closest point is equal to whole different places in the tree why? - python

after returning the closest point of a particular point , the next time when i return the closest point to another point the same closest point as before returns. why is that?
class kdnode:
def __init__(self,point,left,right):
self.point = point
self.left = left
self.right = right
class kdTree:
def __init__(self,points,threshold):
self.threshold = threshold
self.root = self.make_kdtree(points)
self.froot = None
self.isFirst = True
def make_kdtree(self,points,depth = 0):
if(len(points) <= self.threshold):
return kdnode(points,None,None)
dimension = 2
axis = depth % dimension
sp = sorted(points,key = lambda point:point[axis])
mid = len(points)//2
return kdnode(sp[mid],self.make_kdtree(sp[:mid],depth+1),self.make_kdtree(sp[mid+1:],depth+1))
def find_closest(self,point,depth=0):
if self.isFirst:
self.froot = self.root.point
self.isFirst = False
if(self.root.left) is None and self.root.right is None:
return self.root.point
axis = depth%2
if point[axis] > self.root.point[axis]:
self.root = self.root.right
self.root = self.root.left
return self.find_closest(point,depth+1)

This is why:
def find_closest(self,point,depth=0):
if self.isFirst:
self.froot = self.root.point
self.isFirst = False
When find_closest() is called, it changes itself. This is definitely not what you want. find_closest() should be a read-only operation that doesn't destruct the data structure.


lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes; getting null for one set of values; getting correct answer for another set

Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the BST.
root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5], p = 2, q = 8;
expected Output = 6; My output = 6
root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5], p = 2, q = 4;
expected Output = 2; My output = null
On using print I am getting the required value but when I return its null.
I think I am missing something very basic here.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Solution:
def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root: 'TreeNode', p: 'TreeNode', q: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
def bst(root,p=p.val,q=q.val):
if not root:
if p<root.val and q<root.val:
elif p>root.val and q>root.val:
return root
return bst(root)
You may want to try the following implementation:
def lca(root, p, q):
if root is None:
return None
if(root.val > p.val and root.val > q.val):
return lca(root.left, p, q)
if(root.val < p.val and root.val < q.val):
return lca(root.right, p, q)
return root

How can I find the depth of a specific node inside a binary tree?

I'm trying to figure out a recursive solution to this problem. The main thing is to return the level in the binary tree where the node is.
def find_depth(tree, node):
if node == None:
return 0
return max(find_depth(tree.left))
#recursive solution here
Using this class for the values:
class Tree:
def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
Example: Calling find_depth(tree, 7) should return the level where 7 is in the tree. (level 2)
/ \
7 1 <------ return that 7 is at level 2
/ \
9 3
maybe this is what you are looking for
def find_depth(tree, node):
if node is None or tree is None:
return 0
if tree == node:
return 1
left = find_depth(tree.left, node)
if left != 0:
return 1 + left
right = find_depth(tree.right, node)
if right != 0:
return 1 + right
return 0
You need to provide information about depth in find_depth call. It might look like this (assuming 0 is a sentinel informing that node is not found):
def find_depth(tree, node, depth=1):
if node == None:
return 0
if tree.value == node:
return depth
left_depth = find_depth(tree.left, node, depth+1)
right_depth = find_depth(tree.right, node, depth+1)
return max(left_depth, right_depth)
Then you call it with two parameters: x = find_depth(tree, 7).
Recursion is a functional heritage and so using it with functional style yields the best results -
base case: if the input tree is empty, we cannot search, return None result
inductive, the input tree is not empty. if matches the search value, return the current depth, d
inductive, the input tree is not empty and does not match. return the recursive result of tree.left or the recursive result of find.right
def find (t = None, value = None, d = 1):
if not t:
return None # 1
elif t.value == value:
return d # 2
return find(t.left, value, d + 1) or find(t.right, value, d + 1) # 3
class tree:
def __init__(self, value, left = None, right = None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
t = tree \
( 3
, tree(7, tree(9), tree(3))
, tree(1)
print(find(t, 7)) # 2
print(find(t, 99)) # None
You can implement the find method in your tree class too
def find (t = None, value = None, d = 1):
# ...
class tree
def __init__ #...
def find(self, value)
return find(self, value)
print(t.find(7)) # 2
print(t.find(99)) # None

Python: Dijkstra' algorithm

need a help with Dijkstra. I found a lot of codes on the internet, but I can't use any of them, because I'm not given a graph, but just lists of Vertexes & Edges into createGraph function. It's a homework and I gotta have some attributes in classes.
This is what I have:
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, id, name): = id = name
self.minDistance = float('inf')
self.previousVertex = None
self.edges = []
self.visited = False
class Edge:
def __init__(self, source, target, weight):
self.source = source = target
self.weight = weight
class Dijkstra:
def __init__(self):
self.vertexes = []
self.result = 0
def createGraph(self, vertexes, edgesToVertexes):
for i in range(len(vertexes)):
for j in range(len(edgesToVertexes)):
if edgesToVertexes[j].source == vertexes[i].id:
def getVertexes(self):
return self.vertexes
def findMinID(self):
maxDistance = 1000000
curVertex = None
result = None
for i in range(len(self.vertexes)):
self.vertexes[i] = curVertex
if curVertex.visited is False and curVertex.minDistance < maxDistance:
curVertex = result
curVertex.minDistance = maxDistance
self.result = result
def computePath(self, sourceId):
start = None
end = None
road = None
while start is None:
if == sourceId:
start = Vertex
start.minDistance = 0
start.visited = True
for i in range(len(start.edges)):
start.edges[i].target = end
start.edges[i].weight = road
if road < end.minDistance:
end.minDistance = start.minDistance + road
end.previousVertex =
I'm still beginner so I tried to keep it simple, but it's not working as it raises error:
'type' object is not subscriptable
AttributeError: type object 'Vertex' has no attribute 'id'
which makes absolutely no sense to me why.
I can use any help, thanks in advance!
When you put the line:
self.vertexes = Vertex
you are assigning the variable to the actual class. Probably what you wanted to do was make an empty list, as you append to it later:
self.vertexes = []
I would assume this is where the error comes from, as if you ever try to iterate over self.vertexes, you are iterating over the Vertex class, which is impossible and throws that error.
You also have later:
start = Vertex
Try initializing the start, like:
start = Vertex(sourceId, "vertex")
Also, the line before that you have
if == sourceId:
meaning that you might want to make the id variable in Vertex static:
class Vertex:
id = 0
def __init__(self, id, name): = id
id += 1
Some suggestions: class tutorial in python
To find the vertex that has the id you want, use a filter:
start = None
for v in self.vertexes:
if == sourceId:
start = Vertex(sourceId,
start.minDistance = 0

Creating a binary tree

I'm trying to create a tree from a flat list. I need to define a function called tree_from_flat_list. For any node at index position i, the left child is stored at index position 2*i, and the right child is stored at index position 2*i+1. :
class BinaryTree:
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
def get_left(self):
return self.left
def get_right(self):
return self.right
def set_left(self, tree):
self.left = tree
def set_right(self, tree):
self.right = tree
def set_data(self, data): = data
def get_data(self):
def create_string(self, spaces):
info = ' ' * spaces + str(
if self.left != None:
info += '\n(l)' + self.left.create_string(spaces+4)
if not self.right == None:
info += '\n(r)' + self.right.create_string(spaces+4)
return info
def __str__(self):
representation = self.create_string(0)
return representation
def tree_from_flat_list(node_list):
if node_list != None:
root_index = 1
list1 = []
list2 = []
root = node_list[root_index]
left_sub_tree = list1.append(node_list[2*root_index])
right_sub_tree = list2.append(node_list[2*root_index+1])
tree = BinaryTree(root)
return tree
When I try running this:
def test():
flat_list = [None, 10, 5, 15, None, None, 11, 22]
my_tree = tree_from_flat_list(flat_list)
I should get the output:
(l) 5
(r) 15
(l) 11
(r) 22
Edit: Still stuck on what I should be doing for the function. Any help is still appreciated.
the amount of spaces inbetween is the height of the tree and the l and r represent if they are a left child or a right child. This would looks like:
/ \
5 15
/ \
11 22
but instead I only get:
How should I edit my tree_from_flat_list function so that this works. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
The essence of your problem is in these lines:
left_sub_tree = list1.append(node_list[2*root_index])
right_sub_tree = list2.append(node_list[2*root_index+1])
The append function sets doesn't return anything - it appends to the list. This sets your left and right sub trees to None.
The list format seems to be a variant of a binary heap where elements can be None. I think you can simplify this quite a bit:
class BinaryTree(object):
def __init__(self, label, left, right):
self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right
def tree_from_flat_list(ls, index=1):
if index < len(ls) and ls[index] is not None:
left = tree_from_flat_list(ls, 2*index)
right = tree_from_flat_list(ls, 2*index+1)
return BinaryTree(ls[index], left, right)
I wonder though why you don't store the left and right children in indices 2*i+1 and 2*i+2, like in a binary heap; then you don't need to have the None at the beginning.

Printing a binary tree in the specific format

def str_tree(atree,indent_char ='.',indent_delta=2):
def str_tree_1(indent,atree):
if atree == None:
return ''
answer = ''
answer += str_tree_1(indent+indent_delta,atree.right)
answer += indent*indent_char+str(atree.value)+'\n'
answer += str_tree_1(indent+indent_delta,atree.left)
return answer
return str_tree_1(0,atree)
def build_balanced_bst(l):
d = []
if len(l) == 0:
return None
mid = (len(l)-1)//2
if mid >= 1:
return d
The build_balanced_bst(l) takes in a list of unique values that are sorted in increasing order. It returns a reference to the root of a well-balanced binary search tree. For example, calling build_ballanced_bst( list(irange(1,10)) returns a binary search tree of height 3 that would print as:
The str_tree function prints what the build_balanced_bst function returns
I am working on the build_balanced_bst(l) function to make it apply to the str_tree function. I used the middle value in the list as the root’s value.
But when I call the function as the way below:
l = list(irange(1,10))
t = build_balanced_bst(l)
print('Tree is\n',str_tree(t),sep='')
it doesn't print anything. Can someone help me to fix my build_balanced_bst(l) function?
Keeping the str_tree method as it is, here's the remaining code.
class Node:
"""Represents a single node in the tree"""
def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def build_balanced_bst(lt):
Find the middle element in the sorted list
and make it root.
Do same for left half and right half recursively.
if len(lt) == 1:
return Node(lt[0])
if len(lt) == 0:
return None
mid = (len(lt)-1)//2
left = build_balanced_bst(lt[:mid])
right = build_balanced_bst(lt[mid+1:])
root = Node(lt[mid], left, right)
return root
ordered_list = list(range(1,11))
bst_repr = str_tree(bst)
The output comes out as follows:

