This Python quiz is driving me crazy - python

I'm new to StackOverflow (1st time posting) and new to coding with python. Currently enrolled in a course through Udacity. I'm having a very hard time with a project we were given for this course and decided to come here to see if anyone could help.
The project is to create a quiz with 4 blanks that need to be answered correctly by the player. It's required to have the quiz print out with the correct answer, but I'm having a very hard time getting this to print out correctly.
My code is below. Would appreciate any help or advice I can get on this.
easy_quiz = "If you ever get stuck, check out the __1__ for common
problems students face when attempting this project. If you need
additional help, you can schedule a 1:1 appointment with one of our
__2__ to get you un-stuck. This project should be __3__. If at any time
it becomes not fun, take a step back, deep breath, and ask for __4__!.
easy_answers = ["forums", "mentors", "fun", "help"]
medium_quiz = "Game must have 3 or more levels and each level contains 4 or more __1__ to fill in. Immediately after running the program, user is prompted to select a difficulty level from easy / __2__ / hard. Once a level is selected, game displays a fill-in-the-blank and a prompt to fill in the first one. When player guesses __3__, new prompt shows with correct answer in the previous blank and a new prompt for the next blank. When player guesses __4__, they are prompted to try again. \n"
medium_answers = ["blanks", "medium", "correctly", "incorrectly"]
hard_quiz = "__1__ are used as __2__ to automate tasks which are likely to be repeated. Functions produce the appropriate output (typically with a __3__ statement) from the appropriate input (function parameters). Your code should take advantage of __4__ and variable names should reflect the values they store. \n"
hard_answers = ["Functions", "tools", "return", "variables"]
blanks = ["__1__", "__2__", "__3__", "__4__"]
difficulty = raw_input("\nChoose your difficuty level = easy, medium, or hard? ")
print ""
if difficulty == "easy":
quiz = easy_quiz
answers = easy_answers
print "You chose easy!\n\nYou will have 5 guesses to fill in each blank. Good Luck!!\n \n" + easy_quiz
elif difficulty == "medium":
quiz = medium_quiz
answers = medium_answers
print "You chose medium!\n\nYou will have 5 guesses to fill in each blank. Good Luck!!\n \n" + medium_quiz
elif difficulty == "hard":
quiz = hard_quiz
answers = hard_answers
print "You chose hard!\n\nYou will have 5 guesses to fill in each blank. Good Luck!!\n \n" + hard_quiz
def word_in_pos(word, parts_of_speech):
for pos in parts_of_speech:
if pos in word:
return pos
return None
def play_game(quiz, parts_of_speech):
replaced = []
i = 0
quiz = quiz.split()
for word in quiz:
replacement = word_in_pos(word, parts_of_speech)
if replacement != None:
user_input = raw_input("Type an answer for: " + replacement + " " )
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
guesses = 0
while user_input != answers[i]:
guesses = guesses + 1
print "Incorrect, try again \n" + " ".join(replaced)
user_input = raw_input("Type an answer for: " + replacement + " ")
if guesses == 4:
return "\nGame Over! Better luck next time. \n"
print "Correct \n" + " ".join(replaced)
i = i + 1
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
replaced = " ".join(replaced)
return replaced
print play_game(quiz, blanks)

Here is a working version of your play_game() method:
def play_game(quiz, parts_of_speech):
replaced = []
i = 0
quiz = quiz.split()
for word in quiz:
replacement = word_in_pos(word, parts_of_speech)
if replacement is not None:
user_input = raw_input("Type an answer for: " + replacement + " " )
guesses = 0
while user_input != answers[i]:
guesses = guesses + 1
if guesses == 5:
return "\nGame Over! Better luck next time. \n"
print "Incorrect, try again \n" + " ".join(replaced) + " " + replacement
user_input = raw_input("Type an answer for: " + replacement + " ")
print "Correct \n" + " ".join(replaced)
i = i + 1
replaced = " ".join(replaced)
return replaced
The main change is to delay modifying the replaced list until the correct answer has been given. That simplifies a lot of the code, eliminating the need for the word variable.


How can I fix this list problem (list index out of range)

I'm new to programming and trying to make a vocabulary test machine in python, and the problem I'm having is when you're restarting the test and trying to redo the wrong answers, the correct answers being inputted should be removed from the list which contains the wrong answers.
So basically, in beginning you are putting in custom vocabulary words and then answering them, if any words are incorrect they are put in a list, and when redoing the test, if they are correct this time they should be removed from the list. So at the end if you are answering the words correctly the list should be empty. But I am getting this error: IndexError: list index out of range
What do you suggest I should do?
(I translated the code from another language so if anything is not matching that's the reason)
import replit, sys, time, os
word = []
word1 = []
wordwrong = []
wordwrong1 = []
incorrect = 0
correct = 0
swedish = ""
print("Type: 'Stop' to stop")
while swedish.lower() != "stop":
swedish = input("\nType the word in swedish:")
if swedish.lower() != "stop":
english = input("\nType the word in english:")
print("Type: 'Stop' to stop")
for x in range(len(word)):
wordanswer = input("translate word " + "'" + word[x] + "'" + ":").lower()
while wordanswer != word1[x]:
print("Incorrect answer! try again, " + str(2-incorrect) + " tries left")
wordanswer = input("translate " + "'" + word[x] + "'" + ":")
incorrect = incorrect + 1
if incorrect == 2:
incorrect = incorrect-2
print("Correct answer!")
correct = correct + 1
incorrect = incorrect*0
print("Your result:", correct, "/", len(word), "correct answers " +"(" + str(correct/len(word)*100)+"%)")
restart = input("\nTo restart; type 'restart':").lower()
correct = correct*0
incorrect = incorrect*0
restart = "restart"
while restart == "restart" and len(wordwrong) > 0:
for x in range(len(wordwrong)):
wordanswer = input("translate word " + "'" + wordwrong[x] + "'" + ":").lower()
while wordanswer != wordwrong[x]:
print("Incorrect answer! try again, " + str(2-incorrect) + " tries left")
wordanswer = input("translate word " + "'" + wordwrong[x] + "'" + ":")
incorrect = incorrect + 1
if incorrect == 2:
incorrect = incorrect-2
print("Correct answer!")
correct = correct + 1
incorrect = incorrect*0
wordwrong1.remove(wordwrong1[x]) (here i am trying to remove the words that got corrected)
print("Your result:", correct, "/", len(word), "correct answers " +"(" + str(correct/len(word)*100)+"%)")
restart = input("\nTo restart; type 'restart':").lower()
As I can't comment yet:
I think the problem is that this
for x in range(len(wordwrong)):
loop is trying to go through all of the elements of wordwrong in
even though the size of wordwrong is changing and getting smaller each time
a word is removed from the list. I might be wrong though. I'll hope this helps you.
One immediate suggestion is that you're inputting Swedish words and their English equivalent, and then storing these in separate parallel lists. This is not wrong, per se, but frequently troublesome. You could store them as a list of tuples, or even better as a dictionary.
words = {}
while True:
print("Type: 'Stop' to stop")
swedish = input("Enter Swedish word: ")
if swedish.lower() == "stop": break
english = input("Enter English equivalent: ")
words[swedish] = english
Now, if you want to iterate over all of the Swedish words and their English equivalents:
for swedish, english in words.items():
If the user gets two attempts for each translation, and you want to track how many they translate correctly:
correct = 0
attempts = 2
for swedish, english in words.items():
correct_translation = False
for attempt in range(attempts):
translation = input(f"Translate Swedish word {swedish} to English: ")
if translation.lower() == english.lower():
correct_translation = True
elif attempt == attempts - 1:
print("Incorrect. Try again.")
if correct_translation: correct += 1

How do I implement a timer on each question asked in a quiz?

I was attempting to create a quiz and one of the criteria is to limit the time available to solve for each question in the quiz. I looked up certain tutorials but some require an input of x seconds for the timer to go off while others looked more like a stopwatch...
I was wondering how do I do like a background timer that ticks down as soon as the question is printed out and skips to the next question if, for example the 30-second period has ended? I'm clueless in the timer function and was having problems to even try to implement them onto my codes. Could someone give out a few pointers so I can sorta progress further in implementing a working timer?
Thank you!
EDITED section below:
The timer that I want to implement onto my coding:
import time
import threading
def atimer():
print("Time's up.")
a_timer = threading.Timer(10.0, atimer)
This is the whole coding that I tried to implement the timer into.
I noticed that when I tried to define qtimer to just print 1 or 2 lines of statements the timer works but I want the timer to stop and go to second question or stop and give the user another attempt to retry the question, so I tried to attach a bunch of codes after the definition and it didn't work. I know I'm most probably doing something wrong here since I'm not quite familiar with time or threading functions. Is there a workaround?
def qtimer():
print("I'm sorry but your time is up for this question.")
print("You may have another attempt if you wish to, with reduced marks allocated.")
response1 = input("Type 'Yes' for another attempt, anything else to skip: ")
if response1 == "Yes":
Answ = input("Which option would you go for this time?: ")
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ - 1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 0.5 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
class A:
def __init__(self, question, correctAnswer, otherAnswers, difficulty, explanation):
self.question = question
self.corrAnsw = correctAnswer
self.otherAnsw = otherAnswers
self.diff = difficulty
self.expl = explanation
qaList = [A("What is COVID-19?", "Coronavirus Disease 2019", ["Wuhan virus", "I don't understand...", "Coronavirus Disease v19"], 1, "Explanation 1"),
A("What describes COVID-19?", "A disease", ["A virus", "A parasite", "A bacteriophage"], 1, "Explanation 2"),
A("What causes COVID-19?", "SARS-CoV-2", ["Coronavirus", "Mimivirus", "Rubeola Virus"], 1, "Explanation 3"),
A("Which of the following is used in COVID-19 treatment?", "Lopinavir / Ritonavir ", ["Midazolam / Triazolam", "Amiodarone", "Phenytoin"], 2, "Explanation 4"),
A("Which of the following receptors is used by COVID-19 to infect human cells?", "ACE-2 Receptors", ["ApoE4 Receptors", "TCR Receptors", "CD28 Receptors"], 3, "Explanation 5")]
corr = 0
marks = 0
for qaItem in qaList:
q_timer = threading.Timer(5.0, qtimer)
print("Possible answers are:")
possible = qaItem.otherAnsw + [qaItem.corrAnsw]
count = 0
while count < len(possible):
print(str(count+1) + ": " + possible[count])
count += 1
print("Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = str(Answ)
while not Answ.isdigit():
print("That was not a number. Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = int(Answ)
Answ = int(Answ)
while Answ > 4 or Answ < 1:
print("That number doesn't correspond to any answer. Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ-1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 1 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
response = input("Would you want to try again? If so, input 'Yes' to attempt it again, if not just input whatever!")
if response == "Yes":
Answ = input("Which option would you go for this time?: ")
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ - 1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 0.5 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("You answered " + str(corr) + " of " + str(len(qaList)) + " questions correctly.")
print("You have achieved a total score of " + str(marks) + ".")
Even with a timer, the main thread can't proceed past waiting for the user to input a number; so if the user doesn't nothing, the timer function runs, and once it has finished the main thread is still waiting for input at
print("Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
You could have a global flag that the timer thread sets to tell the main thread to treat the input received as response1 in the timer code, and also have a flag to tell the timer that an answer was received, and so on, and it quickly becomes rather complicated.
So rather than trying to work around the blocking call to input by communicating between the timer and main thread, take the non-blocking input example from and stop the loop early if the time is up.
def timed_input(msg, timeout=10):
kb = KBHit()
end_time = time.time() + timeout
warn_time = 5
result = None
while True:
if kb.kbhit():
c = kb.getch()
if '0' <= c <= '9':
result = int(c)
if time.time() > end_time:
print('time is up')
if time.time() > end_time - warn_time:
print(f'{warn_time}s left')
warn_time = warn_time - 1
return result
# Test
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = timed_input('Enter a number between 1 and 4')
if result is None:
print('be quicker next time')
elif 1 <= result <= 4:
print(f'{result} is not between 1 and 4')
Note also that breaking up into smaller functions helps make the code easier to follow, the logic of the test doesn't need to know about the logic of the timeout.

Python fill-in-the-blanks code

I am a programming beginner and I am trying to build a fill-in-the-blank quiz. I am almost finished but I am stuck on 2 problems I am not able to solve, whatever I do. I would really appreciate your help with this. Thank you for helping me with this!
If you try to run the code and play the game:
1) It prints the quiz according to the difficulty(easy-insane) and quiz you want to play(apple, bond and programming quiz) which is great but afterwards it prompts you to choose difficulty again (the player_level() function keeps going even though the player/user has already chosen the difficulty level. I don't really understand why it does it? The player_level() procedure seems perfectly okay and logical to me.
2) The errors:
a) local variable blanks_index referenced before assignment
b) global name list_of_answers is not defined.
I know that it is related to the initialize_game() function but I don't know how to change the code so it refers all the variables (blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives) correctly.
It could be solved by creating global variables(I guess) but that is not a good practice so I am trying to avoid it. Formerly, the whole function initialise_game() and play_game() were one function, but as there are over 25 lines of code in one function, it is not a good practice as it is long and messy and I know that I can separate it but I don't know how.
Here is the code:
"""3 diffferent quizzes : Apple quiz, James Bond quiz, Programming quiz"""
"""Quiz and answers about Apple"""
Apple_quiz = ("The most valuable company in terms of market cap in 2016 is, ___1___."
"It was founded in ___2___. Its flagship product is called ___3___."
"___1___ has many competitors, the biggest rival is ___4___,founded by"
" nobody but the richest man on the planet,___5___ ___6___.")
list_of_answers_Apple = ["Apple", "1976", "Iphone", "Microsoft", "Bill", "Gates"]
"""Quiz and answers about Bond"""
Bond_quiz = ("James Bond is agent ___1___. He serves his country,___2___ ___3___"
" against its enemies. His car of choice is usually ___4___ ___5___."
" His favorite drink is ___6___.")
list_of_answers_Bond = ["007", "United", "Kingdom", "Aston", "Martin", "Martini"]
"""Quiz and answers about programming basics"""
Programming_quiz = ("___1___ are created with the def keyword. ___1___ are also called ___2___"
" You specify the inputs a ___1___ take by adding ___3___ separated by commas"
" between the parentheses. ___3___ can be standard data types such as string, number"
" ,dictionary, tuple, and ___4___ or can be more complicated such as ___5___"
" and ___6___ functions.")
list_of_answers_Programming = ["Functions", "procedures", "arguments", "lists", "objects", "lambda"]
blank_space = ["___1___", "___2___", "___3___", "___4___", "___5___", "___6___]"]
#List of levels with corresponding lives/guesses that player can have
quiz_list = ["Apple", "Bond", "Programming"]
level_list = ["easy", "medium", "hard", "superhard", "insane"]
lives_easy = 5
lives_medium = 4
lives_hard = 3
lives_superhard = 2
lives_insane = 1
def choose_quiz():
""" Prompts player to pick a type of quiz and loads the quiz """
#Input = player_quiz (raw input from player)
#Output = loaded quiz, player chose
while True:
player_quiz = raw_input("Please, select a quiz you want to play: "
"(Apple, Bond or Programming): ")
if player_quiz == "Apple":
return Apple_quiz
elif player_quiz == "Bond":
return Bond_quiz
elif player_quiz == "Programming":
return Programming_quiz
print "We don't have such quiz, pick again!"
def answers_for_quiz():
""" Loads appropiate answers to the quiz that player has chosen"""
#Input = player quiz (raw input from player)
#Output = loaded quiz answers from the quiz player chose
player_quiz_pick = choose_quiz()
if player_quiz_pick == Apple_quiz:
return list_of_answers_Apple
elif player_quiz_pick == Bond_quiz:
return list_of_answers_Bond
elif player_quiz_pick == Programming_quiz:
return list_of_answers_Programming
def player_level():
""" Loads a difficulty that player chooses """
#Input = player_level_input (raw input of player choosing a difficulty)
#Output = corresponding number of lives:
#Easy = 5 lives, Medium = 4 lives
#Hard = 3 lives, Superhard = 2 lives
#Insane = 1 life
while True:
player_level_input = raw_input("Please type in a difficulty level: "
"(easy, medium, hard, superhard, insane): ")
if player_level_input == "easy":
return lives_easy #Easy = 5 lives
elif player_level_input == "medium":
return lives_medium #Medium = 4 lives
elif player_level_input == "hard":
return lives_hard #Hard = 3 lives
elif player_level_input == "superhard":
return lives_superhard #Superhard = 2 lives
elif player_level_input == "insane":
return lives_insane #Insane = 1 life
print "We do not have such difficulty! Pick again!"
def correct_answer(player_answer, list_of_answers, answers_index):
""" Checks, whether the the answer from player matches with the answer list. """
#Input: player_answer (raw input that player enters in order to fill in the blank)
#Output: "Right answer!" or "Wrong! Try again!" this output will be later used in the game
if player_answer == list_of_answers[answers_index]:
return "Right answer!"
return "Wrong! Try again!"
def initialize_game():
"""Functions that sets up a game so we can play it """
player_quiz_pick, player_level_pick, list_of_answers = choose_quiz(), player_level(), answers_for_quiz()
print player_quiz_pick
print "\nYou will get maximum " + str(player_level_pick) + " guesses for this game. Good luck.\n"
blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives = 0, 0, 0
#for elements in blank_space:
while blanks_index < len(blank_space):
player_answer = raw_input("Please type in your answer for " + blank_space[blanks_index] + ": ")
if correct_answer(player_answer,list_of_answers,answers_index) == "Right answer!":
print "Correct answer! Keep going!\n"
player_quiz_pick = player_quiz_pick.replace(blank_space[blanks_index],player_answer)
answers_index += 1
blanks_index += 1
print player_quiz_pick
if blanks_index == len(blank_space):
print "Congratulations! You nailed it! You are the winner!"
player_level_pick -= 1
if player_level_pick == 0:
print "Game over! Maybe next time!"
print "One life less, that sucks! Have another shot!"
print "You have " + str(player_level_pick) + " guesses left."
Your main problem is that you keep calling the same functions over and over again and do not save the input into variables. Here are some tips about your code and questions:
You are not doing anything with your player_level() method call, so the player doesn't actually chooses a level in a way that affects the game. You should change the function call, so the returned value will be stored.
//the call to the method:
player_level_pick = player_level()
Afterwards, you keep calling the player_level() method, and not using the actual answer that the user supplied. Change all player_level() appearences to player_level_pick - the variable you use to save the answer (as I showed above). Same goes to all other unneeded function calls such as choose_level().
You should initialize number_of_guesses, player_lives, list_of_answers, and other vars to a matching value to player_level_pick as well, so it will hold the right value according to the level. Likewise, you should change this line:
# the line that checks if game is over
# change from:
if number_of_guesses == player_lives:
# to :
if number_of_guesses == 0:
In order to return multiple values, you have to use tuples. Using multiple return statements one after the other does not work anywhere.
so, instead of:
return list_of_answers
return number_of_guesses
return blanks_index
return answers_index
return player_lives
you should use tuples, and unpack them properly:
# the return statement:
return (list_of_answers, number_of_guesses, blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives)
# and the unpacking in the calling function:
list_of_answers, number_of_guesses, blanks_index, answers_index, player_lives = initialize_game()
this way, all of the returned values go into the wanted variables in the calling function. this way, you need to call the initialize_game() from play_game(). it will be the efficient way for you.
Just saying it again, as I said in the end of (4) - you should unit initialize_game() and play_game() into a single function (because a lot of data is the same needed data), or just call initialize_game() from play_game().
Better practice then using this recursivly: return choose_level(), you should use a while True: loop, and just brake when you get a proper answer.

Returning contents of a text file and printing different value

I am making a Recipe book, at the moment I have the ability to create a recipe, but now I am starting to build the module of searching and displaying stored recipes.
At the moment I have a .txt document with the contents along the lines of:
Williams Special Recipe
bread: 120 grams
butter: 1234 grams
Recipe Serves: 12
I then ask the user how many they are serving and based on how many the recipe serves, I need to multiply all the ingredients quantity by that number. I then need to print that off with the full recipe again.
I was wondering how I would go about achieving this result, not asking specifically for a coded response as an answer, but I would greatly appreciate how I would approach this task and any specific functions required.
I have also included my code so far, I appreciate the fact it is incredibly un-organised at the moment, and probably hard to understand, but I included it for any reference.
(I have also created a .txt file of all the created recipes which will be implemented later on as a way of displaying to the user all recipes, but at the moment it is just set up for searching.)
#Recipe Task
import os.path
def file_(n):
if n == "listR" :
list_f = open("list_recipes.txt", "a+")
list_f.write(new_name + "\n")
if n == "oar": #open append read
f=open(new_name + ".txt","a+")
elif n == "c": #closes file
def print_line(x): #ease of printing multiple lines to break up text
for c in range(x):
print ""
def new_ingredients(): #adding new ingredients
f.write("Ingredients:" + "\n" + "\n")
fin_ingredient = False
while fin_ingredient != True :
input_ingredient = raw_input("New ingredient:" + "\n").lower()
split_ingred = input_ingredient.split()
if input_ingredient == "stop": #stops asking questions when user types 'stop'
fin_ingredient = True
else :
f.write(split_ingred[0] + ":" + " " + split_ingred[1] + " " + split_ingred[2] + "\n")
def search_recipe(n): #searching for recipes
n = n + ".txt"
if os.path.isfile('/Users/wjpreston/Desktop/' + n) == True :
print "Recipe Found..."
found_recipe = open(n)
append_serving = raw_input("Would you like to change the number of people you are serving?" + "\n").lower()
if append_serving == "yes" :
appended_serving = input("How many would you like to serve?" + "\n")
with open(n) as f: #here is my issue - not sure where to go with this!!
list_recipe = f.readlines()
else :
print "fail"
print "No existing recipes under that name have been found."
print "Welcome to your Recipe Book"
recipe_phase = raw_input("Are you 'creating' a recipe or 'viewing' an existing one?" + "\n").lower()
if recipe_phase == "creating":
new_name = raw_input("Name of Recipe: " + "\n")
f.write("------------" + "\n" + new_name + "\n" + "\n")
print "Ingrediants required in the format 'ingredient quantity unit' - type 'stop' to end process"
new_num = input("Number serving: ")
f.write("\n" + "Recipe Serves: " + str(new_num) + "\n" "\n" + "\n")
elif recipe_phase == "viewing":
search = raw_input("Search for recipe: ")
I'm not the specialist in processing strings, but I'd approach your problem following way:
Save each ingredient on a new line.
Split the loaded string by "\n".
Then process the list with some for-loops while creating two dicts, one for the actual data
e.g. {"bread": 4, "butter": 7}
and one for the types of each ingredient:
e.g. {"bread": grams, "butter": grams}
The you should also save how many serves the recipe is written for, and maybe the order of the ingredients (dicts get stored in a random order):
e.g. ["bread", "butter"]
After that, you can ask your costumer how many serves he has and then finally calculate and print the final results.
for ing in ing_order:
print ing+":", ing_amount[ing]*requested_serves/default_seves, ing_types[ing]
...hopyfully you still have enough challange, and hopefully I understood your question correctly.

Why does python, when I run my program comes up with the error 'expected an indented block?

I am trying to get my program to limit what the user can type in. It keeps returning an "Expected an indented block" error from my code below.
deliverydetails = input("Is your order for delivery?\n Press 1 for delivery. Press 2 for pickup")
if deliverydetails == "1":
## def delivery ():
print ("Order for Delivery")
customerfirstname = " "
while len(customerfirstname) <3 or len(customerfirstname)>30 or customerfirstname.isalpha() != True:
customerfirstname = input("Customer First Name: ** must be 4 characters long + " ")
while len(customersurname) < 3 or len(customersurname) > 30 or customerfirstname.isalpha() != True:
customersurname = input("Customer Surname:" + " ")
customerstreet = input("Street name:" + " ")
customerstreetnumber = input("Street number:" + " ")
customercity = input("City:" + " ")
customersuburb = input("Suburb (If none, leave blank):" + " ")
Python uses indentation to group blocks of code. After the while statements, you want to indent the lines below it that should be executed inside the while loop.
Here are some other tips that may be useful:
- Use pylint to check your syntax. It will uncover a lot of errors that you would otherwise only find out during runtime.
- Use spaces to indent. Don't use tabs. That's a PEP 8 style recommendation
Here is the corrected version of your code:
deliverydetails = input("Is your order for delivery?\n Press 1 for delivery. Press 2 for pickup")
if deliverydetails == "1":
## def delivery ():
print ("Order for Delivery")
customerfirstname = " "
customersurname = " "
while len(customerfirstname) <3 or len(customerfirstname)>30 or customerfirstname.isalpha() != True:
customerfirstname = input("Customer First Name: ** must be 4 characters long + " ")
while len(customersurname) < 3 or len(customersurname) > 30 or customerfirstname.isalpha() != True:
customersurname = input("Customer Surname:" + " ")
customerstreet = input("Street name:" + " ")
customerstreetnumber = input("Street number:" + " ")
customercity = input("City:" + " ")
customersuburb = input("Suburb (If none, leave blank):" + " ")
Python uses intentation instead of {} or begin/end, so for example this line
while len(customerfirstname) <3 or len(customerfirstname)>30 or customerfirstname.isalpha() != True:
should be followed by an indented block. An indented block can be as short as a single line, usually you should indent it 4 spaces more than the while
Aside: it may be clearer to write that line as
while not (3 <= len(customerfirstname) <= 30 and customerfirstname.isalpha()):
Make sure to indent the lines that are part of the loop. That's the only way Python has to know what part you want to loop.
delivery_details = input("Is your order for delivery?\n Press 1 for delivery. Press 2 for pickup")
if delivery_details == "1":
print "Order for Delivery"
customer_first_name = ""
while len(customer_first_name) < 3 or len(customer_first_name) > 30 or not customer_first_name.isalpha():
customer_first_name = input("First name (must be 4 characters long): ")
customer_surname = input("Surname: ")
customer_street = input("Street name: ")
customer_street_number = input("Street number: ")
customer_city = input("City: ")
customer_suburb = input("Suburb (If none, leave blank): ")
For what it's worth I've made some stylistic changes for readability. Some extra spacing, blank lines, and underscores in variable names make everything a bit easier on the eyes.

