Constant first row of a .csv file? - python

I have a Python code which is logging some data into a .csv file.
logging_file = 'test.csv'
dt =
f = open(logging_file, 'a')
f.write('\n "{:%H:%M:%S}",{},{}'.format(dt,x,y,))
The above code is the core part and this produces continuous data in .csv file as
"00:34:09" ,23.05,23.05
"00:36:09" ,24.05,24.05
"00:38:09" ,26.05,26.05
... etc.,
Now I wish to add the following lines in first row of this data. time, data1,data2.I expect output as
time, data1, data2
"00:34:09" ,23.05,23.05
"00:36:09" ,24.05,24.05
"00:38:09" ,26.05,26.05
... etc.,
I tried many ways. Those ways not produced me the result as preferred format.But I am unable to get my expected result.
Please help me to solve the problem.

I would recommend writing a class specifically for creating and managing logs.Have it initialize a file, on creation, with the expected first line (don't forget a \n character!), and keep track of any necessary information about that log(the name of the log it created, where it is, etc). You can then have the class 'write' to the log (append the log, really), you can create new logs as necessary, and, you can have it check for existing logs, and make decisions about either updating what is existing, or scrapping it and starting over.


Python csv.dictreader does not appear to be reading all rows of csv

I'm working on a program that, in short, creates a CSV file and compares it line by line to a previously generated CSV file (created on previous script execution), and logs differences between the two.
I'm having a weird issue where csv.dictreader does not appear to be reading all rows of the NEW log - but it DOES read all rows of the OLD log. What makes this issue even more puzzling is that if I run the program again, it creates a new log, and will now read the previous log all the way to the end.
Here's what I mean if that made no sense:
Run program to generate LOG A
Run program again to generate LOG B
csv.dictreader does not read all the way through LOG B, but it DOES read all the way through LOG A
Run program again to generate LOG C
csv.dictreader does NOT read all the way through LOG C, but it DOES read all the way through LOG B (which it previously didn't although no information in the csv file has changed)
Here's the relevant function:
def compare_data(newLog, oldLog):
# this function compares the new scan Log to the old Log to determine if, and how much, memory space has changed
# within each directory
# both arguments should be filenames of the logs
# use the .csv library to create dictionary objects out of files and read thru them
newReader = csv.DictReader(newLog)
oldReader = csv.DictReader(oldLog)
oldDirs, newDirs = [], []
# write data from new log into dictionary list
for row in newReader:
newLogData = {}
newLogData['ScanDate'] = row['ScanDate']
newLogData['Directory'] = row['Directory']
newLogData['Size'] = int(row['Size'])
# write data from old log into another dictionary list
for row in oldReader:
oldLogData = {}
oldLogData['ScanDate'] = row['ScanDate']
oldLogData['Directory'] = row['Directory']
oldLogData['Size'] = int(row['Size'])
# now compare data between the two dict lists to determine what's changed
for newDir in newDirs:
for oldDir in oldDirs:
dirMatch = False
if newDir['Directory'] == oldDir['Directory']:
# we have linked dirs. now check to see if their size has changed
dirMatch = True
if newDir['Size'] != oldDir['Size']:
print(newDir['Directory'], 'has changed in size! It used to be', oldDir['Size'],
'bytes, now it\'s', newDir['Size'], 'bytes! Hype')
# now that we have determined changes, now we should check for unique dirs
# unique meaning either a dir that has been deleted since last scan, or a new dir added since last scan
find_unique_dirs(oldDirs, newDirs)
Based on the fact that the old log gets read in its entirety, I don't think it would be an issue of open quotes in filenames or anything like that.

Reading .csv file while it is being written

I have a similar problem to the one described here below in a different question:
Reading from a CSV file while it is being written to
Unfortunately the solution is not explained.
I'd like to create a script that plots some variables in a .csv file dynamically. The .csv is updated everytime a sensor registers something.
My basic idea was to read the file each fixed period of time and if the number of rows is increased, to update the plot with the new variables.
How can I proceed?
I am not that experienced in csv
but take this logic
def writeandRead(one_row):
with open (path/file.csv,"a"): # it is append .. if your case write just change from a to w
with open(whateve.csv,"r"): #i don't know syntax ... take the logic😊
return red
for row in rows: #or you have a lists whatever dictionary

Best Way To Save/Load Data To/From A .CSV File

I'm trying to save and load a list of tuples of 2 ndarrays and an int to and from a .csv file.
In my current implementation, when I save and load a list l, there is some error in the recovered list on the order of 10^-10. Is there a way to save and recover values more precisely? I would also appreciate comments on my code in general. Thanks!
This is what I have now:
def save_l(l,path):
for X in l:
def load_l(path):
for v in L:
for i in range(784):
It may be possible that the issue you are experiencing is due to absence of .csv file protection during save and load.
a good way to make sure that your file is locked until all data are saved/loaded completely is using a context manager. In this way, you won't lose any data in case your system stops execution due to whatever reason, because all results are saved in the moment when they are available.
I recommend to use the with-statement, whose primary use is an exception-safe cleanup of the object used inside (in this case your .csv). In other words, with makes sure that files are closed, locks released, contexts restored etc.
with open("myfile.csv", "a") as reference: # Drop to csv w/ context manager
df.to_csv(reference, sep = ",", index = False) # Same goes for read_csv
# As soon as you are here, reference is closed
If you try this and still see your error, it's not due to save/load issues.

Parsing two files with Python

I'm still new to python and cannot achieve to make what i'm looking for. I'm using Python 3.7.0
I have one file, called log.csv, containing a log of CANbus messages.
I want to check what is the content of column label Data2 and Data3 when the ID is 348 in column label ID.
If they are both different from "00", I want to make a new string called fault_code with the "Data3+Data2".
Then I want to check on another CSV file where this code string appear, and print the column 6 of this row (label description). But this last part I want to do it only one time per fault_code.
Here is my code:
import csv
CAN_ID = "348"
with open('0.csv') as log:
reader = csv.reader(log,delimiter=',')
for log_row in reader:
if log_row[1] == CAN_ID:
if (log_row[5]+log_row[4]) != "0000":
fault_code = log_row[5]+log_row[4]
with open('Fault_codes.csv') as fault:
readerFC = csv.reader(fault,delimiter=';')
for fault_row in readerFC:
if "0x"+fault_code in readerFC:
Here is a part of the log.csv file
and this is a part of faultcode.csv
Level;LED Flashes;UID;FID;Type;Display;Message;Description;RecommendedAction
1;2;1;**0x4481**;Warning;F12001;Handbrake Fault;Handbrake is active;Release handbrake
1;5;1;**0x4541**;Warning;F15001;Fan Fault;blablabla;blablalba
Also do you think of a better way to do this task? I've read that Pandas can be very good for large files. As log.csv can have 100'000+ row, it's maybe a better idea to use it. What do you think?
Thank you for your help!
Be careful with your indentation, you get this error because you sometimes you use spaces and other tabs to indent.
As PM 2Ring said, reading 'Fault_codes.csv' everytime you read 1 line of your log is really not efficient.
You should read faultcode once and store the content in RAM (if it fits). You can use pandas to do it, and store the content into a DataFrame. I would do that before reading your logs.
You do not need to store all log.csv lines in RAM. So I'd keep reading it line by line with csv module, do my stuff, write to a new file, and read the next line. No need to use pandas here as it will fill your RAM for nothing.

Python KeyError if logic or try logic

I'm trying to loop through some JSON data to export to CSV and all is going well until I get to a portion of the data that I need to get certain field values where these fields do not always exist beneath "tags".
I'm getting the error of:
for alarm in tag["alarmst"]:
KeyError: 'alarmst'
I believe from Built-in Exceptions reading that this means the key/field just does not exist.
I read in Errors and Exceptions that I can put this logic in a try statement to say, if this key does not exist, don't give me the error and do something else or move onto the next set of records beneath "tag" where "alarmst" is and just dump that (and the other fields specified) to the file.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to tell this logic to stop giving me this error and to only use the csv_file.writerow() function with all the field values if only the "alarmst" exist.
Since I will be working with one file and processes before this Python process runs will get the "devs" and the "tags" to their own CSV files, I cannot parse the data and cut down on the for loops within the other for loops.
I'm not sure if the issue with the if tag["alarmst"] in tag: is due to there being so many for loops within others, or if I need to use a try statement somehow instead, or if I'm just not doing something else correctly since I'm new to Python at this level of coding but it seems to work for the need thus far.
I'm running this on Windows 10 OS if that makes any difference but I assume it doesn't.
Starting Code:
import json
import csv
with open('C:\\folder\\dev\\TagAlarms.txt',"r") as file:
data = json.load(file)
with open('C:\\folder\\dev\\TagAlarms.csv',"w",newline='') as file:
csv_file = csv.writer(file)
for dev in data["devs"]:
for tag in dev["tags"]:
for alarm in tag["alarmst"]:
csv_file.writerow(alarm['dateStatus'],[alarm['dateStart'], alarm['status'], alarm['type']])
If Code:
import json
import csv
with open('C:\\folder\\dev\\TagAlarms.txt',"r") as file:
data = json.load(file)
with open('C:\\folder\\dev\\TagAlarms.csv',"w",newline='') as file:
csv_file = csv.writer(file)
for dev in data["devs"]:
for tag in dev["tags"]:
for alarm in tag["alarmst"]:
if tag["alarmst"] in tag:
csv_file.writerow(alarm['dateStatus'],[alarm['dateStart'], alarm['status'], alarm['type']])
tag["alarmst"] is what throws the error. It means getting the value from tag associated with the key "alarmst" and there is no such key so it fails. if tag["alarmst"] in tag will throw the same error, and moreover you won't even reach that point if it's below for alarm in tag["alarmst"]:. What you want is:
if "alarmst" in tag:
for alarm in tag["alarmst"]:
But much nicer is:
for alarm in tag.get("alarmst", []):
get is similar to usual square bracket access but the second argument is a default if the key is not found. So if "alarmst" is not in the dictionary this will essentially be:
for alarm in []:
which is just an empty loop that won't run at all.

