PCA on sklearn - how to interpret pca.components_ - python

I ran PCA on a data frame with 10 features using this simple code:
pca = PCA()
fit = pca.fit(dfPca)
The result of pca.explained_variance_ratio_ shows:
array([ 5.01173322e-01, 2.98421951e-01, 1.00968655e-01,
4.28813755e-02, 2.46887288e-02, 1.40976609e-02,
1.24905823e-02, 3.43255532e-03, 1.84516942e-03,
I believe that means that the first PC explains 52% of the variance, the second component explains 29% and so on...
What I dont undestand is the output of pca.components_. If I do the following:
df = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=list(dfPca.columns))
I get the data frame bellow where each line is a principal component.
What I'd like to understand is how to interpret that table. I know that if I square all the features on each component and sum them I get 1, but what does the -0.56 on PC1 mean? Dos it tell something about "Feature E" since it is the highest magnitude on a component that explains 52% of the variance?

Terminology: First of all, the results of a PCA are usually discussed in terms of component scores, sometimes called factor scores (the transformed variable values corresponding to a particular data point), and loadings (the weight by which each standardized original variable should be multiplied to get the component score).
PART1: I explain how to check the importance of the features and how to plot a biplot.
PART2: I explain how to check the importance of the features and how to save them into a pandas dataframe using the feature names.
Summary in an article: Python compact guide: https://towardsdatascience.com/pca-clearly-explained-how-when-why-to-use-it-and-feature-importance-a-guide-in-python-7c274582c37e?source=friends_link&sk=65bf5440e444c24aff192fedf9f8b64f
In your case, the value -0.56 for Feature E is the score of this feature on the PC1. This value tells us 'how much' the feature influences the PC (in our case the PC1).
So the higher the value in absolute value, the higher the influence on the principal component.
After performing the PCA analysis, people usually plot the known 'biplot' to see the transformed features in the N dimensions (2 in our case) and the original variables (features).
I wrote a function to plot this.
Example using iris data:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
#In general it is a good idea to scale the data
scaler = StandardScaler()
pca = PCA()
x_new = pca.transform(X)
def myplot(score,coeff,labels=None):
xs = score[:,0]
ys = score[:,1]
n = coeff.shape[0]
plt.scatter(xs ,ys, c = y) #without scaling
for i in range(n):
plt.arrow(0, 0, coeff[i,0], coeff[i,1],color = 'r',alpha = 0.5)
if labels is None:
plt.text(coeff[i,0]* 1.15, coeff[i,1] * 1.15, "Var"+str(i+1), color = 'g', ha = 'center', va = 'center')
plt.text(coeff[i,0]* 1.15, coeff[i,1] * 1.15, labels[i], color = 'g', ha = 'center', va = 'center')
#Call the function.
myplot(x_new[:,0:2], pca.components_)
The important features are the ones that influence more the components and thus, have a large absolute value on the component.
TO get the most important features on the PCs with names and save them into a pandas dataframe use this:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# 10 samples with 5 features
train_features = np.random.rand(10,5)
model = PCA(n_components=2).fit(train_features)
X_pc = model.transform(train_features)
# number of components
n_pcs= model.components_.shape[0]
# get the index of the most important feature on EACH component
most_important = [np.abs(model.components_[i]).argmax() for i in range(n_pcs)]
initial_feature_names = ['a','b','c','d','e']
# get the names
most_important_names = [initial_feature_names[most_important[i]] for i in range(n_pcs)]
dic = {'PC{}'.format(i): most_important_names[i] for i in range(n_pcs)}
# build the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(dic.items())
This prints:
0 1
0 PC0 e
1 PC1 d
So on the PC1 the feature named e is the most important and on PC2 the d.
Summary in an article: Python compact guide: https://towardsdatascience.com/pca-clearly-explained-how-when-why-to-use-it-and-feature-importance-a-guide-in-python-7c274582c37e?source=friends_link&sk=65bf5440e444c24aff192fedf9f8b64f

Basic Idea
The Principle Component breakdown by features that you have there basically tells you the "direction" each principle component points to in terms of the direction of the features.
In each principle component, features that have a greater absolute weight "pull" the principle component more to that feature's direction.
For example, we can say that in PC1, since Feature A, Feature B, Feature I, and Feature J have relatively low weights (in absolute value), PC1 is not as much pointing in the direction of these features in the feature space. PC1 will be pointing most to the direction of Feature E relative to other directions.
Visualization in Lower Dimensions
For a visualization of this, look at the following figures taken from here and here:
The following shows an example of running PCA on correlated data.
We can visually see that both eigenvectors derived from PCA are being "pulled" in both the Feature 1 and Feature 2 directions. Thus, if we were to make a principle component breakdown table like you made, we would expect to see some weightage from both Feature 1 and Feature 2 explaining PC1 and PC2.
Next, we have an example with uncorrelated data.
Let us call the green principle component as PC1 and the pink one as PC2. It's clear that PC1 is not pulled in the direction of feature x', and as isn't PC2 in the direction of feature y'.
Thus, in our table, we must have a weightage of 0 for feature x' in PC1 and a weightage of 0 for feature y' in PC2.
I hope this gives an idea of what you're seeing in your table.


How to give more importance to some features in sklearn Isolation Forest

I am using sklearn isolation forest for an anomaly detection task. Isolation forest consists of iTrees. As this paper describes, the nodes of the iTrees are split in the following way:
We select any feature (uniformly) randomly and perform a split on a random value of that feature.
But I want to give more weight to some features than the others. So instead of selecting the features with equal probability, I want to draw some features with a higher probability (giving more weight to those features) and other features with a lower probability.
How can I do that? From the source code it seems I have to change the function _generate_bagging_indices in _bagging.py, but not sure.
You can achieve this without changing the source code. Instead, you can tweak your input data by duplicating the features you wish to increase the weight for. If you have a feature appearing twice, the trees will use it twice to split your data, which in practice will mean the same as having doubled the weight of the feature.
In addition to this, you can also choose to reduce the amount of features used by your isolation forest in each tree. This is controlled by the argument max_features. The default value of 1.0 ensures that every feature will be used for each tree. By reducing it, more trees will be trained without the less frequent features in your input.
Load Data
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = load_iris()
X = data.data
df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=data.feature_names)
Default settings
IF = IsolationForest()
preds = IF.predict(df)
plt.scatter(df.iloc[:, 0], df.iloc[:, 1], c=preds)
plt.title("Default settings")
plt.xlabel("sepal length (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sepal width (cm)")
Weighted Settings
df1 = df.copy()
weight_feature = 10
for i in range(weight_feature):
df1["duplicated_" + str(i)] = df1["sepal length (cm)"]
IF1 = IsolationForest(max_features=0.3)
preds1 = IF1.predict(df1)
plt.scatter(df.iloc[:, 0], df.iloc[:, 1], c=preds1)
plt.title("Weighted settings")
plt.xlabel("sepal length (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sepal width (cm)")
As you can see visually, the second option has used the X-axis more intensively to determine which are the outliers.

Clustering geospatial data on coordinates AND non spatial feature

Say i have the following dataframe stored as a variable called coordinates, where the first few rows look like:
business_lat business_lng business_rating
0 19.111841 72.910729 5.
1 19.111342 72.908387 5.
2 19.111342 72.908387 4.
3 19.137815 72.914085 5.
4 19.119677 72.905081 2.
5 19.119677 72.905081 2.
. . .
. . .
. . .
As you can see this data is geospatial (has a lat and a lng) AND every row has an additional value, business_rating, that corresponds to the rating of the business at the latlng in that row. I want to cluster the data, where businesses that are nearby and have similar ratings are assigned into the same cluster. Essentially I need a a geospatial cluster with an additional requirement that the clustering must consider the rating column.
I've looked online and can't really find much addressing approaches for this: only things for strict geospatial clustering (only features to cluster on are latlng) or non spatial clustering.
I have a simple DBSCAN running below, but when i plot the results of the clustering it does not seem to be doing what I want correctly.
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
import numpy as np
db = DBSCAN(eps=2/6371., min_samples=5, algorithm='ball_tree', metric='haversine').fit(np.radians(coordinates))
Would I be better served trying to tweak the parameters of the DBSCAN, doing some additional processing of the data or using a different approach all together?
The tricky part about clustering two different types of information (location and rating) is determining how they should relate to each other. It's simple to ask when it is just one domain and you are comparing the same units. My approach would be to look at how to relate rows within a domain and then determine some interaction between the domains. This could be done using scaling options like MinMaxScaler mentioned, however, I think this is a bit heavy handed and we could use our knowledge of the domains to cluster better.
Handling Location
Location distance is best handled directly as this has real world meaning that we can precalculate distances for. The meaning of meters apart is direct to what we
You could use the scaling option mentioned in the previous answer but this risks distorting the location data. For example, if you have a long and thin set of locations, MinMaxScaling would give more importance to variation on the thin axis than the long axis. If you are going to use scaling, do it on the computed distance matrix, not on the lat lon themselves.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import haversine_distances
points_in_radians = df[['business_lat','business_lng']].apply(np.radians).values
distances_in_km = haversine_distances(points_in_radians) * 6371
Adding in Rating
We can think of the problem through asking a couple of questions that relate rating to distance. We could ask, how different must ratings be to separate observations in the same place? What is the meter difference to rating difference ratio? With an idea of ratio, we can calculate another distance matrix for the rating difference for all observations and use this to scale or add on the original location distance matrix or we could increase the distance for every gap in rating. This location-plus-ratings-difference matrix can then be clustered on.
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
added_km_per_rating_gap = 1
rating_distances = euclidean_distances(df[['business_rating']].values) * added_km_per_rating_gap
We can then simply add these together and cluster on the resulting matrix.
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
distance_matrix = rating_distances + distances_in_km
clustering = DBSCAN(metric='precomputed', eps=1, min_samples=2)
What we have done is cluster by location, adding a penalty for ratings difference. Making that penalty direct and controllable allows for optimisation to find the best clustering.
The problem I'm finding is that (with my test data at least) DBSCAN has a tendency to 'walk' from observation to observation forming clusters that either blend ratings together because the penalty is not high enough or separates into single rating groups. It might be that DBSCAN is not suitable for this type of clustering. If I had more time, I would look for some open data to test this on and try other clustering methods.
Here is the code I used to test. I used the square of the ratings distance to emphasise larger gaps.
import random
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=300, centers=6, cluster_std=0.60, random_state=0)
ratings = np.array([random.randint(1,4) for _ in range(len(X)//2)] \
+[random.randint(2,5) for _ in range(len(X)//2)]).reshape(-1, 1)
distances_in_km = euclidean_distances(X)
rating_distances = euclidean_distances(ratings)
def build_clusters(multiplier, eps):
rating_addition = (rating_distances ** 2) * multiplier
distance_matrix = rating_addition + distances_in_km
clustering = DBSCAN(metric='precomputed', eps=eps, min_samples=10)
return clustering.labels_
Using the DBSCAN methodology, we can calculate the distance between points (the Euclidean distance or some other distance) and look for points which are far away from others. You may want to consider using the MinMaxScaler to normalize values, so one feature doesn't overwhelm other features.
Where is your code and what are your final results? Without an actual code sample, I can only guess what you are doing.
I hacked together some sample code for you. You can see the results below.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import csv
df = pd.read_csv('C:\\your_path_here\\business.csv')
K_clusters = range(1,10)
kmeans = [KMeans(n_clusters=i) for i in K_clusters]
Y_axis = df[['latitude']]
X_axis = df[['longitude']]
score = [kmeans[i].fit(Y_axis).score(Y_axis) for i in range(len(kmeans))]# Visualize
plt.plot(K_clusters, score)
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters')
plt.title('Elbow Curve')
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = 3, init ='k-means++')
kmeans.fit(X[X.columns[0:2]]) # Compute k-means clustering.
X['cluster_label'] = kmeans.fit_predict(X[X.columns[0:2]])
centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ # Coordinates of cluster centers.
labels = kmeans.predict(X[X.columns[0:2]]) # Labels of each point
X.plot.scatter(x = 'latitude', y = 'longitude', c=labels, s=50, cmap='viridis')
plt.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], c='black', s=200, alpha=0.5)
from scipy.stats import zscore
df["zscore"] = zscore(df["review_count"])
df["outlier"] = df["zscore"].apply(lambda x: x <= -2.5 or x >= 2.5)
df_cord = df[["latitude", "longitude"]]
df_cord.plot.scatter(x = "latitude", y = "latitude")
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
df_cord = scaler.fit_transform(df_cord)
df_cord = pd.DataFrame(df_cord, columns = ["latitude", "longitude"])
df_cord.plot.scatter(x = "latitude", y = "longitude")
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
outlier_detection = DBSCAN(
eps = 0.5,
min_samples = 3,
n_jobs = -1)
clusters = outlier_detection.fit_predict(df_cord)
from matplotlib import cm
cmap = cm.get_cmap('Accent')
x = "latitude",
y = "longitude",
c = clusters,
cmap = cmap,
colorbar = False
The final result looks a little weird, to tell you the truth. Remember, not everything is clusterable.

Clustering data- Poor results, feature extraction

I have measured data (vibrations) from a wind turbine running under different operating conditions. My dataset consists of operating conditions as well as measurement features I have extracted from the measured data.
Dataset shape: (423, 15). Each of the 423 data points represent a measurement on a day, chronologically over 423 days.
I now want to cluster the data to see if there is any change in the measurements. Specifically, I want to examine if the vibrations change over time (which could indicate a fault in the turbine gearbox).
What I have currently done:
Scale the data between 0,1 ->
Perform PCA (reduce from 15 to 5)
Cluster using db scan since I do not know the number of clusters. I am using this code to find the optimal epsilon (eps) in dbscan:
# optimal Epsilon (distance):
X_pca = principalDf.values
neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2)
nbrs = neigh.fit(X_pca)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X_pca)
distances = np.sort(distances, axis=0)
distances = distances[:,1]
The result so far are not giving any clear indication that the data is changing over time:
Of course, the case could be that the data is not changing over these data points. Howver, what are some other things I could try? Kind of an open question, but I am running out of ideas.
First of all, with KMeans, if the dataset is not naturally partitioned, you may end up with some very weird results! As KMeans is unsupervised, you basically dump in all kinds of numeric variables, set the target variable, and let the machine do the lift for you. Here is a simple example using the canonical Iris dataset. You can EASILY modify this to fit your specific dataset. Just change the 'X' variables (all but the target variable) and 'y' variable (just one target variable). Try that and feedback.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import urllib.request
import random
# seaborn is a layer on top of matplotlib which has additional visualizations -
# just importing it changes the look of the standard matplotlib plots.
# the current version also shows some warnings which we'll disable.
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="white", color_codes=True)
import warnings
from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data[:, 0:4] # we only take the first two features.
y = iris.target
from sklearn import preprocessing
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
X_scaled_array = scaler.transform(X)
X_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_scaled_array)
# try clustering on the 4d data and see if can reproduce the actual clusters.
# ie imagine we don't have the species labels on this data and wanted to
# divide the flowers into species. could set an arbitrary number of clusters
# and try dividing them up into similar clusters.
# we happen to know there are 3 species, so let's find 3 species and see
# if the predictions for each point matches the label in y.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
nclusters = 3 # this is the k in kmeans
seed = 0
km = KMeans(n_clusters=nclusters, random_state=seed)
# predict the cluster for each data point
y_cluster_kmeans = km.predict(X_scaled)
# use seaborn to make scatter plot showing species for each sample
sns.FacetGrid(data, hue="species", size=4) \
.map(plt.scatter, "sepal_length", "sepal_width") \

Interpretation of PCA biplot

I need to understand what the scatterplot created by 2 principal components convey.
I was working on the 'boston housing' dataset from the 'sklearn.datasets' library. I standardized the predictors and the used 'PCA' from 'sklearn.decomposition' library to get 2 principal components and plotted them on the graph.
Now all I want is help in interpreting what the plot says in simple language.enter image description here
Each principal component can be understood as linear combinations of all the features in your dataset. For example if you have three variables A, B and C, then one possibility for a principal component could be calculate it by 0.5A + 0.25B + 0.25C. And a datapoint with values [1, 2, 4] would end up with 0.5*1 + 0.25*2 + 0.25*4 = 2 on the principal component.
The first principal component is extracted by determining the combination of features that yields the highest variance in the data. This roughly means that we tweak the multipliers (0.5, 0.25, 0.25) for each variable such that the variance between all observations is maximized.
The first principal component (green) and second (pink) of 2d data is visualised by the lines through the data in this plot
The PCs are a linear combination of the features. Basically, you can order the PCs on captured variance in the data and label from highest to lowest. PC1 would contain most of the variance, then PC2 etc. Thus for each PC it is known how much variance it exactly explained. However, when you scatterplot the data in 2D, as you did in the boston housing dataset, the it is hard to say “how much” and “which” features were contributing in the PCs. Here is were the “biplot” comes into play. The biplot can plot for each feature its contribution by its angle and length of the vector. When you do this, you will not only know how much variance was explained by the top PCs, but also which features were most important.
Try the ‘pca’ library. This will plot the explained variance, and create a biplot.
pip install pca
from pca import pca
# Initialize to reduce the data up to the number of componentes that explains 95% of the variance.
model = pca(n_components=0.95)
# Or reduce the data towards 2 PCs
model = pca(n_components=2)
# Fit transform
results = model.fit_transform(X)
# Plot explained variance
fig, ax = model.plot()
# Scatter first 2 PCs
fig, ax = model.scatter()
# Make biplot
fig, ax = model.biplot(n_feat=4)

scikit-learn: Finding the features that contribute to each KMeans cluster

Say you have 10 features you are using to create 3 clusters. Is there a way to see the level of contribution each of the features have for each of the clusters?
What I want to be able to say is that for cluster k1, features 1,4,6 were the primary features where as cluster k2's primary features were 2,5,7.
This is the basic setup of what I am using:
k_means = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10)
k_means_labels = k_means.labels_
You can use
Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA can be done by eigenvalue decomposition of a data covariance (or correlation) matrix or singular value decomposition of a data matrix, usually after mean centering (and normalizing or using Z-scores) the data matrix for each attribute. The results of a PCA are usually discussed in terms of component scores, sometimes called factor scores (the transformed variable values corresponding to a particular data point), and loadings (the weight by which each standardized original variable should be multiplied to get the component score).
Some essential points:
the eigenvalues reflect the portion of variance explained by the corresponding component. Say, we have 4 features with eigenvalues 1, 4, 1, 2. These are the variances explained by the corresp. vectors. The second value belongs to the first principle component as it explains 50 % off the overall variance and the last value belongs to the second principle component explaining 25 % of the overall variance.
the eigenvectors are the component's linear combinations. The give the weights for the features so that you can know, which feature as high/low impact.
use PCA based on correlation matrix instead of empiric covariance matrix, if the eigenvalues strongly differ (magnitudes).
Sample approach
do PCA on entire dataset (that's what the function below does)
take matrix with observations and features
center it to its average (average of feature values among all observations)
compute empiric covariance matrix (e.g. np.cov) or correlation (see above)
perform decomposition
sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors by eigenvalues to get components with highest impact
use components on original data
examine the clusters in the transformed dataset. By checking their location on each component you can derive the features with high and low impact on distribution/variance
Sample function
You need to import numpy as np and scipy as sp. It uses sp.linalg.eigh for decomposition. You might want to check also the scikit decomposition module.
PCA is performed on a data matrix with observations (objects) in rows and features in columns.
def dim_red_pca(X, d=0, corr=False):
Performs principal component analysis.
X : array, (n, d)
Original observations (n observations, d features)
d : int
Number of principal components (default is ``0`` => all components).
corr : bool
If true, the PCA is performed based on the correlation matrix.
Always all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned,
independently of the desired number of components ``d``.
Xred : array, (n, m or d)
Reduced data matrix
e_values : array, (m)
The eigenvalues, sorted in descending manner.
e_vectors : array, (n, m)
The eigenvectors, sorted corresponding to eigenvalues.
# Center to average
X_ = X-X.mean(0)
# Compute correlation / covarianz matrix
if corr:
CO = np.corrcoef(X_.T)
CO = np.cov(X_.T)
# Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
e_values, e_vectors = sp.linalg.eigh(CO)
# Sort the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors descending
idx = np.argsort(e_values)[::-1]
e_vectors = e_vectors[:, idx]
e_values = e_values[idx]
# Get the number of desired dimensions
d_e_vecs = e_vectors
if d > 0:
d_e_vecs = e_vectors[:, :d]
d = None
# Map principal components to original data
LIN = np.dot(d_e_vecs, np.dot(d_e_vecs.T, X_.T)).T
return LIN[:, :d], e_values, e_vectors
Sample usage
Here's a sample script, which makes use of the given function and uses scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2 for clustering. Note that the results vary with each run. This is due to the starting clusters a initialized randomly.
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
SN = np.array([ [1.325, 1.000, 1.825, 1.750],
[2.000, 1.250, 2.675, 1.750],
[3.000, 3.250, 3.000, 2.750],
[1.075, 2.000, 1.675, 1.000],
[3.425, 2.000, 3.250, 2.750],
[1.900, 2.000, 2.400, 2.750],
[3.325, 2.500, 3.000, 2.000],
[3.000, 2.750, 3.075, 2.250],
[2.075, 1.250, 2.000, 2.250],
[2.500, 3.250, 3.075, 2.250],
[1.675, 2.500, 2.675, 1.250],
[2.075, 1.750, 1.900, 1.500],
[1.750, 2.000, 1.150, 1.250],
[2.500, 2.250, 2.425, 2.500],
[1.675, 2.750, 2.000, 1.250],
[3.675, 3.000, 3.325, 2.500],
[1.250, 1.500, 1.150, 1.000]], dtype=float)
clust,labels_ = kmeans2(SN,3) # cluster with 3 random initial clusters
# PCA on orig. dataset
# Xred will have only 2 columns, the first two princ. comps.
# evals has shape (4,) and evecs (4,4). We need all eigenvalues
# to determine the portion of variance
Xred, evals, evecs = dim_red_pca(SN,2)
xlab = '1. PC - ExpVar = {:.2f} %'.format(evals[0]/sum(evals)*100) # determine variance portion
ylab = '2. PC - ExpVar = {:.2f} %'.format(evals[1]/sum(evals)*100)
# plot the clusters, each set separately
ax = plt.gca()
scatterHs = []
clr = ['r', 'b', 'k']
for cluster in set(labels_):
scatterHs.append(ax.scatter(Xred[labels_ == cluster, 0], Xred[labels_ == cluster, 1],
color=clr[cluster], label='Cluster {}'.format(cluster)))
plt.setp(ax, title='First and Second Principle Components', xlabel=xlab, ylabel=ylab)
# plot also the eigenvectors for deriving the influence of each feature
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1)
ax[0].bar([1, 2, 3, 4],evecs[0])
plt.setp(ax[0], title="First and Second Component's Eigenvectors ", ylabel='Weight')
ax[1].bar([1, 2, 3, 4],evecs[1])
plt.setp(ax[1], xlabel='Features', ylabel='Weight')
The eigenvectors show the weighting of each feature for the component
Short Interpretation
Let's just have a look at cluster zero, the red one. We'll be mostly interested in the first component as it explains about 3/4 of the distribution. The red cluster is in the upper area of the first component. All observations yield rather high values. What does it mean? Now looking at the linear combination of the first component we see on first sight, that the second feature is rather unimportant (for this component). The first and fourth feature are the highest weighted and the third one has a negative score. This means, that - as all red vertices have a rather high score on the first PC - these vertices will have high values in the first and last feature, while at the same time they have low scores concerning the third feature.
Concerning the second feature we can have a look at the second PC. However, note that the overall impact is far smaller as this component explains only roughly 16 % of the variance compared to the ~74 % of the first PC.
You can do it this way:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import sklearn.cluster as cl
>>> data = np.array([99,1,2,103,44,63,56,110,89,7,12,37])
>>> k_means = cl.KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3, n_init=10)
>>> k_means.fit(data[:,np.newaxis]) # [:,np.newaxis] converts data from 1D to 2D
>>> k_means_labels = k_means.labels_
>>> k1,k2,k3 = [data[np.where(k_means_labels==i)] for i in range(3)] # range(3) because 3 clusters
>>> k1
array([44, 63, 56, 37])
>>> k2
array([ 99, 103, 110, 89])
>>> k3
array([ 1, 2, 7, 12])
Try this,
print res['cluster_centers_']
You will get matrix of cluster and feature_weights, from that you can conclude, the feature having more weight takes major part to contribute cluster.
I assume that by saying "a primary feature" you mean - had the biggest impact on the class. A nice exploration you can do is look at the coordinates of the cluster centers . For example, plot for each feature it's coordinate in each of the K centers.
Of course that any features that are on large scale will have much larger effect on the distance between the observations, so make sure your data is well scaled before performing any analysis.
a method I came up with is calculating the standard deviation of each feature in relation to the distribution - basically how is the data is spread across each feature
the lesser the spread, the better the feature of each cluster basically:
1 - (std(x) / (max(x) - min(x))
I wrote an article and a class to maintain it
It might be difficult to talk about feature importance separately for each cluster. Rather, it could be better to talk globally about which features are most important for separating different clusters.
For this goal, a very simple method is described as follow. Note that the Euclidean distance between two cluster centers is a sum of square difference between individual features. We can then just use the square difference as the weight for each feature.

