What is the problem with my implementation of the cross-entropy function? - python

I am learning the neural network and I want to write a function cross_entropy in python. Where it is defined as
where N is the number of samples, k is the number of classes, log is the natural logarithm, t_i,j is 1 if sample i is in class j and 0 otherwise, and p_i,j is the predicted probability that sample i is in class j.
To avoid numerical issues with logarithm, clip the predictions to [10^{−12}, 1 − 10^{−12}] range.
According to the above description, I wrote down the codes by clipping the predictions to [epsilon, 1 − epsilon] range, then computing the cross_entropy based on the above formula.
def cross_entropy(predictions, targets, epsilon=1e-12):
Computes cross entropy between targets (encoded as one-hot vectors)
and predictions.
Input: predictions (N, k) ndarray
targets (N, k) ndarray
Returns: scalar
predictions = np.clip(predictions, epsilon, 1. - epsilon)
ce = - np.mean(np.log(predictions) * targets)
return ce
The following code will be used to check if the function cross_entropy are correct.
predictions = np.array([[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],
targets = np.array([[0,0,0,1],
ans = 0.71355817782 #Correct answer
x = cross_entropy(predictions, targets)
The output of the above codes is False, that to say my codes for defining the function cross_entropy is not correct. Then I print the result of cross_entropy(predictions, targets). It gave 0.178389544455 and the correct result should be ans = 0.71355817782. Could anybody help me to check what is the problem with my codes?

You're not that far off at all, but remember you are taking the average value of N sums, where N = 2 (in this case). So your code could read:
def cross_entropy(predictions, targets, epsilon=1e-12):
Computes cross entropy between targets (encoded as one-hot vectors)
and predictions.
Input: predictions (N, k) ndarray
targets (N, k) ndarray
Returns: scalar
predictions = np.clip(predictions, epsilon, 1. - epsilon)
N = predictions.shape[0]
ce = -np.sum(targets*np.log(predictions+1e-9))/N
return ce
predictions = np.array([[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25],
targets = np.array([[0,0,0,1],
ans = 0.71355817782 #Correct answer
x = cross_entropy(predictions, targets)
Here, I think it's a little clearer if you stick with np.sum(). Also, I added 1e-9 into the np.log() to avoid the possibility of having a log(0) in your computation. Hope this helps!
NOTE: As per #Peter's comment, the offset of 1e-9 is indeed redundant if your epsilon value is greater than 0.

def cross_entropy(x, y):
""" Computes cross entropy between two distributions.
Input: x: iterabale of N non-negative values
y: iterabale of N non-negative values
Returns: scalar
if np.any(x < 0) or np.any(y < 0):
raise ValueError('Negative values exist.')
# Force to proper probability mass function.
x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float)
y = np.array(y, dtype=np.float)
x /= np.sum(x)
y /= np.sum(y)
# Ignore zero 'y' elements.
mask = y > 0
x = x[mask]
y = y[mask]
ce = -np.sum(x * np.log(y))
return ce
def cross_entropy_via_scipy(x, y):
''' SEE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_entropy'''
return entropy(x) + entropy(x, y)
from scipy.stats import entropy, truncnorm
x = truncnorm.rvs(0.1, 2, size=100)
y = truncnorm.rvs(0.1, 2, size=100)
print np.isclose(cross_entropy(x, y), cross_entropy_via_scipy(x, y))


Need help implementing a custom loss function in lightGBM (Zero-inflated Log Normal Loss)

Im trying to implement this zero-inflated log normal loss function based on this paper in lightGBM (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.07753.pdf) (page 5). But, admittedly, I just don’t know how. I don’t understand how to get the gradient and hessian of this function in order to implement it in LGBM and I’ve never needed to implement a custom loss function in the past.
The authors of this paper have open sourced their code, and the function is available in tensorflow (https://github.com/google/lifetime_value/blob/master/lifetime_value/zero_inflated_lognormal.py), but I’m unable to translate this to fit the parameters required for a custom loss function in LightGBM. An example of how LGBM accepts custom loss functions— loglikelihood loss would be written as:
def loglikelihood(preds, train_data):
labels = train_data.get_label()
preds = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-preds))
grad = preds - labels
hess = preds * (1. - preds)
return grad, hess
Similarly, I would need to define a custom eval metric to accompany it, such as:
def binary_error(preds, train_data):
labels = train_data.get_label()
preds = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-preds))
return 'error', np.mean(labels != (preds > 0.5)), False
Both of the above two examples are taken from the following repository:
Would appreciate any help on this, and especially detailed guidance to help me learn how to do this on my own.
According to the LGBM documentation for custom loss functions:
It should have the signature objective(y_true, y_pred) -> grad, hess or objective(y_true, y_pred, group) -> grad, hess:
y_true: numpy 1-D array of shape = [n_samples]
The target values.
y_pred: numpy 1-D array of shape = [n_samples] or numpy 2-D array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes] (for multi-class task)
The predicted values. Predicted values are returned before any transformation, e.g. they are raw margin instead of probability of positive class for binary task.
group: numpy 1-D array
Group/query data. Only used in the learning-to-rank task. sum(group) = n_samples. For example, if you have a 100-document dataset with group = [10, 20, 40, 10, 10, 10], that means that you have 6 groups, where the first 10 records are in the first group, records 11-30 are in the second group, records 31-70 are in the third group, etc.
grad: numpy 1-D array of shape = [n_samples] or numpy 2-D array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes] (for multi-class task)
The value of the first order derivative (gradient) of the loss with respect to the elements of y_pred for each sample point.
hess: numpy 1-D array of shape = [n_samples] or numpy 2-D array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes] (for multi-class task)
The value of the second order derivative (Hessian) of the loss with respect to the elements of y_pred for each sample point.
This is the "translation", as you defined it, of the tensorflow implementation. Most of the work is just defining the functions yourself (i.e. softplus, crossentropy, etc.)
The mean absolute percentage error is used in the linked paper, not sure if that is the eval metric you want to use.
import math
import numpy as np
epsilon = 1e-7
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
def softplus(beta=1, threshold=20):
return 1 / beta* math.log(1 + math.exp(beta*x))
def BinaryCrossEntropy(y_true, y_pred):
y_pred = np.clip(y_pred, epsilon, 1 - epsilon)
term_0 = (1-y_true) * np.log(1-y_pred + epsilon)
term_1 = y_true * np.log(y_pred + epsilon)
return -np.mean(term_0+term_1, axis=0)
def zero_inflated_lognormal_pred(logits):
positive_probs = sigmoid(logits[..., :1])
loc = logits[..., 1:2]
scale = softplus(logits[..., 2:])
preds = (
positive_probs *
np.exp(loc + 0.5 * np.square(scale)))
return preds
def mean_abs_pct_error(preds, train_data):
labels = train_data.get_label()
MAPE = sum(np.absolute(decile_preds - decile_labels)/decile_labels)
return 'error', MAPE, False
def zero_inflated_lognormal_loss(train_data,
labels = train_data.get_label()
positive = labels > 0
positive_logits = logits[..., :1]
classification_loss = BinaryCrossEntropy(
y_true=positive, y_pred=positive_logits)
loc = logits[..., 1:2]
scale = math.maximum(
softplus(logits[..., 2:]),
safe_labels = positive * labels + (
1 - positive) * np.ones(labels.shape)
regression_loss = -np.mean(
positive * np.LogNormal(mean=loc, stdev=scale).log_prob(safe_labels),
return classification_loss + regression_loss

Is the gradient of the sum equal to the sum of the gradients for a neural network in pytorch?

Let's suppose I have the code below and I want to calculate the jacobian of L, which is the prediction made by a neural network in Pytorch, L is of size nx1 where n is the number of samples in a mini batch. In order to avoid a for loop for each entry of L (n entries) to calculate the jacobian for each sample in the mini batch some codes I found just sum the n predictions of the neural network (L) with respect with the inputs and then calculate the gradient of the sum. First I can't understand why is the gradient of the sum the same of the sum of the gradients for each sample in pytorch architecture. Second I tried both with the sum and with a for loop and the results diverge. Could it be due to numerical approximations or because the sum just doesn't make sense?
The code is below, where both functions belong to a nn.module:
def forward(self, x):
with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):
def function(x,t):
self.n = n = x.shape[1]//2
qqd = x.requires_grad_(True)
L = self._lagrangian(qqd).sum()
J = grad(L, qqd, create_graph=True)[0]
def _lagrangian(self, qqd):
x = F.softplus(self.fc1(qqd))
x = F.softplus(self.fc2(x))
x = F.softplus(self.fc3(x))
L = self.fc_last(x)
return L
I think it should, this is just a toy example
w = torch.tensor([2.], requires_grad=True)
x1 = torch.tensor([3.], requires_grad=True)
x2 = torch.tensor([4.], requires_grad=True)
y = w * a + w * b
y.backward() # calculate gradient
>>> w.grad

Tensorflow implementation of NT_Xent contrastive loss function?

As the title suggests, I'm trying train a model based on the SimCLR framework (seen in this paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.05709.pdf - the NT_Xent loss is stated in equation (1) and Algorithm 1).
I have managed to create a numpy version of the loss function, but this is not suitable to train the model on, as numpy arrays cannot store the required information for back propagation. I am having difficulty converting my numpy code over to Tensorflow. Here is my numpy version:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# Define the contrastive loss function, NT_Xent
def NT_Xent(zi, zj, tau=1):
""" Calculates the contrastive loss of the input data using NT_Xent. The
equation can be found in the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.05709.pdf
zi: One half of the input data, shape = (batch_size, feature_1, feature_2, ..., feature_N)
zj: Other half of the input data, must have the same shape as zi
tau: Temperature parameter (a constant), default = 1.
loss: The complete NT_Xent constrastive loss
z = np.concatenate((zi, zj), 0)
loss = 0
for k in range(zi.shape[0]):
# Numerator (compare i,j & j,i)
i = k
j = k + zi.shape[0]
sim_ij = np.squeeze(cosine_similarity(z[i].reshape(1, -1), z[j].reshape(1, -1)))
sim_ji = np.squeeze(cosine_similarity(z[j].reshape(1, -1), z[i].reshape(1, -1)))
numerator_ij = np.exp(sim_ij / tau)
numerator_ji = np.exp(sim_ji / tau)
# Denominator (compare i & j to all samples apart from themselves)
sim_ik = np.squeeze(cosine_similarity(z[i].reshape(1, -1), z[np.arange(z.shape[0]) != i]))
sim_jk = np.squeeze(cosine_similarity(z[j].reshape(1, -1), z[np.arange(z.shape[0]) != j]))
denominator_ik = np.sum(np.exp(sim_ik / tau))
denominator_jk = np.sum(np.exp(sim_jk / tau))
# Calculate individual and combined losses
loss_ij = - np.log(numerator_ij / denominator_ik)
loss_ji = - np.log(numerator_ji / denominator_jk)
loss += loss_ij + loss_ji
# Divide by the total number of samples
loss /= z.shape[0]
return loss
I am fairly confident that this function produces the correct results (albeit slowly, as I have seen other implementations of it online that were vectorised versions - such as this one for Pytorch: https://github.com/Spijkervet/SimCLR/blob/master/modules/nt_xent.py (my code produces the same result for identical inputs), but I do not see how their version is mathematically equivalent to the formula in the paper, hence why I am trying to build my own).
As a first try I have converted the numpy functions to their TF equivalents (tf.concat, tf.reshape, tf.math.exp, tf.range, etc.), but I believe my only/main problem is that sklearn's cosine_similarity function returns a numpy array, and I do not know how to build this function myself in Tensorflow. Any ideas?
I managed to figure it out myself!
I did not realise there was a Tensorflow implementation of the cosine similarity function "tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity"
Here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
# Define the contrastive loss function, NT_Xent (Tensorflow version)
def NT_Xent_tf(zi, zj, tau=1):
""" Calculates the contrastive loss of the input data using NT_Xent. The
equation can be found in the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.05709.pdf
(This is the Tensorflow implementation of the standard numpy version found
in the NT_Xent function).
zi: One half of the input data, shape = (batch_size, feature_1, feature_2, ..., feature_N)
zj: Other half of the input data, must have the same shape as zi
tau: Temperature parameter (a constant), default = 1.
loss: The complete NT_Xent constrastive loss
z = tf.cast(tf.concat((zi, zj), 0), dtype=tf.float32)
loss = 0
for k in range(zi.shape[0]):
# Numerator (compare i,j & j,i)
i = k
j = k + zi.shape[0]
# Instantiate the cosine similarity loss function
cosine_sim = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=-1, reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE)
sim = tf.squeeze(- cosine_sim(tf.reshape(z[i], (1, -1)), tf.reshape(z[j], (1, -1))))
numerator = tf.math.exp(sim / tau)
# Denominator (compare i & j to all samples apart from themselves)
sim_ik = - cosine_sim(tf.reshape(z[i], (1, -1)), z[tf.range(z.shape[0]) != i])
sim_jk = - cosine_sim(tf.reshape(z[j], (1, -1)), z[tf.range(z.shape[0]) != j])
denominator_ik = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.exp(sim_ik / tau))
denominator_jk = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.exp(sim_jk / tau))
# Calculate individual and combined losses
loss_ij = - tf.math.log(numerator / denominator_ik)
loss_ji = - tf.math.log(numerator / denominator_jk)
loss += loss_ij + loss_ji
# Divide by the total number of samples
loss /= z.shape[0]
return loss
As you can see, I have essentially just swapped out the numpy functions for the TF equivalents. One main point of note is that I had to use "reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE" within the "cosine_sim" function, this was to keep the shapes consistent in the "sim_ik" and "sim_jk", because otherwise the resulting loss did not match up with my original numpy implementation.
I also noticed that individually calculating the numerator for i,j and j,i was redundant as the answers were the same, so I have removed one instance of that calculation.
Of course if anybody has a quicker implementation I am more than happy to hear about it!
Here is a more efficient and more stable implementation. Assuming zi and zj are interlaced!
class NT_Xent(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
""" Normalized temperature-scaled CrossEntropy loss [1]
[1] T. Chen, S. Kornblith, M. Norouzi, and G. Hinton, “A simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations,” arXiv. 2020, Accessed: Jan. 15, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/google-research/simclr.
def __init__(self, tau=1, **kwargs):
self.tau = tau
self.similarity = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=-1, reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE)
self.criterion = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
def get_config(self):
return {"tau": self.tau}
def call(self, zizj):
""" zizj is [B,N] tensor with order z_i1 z_j1 z_i2 z_j2 z_i3 z_j3 ...
batch_size is twice the original batch_size
batch_size = tf.shape(zizj)[0]
mask = tf.repeat(tf.repeat(~tf.eye(batch_size/2, dtype=tf.bool), 2, axis=0), 2, axis=1)
sim = -1*self.similarity(tf.expand_dims(zizj, 1), tf.expand_dims(zizj, 0))/self.tau
sim_i_j = -1*self.similarity(zizj[0::2], zizj[1::2])/self.tau
pos = tf.reshape(tf.repeat(sim_i_j, repeats=2), (batch_size, -1))
neg = tf.reshape(sim[mask], (batch_size, -1))
logits = tf.concat((pos, neg), axis=-1)
labels = tf.one_hot(tf.zeros((batch_size,), dtype=tf.int32), depth=batch_size-1)
return self.criterion(labels, logits)
source: https://github.com/gabriel-vanzandycke/tf_layers

Vectorize for loop in python

I have a following loop where I am calculating softmax transform for batches of different sizes as below
import numpy as np
def softmax(Z,arr):
:param Z: numpy array of any shape (output from hidden layer)
:param arr: numpy array of any shape (start, end)
:return A: output of multinum_logit(Z,arr), same shape as Z
:return cache: returns Z as well, useful during back propagation
A = np.zeros(Z.shape)
for i in prange(len(arr)):
shiftx = Z[:,arr[i,1]:arr[i,2]+1] - np.max(Z[:,int(arr[i,1]):int(arr[i,2])+1])
A[:,arr[i,1]:arr[i,2]+1] = np.exp(shiftx)/np.exp(shiftx).sum()
cache = Z
return A,cache
Since this for loop is not vectorized it is the bottleneck in my code. What is a possible solution to make it faster. I have tried using #jit of numba which makes it little faster but not enough. I was wondering if there is another way to make it faster or vectorize/parallelize it.
Sample input data for the function
Z = np.random.random([1,10000])
arr = np.zeros([100,3])
arr[:,0] = 1
temp = int(Z.shape[1]/arr.shape[0])
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
arr[i,1] = i*temp
arr[i,2] = (i+1)*temp-1
arr = arr.astype(int)
I forgot to stress here that my number of class is varying. For example batch 1 has say 10 classes, batch 2 may have 15 classes. Therefore I am passing an array arr which keeps track of the which rows belong to batch1 and so on. These batches are different than the batches in traditional neural network framework
In the above example arr keeps track of starting index and end index of rows. So the denominator in the softmax function will be sum of only those observations whose index lie between the starting and ending index.
Here's a vectorized softmax function. It's the implementation of an assignment from Stanford's cs231n course on conv nets.
The function takes in optimizable parameters, input data, targets, and a regularizer. (You can ignore the regularizer as that references another class exclusive to some cs231n assignments).
It returns a loss and gradients of the parameters.
def softmax_loss_vectorized(W, X, y, reg):
Softmax loss function, vectorized version.
Inputs and outputs are the same as softmax_loss_naive.
# Initialize the loss and gradient to zero.
loss = 0.0
dW = np.zeros_like(W)
num_train = X.shape[0]
scores = X.dot(W)
shift_scores = scores - np.amax(scores,axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
softmax = np.exp(shift_scores)/np.sum(np.exp(shift_scores), axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
loss = -np.sum(np.log(softmax[range(num_train), list(y)]))
loss /= num_train
loss += 0.5* reg * np.sum(W * W)
dSoftmax = softmax.copy()
dSoftmax[range(num_train), list(y)] += -1
dW = (X.T).dot(dSoftmax)
dW = dW/num_train + reg * W
return loss, dW
For comparison's sake, here is a naive (non-vectorized) implementation of the same method.
def softmax_loss_naive(W, X, y, reg):
Softmax loss function, naive implementation (with loops)
Inputs have dimension D, there are C classes, and we operate on minibatches
of N examples.
- W: A numpy array of shape (D, C) containing weights.
- X: A numpy array of shape (N, D) containing a minibatch of data.
- y: A numpy array of shape (N,) containing training labels; y[i] = c means
that X[i] has label c, where 0 <= c < C.
- reg: (float) regularization strength
Returns a tuple of:
- loss as single float
- gradient with respect to weights W; an array of same shape as W
loss = 0.0
dW = np.zeros_like(W)
num_train = X.shape[0]
num_classes = W.shape[1]
for i in xrange(num_train):
scores = X[i].dot(W)
shift_scores = scores - max(scores)
loss_i = -shift_scores[y[i]] + np.log(sum(np.exp(shift_scores)))
loss += loss_i
for j in xrange(num_classes):
softmax = np.exp(shift_scores[j])/sum(np.exp(shift_scores))
if j==y[i]:
dW[:,j] += (-1 + softmax) * X[i]
dW[:,j] += softmax *X[i]
loss /= num_train
loss += 0.5 * reg * np.sum(W * W)
dW /= num_train + reg * W
return loss, dW

Calculate optimal input of a neural network with theano, by using gradient descent w.r.t. inputs

I have implemented and trained a neural network with Theano of k binary inputs (0,1), one hidden layer and one unit in the output layer. Once it has been trained I want to obtain inputs that maximizes the output (e.g. x which makes unit of output layer closest to 1). So far I haven't found an implementation of it, so I am trying the following approach:
Train network => obtain trained weights (theta1, theta2)
Define the neural network function with x as input and trained theta1, theta2 as fixed parameters. That is: f(x) = sigmoid( theta1*(sigmoid (theta2*x ))). This function takes x and with given trained weights (theta1, theta2) gives output between 0 and 1.
Apply gradient descent w.r.t. x on the neural network function f(x) and obtain x that maximizes f(x) with theta1 and theta2 given.
For these I have implemented the following code with a toy example (k = 2). Based on the tutorial on http://outlace.com/Beginner-Tutorial-Theano/ but changed vector y, so that there is only one combination of inputs that gives f(x) ~ 1 which is x = [0, 1].
Edit1: As suggested optimizer was set to None and bias unit was fixed to 1.
Step 1: Train neural network. This runs well and with out error.
import os
os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = "optimizer=None"
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import theano.tensor.nnet as nnet
import numpy as np
x = T.dvector()
y = T.dscalar()
def layer(x, w):
b = np.array([1], dtype=theano.config.floatX)
new_x = T.concatenate([x, b])
m = T.dot(w.T, new_x) #theta1: 3x3 * x: 3x1 = 3x1 ;;; theta2: 1x4 * 4x1
h = nnet.sigmoid(m)
return h
def grad_desc(cost, theta):
alpha = 0.1 #learning rate
return theta - (alpha * T.grad(cost, wrt=theta))
in_units = 2
hid_units = 3
out_units = 1
theta1 = theano.shared(np.array(np.random.rand(in_units + 1, hid_units), dtype=theano.config.floatX)) # randomly initialize
theta2 = theano.shared(np.array(np.random.rand(hid_units + 1, out_units), dtype=theano.config.floatX))
hid1 = layer(x, theta1) #hidden layer
out1 = T.sum(layer(hid1, theta2)) #output layer
fc = (out1 - y)**2 #cost expression
cost = theano.function(inputs=[x, y], outputs=fc, updates=[
(theta1, grad_desc(fc, theta1)),
(theta2, grad_desc(fc, theta2))])
run_forward = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=out1)
inputs = np.array([[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[0,0]]).reshape(4,2) #training data X
exp_y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) #training data Y
cur_cost = 0
for i in range(5000):
for k in range(len(inputs)):
cur_cost = cost(inputs[k], exp_y[k]) #call our Theano-compiled cost function, it will auto update weights
Output of run forward for [0,1] is: 0.968905860574.
We can also get values of weights with theta1.get_value() and theta2.get_value()
Step 2: Define neural network function f(x). Trained weights (theta1, theta2) are constant parameters of this function.
Things get a little trickier here because of the bias unit, which is part of he vector of inputs x. To do this I concatenate b and x. But the code now runs well.
b = np.array([[1]], dtype=theano.config.floatX)
#b_sh = theano.shared(np.array([[1]], dtype=theano.config.floatX))
rand_init = np.random.rand(in_units, 1)
rand_init[0] = 1
x_sh = theano.shared(np.array(rand_init, dtype=theano.config.floatX))
th1 = T.dmatrix()
th2 = T.dmatrix()
nn_hid = T.nnet.sigmoid( T.dot(th1, T.concatenate([x_sh, b])) )
nn_predict = T.sum( T.nnet.sigmoid( T.dot(th2, T.concatenate([nn_hid, b]))))
Step 3:
Problem is now in gradient descent as is not limited to values between 0 and 1.
fc2 = (nn_predict - 1)**2
cost3 = theano.function(inputs=[th1, th2], outputs=fc2, updates=[
(x_sh, grad_desc(fc2, x_sh))])
run_forward = theano.function(inputs=[th1, th2], outputs=nn_predict)
cur_cost = 0
for i in range(10000):
cur_cost = cost3(theta1.get_value().T, theta2.get_value().T) #call our Theano-compiled cost function, it will auto update weights
if i % 500 == 0: #only print the cost every 500 epochs/iterations (to save space)
print('Cost: %s' % (cur_cost,))
print x_sh.get_value()
The last iteration prints:
Cost: 0.000220317356533
[ 1.99729555]]
Furthermore input 1 keeps becoming more negative and input 2 increases, while the optimal solution is [0, 1]. How can this be fixed?
You are adding b=[1] via broadcasting rules as opposed to concatenating it. Also, once you concatenate it, your x_sh has one dimension to many which is why the error occurs at nn_predict and not nn_hid

