I am writing code to remove plateau outliers from time series data. I proceeded after receiving advice to use np.diff, but there was a problem that it could not be recognized if it was not the same value.
def find_plateaus(F, min_length=200, tolerance = 0.75, smoothing=15):
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
# calculate smooth gradients
smoothF = uniform_filter1d(F, size = smoothing)
dF = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(smoothF),size = smoothing)
d2F = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(dF),size = smoothing)
def zero_runs(x):
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(x, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
ranges = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return ranges
# Find ranges where second derivative is zero
# Values under eps are assumed to be zero.
eps = np.quantile(abs(d2F),tolerance)
smalld2F = (abs(d2F) <= eps)
# Find repititions in the mask "smalld2F" (i.e. ranges where d2F is constantly zero)
p = zero_runs(np.diff(smalld2F))
# np.diff(p) gives the length of each range found.
# only accept plateaus of min_length
plateaus = p[(np.diff(p) > min_length).flatten()]
return (plateaus)
plateaus = find_plateaus(test, min_length=5, tolerance = 0.02, smoothing=11)
plateaus = np.ravel(plateaus, order = 'A')
plateaus = plateaus.tolist()
test2['T&F'] = np.nan
for i in test2.index:
if i in plateaus:
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = test2.loc[i,'data']
else :
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
ax.plot(test2.index, test2['data'], color='black', label = 'time_series')
ax.scatter(test2.index,test2['T&F'], color='red', label = 'D910')
Do you know any libraries or methods that can be used?
I want to recognize the parts marked in the picture below.
enter image description here
Still in progress, but found the answer.
First, make the np array multidimensional.
ex) time_step = 3
Then, using np.std(), find the standard deviation,
After checking, you can set the standard deviation range to recognize the included range.
I have the following boundary conditions for a time series in python.
The notation I use here is t_x, where x describe the time in milliseconds (this is not my code, I just thought this notation is good to explain my issue).
t_0 = 0
t_440 = -1.6
t_830 = 0
mean_value = -0.6
I want to create a list that contains 83 values (so the spacing is 10ms for each value).
The list should descibe a "curve" that starts at zero, has the minimum value of -1.6 at 440ms (so 44 in the list), ends with 0 at 880ms (so 83 in the list) and the overall mean value of the list should be -0.6.
I absolutely could not come up with an idea how to "fit" the boundaries to create such a list.
I would really appreciate help.
It is a quick and dirty approach, but it works:
X = list(range(0, 830 +1, 10))
Y = [0.0 for x in X]
Y[44] = -1.6
b = 12.3486
for x in range(44):
Y[x] = -1.6*(b*x+x**2)/(b*44+44**2)
for x in range(83, 44, -1):
Y[x] = -1.6*(b*(83-x)+(83-x)**2)/(b*38+38**2)
print(f'{sum(Y)/len(Y)=:8.6f}, {Y[0]=}, {Y[44]=}, {Y[83]=}')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
With the code giving following output:
sum(Y)/len(Y)=-0.600000, Y[0]=-0.0, Y[44]=-1.6, Y[83]=-0.0
And showing following diagram:
The first step in coming up with the above approach was to create a linear sloping 'curve' from the minimum to the zeroes. I turned out that linear approach gives here too large mean Y value what means that the 'curve' must have a sharp peak at its minimum and need to be approached with a polynomial. To make things simple I decided to use quadratic polynomial and approach the minimum from left and right side separately as the curve isn't symmetric. The b-value was found by trial and error and its precision can be increased manually or by writing a small function finding it in an iterative way.
Update providing a generic solution as requested in a comment
The code below provides a
meanYboundaryXY(lbc = [(0,0), (440,-1.6), (830,0), -0.6], shape='saw')
function returning the X and Y lists of the time series data calculated from the passed parameter with the boundary values:
def meanYboundaryXY(lbc = [(0,0), (440,-1.6), (830,0), -0.6]):
lbcXY = lbc[0:3] ; meanY_boundary = lbc[3]
minX = min(x for x,y in lbcXY)
maxX = max(x for x,y in lbcXY)
minY = lbc[1][1]
step = 10
X = list(range(minX, maxX + 1, step))
lenX = len(X)
Y = [None for x in X]
sumY = 0
for x, y in lbcXY:
Y[x//step] = y
sumY += y
target_sumY = meanY_boundary*lenX
if shape == 'rect':
subY = (target_sumY-sumY)/(lenX-3)
for i, y in enumerate(Y):
if y is None:
Y[i] = subY
elif shape == 'saw':
peakNextY = 2*(target_sumY-sumY)/(lenX-1)
iYleft = lbc[1][0]//step-1
iYrght = iYleft+2
iYstart = lbc[0][0] // step
iYend = lbc[2][0] // step
for i in range(iYstart, iYleft+1, 1):
Y[i] = peakNextY * i / iYleft
for i in range(iYend, iYrght-1, -1):
Y[i] = peakNextY * (iYend-i)/(iYend-iYrght)
raise ValueError( str(f'meanYboundaryXY() EXIT, {shape=} not in ["saw","rect"]') )
return (X, Y)
X, Y = meanYboundaryXY()
print(f'{sum(Y)/len(Y)=:8.6f}, {Y[0]=}, {Y[44]=}, {Y[83]=}')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
The code outputs:
sum(Y)/len(Y)=-0.600000, Y[0]=0, Y[44]=-1.6, Y[83]=0
and creates following two diagrams for shape='rect' and shape='saw':
As an old geek, i try to solve the question with a simple algorithm.
First calculate points as two symmetric lines from 0 to 44 and 44 to 89 (orange on the graph).
Calculate sum except middle point and its ratio with sum of points when mean is -0.6, except middle point.
Apply ratio to previous points except middle point. (blue curve on the graph)
Obtain curve which was called "saw" by Claudio.
For my own, i think quadratic interpolation of Claudio is a better curve, but needs trial and error loops.
import matplotlib
# define goals
nbPoints = 89
msPerPoint = 10
midPoint = nbPoints//2
valueMidPoint = -1.6
meanGoal = -0.6
def createSerieLinear():
# two lines 0 up to 44, 44 down to 88 (89 values centered on 44)
serie=[0 for i in range(0,nbPoints)]
interval =valueMidPoint/midPoint
for i in range(0,midPoint+1):
return serie
# keep an original to plot
orange = createSerieLinear()
# work on a base
base = createSerieLinear()
# total except midPoint
totalBase = (sum(base)-valueMidPoint)
#total goal except 44
totalGoal = meanGoal*nbPoints - valueMidPoint
# apply ratio to reduce
reduceRatio = totalGoal/totalBase
for i in range(0,midPoint):
base[i] *= reduceRatio
base[nbPoints-1-i] *= reduceRatio
# verify
meanBase = sum(base)/nbPoints
print("new mean:",meanBase)
# draw
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X =[i*msPerPoint for i in range(0,nbPoints)]
new mean: -0.5999999999999998
Hope you enjoy simple things :)
I have a 3d point cloud matrix, and I am trying to calculate the largest point density within a smaller volume inside the matrix. I am currently using a 3D grid-histogram system where I loop through every point in the matrix and increase the value of the corresponding grid square. Then, I can simply find the max value of the grid matrix.
I have already written code that works, but it is horribly slow for what I am trying to do
import numpy as np
def densityPointCloud(points, gridCount, gridSize):
hist = np.zeros((gridCount, gridCount, gridCount), np.uint16)
rndPoints = np.rint(points/gridSize) + int(gridCount/2)
rndPoints = rndPoints.astype(int)
for point in rndPoints:
if np.amax(point) < gridCount and np.amin(point) >= 0:
hist[point[0]][point[1]][point[2]] += 1
return hist
cloud = (np.random.rand(100000, 3)*10)-5
histogram = densityPointCloud(cloud , 50, 0.2)
Are there any shortcuts I can take to do this more efficiently?
Here's a start:
import numpy as np
import time
from collections import Counter
# if you need the whole histogram object
def dpc2(points, gridCount, gridSize):
hist = np.zeros((gridCount, gridCount, gridCount), np.uint16)
rndPoints = np.rint(points/gridSize) + int(gridCount/2)
rndPoints = rndPoints.astype(int)
inbounds = np.logical_and(np.amax(rndPoints,axis = 1) < gridCount, np.amin(rndPoints,axis = 1) >= 0)
for point in rndPoints[inbounds,:]:
hist[point[0]][point[1]][point[2]] += 1
return hist
# just care about a max point
def dpc3(points, gridCount, gridSize):
rndPoints = np.rint(points/gridSize) + int(gridCount/2)
rndPoints = rndPoints.astype(int)
inbounds = np.logical_and(np.amax(rndPoints,axis = 1) < gridCount,
np.amin(rndPoints,axis = 1) >= 0)
# cheap hashing
phashes = gridCount*gridCount*rndPoints[inbounds,0] + gridCount*rndPoints[inbounds,1] + rndPoints[inbounds,2]
max_h, max_v = Counter(phashes).most_common(1)[0]
max_coord = [(max_h // (gridCount*gridCount)) % gridCount,(max_h // gridCount) % gridCount,max_h % gridCount]
return (max_coord, max_v)
cloud = (np.random.rand(200000, 3)*10)-5
t1 = time.perf_counter()
hist1 = densityPointCloud(cloud , 50, 0.2)
t2 = time.perf_counter()
hist2 = dpc2(cloud,50,0.2)
t3 = time.perf_counter()
hist3 = dpc3(cloud,50,0.2)
t4 = time.perf_counter()
print(f"task 1: {round(1000*(t2-t1))}ms\ntask 2: {round(1000*(t3-t2))}ms\ntask 3: {round(1000*(t4-t3))}ms")
print(f"max value is {hist3[1]}, achieved at {hist3[0]}")
np.all(np.equal(hist1,hist2)) # check that results are identical
# check for equal max - histogram may be multi-modal so the point won't
# necessarily match
np.unravel_index(np.argmax(hist2, axis=None), hist2.shape)
The idea is to do all the if/and comparisons once: let numpy do them (effectively in C) rather then doing them 'manually' inside a Python loop. This also lets us only iterate over the points that will lead to hist being incremented.
You can also consider using a sparse data structure for hist if you think your cloud will have lots of empty space - memory allocation can become a bottleneck for very large data.
Did not scientifically benchmark this but appears to run ~2-3x faster (v2) and 6-8x faster (v3)! If you'd like all the points which are tied for the max. density, it would be easy to extract those from the Counter object.
My program:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy.optimize import minimize
global width
width = 0.3
def time_builder(f, t0=0, tf=300):
return list(np.round(np.arange(t0, tf, 1/f*1000),3))
def duo_stim_overlap(t1, t2):
Function taking 2 timelines build by time_builder function in input
and returning the ids of overlapping pulses between the 2.
len(t1) < len(t2)
pulse_id_t1 = [x for x in range(len(t1)) for y in range(len(t2)) if abs(t1[x] - t2[y]) < width]
pulse_id_t2 = [x for x in range(len(t2)) for y in range(len(t1)) if abs(t2[x] - t1[y]) < width]
return pulse_id_t1, pulse_id_t2
def optimal_delay(s):
frequences = [20, 60, 80, 250, 500]
t0 = 0
tf = 150
delay = 0 # delay between signals,
timelines = list()
overlap = dict()
for i in range(len(frequences)):
timelines.append(time_builder(frequences[i], t0+delay, tf))
overlap[i] = list()
delay += s
for subset in itertools.combinations(timelines, 2):
p1_stim, p2_stim = duo_stim_overlap(subset[0], subset[1])
overlap[timelines.index(subset[0])] += p1_stim
overlap[timelines.index(subset[1])] += p2_stim
optim_param = 0
for key, items in overlap.items():
optim_param += (len(list(set(items)))/len(timelines[key]))
return optim_param
res = minimize(optimal_delay, 1.5, method='Nelder-Mead', tol = 0.01, bounds = [(0, 5)], options={'disp': True})
So my goal is to minimize the value optim_param computed by the function optimal_delay.
First of all, gradient methods don't do anything. They stop at the first iteration.
Second, I would need to set bounds for the s value of optimal delay (between 0 and 5 for instance). I know it's not possible with the Nelder-Mead simplex method, but the others didn't work at all.
Third, I don't really know how to set the parameter tol for termination. Bot tol = 0.01 and tol = 0.0000001 didn' t gave me good result. (and really close ones).
And finally if I start at 1.8 for instance, the minimize function gives me a value far from being a minimum...
What am I doing wrong?
If you plot your optimal_delay function you'll see that it's far from convex. The search will just find any local minima close to your starting point.
I have a range of dates and a measurement on each of those dates. I'd like to calculate an exponential moving average for each of the dates. Does anybody know how to do this?
I'm new to python. It doesn't appear that averages are built into the standard python library, which strikes me as a little odd. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place.
So, given the following code, how could I calculate the moving weighted average of IQ points for calendar dates?
from datetime import date
days = [date(2008,1,1), date(2008,1,2), date(2008,1,7)]
IQ = [110, 105, 90]
(there's probably a better way to structure the data, any advice would be appreciated)
It seems that mov_average_expw() function from scikits.timeseries.lib.moving_funcs submodule from SciKits (add-on toolkits that complement SciPy) better suits the wording of your question.
To calculate an exponential smoothing of your data with a smoothing factor alpha (it is (1 - alpha) in Wikipedia's terms):
>>> alpha = 0.5
>>> assert 0 < alpha <= 1.0
>>> av = sum(alpha**n.days * iq
... for n, iq in map(lambda (day, iq), today=max(days): (today-day, iq),
... sorted(zip(days, IQ), key=lambda p: p[0], reverse=True)))
The above is not pretty, so let's refactor it a bit:
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter
def smooth(iq_data, alpha=1, today=None):
"""Perform exponential smoothing with factor `alpha`.
Time period is a day.
Each time period the value of `iq` drops `alpha` times.
The most recent data is the most valuable one.
assert 0 < alpha <= 1
if alpha == 1: # no smoothing
return sum(map(itemgetter(1), iq_data))
if today is None:
today = max(map(itemgetter(0), iq_data))
return sum(alpha**((today - date).days) * iq for date, iq in iq_data)
IQData = namedtuple("IQData", "date iq")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from datetime import date
days = [date(2008,1,1), date(2008,1,2), date(2008,1,7)]
IQ = [110, 105, 90]
iqdata = list(map(IQData, days, IQ))
print("\n".join(map(str, iqdata)))
print(smooth(iqdata, alpha=0.5))
$ python26 smooth.py
IQData(date=datetime.date(2008, 1, 1), iq=110)
IQData(date=datetime.date(2008, 1, 2), iq=105)
IQData(date=datetime.date(2008, 1, 7), iq=90)
I'm always calculating EMAs with Pandas:
Here is an example how to do it:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def ema(values, period):
values = np.array(values)
return pd.ewma(values, span=period)[-1]
values = [9, 5, 10, 16, 5]
period = 5
print ema(values, period)
More infos about Pandas EWMA:
I did a bit of googling and I found the following sample code (http://osdir.com/ml/python.matplotlib.general/2005-04/msg00044.html):
def ema(s, n):
returns an n period exponential moving average for
the time series s
s is a list ordered from oldest (index 0) to most
recent (index -1)
n is an integer
returns a numeric array of the exponential
moving average
s = array(s)
ema = []
j = 1
#get n sma first and calculate the next n period ema
sma = sum(s[:n]) / n
multiplier = 2 / float(1 + n)
#EMA(current) = ( (Price(current) - EMA(prev) ) x Multiplier) + EMA(prev)
ema.append(( (s[n] - sma) * multiplier) + sma)
#now calculate the rest of the values
for i in s[n+1:]:
tmp = ( (i - ema[j]) * multiplier) + ema[j]
j = j + 1
return ema
You can also use the SciPy filter method because the EMA is an IIR filter. This will have the benefit of being approximately 64 times faster as measured on my system using timeit on large data sets when compared to the enumerate() approach.
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import lfilter
x = np.random.normal(size=1234)
alpha = .1 # smoothing coefficient
zi = [x[0]] # seed the filter state with first value
# filter can process blocks of continuous data if <zi> is maintained
y, zi = lfilter([1.-alpha], [1., -alpha], x, zi=zi)
I don't know Python, but for the averaging part, do you mean an exponentially decaying low-pass filter of the form
y_new = y_old + (input - y_old)*alpha
where alpha = dt/tau, dt = the timestep of the filter, tau = the time constant of the filter? (the variable-timestep form of this is as follows, just clip dt/tau to not be more than 1.0)
y_new = y_old + (input - y_old)*dt/tau
If you want to filter something like a date, make sure you convert to a floating-point quantity like # of seconds since Jan 1 1970.
My python is a little bit rusty (anyone can feel free to edit this code to make corrections, if I've messed up the syntax somehow), but here goes....
def movingAverageExponential(values, alpha, epsilon = 0):
if not 0 < alpha < 1:
raise ValueError("out of range, alpha='%s'" % alpha)
if not 0 <= epsilon < alpha:
raise ValueError("out of range, epsilon='%s'" % epsilon)
result = [None] * len(values)
for i in range(len(result)):
currentWeight = 1.0
numerator = 0
denominator = 0
for value in values[i::-1]:
numerator += value * currentWeight
denominator += currentWeight
currentWeight *= alpha
if currentWeight < epsilon:
result[i] = numerator / denominator
return result
This function moves backward, from the end of the list to the beginning, calculating the exponential moving average for each value by working backward until the weight coefficient for an element is less than the given epsilon.
At the end of the function, it reverses the values before returning the list (so that they're in the correct order for the caller).
(SIDE NOTE: if I was using a language other than python, I'd create a full-size empty array first and then fill it backwards-order, so that I wouldn't have to reverse it at the end. But I don't think you can declare a big empty array in python. And in python lists, appending is much less expensive than prepending, which is why I built the list in reverse order. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
The 'alpha' argument is the decay factor on each iteration. For example, if you used an alpha of 0.5, then today's moving average value would be composed of the following weighted values:
today: 1.0
yesterday: 0.5
2 days ago: 0.25
3 days ago: 0.125
Of course, if you've got a huge array of values, the values from ten or fifteen days ago won't contribute very much to today's weighted average. The 'epsilon' argument lets you set a cutoff point, below which you will cease to care about old values (since their contribution to today's value will be insignificant).
You'd invoke the function something like this:
result = movingAverageExponential(values, 0.75, 0.0001)
In matplotlib.org examples (http://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/finance_work2.html) is provided one good example of Exponential Moving Average (EMA) function using numpy:
def moving_average(x, n, type):
x = np.asarray(x)
if type=='simple':
weights = np.ones(n)
weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., n))
weights /= weights.sum()
a = np.convolve(x, weights, mode='full')[:len(x)]
a[:n] = a[n]
return a
I found the above code snippet by #earino pretty useful - but I needed something that could continuously smooth a stream of values - so I refactored it to this:
def exponential_moving_average(period=1000):
""" Exponential moving average. Smooths the values in v over ther period. Send in values - at first it'll return a simple average, but as soon as it's gahtered 'period' values, it'll start to use the Exponential Moving Averge to smooth the values.
period: int - how many values to smooth over (default=100). """
multiplier = 2 / float(1 + period)
cum_temp = yield None # We are being primed
# Start by just returning the simple average until we have enough data.
for i in xrange(1, period + 1):
cum_temp += yield cum_temp / float(i)
# Grab the timple avergae
ema = cum_temp / period
# and start calculating the exponentially smoothed average
while True:
ema = (((yield ema) - ema) * multiplier) + ema
and I use it like this:
def temp_monitor(pin):
""" Read from the temperature monitor - and smooth the value out. The sensor is noisy, so we use exponential smoothing. """
ema = exponential_moving_average()
next(ema) # Prime the generator
while True:
yield ema.send(val_to_temp(pin.read()))
(where pin.read() produces the next value I'd like to consume).
May be shortest:
#Specify decay in terms of span
#data_series should be a DataFrame
ema=data_series.ewm(span=5, adjust=False).mean()
import pandas_ta as ta
data["EMA3"] = ta.ema(data["close"], length=3)
pandas_ta is a Technical Analysis Library: https://github.com/twopirllc/pandas-ta. Above code calculates the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) for a series. You can specify the lag value using 'length'. Spesifically, above code calculates '3-day EMA'.
Here is a simple sample I worked up based on http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:moving_averages
Note that unlike in their spreadsheet, I don't calculate the SMA, and I don't wait to generate the EMA after 10 samples. This means my values differ slightly, but if you chart it, it follows exactly after 10 samples. During the first 10 samples, the EMA I calculate is appropriately smoothed.
def emaWeight(numSamples):
return 2 / float(numSamples + 1)
def ema(close, prevEma, numSamples):
return ((close-prevEma) * emaWeight(numSamples) ) + prevEma
samples = [
22.27, 22.19, 22.08, 22.17, 22.18, 22.13, 22.23, 22.43, 22.24, 22.29,
22.15, 22.39, 22.38, 22.61, 23.36, 24.05, 23.75, 23.83, 23.95, 23.63,
23.82, 23.87, 23.65, 23.19, 23.10, 23.33, 22.68, 23.10, 22.40, 22.17,
emaCap = 10
for s in range(len(samples)):
numSamples = emaCap if s > emaCap else s
e = ema(samples[s], e, numSamples)
print e
I'm a little late to the party here, but none of the solutions given were what I was looking for. Nice little challenge using recursion and the exact formula given in investopedia.
No numpy or pandas required.
prices = [{'i': 1, 'close': 24.5}, {'i': 2, 'close': 24.6}, {'i': 3, 'close': 24.8}, {'i': 4, 'close': 24.9},
{'i': 5, 'close': 25.6}, {'i': 6, 'close': 25.0}, {'i': 7, 'close': 24.7}]
def rec_calculate_ema(n):
k = 2 / (n + 1)
price = prices[n]['close']
if n == 1:
return price
res = (price * k) + (rec_calculate_ema(n - 1) * (1 - k))
return res
A fast way (copy-pasted from here) is the following:
def ExpMovingAverage(values, window):
""" Numpy implementation of EMA
weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., window))
weights /= weights.sum()
a = np.convolve(values, weights, mode='full')[:len(values)]
a[:window] = a[window]
return a
I am using a list and a rate of decay as inputs. I hope this little function with just two lines may help you here, considering deep recursion is not stable in python.
def expma(aseries, ratio):
return sum([ratio*aseries[-x-1]*((1-ratio)**x) for x in range(len(aseries))])
more simply, using pandas
def EMA(tw):
for x in tw:
data["EMA{}".format(x)] = data['close'].ewm(span=x, adjust=False).mean()
Papahaba's answer was almost what I was looking for (thanks!) but I needed to match initial conditions. Using an IIR filter with scipy.signal.lfilter is certainly the most efficient. Here's my redux:
Given a NumPy vector, x
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
period = 12
b = np.array((1,), 'd')
a = np.array((period, 1-period), 'd')
zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
y, zi = signal.lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi*x[0:1])
Get the N-point EMA (here, 12) returned in the vector y