So, I have a custom way for calculating CRC
Here it is :
class CrcCalc:
def __init__(self):
msk_11_4 = 0x0810
msk_0 = 0x0001
msk_data = 0x80
msk_15 = 0x8000
high = 1
low = 0
def __getcrc(self, buf):
msk_11_4 = 0x0810
# msk_0 = 0x0001
# msk_data = 0x80
msk_15 = 0x8000
crc = 0xffff
k = j
j += 1
for k in buf[k]:
data = buf[ord(k)]
i = 0
while i <= 7:
data << 1
crc_15 = crc & msk_15
if (data & msk_15):
flag = crc_15
flag = 0 if crc_15 == msk_15 else msk_15
flag = crc_15
if (flag):
crc = ((msk_11_4 ^ crc) << 1) | 1
crc << 1
return crc
I need to send to serial port some data and recieve the answer in bytes.
The data I have to send is : 90 b8 00 00 07 55 a4 7b 00 da 03 02 05 01
the first two bytes are CRC for header, then 5 bytes are header, where last two bytes are CRC of the data and then 7 bytes are data, I need to receive the answer like this ( 39 6d 00 20).
But I can't understand how I must pack my data and send it to serial port to receive something.
So first, you need to call the function def__getcrc(self, buf) to get the return of the program.
Like this (it goes at the very bottom):
__getcrc(num-self-here, number-buf-here)
I put num-self-here and number-buf-here because I don't exactly understand what your program does.
Hope it helped you.
I am trying to get temperature sensor to work on pico pi, using PIN 16. I got DS18X20 and onewire library from GitHub. I'm trying to get temperature reading but it shows an error.
I tried running this code:
import time
import machine
import ds18x20
import onewire
# the device is on GPIO12
dat = machine.Pin(22)
# create the onewire object
on = onewire.OneWire(dat)
ds = ds18x20.DS18X20(on)
# scan for devices on the bus
roms = ds.scan()
print('found devices:', roms)
# loop 10 times and print all temperatures
for i in range(10):
print('temperatures:', end=' ')
for rom in roms:
print(ds.read_temp(rom), end=' ')
This is DS18X0 library:
DS18x20 temperature sensor driver for MicroPython.
This driver uses the OneWire driver to control DS18S20 and DS18B20
temperature sensors. It supports multiple devices on the same 1-wire bus.
The following example assumes the ground of your DS18x20 is connected to
Y11, vcc is connected to Y9 and the data pin is connected to Y10.
>>> from pyb import Pin
>>> gnd = Pin('Y11', Pin.OUT_PP)
>>> gnd.low()
>>> vcc = Pin('Y9', Pin.OUT_PP)
>>> vcc.high()
>>> from ds18x20 import DS18X20
>>> d = DS18X20(Pin('Y10'))
Call read_temps to read all sensors:
>>> result = d.read_temps()
>>> print(result)
[20.875, 20.8125]
Call read_temp to read the temperature of a specific sensor:
>>> result = d.read_temp(d.roms[0])
>>> print(result)
If only one DS18x20 is attached to the bus, then you don't need to
pass a ROM to read_temp:
>>> result = d.read_temp()
>>> print(result)
from onewire import OneWire
class DS18X20(object):
def __init__(self, pin):
self.ow = OneWire(pin)
# Scan the 1-wire devices, but only keep those which have the
# correct # first byte in their rom for a DS18x20 device.
self.roms = [rom for rom in self.ow.scan() if rom[0] == 0x10 or rom[0] == 0x28]
def read_temp(self, rom=None):
Read and return the temperature of one DS18x20 device.
Pass the 8-byte bytes object with the ROM of the specific device you want to read.
If only one DS18x20 device is attached to the bus you may omit the rom parameter.
rom = rom or self.roms[0]
ow = self.ow
ow.write_byte(0x44) # Convert Temp
while True:
if ow.read_bit():
ow.write_byte(0xbe) # Read scratch
data = ow.read_bytes(9)
return self.convert_temp(rom[0], data)
def read_temps(self):
Read and return the temperatures of all attached DS18x20 devices.
temps = []
for rom in self.roms:
return temps
def convert_temp(self, rom0, data):
Convert the raw temperature data into degrees celsius and return as a float.
temp_lsb = data[0]
temp_msb = data[1]
if rom0 == 0x10:
if temp_msb != 0:
# convert negative number
temp_read = temp_lsb >> 1 | 0x80 # truncate bit 0 by shifting, fill high bit with 1.
temp_read = -((~temp_read + 1) & 0xff) # now convert from two's complement
temp_read = temp_lsb >> 1 # truncate bit 0 by shifting
count_remain = data[6]
count_per_c = data[7]
temp = temp_read - 0.25 + (count_per_c - count_remain) / count_per_c
return temp
elif rom0 == 0x28:
return (temp_msb << 8 | temp_lsb) / 16
assert False
This is onewire library:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2019, Pycom Limited.
# This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or any
# later version, with permitted additional terms. For more information
# see the Pycom Licence v1.0 document supplied with this file, or
# available at
OneWire library for MicroPython
import time
import machine
class OneWire:
CMD_SEARCHROM = const(0xf0)
CMD_READROM = const(0x33)
CMD_MATCHROM = const(0x55)
CMD_SKIPROM = const(0xcc)
def __init__(self, pin): = pin, pin.PULL_UP)
def init(self, pin): = pin, pin.PULL_UP)
def reset(self):
Perform the onewire reset function.
Returns True if a device asserted a presence pulse, False otherwise.
sleep_us = time.sleep_us
disable_irq = machine.disable_irq
enable_irq = machine.enable_irq
pin =
i = disable_irq()
status = not pin()
return status
def read_bit(self):
sleep_us = time.sleep_us
enable_irq = machine.enable_irq
pin =
pin(1) # half of the devices don't match CRC without this line
i = machine.disable_irq()
value = pin()
return value
def read_byte(self):
value = 0
for i in range(8):
value |= self.read_bit() << i
return value
def read_bytes(self, count):
buf = bytearray(count)
for i in range(count):
buf[i] = self.read_byte()
return buf
def write_bit(self, value):
sleep_us = time.sleep_us
pin =
i = machine.disable_irq()
def write_byte(self, value):
for i in range(8):
self.write_bit(value & 1)
value >>= 1
def write_bytes(self, buf):
for b in buf:
def select_rom(self, rom):
Select a specific device to talk to. Pass in rom as a bytearray (8 bytes).
def crc8(self, data):
Compute CRC
crc = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
byte = data[i]
for b in range(8):
fb_bit = (crc ^ byte) & 0x01
if fb_bit == 0x01:
crc = crc ^ 0x18
crc = (crc >> 1) & 0x7f
if fb_bit == 0x01:
crc = crc | 0x80
byte = byte >> 1
return crc
def scan(self):
Return a list of ROMs for all attached devices.
Each ROM is returned as a bytes object of 8 bytes.
devices = []
diff = 65
rom = False
for i in range(0xff):
rom, diff = self._search_rom(rom, diff)
if rom:
devices += [rom]
if diff == 0:
return devices
def _search_rom(self, l_rom, diff):
if not self.reset():
return None, 0
if not l_rom:
l_rom = bytearray(8)
rom = bytearray(8)
next_diff = 0
i = 64
for byte in range(8):
r_b = 0
for bit in range(8):
b = self.read_bit()
if self.read_bit():
if b: # there are no devices or there is an error on the bus
return None, 0
if not b: # collision, two devices with different bit meaning
if diff > i or ((l_rom[byte] & (1 << bit)) and diff != i):
b = 1
next_diff = i
if b:
r_b |= 1 << bit
i -= 1
rom[byte] = r_b
return rom, next_diff
class DS18X20(object):
def __init__(self, onewire):
self.ow = onewire
self.roms = [rom for rom in self.ow.scan() if rom[0] == 0x10 or rom[0] == 0x28]
self.fp = True
except TypeError:
self.fp = False # floatingpoint not supported
def isbusy(self):
Checks wether one of the DS18x20 devices on the bus is busy
performing a temperature convertion
return not self.ow.read_bit()
def start_conversion(self, rom=None):
Start the temp conversion on one DS18x20 device.
Pass the 8-byte bytes object with the ROM of the specific device you want to read.
If only one DS18x20 device is attached to the bus you may omit the rom parameter.
if (rom==None) and (len(self.roms)>0):
if rom!=None:
rom = rom or self.roms[0]
ow = self.ow
ow.write_byte(0x44) # Convert Temp
def read_temp_async(self, rom=None):
Read the temperature of one DS18x20 device if the convertion is complete,
otherwise return None.
if self.isbusy():
return None
if (rom==None) and (len(self.roms)>0):
if rom==None:
return None
ow = self.ow
ow.write_byte(0xbe) # Read scratch
data = ow.read_bytes(9)
return self.convert_temp(rom[0], data)
def convert_temp(self, rom0, data):
Convert the raw temperature data into degrees celsius and return as a fixed point with 2 decimal places.
temp_lsb = data[0]
temp_msb = data[1]
if rom0 == 0x10:
if temp_msb != 0:
# convert negative number
temp_read = temp_lsb >> 1 | 0x80 # truncate bit 0 by shifting, fill high bit with 1.
temp_read = -((~temp_read + 1) & 0xff) # now convert from two's complement
temp_read = temp_lsb >> 1 # truncate bit 0 by shifting
count_remain = data[6]
count_per_c = data[7]
if self.fp:
return temp_read - 25 + (count_per_c - count_remain) / count_per_c
return 100 * temp_read - 25 + (count_per_c - count_remain) // count_per_c
elif rom0 == 0x28:
temp = None
if self.fp:
temp = (temp_msb << 8 | temp_lsb) / 16
temp = (temp_msb << 8 | temp_lsb) * 100 // 16
if (temp_msb & 0xf8) == 0xf8: # for negative temperature
temp -= 0x1000
return temp
assert False
This is the error I'm getting:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 11, in <module>
File "", line 33, in __init__
File "", line 30, in __init__
AttributeError: 'OneWire' object has no attribute 'OPEN_DRAIN'
I've tried multiple ways to resolve this and watched a bunch of videos on youtube, but not sure what causes this issue.
when I try to read data from a MCP3424 ADC, I get unexpected, wrong results. I know the device is connected, butthe results I'm reading are wrong
I write to channels 3 and 4 of the ADC. When I read the result back, the data in the config register doesn't match what I programmed
import smbus
import time
# Get I2C bus
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
# I2C address of the device
# MCP3425 Configuration Command Set
MCP3425_CMD_NEW_CNVRSN = 0x80 # Initiate a new conversion(One-Shot Conversion mode only)
MCP3425_CMD_MODE_CONT = 0x10 # Continuous Conversion Mode
MCP3425_CMD_MODE_ONESHOT = 0x00 # One-Shot Conversion Mode
MCP3425_CMD_SPS_240 = 0x00 # 240 SPS (12-bit)
MCP3425_CMD_SPS_60 = 0x04 # 60 SPS (14-bit)
MCP3425_CMD_SPS_15 = 0x08 # 15 SPS (16-bit)
MCP3425_CMD_GAIN_1 = 0x00 # PGA Gain = 1V/V
MCP3425_CMD_GAIN_2 = 0x01 # PGA Gain = 2V/V
MCP3425_CMD_GAIN_4 = 0x02 # PGA Gain = 4V/V
MCP3425_CMD_GAIN_8 = 0x03 # PGA Gain = 8V/V
MCP3425_CMD_READ_CNVRSN = 0x00 # Read Conversion Result Data
MCP3425_CMD_CH4 =0x60
MCP3425_CMD_CH3 =0x40
class MCP3425():
def __init__(self):
def config_command(self):
"""Select the Configuration Command from the given provided values"""
bus.write_byte(MCP3425_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CONFIG_CMD4)
bus.write_byte(MCP3425_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CONFIG_CMD3)
print ('-C-', CONFIG_CMD4, CONFIG_CMD3)
def read_adc(self, channel):
"""Read data back from MCP3425_CMD_READ_CNVRSN(0x00), 2 bytes
raw_adc MSB, raw_adc LSB"""
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(MCP3425_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, (MCP3425_CMD_READ_CNVRSN | channel), 3)
print (channel, data)
# Convert the data to 12-bits
raw_adc = ((data[0] & 0x0F) * 256) + data[1]
if raw_adc > 2047 :
raw_adc -= 4095
return {'r' : raw_adc}
#from MCP3425 import MCP3425
mcp3425 = MCP3425()
while True :
adc = mcp3425.read_adc(MCP3425_CMD_CH4)
print ("Digital Value of Analog Input 4: %d "%(adc['r']))
adc = mcp3425.read_adc(MCP3425_CMD_CH3)
print ("Digital Value of Analog Input 3: %d "%(adc['r']))
print (" ********************************* ")
I write 117 (01110101)to channel 4, and 80 (01010000) to channel 3 config registers. Which means for both channels I should get 3 bytes back: 2 data bytes and one config register byte
this is the printout I'm getting, no values read (Ch4+ is connected to voltage divider (2.5v), Ch4- and Ch3- are connected to ground, Ch3+ is floating) and byte 3 is just the address, not the Config register
-C- 117 80
96 [0, 0, 96]
Digital Value of Analog Input 4: 0
64 [0, 0, 64]
Digital Value of Analog Input 3: 0
now it took some time but I found the issue.
The trick was that the MCP3434 is not a 4-channel ADC, but a single ADC with an 4-input multiplexer. Once I realized that, the schematic from the datasheet was obvious. It is just not explained very well in the description on how to handle dataflow on the I2C bus.
So you can not configure two ADC's to measure in parallel but when you need to read more channels you have to
1) configure/start channel 1
2) read data
3) configure/start channel 2
4) read data
the read data step is thus channel independant.
I want to send packet over Modbus TCP. I want to use:
But I can not send this way how can I send this packet? (I don't know something will be)
req = struct.pack(
'Something', transaction, identifier, length, unitid, func_code, reg_addr
These are my variables:
At first you can use pymodbus library with very features.
Also struct.pack() not support a list as argument.
0001 0000 0006 11 03 006B 0003 is a standard example of Modbus-TCP packet which contained:
0001: Transaction Identifier
0000: Protocol Identifier
0006: Message Length (6 bytes to follow)
11: The Unit Identifier (17 = 11 hex)
03: The Function Code (read Analog Output Holding Registers)
006B: The Data Address of the first register requested. (40108-40001 = 107 =6B hex)
0003: The total number of registers requested. (read 3 registers 40108 to 40110)
Thus, you can create a Modbus-TCP packet with the above example:
import struct
transaction = 0x0001
identifier = 0x0000
length = 0x0006
unitid = 0x11
fcode = 0x03 # Holding register fcode.
reg_addr = 0x006B # Register address.
count = 0x0003 # Read three register.
total_pack_string = '0x{:04x}{:04x}{:04x}{:02x}{:02x}{:04x}{:04x}'.format(
transaction, identifier, length, unitid, fcode, reg_addr, count
total_pack_hex = hex(int(total_pack_string, 16))
'''Or with using pack method.'''
pack_ = struct.pack(
'>HHHBBHH', transaction, identifier, length, unitid, fcode, reg_addr, count
# Then send the pack_ or total_pack_hex using a TCP-Socket.
transaction is 2Byte == Short == H
identifier is 2Byte == Short == H
length is 2Byte == Short == H
unitid is 1Byte == B
fcode is 1Byte == B
reg_addr is 2Byte == Short == H
count is 2Byte == Short == H
B is unsigned byte
H is unsigned short
Thus, the format will be like this >HHHBBHH
Using pymodbus equivalent:
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient
unitid = 0x11
fcode = 0x03 # Holding register fcode.
reg_addr = 0x006B # Register address.
count = 0x0003 # Read three register.
cli = ModbusTcpClient('', port=502)
if cli.connect():
res = cli.read_holding_registers(reg_addr, count=count, unit=unitid)
if not res.isError():
print('There is an error.')
print('Error in connection.')
python returns the values from raw_iput as strings. i want those string converted as hexidecimal characters. So:
example = '\x05\x06\x40\x00\x02\x05'
tx = raw_input("\nTX: ") #user enters 05 06 40 00 02 05
what can i do that tx == example?
my code so far:
import base64
import serial
import crcmod
import binascii
s_port = 'COM1'
b_rate = 2400
#method for reading incoming bytes on serial
def read_serial(ser):
buf = ''
while True:
inp = #read a byte
buf = buf + inp #accumalate the response
if '\xff' == inp: #if the incoming byte is 0xff
print buf.encode("hex") # never here
return buf.encode("hex")
#method to calc the checksum
def calc_crc(hstr):
crc16 = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('crc-16')
hstr = hstr.replace(' ','')
data = base64.b16decode(hstr)
chsum = hex(crc16(data))
return chsum
#create a serial opening
ser = serial.Serial(
while True:
example = '\x05\x06\x40\x00\x02\x05\xF6\x5C' #last 2 bytes are CRC
tx = raw_input("\nTX: ") #user enters 05 06 40 00 02 05
crc = calc_crc(tx) #checksum is calculated as 0xf65c, correct
tx = binascii.hexlify(tx.replace(' ', '')) #convert ascii string into hex as is but how???????????
print tx #gives me 303530363430303030323035
cmd = tx + crc # concatenate tx and crc so the command is complete
rx = read_serial(ser)
print "RX: " + str(rx)
With the following one liner I get True for ==example:
''.join([chr(int(x,16)) for x in tx.split()])
The long form is:
Split the input by space and and make a list by iterating over the splitted input and convert every number in the input to a int with respect to base 16 and the resulting int to the respective character with chr. Finally join the list of characters together to a string.
Although OP uses Python 2.x, in Python 3 there is a built-in method bytes.fromhex to do this:
example = b'\x05\x06\x40\x00\x02\x05'
tx = input("\nTX: ")
result = bytes.fromhex(tx)
assert result == example
I've struggled the past 2 hours with the new Websocket version. I've managed to get the handshake and receiving these new frames, but I'm having problems sending them now.
I'm encoding my text like this:
def encode_hybi(buf, opcode, base64=False):
""" Encode a HyBi style WebSocket frame.
Optional opcode:
0x0 - continuation
0x1 - text frame (base64 encode buf)
0x2 - binary frame (use raw buf)
0x8 - connection close
0x9 - ping
0xA - pong
if base64:
buf = b64encode(buf)
b1 = 0x80 | (opcode & 0x0f) # FIN + opcode
payload_len = len(buf)
if payload_len <= 125:
header = struct.pack('>BB', b1, payload_len)
elif payload_len > 125 and payload_len < 65536:
header = struct.pack('>BBH', b1, 126, payload_len)
elif payload_len >= 65536:
header = struct.pack('>BBQ', b1, 127, payload_len)
#print("Encoded: %s" % repr(header + buf))
#return header + buf, len(header), 0
return header+buf
But I don't know in what form I have to pour it to send it over the socket.
By the way: isn't there some easy python websocket module somewhere? My code has now seen 3 websocket versions and it's an utter mess.