I have a 4D array of shape (1948, 60, 2, 3) which tells the difference in end effector positions (x,y,z) over 60 time steps.
The number 1948 indicates the number of samples, 60 is the number of time steps, 2 is for left_arm and right_arm, 3 denotes the x,y,z positions.
a sample of how it looks is below:
array([[[ 3.93048840e-05, 7.70215296e-04, 1.13865805e-03],
[ 1.11679799e-04, -7.04810066e-04, 1.83552688e-04]],
[[ -6.26468389e-04, 6.86668923e-04, 1.57112482e-04],
[ 3.68164582e-04, 7.98948528e-04, 4.50642200e-04]],
[[ 2.51472961e-04, -2.48105983e-04, 7.52486843e-04],
[ 8.99905240e-05, 1.70473461e-04, -3.09927572e-04]],
[[ -7.52414330e-04, 5.46782063e-04, -3.76679264e-04],
[ -3.12531026e-04, -3.36585211e-04, 5.79075595e-05]],
[[ 7.69968002e-04, -1.95524291e-03, -8.65666619e-04],
[ 2.37583215e-04, 4.59415986e-04, 6.07292643e-04]],
[[ 1.41795261e-03, -1.62364401e-03, -8.99673829e-04],
I want to normalize this data as I need tot rain on a neural netowrk. How do I go about normalizing a 4D array I have an intuition for images. Can I normalize each example data or should the normalization be there for the entire 4D array?
The trick would be to use keepdims set as True, which lets the broadcasting happen without bothering us with the housekeeping work of extending dims. Hence, the solution for generic ndarrays that would handle generic dimension arrays would be -
# Get min, max value aming all elements for each column
x_min = np.min(x, axis=tuple(range(x.ndim-1)), keepdims=1)
x_max = np.max(x, axis=tuple(range(x.ndim-1)), keepdims=1)
# Normalize with those min, max values leveraging broadcasting
out = (x - x_min)/ (x_max - x_min)
First, yes you can do normalization and there is no problem with that.
Second, there is nothing special about 4D arrays. Normalization simply should be performed separately for each feature. Thus depending on the type of the normalization, you should calculate the max and min (or mean and std) values for each feature across all samples in the training set.
In your case you should decide which parts of the data refer to the same distribution. So decide on each dimension:
1) First dimension is just number of samples, so it doesn't make new distribution. Treat it as number of data entries.
2) Time step. Here you should decide: does x,y,z values have unique distribution at each of 60 timesteps? If no, treat it the same way as previous step. If yes, calculate max,min (or mean, std) for following feature, separately for each time step. (For simplicity, think like does arm at step 0 can actually have similar values to 30, 60? If yes again they all correspond to data entries, no: x60 features)
3) Do left arm and right arm have different x,y,z values? If yes, again calculate them separately. ( I guess they do, because left and right arm statistically tend to occupy different points in space)
4) x,y,z values definitely independent distributions, so calculate them separately.
Now when you decide you will have features between 3 and 360 (depending on your decisions) so calculate necessary values for them (max, min or mean, std) and perform standard routine.
Hope it helps!
I have a data array on which I have performed an FFT. This is the code that I have applied.
import numpy as np
# "data" is a column vector on which FFT needs to be performed
# N = No. of points in "data"
# dt = time interval between two corresponding data points
FFT_data = np.fft.fft(data) # Complex values
FFT_data_real = 2/N*abs(FFT_data) # Absolute values
However, I went through following link: https://www.dsprelated.com/showarticle/1159.php
Here it says, to enhance the SNR we can apply "RMS-averaged FFT" and "Vector Averaged FFT".
Can somebody please let me know how to we go about doing these two methodologies in Python or is there any documentation/links to which we can refer ?
As your reference indicates:
If you take the square root of the average of the squares of your sample spectra, you are doing RMS Averaging. Another alternative is Vector Averaging in which you average the real and complex components separately.
Obviously to be able to perform either averaging you'd need to have more than a single data set to average. In your example code, you have a single column vector data. Let's assume you have multiple such column vectors arranged as a 2D NxM matrix, where N is the number of points per dataset and M is the number of datasets. Since the datasets are stored in columns, when computing the FFT you will need to specify the parameter axis=0 to compute the FFT along columns.
RMS-averaged FFT
As the name suggests, for this method you need to take the square-root of the mean of the squared amplitudes. Since the different sets are stored in columns, you'd need to do the average along the axis 1 (the other axis than the one used for the FFT).
FFT_data = np.fft.fft(data, axis=0) # Complex values
FFT_data_real = 2/N*abs(FFT_data) # Absolute values
rms_averaged = np.sqrt(np.mean(FFT_data_real**2, axis=1))
Vector Averaged FFT
In this case you need to obtain the real and imaginary components of the FFT data, then compute the average on each separately:
FFT_data = np.fft.fft(data, axis=0) # Complex values
real_part_avg = 2/N*np.mean(np.real(FFT_data),axis=1)
imag_part_avg = 2/N*np.mean(np.imag(FFT_data),axis=1)
vector_averaged = np.abs(real_part_avg+1j*imag_part_avg)
Note that I've kept the 2/N scaling you had for the absolute values.
But what can I do if I really only have one dataset?
If that dataset happens to be stationary and sufficiently large then you could break down your dataset into smaller blocks. This can be done by reshaping your vector into an NxM matrix with the following:
data = data.reshape(N,M)
Then you could perform the averaging with either method.
I've looked everywhere but couldn't quite find what I want. Basically the MNIST dataset has images with pixel values in the range [0, 255]. People say that in general, it is good to do the following:
Scale the data to the [0,1] range.
Normalize the data to have zero mean and unit standard deviation (data - mean) / std.
Unfortunately, no one ever shows how to do both of these things. They all subtract a mean of 0.1307 and divide by a standard deviation of 0.3081. These values are basically the mean and the standard deviation of the dataset divided by 255:
from torchvision.datasets import MNIST
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
trainset = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./data', train=True, download=True)
print('Min Pixel Value: {} \nMax Pixel Value: {}'.format(trainset.data.min(), trainset.data.max()))
print('Mean Pixel Value {} \nPixel Values Std: {}'.format(trainset.data.float().mean(), trainset.data.float().std()))
print('Scaled Mean Pixel Value {} \nScaled Pixel Values Std: {}'.format(trainset.data.float().mean() / 255, trainset.data.float().std() / 255))
This outputs the following
Min Pixel Value: 0
Max Pixel Value: 255
Mean Pixel Value 33.31002426147461
Pixel Values Std: 78.56748962402344
Scaled Mean: 0.13062754273414612
Scaled Std: 0.30810779333114624
However clearly this does none of the above! The resulting data 1) will not be between [0, 1] and will not have mean 0 or std 1. In fact this is what we are doing:
[data - (mean / 255)] / (std / 255)
which is very different from this
[(scaled_data) - (mean/255)] / (std/255)
where scaled_data is just data / 255.
I may have stumbled upon this a little too late, but hopefully I can help a little bit.
Assuming that you are using torchvision.Transform, the following code can be used to normalize the MNIST dataset.
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
datasets.MNIST('./data', train=True
transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))
Usually, 'transforms.ToTensor()' is used to turn the input data in the range of [0,255] to a 3-dimensional Tensor. This function automatically scales the input data to the range of [0,1]. (This is equivalent to scaling the data down to 0,1)
Therefore, it makes sense that the mean and std used in the 'transforms.Normalize(...)' will be 0.1307 and 0.3081, respectively. (This is equivalent to normalizing zero mean and unit standard deviation.)
Please refer to the link below for better explanation.
I think you misunderstand one critical concept: these are two different, and inconsistent, scaling operations. You can have only one of the two:
mean = 0, stdev = 1
data range [0,1]
Think about it, considering the [0,1] range: if the data are all small positive values, with min=0 and max=1, then the sum of the data must be positive, giving a positive, non-zero mean. Similarly, the stdev cannot be 1 when none of the data can possibly be as much as 1.0 different from the mean.
Conversely, if you have mean=0, then some of the data must be negative.
You use only one of the two transformations. Which one you use depends on the characteristics of your data set, and -- ultimately -- which one works better for your model.
For the [0,1] scaling, you simply divide by 255.
For the mean=0, stdev=1 scaling, you perform the simple linear transformation you already know:
new_val = (old_val - old_mean) / old_stdev
Does that clarify it for you, or have I entirely missed your point of confusion?
Two of the most important reasons for features scaling are:
You scale features to make them all of the same magnitude (i.e. importance or weight).
Dataset with two features: Age and Weight. The ages in years and the weights in grams! Now a fella in the 20th of his age and weights only 60Kg would translate to a vector = [20 yrs, 60000g], and so on for the whole dataset. The Weight Attribute will dominate during the training process. How is that, depends on the type of the algorithm you are using - Some are more sensitive than others: E.g. Neural Network where the Learning Rate for Gradient Descent get affected by the magnitude of the Neural Network Thetas (i.e. Weights), and the latter varies in correlation to the input (i.e. features) during the training process; also Feature Scaling improves Convergence. Another example is the K-Mean Clustering Algorithm requires Features of the same magnitude since it is isotropic in all directions of space. INTERESTING LIST.
You scale features to speed up execution time.
This is straightforward: All these matrices multiplications and parameters summation would be faster with small numbers compared to very large number (or very large number produced from multiplying features by some other parameters..etc)
The most popular types of Feature Scalers can be summarized as follows:
StandardScaler: usually your first option, it's very commonly used. It works via standardizing the data (i.e. centering them), that's to bring them to a STD=1 and Mean=0. It gets affected by outliers, and should only be used if your data have Gaussian-Like Distribution.
MinMaxScaler: usually used when you want to bring all your data point into a specific range (e.g. [0-1]). It heavily gets affected by outliers simply because it uses the Range.
RobustScaler: It's "robust" against outliers because it scales the data according to the quantile range. However, you should know that outliers will still exist in the scaled data.
MaxAbsScaler: Mainly used for sparse data.
Unit Normalization: It basically scales the vector for each sample to have unit norm, independently of the distribution of the samples.
Which One & How Many
You need to get to know your dataset first. As per mentioned above, there are things you need to look at before, such as: the Distribution of the Data, the Existence of Outliers, and the Algorithm being utilized.
Anyhow, you need one scaler per dataset, unless there is a specific requirement, such that if there exist an algorithm that works only if data are within certain range and has mean of zero and standard deviation of 1 - all together. Nevertheless, I have never come across such case.
Key Takeaways
There are different types of Feature Scalers that are used based on some rules of thumb mentioned above.
You pick one Scaler based on the requirements, not randomly.
You scale data for a purpose, for example, in the Random Forest Algorithm you do NOT usually need to scale.
Well the data gets scaled to [0,1] using torchvision.transforms.ToTensor() and then the normalization (0.1306,0.3081) is applied.
You can look about it in the Pytorch documentation : https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/transforms.html.
Hope that answers your question.
I have a function that gives me probability distributions for each class, in terms of a matrix corresponding to mean values and another matrix corresponding to variance values. For example, if I had four classes then I would have the following outputs:
y_means = [1,2,3,4]
y_variance = [0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04]
I need to do the following calculation to the mean values to continue with the rest of my program:
y_means = np.array(y_means)
y_means = np.reshape(y_means,(y_means.size,1))
A = np.random.randn(10,y_means.size)
y_means = np.matmul(A,y_means)
Here, I have used the numpy.random.randn function to generate random samples from a standard normal distribution, and then multiply this with the matrix with the mean value to obtain a new output matrix. The dimension of the output matrix would then be of the size (10 x 1).
I need to do a similar calculation such that my output_variances will also be a (10 x 1) matrix. But it is not meaningful to multiply the variances in the same way with random samples from a standard normal distribution, because this would result in negative values as well. This is undesirable because my ultimate aim would be to create a normal distribution with these mean values and their corresponding variance values using:
torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc=y_means, scale=y_variance)
So my question is if there is any method by which I get a variance value for each random sample generated by numpy.random.randn? Because then the multplication of such a matrix would make more sense with output_variance.
Or if there is any other strategy for this that I might be unaware of, please let me know.
The problem mentioned in the question required another matrix of the same dimension as A that corresponded to a variance measure for the random samples present in A.
Taking a row-wise or column-wise variance of the matrix denoted by A using numpy.var() didn't give a similar 10 x 4 matrix to multiply with y_variance.
I had solved the above problem by using the following approach:
First create a matrix with the same dimensions as A with zero entries, using the following line of code:
A_var = np.zeros_like(A)
then, using torch.distributions, create normal distributions with the values in A as the mean and zeroes as variance:
dist_A = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc=torch.Tensor(A), scale=torch.Tensor(A_var))
https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/distributions.html lists all the operations possible on Normal distributions in PyTorch. The sample() method can generate samples from a given distribution for any size. This property was exploited to first generate a sample matrix of size 10 X 10 x 4 and then calculating the variance along axis 0.
This would result in a variance matrix of size 10 x 4, which can be used for calculations with y_variance.
I am trying to use PCA to reduce the size of an input image from 4096 x 4096 to 4096 x 163 while keeping its important attributes. However, there is something off with my method as I get incorrect results. I believe it is while constructing my matrix U. My results vs correct results are listed below.
Start code:
# Reshape data to 4096 x 163
X_reshape = np.transpose(X_all, (1,2,3,0)).reshape(-1, X_all.shape[0])
X = X_reshape[:, :163]
mean_array = np.mean(X, axis = 1)
X_tilde = np.reshape(mean_array, (4096,1))
X_tilde = X - X_tilde
# Construct the covariance matrix for computing u'_i
covmat = np.cov(X_tilde.T)
# Compute u'_i, which is stored in the variable v
w, v = np.linalg.eig(covmat)
# Compute u_i from u'_i, and store it in the variable U
U = np.dot(X_tilde, v)
# Normalize u_i, i.e., each column of U
U = U / np.linalg.norm(U)
My results:
PC1 explains 0.08589754681312775% of the total variance
PC2 explains 0.07613195994874819% of the total variance
First 100 PCs explains 0.943423133356313% of the total variance
Shape of U: (4096, 163)
First 5 elements of first column of U: [-0.00908046 -0.00905446 -0.00887831 -0.00879843 -0.00850907]
First 5 elements of last column of U: [0.00047628 0.00048451 0.00045043 0.00035762 0.00025785]
Expected results:
PC1 explains 14.32% of the total variance
PC2 explains 7.08% of the total variance
First 100 PCs explains 94.84% of the total variance
Shape of U: (4096, 163)
First 5 elements of first column of U: [0.03381537 0.03353881 0.03292298 0.03238798 0.03146345]
First 5 elements of last column of U: [-0.00672667 -0.00496044 -0.00672151 -0.00759426
There must be something off with my calculations, I just can't figure out what. Let me know if you need additional information.
Proof I am using:
It looks to me like you have the steps out of order. You're dropping dimensions from the input before you calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, so you're effectively randomly dropping a bunch of input at this stage with no justification.
# Reshape data to 4096 x 163
X_reshape = np.transpose(X_all, (1,2,3,0)).reshape(-1, X_all.shape[0])
X = X_reshape[:, :163]
I don't quite follow what the intent is behind the call to transpose above, but I don't think it matters. You can only drop dimensions from the input after calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. And you don't drop dimensions from the data explicitly; you truncate the matrix of eigenvectors and then use that reduced eigenvector matrix for the projection step.
The covariance matrix in this case should be a 4096x4096 matrix. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be returned in order, with the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector at the beginning. You can then truncate the number of eigenvectors to 163 and create the dimension-reduced projection.
It's possible that I've misunderstood something about the assignment, but I am pretty sure this is the problem. I'm reluctant to say more since it's homework.
so I'm currently working on a project that involves the use of Principal Component Analysis, or PCA, and I'm attempting to kind of learn it on the fly. Luckily, Python has a very convenient module from scikitlearn.decomposition that seems to do most of the work for you. Before I really start to use it though, I'm trying to figure out exactly what it's doing.
The dataframe I've been testing on looks like this:
0 1
0 1 2
1 3 1
2 4 6
3 5 3
And when I call PCA.fit() and then view the components I get:
array([[ 0.5172843 , 0.85581362],
[ 0.85581362, -0.5172843 ]])
From my rather limited knowledge of PCA, I kind of grasp how this was calculated, but where I get lost is when I then call PCA.transform. This is the output it gives me:
array([[-2.0197033 , -1.40829634],
[-1.84094831, 0.8206152 ],
[ 2.95540408, -0.9099927 ],
[ 0.90524753, 1.49767383]])
Could someone potentially walk me through how it takes the original dataframe and components and transforms it into this new array? I'd like to be able to understand the exact calculations it's doing so that when I scale up I'll have a better sense of what's going on. Thanks!
When you call fit PCA is going to compute some vectors that you can project your data onto in order to reduce the dimension of your data. Since each row of your data is 2 dimensional there will be a maximum of 2 vectors onto which data can be projected and each of those vectors will be 2-dimensional. Each row of PCA.components_ is a single vector onto which things get projected and it will have the same size as the number of columns in your training data. Since you did a full PCA you get 2 such vectors so you get a 2x2 matrix. The first of those vectors will maximize the variance of the projected data. The 2nd will maximize the variance of what's left after the first projection. Typically one passed a value of n_components that's less than the dimension of the input data so that you get back fewer rows and you have a wide but not tall components_ array.
When you call transform you're asking sklearn to actually do the projection. That is, you are asking it to project each row of your data into the vector space that was learned when fit was called. For each row of the data you pass to transform you'll have 1 row in the output and the number of columns in that row will be the number of vectors that were learned in the fit phase. In other words, the number of columns will be equal to the value of n_components you passed to the constructor.
Typically one uses PCA when the source data has lots of columns and you want to reduce the number of columns while preserving as much information as possible. Suppose you had a data set with 100 rows and each row had 500 columns. If you constructed a PCA like PCA(n_components = 10) and then called fit you'd find that components_ has 10 rows, one for each of the components you requested, and 500 columns as that's the input dimension. If you then called transform all 100 rows of your data would be projected into this 10-dimensional space so the output would have 100 rows (1 for each in the input) but only 10 columns thus reducing the dimension of your data.
The short answer to how this is done is that PCA computes a Singular Value Decomposition and then keeps only some of the columns of one of those matrices. Wikipedia has much more information on the actual linear algebra behind this - it's a bit long for a StackOverflow answer.