So within Ipython when ever I do:
import os
c = lambda x: os.system(x)
I get:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-2e6d485a2a4e> in <module>()
----> 1 c('clear')
<ipython-input-2-edd0d73bfd77> in <lambda>(x)
2 from importlib import reload
3 import os
----> 4 c = lambda x: os.system(x)
NameError: name 'os' is not defined
Out of function it works fine:
In [1]: import os
In [2]: os.system('clear')
Out[2]: 0
In normal python3 and python2 the behavior is as expected.
Any ideas as to what could be causing the peculiar problem?
I'm using Python since few days and I'm trying to learn as much as possible from it. I'm using Jupyter notebook as well. I made a python file where I code a function fib and I saved it. In the same folder I try to import that module and use the function fib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import fibo
result = fibo.fib(10)
but I get the following error message :
AttributeError: module 'fibo' has no attribute 'fib'
Could you please give me some suggestions where the problem should be? Thank you in advance.
This is the code for
# Fibonacci numbers module\n",
def fib(n): # write Fibonacci series up to n
a, b = 0, 1
while a < n:
print(a, end=' ')
a, b = b, a+b
The error I get is here:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-73202afd3146> in <module>
4 import fibo
----> 5 result = fibo.fib(10)
AttributeError: module 'fibo' has no attribute 'fib'
I tried also
from fibo import fib
And I get the following:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-b2d78eaf1dcb> in <module>
4 import fibo
5 #result = fibo.fib(10)
----> 6 from fibo import fib
ImportError: cannot import name 'fib' from 'fibo' (C:\Users\my_folder\Documents\JupyterWork\
Save the file as .py using any text editor other than jupyter notebook.
Because jupyter notebook file are stored in JSON format.
Given a django app called mattermost which has a model called Channel we can do something like this.
import mattermost
for channel in Channel.objects.all():
I'd like to be able to do something like this
import mattermost
I've tried adding with a def list(): function in the same folder as mattermost/
I'm getting the following error.
In [7]: reload(mattermost)
Out[7]: <module 'mattermost' from '/home/csmu/mipgen-django/mattermost/'>
In [8]: mattermost.channels.list
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-d4715777f4f1> in <module>()
----> 1 mattermost.channels.list
AttributeError: module 'mattermost' has no attribute 'channels'
How do you add an attribute to a django app python module?
The contents of
import mattermost
def list():
for channel in mattermost.models.Channel.objects.all():
from mattermost import channels
This resulted in:
In [1]: import mattermost
In [2]: mattermost.channels.list()
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-249466f32547> in <module>()
----> 1 mattermost.channels.list()
AttributeError: module 'mattermost' has no attribute 'channels'
In [3]: from mattermost import channels
In [4]: mattermost.channels.list()
In [5]:
which is close.
I discovered you can do this by adding the following to mattermost/__init__py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, pkgutil
__all__ = list(module for _, module, _ in
then the following works
import mattermost
from mattermost import *
which produces output for each mattermost channel.
I am quite new to writing modules in Python.
I use Python 3.5
I have a script called that contain functions that I would like to be able to call, like this one:
import shelve
def getRawData(prefix):
shelfFile ='data'+prefix)
df = shelfFile['data'+prefix]
return df
This is meant to retrieve a dataFrame from a shelve file
In my console now, I write the following statements:
In [7]:import shelve
import describeToolbox as TB
In [8]:TB.getRawData('Myprefix')
Out [8]:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-67160af666cc> in <module>()
----> 1 TB.getRawData('Myprefix')
C:\Users\Math\Documents\Docs\Commos\Notebooks\ in getRawData(prefix)
1 def getRawData(prefix):
----> 2 shelfFile ='data'+prefix)
3 df = shelfFile['data'+prefix]
4 shelfFile.close()
5 return df
NameError: name 'shelve' is not defined
It gives me an error message saying that the module 'shelve', the dependency, is not defined.
Basically I dont know where is the correct place to import all the dependencies so that my function can load them when I want to import it.
I would like to write a depository of functions I use often in one module and call them when needed.
Thank you for your help!
Hi I'm having trouble importing classes and variables into python files from other python files. Functions work fine.
As a test, I set up file1 with a function, a class, an assigned instance of the class, and a random variable. I then used various methods in file2:
import file1
from file1 import *
error: 'name not defined'
from file1 import variable,class,instance,etc
error: cannot import name Class
4+. And then doing some other things...
creating a file
or then trying to set directory:
import os
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Function imports fine, but can't figure this one out with the classes and variables no matter what I'm looking up.
def happy():
print "yo!"
class Tap(object):
def __init__(self,level):
self.level = level
level4 = Tap(4)
x = 14
%run "/Users/mardersteina/Documents/"
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/mardersteina/Documents/ in <module>()
1 import Untitled7
----> 3 print Untitled7.x
4 """
5 from Untitled7 import Tap
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'x'
%run "/Users/mardersteina/Documents/"
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/mardersteina/Documents/ in <module>()
4 print Untitled7.x
5 """
----> 6 from Untitled7 import Tap
8 print Tap(4).level
ImportError: cannot import name Tap
%run "/Users/mardersteina/Documents/"
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/mardersteina/Documents/ in <module>()
11 from Untitled7 import *
---> 13 print level4.level
NameError: name 'level4' is not defined
I can see that you are running the file from an open console .
Most probably the issue is that you had imported the previously when it only had one function . When you do that Python caches the module in sys.modules .
So if you try to import it in same session again, you would get the cached version from sys.modules , and that would be the reason any changes to the Untitled7 you did after importing it once are not visible.
To fix this issue, you can reload the module -
In Python 3.x , use importlib.reload() to reload the module (to take in new changes) , Example -
import importlib
In Python 2.x , use reload() method -
Or you can also close the python terminal and reopen it, and it should fix the issue.
I have two scripts and They are something like this
import numpy as np
from nest import *
def make_source():
#rest of the code
def detect():
Nest = nest()
if __name__=='main':
import numpy as np
from sources import *
class nest(object):
def _init_(self):
self.source = make_source()
def fit(self):
#rest of the code
When I run the script like python It works fine.
But in the Ipython notebook environment if I do the following
In [1]: from sources import *
In [2]: detect()
I am getting the following error
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-e9c378341590> in <module>()
----> detect()
C:\sources.pyc in detect()
--> 7 Nest = nest()
C:\nest.pyc in _init_()
--> 7 self.source = make_source()
NameError: global name 'make_source' is not defined
I am confused about why this is occurring. Can you give me an insight on how it is different in both cases and how to solve this ?
The thing is that there is a difference between
import something
from something import *
concerning namespaces.
If you have recursive imports its better to never do "from something import *" or "import something as someotherthing"
You get a full explanation here:
Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python