_shp) ** k.reshape(k0_shp)).prod(0)
Here's another way to reshape both inputs to 3D allowing one singleton dim per input and such that they are broadcastable against each other, perform prod reduction to get 2D array, then reshape back to multi-dim array -
s = x.shape[1:] + k.shape[1:] # output shape
out = (x.reshape(x.shape[0],-1,1)**k.reshape(k.shape[0],1,-1)).prod(0).reshape(s)
It must be noted that reshaping merely creates a view into the input array and as such is virtually free both memory-wise and performance-wise.
Without understanding fully the math of what you're doing, it seems that you need a constant number of None's for the number of dimensions of each x and k.
does something like this work?
out = numpy.prod(x[[...]+[None]*(k.ndim-1)]**k[[slice(None)]+[None]*(x.ndim-1)])
Here are the slices separately so they're a bit easier to read:
x[ [...] + [None]*(k.ndim-1) ]
k[ [slice(None)] + [None]*(x.ndim-1) ]
Compatibility Note:
[...] seems to only be valid in python 3.x If you are using 2.7 (I haven't tested lower) substitute [Ellipsis] instead:
x[ [Ellipsis] + [None]*(k.ndim-1) ]
A 2D convolution kernel, K, of shape (k1, k2, n_channel, n_filter) applies on a 2D vector, A, of shape (m1, m2, n_channel) and generates another 2D vector, B, of shape (m1 - k1 + 1, m2 - k2 + 1, n_filter) (with valid padding).
It is also true that for each K, there exists a W_K of shape (m1 - k1 + 1, m2 - k2 + 1, n_filter, m1, m2, n_channel), such that tensor dot of W_K and A is equal to B. i.e. B = np.tensordot(W_K, A, 3).
I am trying to find a pure NumPy solution to generate this W_K from K without using any python loops.
I can see W_K[i,j,f] == np.pad(K[...,f], ((i,m1-i-k1), (j,m2-j-k2)), 'constant', constant_values=0) or simply W_K[i, j, f, i:i+k1, j:j+k2, ...] == K[..., f].
What I'm looking for is almost similar to a Toeplitz matrix. But I need it in multi-dimensions.
Example in loopy code:
import numpy as np
# 5x5 image with 3-channels
A = np.random.random((5,5,3))
# 2x2 Conv2D kernel with 2 filters for A
K = np.random.random((2,2,3,2))
# It should be of (4,4,2,5,5,3), but I create this way for convenience. I move the axis at the end.
W_K = np.empty((4,4,5,5,3,2))
for i, j in np.ndindex(4, 4):
W_K[i, j] = np.pad(K, ((i, 5-i-2),(j, 5-j-2), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
# above lines can also be rewritten as
W_K = np.zeros((4,4,5,5,3,2))
for i, j in np.ndindex(4, 4):
W_K[i, j, i:i+2, j:j+2, ...] = K[...]
W_K = np.moveaxis(W_K, -1, 2)
# now I can do
B = np.tensordot(W_K, A, 3)
What you want needs a bit of fancy indexing gymnastics but it's not very cumbersome to code. The idea is to create 4-dimensional index arrays that apply the W_K[i, j, i:i+2, j:j+2, ...] part of your second loopy example.
Here's a slightly modified version of your example, just to make sure that some relevant dimensions differ (because this makes bugs easier to find: they would be proper errors rather than mangled values):
import numpy as np
# parameter setup
k1, k2, nch, nf = 2, 4, 3, 2
m1, m2 = 5, 6
w1, w2 = m1 - k1 + 1, m2 - k2 + 1
K = np.random.random((k1, k2, nch, nf))
A = np.random.random((m1, m2, nch))
# your loopy version for comparison
W_K = np.zeros((w1, w2, nf, m1, m2, nch))
for i, j in np.ndindex(w1, w2):
W_K[i, j, :, i:i+k1, j:j+k2, ...] = K.transpose(-1, 0, 1, 2)
W_K2 = np.zeros((w1, w2, m1, m2, nch, nf)) # to be transposed back
i,j = np.mgrid[:w1, :w2][..., None, None] # shape (w1, w2, 1, 1)
k,l = np.mgrid[:k1, :k2] # shape (k1, k2) ~ (1, 1, k1, k2)
W_K2[i, j, i+k, j+l, ...] = K
W_K2 = np.moveaxis(W_K2, -1, 2)
print(np.array_equal(W_K, W_K2)) # True
We first create an index mesh i,j that span the first two dimensions of W_K, then create two similar meshes that span its (pre-moveaxis) second and third dimensions. By injecting two trailing singleton dimensions into the former we end up with 4d index arrays that together span the first four dimensions of W_K.
All that's left is to assign to this slice using the original K, and move back the dimension. Due to how advanced indexing changes behaviour when the sliced (non-advanced) indices in an expression are not all next to one another, this is much easier to do with your moveaxis approach. I first tried to create W_K2 with its final dimensions, but then we'd have W_K[i, j, :, i+k, j+l, ...] that has subtly different behaviour (in particular, different shape).
I was wondering if there's a way to compute multiple outer products and stack the results in a single operation.
Say I have an Nx1 vector and take the outer product with a 1xM vector, the result will be an NxM matrix.
What if I had an NxR matrix A, and an RxM matrix B. Is it possible to construct an NxMxR matrix where each layer of the output matrix is the outer product of the corresponding column of A and row of B?
I know it's really easy to do this in a single for loop over R, but I wanted to know if there's a faster way using numpy builtins (as there usually is when numpy is concerned).
I haven't been able to figure out a set of indices that work with einsum (and I'm not even sure if einsum is the right approach, since there is no summation involved here)
Yes, of course, using broadcasting or Einsum (the fact that there is no summation does not matter)
N, M, R = 8, 9, 16
A = numpy.random.rand(N)
B = numpy.random.rand(M)
C = A[:, None] * B[None, :]
D = numpy.einsum('a,b->ab', A, B)
numpy.allclose(C, D)
# True
# (8, 9)
A = numpy.random.rand(N, R)
B = numpy.random.rand(M, R)
C = A[:, None, :] * B[None, :, :]
D = numpy.einsum('ar,br->abr', A, B)
numpy.allclose(C, D)
# True
# (8, 9, 16)
I have the following problem and this is the minimal example:
import numpy as np
def f1(x,y,scal):
return np.exp(-(scal-x)/y)
def f2(x,y,vec):
return np.sum(np.exp(-(vec-x)/y))
inputvec = np.arange(1,10,1)
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.arange(1,8,1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z1 = f1(X,Y,20)
print Z1
Z2 = f2(X,Y,inputvec)
I want to 3D plot the function f2, so this is why I try the meshgrid thing. The error is:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (9,) (7,10)
It is even clear to me why this is the case, python would I think like to do something like f1, so that Z1 can be a grid answer which you can plot. But what if I use a vector in my function and the very nasty sum operation.
Question: How can I change my function f2 to get around this problem, or is there a different way to (3D, Contour, etc..) plot f2 without going via the meshgrid way?
Thanks a lot!
It's not 100% clear from your question, but I think you want:
def f3(x,y,vec):
return np.sum(np.exp(-(vec[:, None, None] - x[None]) / y[None]), 0)
Indexing with None (or equivalently, with np.newaxis) inserts a new dimension of size 1, so vec[:, None, None] has shape (9, 1, 1) and x[None] and y[None] have shapes (1, 7, 10). vec[:, None, None] - x[None] then gets broadcast out to shape (10, 7, 9). Finally, we compute the sum over just the first dimension using np.sum(..., 0) to yield a (7, 10) array that looks like this:
Z3 = f3(X, Y, inputvec)
plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z3)
Another useful tool that simplifies operations like this is np.ix_, which constructs an "open grid" from a set of input vectors that is suitable for broadcasting over:
v_, y_, x_ = np.ix_(inputvec, y, x) # here x and y are 1D
z = np.sum(np.exp(-(v_ - x_) / y_), 0)
I have two numpy arrays
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(1e10, 1e12, num=50) # 50 values
y = np.linspace(1e5, 1e7, num=50) # 50 values
x.shape # output is (50,)
y.shape # output is (50,)
I would like to create a function which returns an array shaped (50,50) such that the first x value x0 is evaluated for all y values, etc.
The current function I am using is fairly complicated, so let's use an easier example. Let's say the function is
def func(x,y):
return x**2 + y**2
How do I shape this to be a (50,50) array? At the moment, it will output 50 values. Would you use a for loop inside an array?
Something like:
np.array([[func(x,y) for i in x] for j in y)
but without using two for loops. This takes forever to run.
EDIT: It has been requested I share my "complicated" function. Here it goes:
There is a data vector which is a 1D numpy array of 4000 measurements. There is also a "normalized_matrix", which is shaped (4000,4000)---it is nothing special, just a matrix with entry values of integers between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.5567878. These are the two "given" inputs.
My function returns the matrix multiplication product of transpose(datavector) * matrix * datavector, which is a single value.
Now, as you can see in the code, I have initialized two arrays, x and y, which pass through a series of "x parameters" and "y parameters". That is, what does func(x,y) return for value x1 and value y1, i.e. func(x1,y1)?
The shape of matrix1 is (50, 4000, 4000). The shape of matrix2 is (50, 4000, 4000). Ditto for total_matrix.
normalized_matrix is shape (4000,4000) and id_mat is shaped (4000,4000).
print normalized_matrix.shape #output (4000,4000)
data_vector = datarr
print datarr.shape #output (4000,)
def func(x, y):
matrix1 = x [:, None, None] * normalized_matrix[None, :, :]
matrix2 = y[:, None, None] * id_mat[None, :, :]
total_matrix = matrix1 + matrix2
# transpose(datavector) * matrix * datavector
# by matrix multiplication, equals single value
return np.array([ np.dot(datarr.T, np.dot(total_matrix, datarr) ) ])
If I try to use np.meshgrid(), that is, if I try
x = np.linspace(1e10, 1e12, num=50) # 50 values
y = np.linspace(1e5, 1e7, num=50) # 50 values
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
z = func(X, Y)
I get the following value error: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (50,1,1,50) (1,4000,4000).
reshape in numpy as different meaning. When you start with a (100,) and change it to (5,20) or (10,10) 2d arrays, that is 'reshape. There is anumpy` function to do that.
You want to take 2 1d array, and use those to generate a 2d array from a function. This is like taking an outer product of the 2, passing all combinations of their values through your function.
Some sort of double loop is one way of doing this, whether it is with an explicit loop, or list comprehension. But speeding this up depends on that function.
For at x**2+y**2 example, it can be 'vectorized' quite easily:
In [40]: x=np.linspace(1e10,1e12,num=10)
In [45]: y=np.linspace(1e5,1e7,num=5)
In [46]: z = x[:,None]**2 + y[None,:]**2
In [47]: z.shape
Out[47]: (10, 5)
This takes advantage of numpy broadcasting. With the None, x is reshaped to (10,1) and y to (1,5), and the + takes an outer sum.
X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij') produces two (10,5) arrays that can be used the same way. Look at is doc for other parameters.
So if your more complex function can be written in a way that takes 2d arrays like this, it is easy to 'vectorize'.
But if that function must take 2 scalars, and return another scalar, then you are stuck with some sort of double loop.
A list comprehension form of the double loop is:
np.array([[x1**2+y1**2 for y1 in y] for x1 in x])
Another is:
for i in range(10):
for j in range(5):
z[i,j] = x[i]**2 + y[j]**2
This double loop can be sped up somewhat by using np.vectorize. This takes a user defined function, and returns one that can take broadcastable arrays:
In [65]: vprod=np.vectorize(lambda x,y: x**2+y**2)
In [66]: vprod(x[:,None],y[None,:]).shape
Out[66]: (10, 5)
Test that I've done in the past show that vectorize can improve on the list comprehension route by something like 20%, but the improvement is nothing like writing your function to work with 2d arrays in the first place.
By the way, this sort of 'vectorization' question has been asked many times on SO numpy. Beyond these broad examples, we can't help you without knowning more about that more complicated function. As long as it is a black box that takes scalars, the best we can help you with is np.vectorize. And you still need to understand broadcasting (with or without meshgrid help).
I think there is a better way, it is right on the tip of my tongue, but as an interim measure:
You are operating on 1x2 windows of a meshgrid. You can use as_strided from numpy.lib.stride_tricks to rearrange the meshgrid into two-element windows, then apply your function to the resultant array. I like to use a generic nd solution, sliding_windows (http://www.johnvinyard.com/blog/?p=268) (Not mine) to transform the array.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([.1, .2, .3])
z= np.array(np.meshgrid(a,b))
def foo((x,y)):
return x+y
>>> z.shape
(2, 3, 3)
>>> t = sliding_window(z, (2,1,1))
>>> t
array([[ 1. , 0.1],
[ 2. , 0.1],
[ 3. , 0.1],
[ 1. , 0.2],
[ 2. , 0.2],
[ 3. , 0.2],
[ 1. , 0.3],
[ 2. , 0.3],
[ 3. , 0.3]])
>>> v = np.apply_along_axis(foo, 1, t)
>>> v
array([ 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 1.3, 2.3, 3.3])
>>> v.reshape((len(a), len(b)))
array([[ 1.1, 2.1, 3.1],
[ 1.2, 2.2, 3.2],
[ 1.3, 2.3, 3.3]])
This should be somewhat faster.
You may need to modify your function's argument signature.
If the link to the johnvinyard.com blog breaks, I've posted the the sliding_window implementation in other SO answers - https://stackoverflow.com/a/22749434/2823755
Search around and you'll find many other tricky as_strided solutions.
In response to your edited question:
print normalized_matrix.shape #output (4000,4000)
data_vector = datarr
print datarr.shape #output (4000,)
def func(x, y):
matrix1 = x [:, None, None] * normalized_matrix[None, :, :]
matrix2 = y[:, None, None] * id_mat[None, :, :]
total_matrix = matrix1 + matrix2
# transpose(datavector) * matrix * datavector
# by matrix multiplication, equals single value
# return np.array([ np.dot(datarr.T, np.dot(total_matrix, datarr))])
return np.einsum('j,ijk,k->i',datarr,total_matrix,datarr)
Since datarr is shape (4000,), transpose does nothing. I believe you want the result of the 2 dots to be shape (50,). I'm suggesting using einsum. But it can be done with tensordot, or I think even np.dot(np.dot(total_matrix, datarr),datarr). Test the expression with smaller arrays, focusing on getting the shapes right.
x = np.linspace(1e10, 1e12, num=50) # 50 values
y = np.linspace(1e5, 1e7, num=50) # 50 values
z = func(x,y)
# X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
# z = func(X, Y)
X,Y is wrong. func takes x and y that are 1d. Notice how you expand the dimensions with [:, None, None]. Also you aren't creating a 2d array from an outer combination of x and y. None of your arrays in func is (50,50) or (50,50,...). The higher dimensions are provided by nomalied_matrix and id_mat.
When showing us the ValueError you should also indicate where in your code that occurred. Otherwise we have to guess, or recreate the code ourselves.
In fact when I run my edited func(X,Y), I get this error:
----> 2 matrix1 = x [:, None, None] * normalized_matrix[None, :, :]
3 matrix2 = y[:, None, None] * id_mat[None, :, :]
4 total_matrix = matrix1 + matrix2
5 # transpose(datavector) * matrix * datavector
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (50,1,1,50) (1,400,400)
See, the error occurs right at the start. normalized_matrix is expanded to (1,400,400) [I'm using smaller examples]. The (50,50) X is expanded to (50,1,1,50). x expands to (50,1,1), which broadcasts just fine.
To address the edit and the broadcasting error in the edit:
Inside your function you are adding dimensions to arrays to try to get them to broadcast.
matrix1 = x [:, None, None] * normalized_matrix[None, :, :]
This expression looks like you want to broadcast a 1d array with a 2d array.
The results of your meshgrid are two 2d arrays:
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
>>> X.shape, Y.shape
((50, 50), (50, 50))
When you try to use X in in your broadcasting expression the dimensions don't line up, that is what causes the ValueError - refer to the General Broadcasting Rules:
>>> x1 = X[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
>>> nm = normalized_matrix[np.newaxis, :, :]
>>> x1.shape
(50, 1, 1, 50)
>>> nm.shape
(1, 4000, 4000)
You're on the right track with your list comprehension, you just need to add in an extra level of iteration:
np.array([[func(i,j) for i in x] for j in y])
I have a matrix
A = [[ 1. 1.]
[ 1. 1.]]
and two arrays (a and b), every array contains 20 float numbers How can I multiply the using formula:
( x' = A * ( x )
y' ) y
Is this correct? m = A * [a, b]
Matrix multiplication with NumPy arrays can be done with np.dot.
If X has shape (i,j) and Y has shape (j,k) then np.dot(X,Y) will be the matrix product and have shape (i,k). The last axis of X and the second-to-last axis of Y is multiplied and summed over.
Now, if a and b have shape (20,), then np.vstack([a,b]) has shape (2, 20):
In [66]: np.vstack([a,b]).shape
Out[66]: (2, 20)
You can think of np.vstack([a, b]) as a 2x20 matrix with the values of a on the first row, and the values of b on the second row.
Since A has shape (2,2), we can perform the matrix multiplication
m = np.dot(A, np.vstack([a,b]))
to arrive at an array of shape (2, 20).
The first row of m contains the x' values, the second row contains the y' values.
NumPy also has a matrix subclass of ndarray (a special kind of NumPy array) which has convenient syntax for doing matrix multiplication with 2D arrays. If we define A to be a matrix (rather than a plain ndarray which is what np.array(...) creates), then matrix multiplication can be done with the * operator.
I show both ways (with A being a plain ndarray and A2 being a matrix) below:
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[1.,1.],[1.,1.]])
A2 = np.matrix([[1.,1.],[1.,1.]])
a = np.random.random(20)
b = np.random.random(20)
c = np.vstack([a,b])
m = np.dot(A, c)
m2 = A2 * c
assert np.allclose(m, m2)