Is it utterly impossible to receive a list from user input in Tkinter? Something along the lines of an HTML textarea box - where a user can (1) copy and paste a list of things into a text box, and then (2) tkinter translates the input list into a list of strings, then (3) can assign them to a value and do fun python stuff etc
I have reasonable faith I can accomplish parts (2) and (3), but I'm stuck on (1).
I have explored Entry, which basically accomplishes that but awkwardly and with poor visibility onto the pasted items in the tiny Entry box. I have explored Listbox, which doesn't allow user input in the way of generating a new list from nothing?
The running example is: if I want to input some groceries into a variable, I can copy-paste a text list and paste as one item (rather than separately) --
eg: ["apples", "oranges", "raspberries"] clicks submit VS ["apples"] clicks submit ["oranges"] clicks submit ["raspberries"] clicks submit
-- Anyone have any recommendations for that elusive textarea-like input box for tkinter? Do I just wrestle with the Entry tiny box?
You want a tkinter.Text
import tkinter as tk
# proof of concept
root = tk.Tk()
textarea = tk.Text(root)
You can retrieve the text with textarea.get in the normal way
result = textarea.get(1.0, 'end') # get everything
result = textarea.get(1.0, 'end-1c') # get exactly what the user entered
# (minus the trailing newline)
I'm creating a Can Message prototype, the format for this it's something like this
The x's are characters from user input, and the points need to be inserted automatically. The user type the first 2 characters then a point it is inserted in the entry box, visually. Then the user type 2 more characters ...
I accomplished something with the insert method, but if I want to delete the point.. maybe I want to change the first 2 characters or whatever, I can't, it won't let me delete it, only if I use ctr+a.
This can message entry box it's from a larger program, but to make things easier, I tested just this one thing in a test file, below you can see.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk("")
def callback(*args):
if len(entrybox_var.get()) == 2:
entrybox.insert(2, ".")
entrybox_var = StringVar()
entrybox_var.trace("w", callback)
entrybox = Entry(root, textvariable= entrybox_var)
actually I want a way to help me detect empty boxes and after that I can consider an alert for my user to say: 'fill all boxes' before go to next step. If you know my answer please help me.
for example my entry box is: 'Name'
You can get what's inside Entry widget using get method like:
name = tkinter.Entry(root)
name_string = name.get()
Then you would check if the string is empty or not. You would then do this for all or your entry boxes.
For a few weeks I've been busy creating a program for the Dutch railroads.
Using Tkinter and Python I've managed to monitor all trains driving and all trainfailures.
At the moment I'm having a problem monitoring the trainfailures. I made a button that says: 'Laad storing' (or: Load all failures). This button then uses an API to create a Listbox.
After that I would like to search the Listbox for certain values (Like 'Station Amsterdam, or Station Utrecht). I would like to have this certain value highlighted. (So and CTRL+F sort of function).
Anyone who could help me?
Here is my code creating the listbox:
def bevestigen_storingen():
actuele_storingen = ''
response_storing = requests.get(actuele_storingen, auth=login_api)
storingXML = xmltodict.parse(response_storing.text)
listbox_storing.delete(0, 'end')
storingenInvoer_autocomplete.configure(highlightbackground='#00339E', highlightthickness=0)
for vertrek in storingXML['Storingen']['Gepland']['Storing']:
traject = vertrek['Traject']
bericht = vertrek['Bericht']
bb = re.sub("<p>|</p>|<b>|</b>|<br/>|<br/>u", "", bericht)
aa = re.split("Wanneer: |Oorzaak: |Advies: |Extra reistijd: ", bb)
listbox_storing.insert(END, "Traject: {}".format(traject))
listbox_storing.insert(END, "Wanneer: {}".format(aa[1]))
listbox_storing.insert(END, "Oorzaak: {}".format(aa[2]))
listbox_storing.insert(END, "Advies: {}".format(aa[3]))
listbox_storing.insert(END, "Extra reistijd: {}".format(aa[4]), "\n")
storingenInvoer_autocomplete.configure(highlightbackground='#00339E', highlightthickness=3, highlightcolor="red")
The listbox is a widget that contains a list of strings, so I'd search it the way I'd search a list of strings. The methods are a bit different but that should not be a problem.
I'm not clear wether you want to highlight single words or the whole line. As far as I've been able to understand you can only select one or several entire lines.
Have a look at The Tkinter Listbox Widget
When I enter nothing in the text and click enter, it counts the length of the text as 1, which means there is something there. (Presumably a space), and entering an actual space in the text box increases the count by 1. I want to know how to check if the textbox is empty or not. If nobody enters anything in the textbox I want a way to see that.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
def submitted(*args): #Progressbar is set to be fully completed and states information recorded
print(len(t.get("1.0", END)))
if len(t.get("1.0", END))==1:
messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No information entered in description.")
#Sets title and creates gui
#Creates text widget
t = Text(root, width=20, height=10)
#Submitting calls submitted function to set progressbar to 100 and statemessage box has been completed
subbttn= ttk.Button(root, text="Submit", command=submitted)
subbttn.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=(S, W, E))
If you print out the content of the empty text box, you will see that there is a "\n", newline character. This is what is causing you to see that there is a length of 1 for an empty text box.
If you wanted to see if it was empty, you could check if there is just one new line. Or, like you are already doing, check if len(t.get("1.0", END) is one.
if t.get("1.0", END)=="\n":
instead of:
if len(t.get("1.0", END))==1:
I am working on a python program and none of the above solutions works for me except this one: len(t.get("1.0", END))>=1. It spots the existence or not of one or more characters in the text box.
I'm new at Tkinter, and python. I've been experimenting with a notepad script I've made. I'm working on a find / replace command. But I've had no luck. Here is what I've tried so far:
def replace():
def replaceall():
findtext = str(find.get(1.0, END))
replacetext = str(replace.get(1.0, END))
alltext = str(text.get(1.0, END))
alltext1 = all.replace(findtext, replacetext)
text.delete(1.0, END)
text.insert('1.0', alltext1)
replacebox =Tk()
find = Text(replacebox, height=2, width=20).pack()
replace = Text(replacebox, height=2, width=20).pack()
replaceallbutton = Button(replacebox, text="Replace..", command=replaceall)
(this is just the function I am defining for the replace command)
The 'text' variable is on the large canvas which contains the menu's and the main text widget.
Any help is appreciated
So far I've been creating this notepad in 2.7.8, so the Tkinter import is 'Tkinter.'
What I'm shooting for is having the first box have the text to find and the second box have the text to be replaced. Upon pressing the replace button, the function replaceall() should begin.
Are there any obvious mistakes in my function, or is it just deeply flawed? Any help is appreciated.
The most obvious mistake is that you are creating a second instance of Tk. If you need a popup window you should create an instance of Toplevel. You should always have exactly one instance of Tk running.
The second problem is related to the fact you are using a Text widget for the find and replace inputs. When you do a get with a second index of END, the string you get back will always have a newline whether the user entered one or not. If you want exactly and only what the user typed, use "end-1c" (end minus one character).
Finally, there's no reason to get all the text, replace the string, and then re-insert all the text. That will work only as long as you have no formatting or embedded widgets or images in the text widget. The text widget has a search command which can search for a pattern (either string or regular expression), and you can use the returned information to replace the found text with the replacement text.