django admin returns 403 csrf error - python

I am producing a django/angular project. Django being the backend administration and Angular being the frontend/public display. I have created a Django 1.11 app and loaded all files, installed dependencies, etc. Locally, the site works fine and as expected. Also, since forms will be Angular js I commented out the django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware in my which I thought would disable the csrf token even being needed, but apparently not.
After setting up server and installing files the admin login page appears but I get the following error when I try and login:
Forbidden (CSRF token missing or incorrect.): /admin/login/
Any ideas on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

You can't commented out the 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware' in your, The CSRF middleware provides easy-to-use protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries. Since you are using Augualr js instead of django forms and views, you can set the csrftoken cookie in your browser cookies. Check this for detail:


How to fetch a csrftoken from a django server?

I'm reconfiguring my CDN and I want to begin caching pages that use csrf tokens for form submission. Currently, I'm submitting the csrf token with javascript in a post request with:['X-CSRFToken'] = getCookie('csrftoken')
This works pretty well locally and allowed me to remove the csrf tokens from the templates.
This obviously will not work if I'm accessing cached pages from the CDN. So is it possible for me to fetch a csrf token from the server using Axios and subsequently set it in a post request? If so how do I do this?
An alternative approach would be to disable csrf which I tried already but I couldn't fully disable it. If you are signed into admin csrf protection is automatically enabled even on your frontend forms, I couldn't figure out how to remove this not sure if it's a wagtail or django thing.
I'm using Django 2.2 + Wagtail 2.11.

Page not found on Django - Empty paths

I'm trying to run this library. I downloaded and copied it on my desktop, then i tried to run it using:
py -3.7 runserver
I got:
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
But when i go to that url i keep getting this error:
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Using the URLconf defined in django_google_authenticator.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
The empty path didn't match any of these.
I don't understand what's wrong, can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
I think thats the normal behavour of Django, as you can see it is saying that your path didn't match any of the configured ones, like admin, so why don't you try access Django Admin login page.
If you want to see something different from a 404 with the base url you need to configure your urls and maybe add a redirect view, in that way when the base url is use it will redirect to your admin or other preferred page.

How to include Django CSRF token in request through ngrok?

I am building a Django app that will be hosted on a local network and perform authentication using Facebook Login. Since Facebook Login requires the callback address for a login to either be localhost or publicly-addressable, I'm using ngrok to create an address for Facebook to return data to.
After the user logs in with Facebook, I perform a POST with AJAX from the template with their data to a local view (/fb_login) which saves to my database in Django. Since authentication is based on this database, I don't think it's wise to avoid the CSRF checks Django performs on this view.
To include the CSRF token in the POST to /fb_login, I'm using the following which a few forums suggested:
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
if (!(/^http:.*/.test(settings.url) || /^https:.*/.test(settings.url))) {
// Only send the token to relative URLs i.e. locally.
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));
This should only include the CSRF token to relative URLs (which I understand to be the best practice). When I run the server on localhost and perform the Facebook Login from the same machine, this works fine. However, when I run the system on localhost and access it through ngrok from another machine on the local network and perform the Facebook Login, I get a 403 and a message saying the CSRF check failed. This leads me to believe that the ngrok URL isn't considered "local", so the CSRF token isn't being set.
Assuming I know what my ngrok URL is at the time my Django server starts, can I include it in what's considered a "local" address for the purposes of including the CSRF token? Is there another way to do this securely? As a note, web development is not my area, so please let me know if I'm misunderstanding something here. Thanks!

Django_hosts Not Working With Django's Default Authentication

I'm using this package called django_hosts to re-route urls for some apps.
Everything is working fine except for the fact that django_hosts is not working with Django Authentication.
I hosted this url, so on this page with the url, I want users to add post but before doing that you must be authenticated. So after I logged in, I still can't submit post via the form talkless of posting. But when I go back to, it shows that I'm logged in but is telling me otherwise.
How do I make django authentication work with this package?
The problem is that the authentication token is hooked to the domain. Using Django's default configuration, the can't access the auth token.
You can change this behaviour by setting the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN configuration in your module:
But not too fast! Do it carefully, otherwise you can break your application:
Be cautious when updating this setting on a production site. If you
update this setting to enable cross-domain cookies on a site that
previously used standard domain cookies, existing user cookies will be
set to the old domain. This may result in them being unable to log in
as long as these cookies persist.
More info on the official documentation.

Django: Django-userena csrf 404 error

I have just migrated after having django-registration to Django-userena just because it is more maintained and after setting everything up and I try to make a test account, I am prompted with the following 403 message:
Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed.
CSRF token missing or incorrect.
Any ideas on how to fix this or where I can find the files to Django-userena to investigate?
Any help would be nice.
make sure that you have {% csrf_token %} inside the <form></form> tags, in template where user creation form located.
if you are using virtualenv, files to Django-userena should be in
{your environment}/lib/python*/site-packages/userena

