I want to know how to clean up my data to better understand it so that I can know how to sift through the data more easily. So far I have been able to download a public google spreadsheets doc and then convert that into a csv file. But when I print the data it is quite messy and hard to understand. The data came from a website, so when I go to google developer mode I can see how it is neatly organized.
Like this:
Website data on inspect page mode
But actually seeing it as I print into in Jupyter notebooks it looks messy like this:
vs 2019
(7-day moving
average)","type":"number","pattern":"General"},{"id":"H","label":"% vs
2019 (7-day Moving
Is there a Panda way to keep this data up?
Essentially what I am trying to do is extract three variables from the data: country, date, and a number.
Here it can be seen how the code starts out with the title, "rows":
Code in Jupyter showing how the code starts out
Essentially it gives a country, date, then a bunch of associated numbers.
What I want to get is the country name, a specific date, and a specific number.
For example, here is an example section, this sequence is repeated throughout the data:
of this section of the data I only want to get out the word Country name: Albania, the date "2020-09-01", and the number -0.5038
Here is the code I used to grab the google spreadsheet data and save it as a csv:
import requests
import pandas as pd
r = requests.get('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GJ6CvZ_mgtjdrUyo3h2dU3YvWOahbYvPHpGLgovyhtI/gviz/tq?usp=sharing&tqx=reqId%3A0output=csv')
data = r.content
Please any and all advice would be amazing.
Thank you
I'm not sure how you arrived at this csv file, but the easiest way would be to get the json directly with requests, load it as a dict and process it. Nonetheless a solution for the current file would be:
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json
r = requests.get('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GJ6CvZ_mgtjdrUyo3h2dU3YvWOahbYvPHpGLgovyhtI/gviz/tq?usp=sharing&tqx=reqId%3A0output=jspn')
data = r.content
data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8').split("(", 1)[1].rsplit(")", 1)[0]) # clean up the string so only the json data is left
d = [[i['c'][0]['v'], i['c'][2]['f'], i['c'][5]['v']] for i in data['table']['rows']]
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['country', 'date', 'number'])
| | country | date | number |
| 0 | Albania | 2020-09-01 | -0.503876 |
| 1 | Albania | 2020-09-02 | -0.358696 |
| 2 | Albania | 2020-09-03 | -0.302083 |
| 3 | Albania | 2020-09-04 | -0.135922 |
| 4 | Albania | 2020-09-05 | -0.43617 |
I have been provided with a .csv file, which has data on covid19. It is in the form of:
district | country | date1 | date2 | date3 |etc
victoria | australia |1 case | 3 cases |7 cases | etc
It is a fairly large file, with 263 rows of countries/districts, and 150 columns of dates.
The program needs to be able to take in an input district, country, and date and print out the number of COVID cases in that location as of that date. (print the value of a specified row and column of a CSV file)
We have been instructed not to use the CSV module or the pandas module. I am having trouble understanding where to start. I will add my attempted solutions to this question as I go along. Not looking for a complete solution,but any ideas that I could try would be appreciated.
This is what I finally did to solve it. It works perfectly. for reference the data file I am using is : https://portland-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/msharma8-c_ad_cityu_edu_hk/ES7eUlPURzxOqTmRLmcxVEMBtemkKQzLcKD6U6SlbX2-_Q?e=tc5aJF
# for the purpose of this answer I preset the country, province, and date
country = 'Australia'
province = 'New South Wales'
date = '3/10/2020'
with open('covid19.csv', 'r') as f:
final_list = []
list0 = f.readline().split(',')
for line in f:
if line.split(',')[0] == province:
final_list = line.split(',')
dict1 = dict(zip(list0,final_list))
print dict1[date]
I will use the same logic to finish the solution.
I am attempting to export a dataset that looks like this:
| Province_State | Admin2 | 03/28/2020 | 03/29/2020 |
| South Dakota | Aurora | 1 | 2 |
| South Dakota | Beedle | 1 | 3 |
However the actual CSV file i am getting is like so:
| Province_State | 03/28/2020 | 03/29/2020 |
| South Dakota | 1 | 2 |
| South Dakota | 1 | 3 |
Using this here code (runnable by running createCSV(), pulls data from COVID govt GitHub):
import csv#csv reader
import pandas as pd#csv parser
import collections#not needed
import requests#retrieves URL fom gov data
def getFile():
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID- 19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series /time_series_covid19_deaths_US.csv'
response = requests.get(url)
print('Writing file...')
#takes raw data from link. creates CSV for each unique state and removes unneeded headings
def createCSV():
#init data
data=pd.read_csv('us_deaths.csv', delimiter = ',')
#drop extra columns
#sets province_state as primary key. Searches based on date and key to create new CSVS in root directory of python app
data = data.set_index('Province_State')
data = data.iloc[:,2:].rename(columns=pd.to_datetime, errors='ignore')
for name, g in data.groupby(level='Province_State'):
g[pd.date_range('03/23/2020', '03/29/20')] \
The reason for the loop is to set the date columns (everything after the first two) to a date, so that i can select only from 03/23/2020 and beyond. If anyone has a better method of doing this, I would love to know.
To ensure it works, it prints out all the field names, inluding Admin2 (county name), province_state, and the rest of the dates.
However, in my CSV as you can see, Admin2 seems to have disappeared. I am not sure how to make this work, if anyone has any ideas that'd be great!
data = data.set_index('Province_State')
data = data.set_index((['Province_State','Admin2']))
Needed to create a multi key to allow for the Admin2 column to show. Any smoother tips on the date-range section welcome to reopen
Thanks for the help all!
I have two columns in a dataframe. Column one is named as previous_code and column two is named as New_code.These columns have values as "PO","GO","RO" etc. These codes have priority for example "PO" has higher Priority compared to "GO".I want to compare values of these two columns and Put the output in new column as "High","Low" and "No Change" incase both the columns have same code. Below is the example of how dataframe looks like
345. | PO. | GO
367. | RO. | PO
385. |PO. | RO
455. |GO. |GO
Expected output Dataframe
345. | PO. | GO. | Low
367. | RO. | PO. |High
385. |PO. | RO. |Low
455. |GO. |GO. |No Change
If someone could write a demo code for this in pyspark or Pandasthat will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
If I understood the ordering correctly, this should work fine:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {'CustID':[345,367,385,455],'previous_code':['PO','RO','PO','GO'],'New_code':['GO','PO','RO','GO']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
mapping = {'PO':1,'GO':2,'RO':3}
df['previous_aux'] = df['previous_code'].map(mapping)
df['new_aux'] = df['New_code'].map(mapping)
df['output'] = np.where(df['previous_aux'] == df['new_aux'],'No change',np.where(df['previous_aux'] > df['new_aux'],'High','Low'))
df = df[['CustID','previous_code','New_code','output']]
CustID previous_code New_code output
0 345 PO GO Low
1 367 RO PO High
2 385 PO RO Low
3 455 GO GO No change
What I'm trying to do
I want to report the weekly rejection rate for multiple users. I use a for loop to go through a monthly dataset to get the numbers for every user. The final dataframe, rates, should look something like:
The end product, rates
I have an initial dataframe (numbers), that contains only the ACCEPT, REJECT and REVIEW numbers, where I added these rows and columns:
Rows: Grand Total, Rejection Rate
Columns: Grand Total
Here's how numbers look like:
| | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Grand Total |
| 0 | 994 | 699 | 529 | 877 | 3099 |
| 1 | 27 | 7 | 8 | 13 | 55 |
| 2 | 100 | 86 | 64 | 107 | 357 |
| 3 | 1121 | 792 | 601 | 997 | 3511 |
The indexes represent the following values:
3 - TOTAL (Accept+Reject+Review)
I wrote 2 pre-defined functions:
get_decline_rates(df): The get the decline rates by week in the numbers dataframe.
copy(empty_df, data): To transfer all data to a new dataframe with "double" headers (for reporting purposes).
Here's my code where I add rows and columns to numbers, then re-format it:
# Adding "Grand Total" column and rows
totals = numbers.sum(axis=0) # column sum
numbers = numbers.append(totals, ignore_index=True)
grand_total = numbers.sum(axis=1) # row sum
numbers.insert(len(numbers.columns), "Grand Total", grand_total)
# Adding "Rejection Rate" and re-indexing numbers
decline_rates = get_decline_rates(numbers)
numbers = numbers.append(decline_rates, ignore_index=True)
numbers.index = ["ACCEPT","REJECT","REVIEW","Grand Total","Rejection Rate"]
# Creating a new df with report format requirements
final = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=numbers.columns, index=["User A"]+list(numbers.index))
final.ix["User A",:] = final.columns
# Copying data from numbers to newly formatted df
# Append final df of this user to the final dataframe
rates = rates.append(final)
I'm using Python 3.5.2 and Pandas 0.19.2. If it helps, here's how the initial dataset looks like:
Data format
I do a resampling on the date column to get the data by week.
What's going wrong
Here's the funny part - the code runs fine and I get all the required information in rates. However, I'm seeing this warning message:
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in longlong_scalars
If i break down the code and run it line by line, this message does not appear. Even the message looks weird (what does longlong_scalars even mean?) Does anyone know what this warning message mean, and what's causing it?
I just ran a similar script that takes in exactly the same input and produces a similar output (except I get daily rejection rates instead of weekly). I get the same Runtime warning, except more information is given:
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in longlong_scalars
rej_rate = str(int(round((col.ix[1 ]/col.ix[3 ])*100))) + "%"
I suspect something must have gone wrong when I was trying to calculate the decline rates with my pre-defined function, get_decline_rates(df). Could it be due to the dtype of the values? All columns on the input df, numbers, are int64.
Here's the code for my pre-defined function (the input, numbers, can be found under Description):
# Description: Get rejection rates for all weeks.
# Parameters: Pandas Dataframe with ACCEPT, REJECT, REVIEW count by week.
# Output: Pandas Series with rejection rates for all days in input df.
def get_decline_rates(df):
decline_rates = []
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
col = df.ix[:,i]
rej_rate = str(int(round((col[1]/col[3])*100))) + "%"
except ValueError:
rej_rate = "0%"
return pd.Series(decline_rates, index=df.columns)
I had the same RuntimeWarning, and after looking into the data, it was because of a null-division. I did not have the time to look into your sample, but you could look around id=0, or some other records, where null-division or such could occur.