I'm stuck in the creating of a Board game in python - python

I have an excercise to do and I'm stuck. It's the board game Alak, not much known, that I have to code in python. I can link the execrcise with the rules so you can help me better. The code has the main part and the library with all the procedures and function.
from Library_alak import *
n = 0
while n < 1:
n = int(input('Saisir nombre de case strictement positif : '))
loop = True
player = 1
player2 = 2
removed = [-1]
board = newboard(n)
display(board, n)
while loop:
i = select(board, n, player, removed)
board = put(board, player, i)
display(board, n)
capture(board, n, player, player2)
loop = True if again(board, n, player, removed) is True else False
if player == 1 and loop:
player, player2 = 2, 1
elif player == 2 and loop:
player, player2 = 1, 2
win(board, n)
print(win(board, n))
And here is the library:
def newboard(n):
board = ([0] * n)
return board
def display(board, n):
for i in range(n):
if board[i] == 1:
print('X', end=' ')
elif board[i] == 2:
print('O', end=' ')
print(' . ', end=' ')
def capture(board, n, player, player2):
for place in range(n):
if place == player:
place_beginning = place
while board[place] != player:
place_end = place
if board[place + x] == player:
return board
return board
def again(board, n, player, removed):
for p in board(0):
if p == 0:
if p not in removed:
return True
return False
def possible(n, removed, player, i, board):
for p in range(n + 1):
if p == 1:
if board[p-1] == 0:
if p not in removed:
return True
return False
def win(board, n):
piecesp1 = 0
piecesp2 = 0
for i in board(0):
if i == 1:
piecesp1 += 1
piecesp2 += 1
if piecesp1 > piecesp2:
print('Victory : Player 1')
elif piecesp2 > piecesp1:
print('Victory : Player 2')
return 'Equality'
def select(board, n, player, removed):
loop = True
while loop:
print('player', player)
i = int(input('Enter number of boxes : '))
loop = False if possible(n, removed, player, i, board)is True else True
return i
def put(board, player, i):
i -= 1
if board[i] == 0:
if player == 1:
board[i] = 1
return board
board[i] = 2
return board
put(board, player, i)
So my problems here are that I have few errors, the first one is that when I enter the number '1' when asked to enter a number of boxes ( which is the place to play on ) nothing happens. Then when entering any other number, either the error is : if board[place + x] == player:
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
or there seems to be a problem with the : if board[place + x] == player:
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
I would appreciate a lot if anyone could help me. I'm conscious that it might not be as detailed as it should be and that you maybe don't get it all but you can contact me for more.
Rules of the Alak game:
Black and white take turns placing stones on the line. Unlike Go, this placement is compulsory if a move is available; if no move is possible, the game is over.
No stone may be placed in a location occupied by another stone, or in a location where a stone of your own colour has just been removed. The latter condition keeps the game from entering a neverending loop of stone placement and capture, known in Go as ko.
If placing a stone causes one or two groups of enemy stones to no longer have any adjacent empty spaces--liberties, as in Go--then those stones are removed. As the above rule states, the opponent may not play in those locations on their following turn.
If placing a stone causes one or two groups of your own colour to no longer have any liberties, the stones are not suicided, but instead are safe and not removed from play.

You shouldn't use "player2" as a variable, there's an easier way, just use "player" which take the value 1 or 2 according to the player. You know, something like that : player = 1 if x%2==0 else 2
and x is just a increasing int from 0 until the end of the game.


Python tic tac toe program closes on "3 1" input

My problem: Python tab closes on "3 1" input.
This code is heavily inspired by Hafeezul Kareem Shaik's tic-tac-toe game on geekflare.
My code:
import random
class TicTacToe:
def __init__(self):
self.board = []
def create_board(self):
for r0w in range(3):
row = []
for c0l in range(3):
def get_random_first_player(self):
return random.randint(0,1)
def fix_spot(self, row, col, player):
self.board[row][col] = player
def is_player_win(self, player):
win = None
n = len(self.board)
#checking rows
for r0w in range(n):
win = True
for c0l in range(n):
if self.board[r0w][c0l] != player:
win = False
if win:
return win
#checking columns
for r0w in range(n):
win = True
for c0l in range(n):
if self.board[c0l][r0w] != player:
win = False
if win:
return win
#checking diagonals
win = True
for i in range (n):
if self.board[i][i] != player:
win = False
if win:
return win
win = True
for i in range(n):
if self.board[r0w][n - 1 - r0w] != player:
win = False
if win:
return win
return False
for row in self.board:
for item in row:
if item == '-':
return False
return True
def is_board_filled(self):
for row in self.board:
for item in row:
if item == "-":
return False
return True
def swap_player_turn(self, player):
return 'X' if player =='O' else 'O'
def show_board(self):
for row in self.board:
for item in row:
print(item, end=" ")
def start(self):
player = 'X' if self.get_random_first_player() == 1 else 'O'
while True:
print(f"Player {player} turn")
# user input
row, col = list(
map(int, input("Enter row and column numbers to fix spot: ").split()))
#fixing spot
self.fix_spot(row - 1, col - 1, player)
#has current player won
if self.is_player_win(player):
print(f"{player} Wins!")
#is game a draw
if self.is_board_filled():
#swapping turn
player = self.swap_player_turn(player)
#final board
tic_tac_toe = TicTacToe()
The Tic_Tac-Toe Game worked up until I typed "3 1". I tested multiple games and it would always close after that input.
I have tried editing the scope of the following, as I believe that is what is causing it to malfunction
if win:
return win
return False
Unfortunately that has not fixed the problem. Any ideas or suggestions?
This code is so badly written that I wouldn't take it as an example for anything.
But if you really want to know why it ends on 3 1 as input, you should look here:
win = True
for i in range(n):
if self.board[r0w][n - 1 - r0w] != player:
win = False
if win:
return win
return False
Here r0w is not reset, it has the last value from the for loop, which is 2, and it's not changing in the loop, so there's only one check made, which is 3 1, translated to 2 0, which is the current player, so that's an instant win.
I assume this was supposed to be a loop to check the other diagonal, but it's clearly flawed.

List value being overwritten even though I am checking for it

I'm new to python and writing my first project. I'm trying to implement a check that if a space is already occupied, not to move there. I can't seem to figure out why my move_player method overwrites the index value of the board even though I am explicitly checking it (If it is O's turn and X has already been placed in the index O is trying to move to, it just overwrites it). I have tried hard coding the check for 'X' and 'O' instead of player.player as well but can't seem to figure it out. Does it have to do something with how Python works or am I implementing it wrong?
class Player:
def __init__(self, player):
self.player = player
class Board:
def __init__(self):
self.board = [[' ' for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
def display_board(self):
for row in self.board:
print('| ', end='')
for col in row:
print(f'{col} ', end='')
def move_player(self, player):
p1 = Player('X')
p2 = Player('O')
coordinates = [int(i) for i in input("Enter coordinates for move: ").split()]
xCoordinate = coordinates[0]
yCoordinate = coordinates[1]
if ((self.board[xCoordinate][yCoordinate] == p1.player) or
(self.board[xCoordinate][yCoordinate] == p2.player)):
print("That space is occupied, please choose another one.")
self.board[xCoordinate - 1][yCoordinate - 1] = player.player
except (ValueError, IndexError):
print("Please only enter numbers between 1 and 3.")
def has_won(self, player):
if self.check_diagonal(player):
return True
elif self.check_across(player):
return True
elif self.check_down(player):
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
board = Board()
player1 = Player('X')
player2 = Player('O')
player = player1
while True:
if board.has_won(player):
print(f'{player.player} wins!!!')
if player == player1:
player = player2
player = player1
The code is very convoluted but from what I can see:
if ((self.board[xCoordinate][yCoordinate] == p1.player) or
(self.board[xCoordinate][yCoordinate] == p2.player)):
self.board[xCoordinate - 1][yCoordinate - 1] = player.player
You are checking [x,y] but assigning to [x-1,y-1].

MCTS Agent making bad decisions on Tic-Tac-Toe

I've been working on a MCTS AI for a couple days now. I tried to implement it on Tic-Tac-Toe, the least complex game I could think of, but for some reason, my AI keeps making bad decisions. I've tried change the values of UCB1's exploration constant, the number of iterations per search, and even the points awarded to winning, losing, and getting to tie the game (trying to make a tie more rewarding, as this AI only plays second, and try to get a draw, win otherwise). As of now, the code looks like this:
import random
import math
import copy
class tree:
def __init__(self, board):
self.board = board
self.visits = 0
self.score = 0
self.children = []
class mcts:
def search(self, mx, player,):
root = tree(mx)
for i in range(1200):
leaf = mcts.expand(self, root.board, player, root)
result = mcts.rollout(self, leaf)
mcts.backpropagate(self, leaf, root, result)
return mcts.best_child(self, root).board
def expand(self, mx, player, root):
plays = mcts.generate_states(self, mx, player) #all possible plays
if root.visits == 0:
for j in plays:
root.children.append(j) #create child_nodes in case they havent been created yet
for j in root.children:
if j.visits == 0:
return j #first iterations of the loop
for j in plays:
if mcts.final(self, j.board, player):
return j
return mcts.best_child(self, root) #choose the one with most potential
def rollout(self, leaf):
mx = leaf.board
aux = 1
while mcts.final(self, mx, "O") != True:
if aux == 1: # "X" playing
possible_states = []
possible_nodes = mcts.generate_states(self, mx, "X")
for i in possible_nodes:
if len(possible_states) == 1: mx = possible_states[0]
choice = random.randrange(0, len(possible_states) - 1)
mx = possible_states[choice]
if mcts.final(self, mx, "X"): #The play by "X" finished the game
elif aux == 0: # "O" playing
possible_states = []
possible_nodes = mcts.generate_states(self, mx, "O")
for i in possible_nodes:
if len(possible_states) == 1: mx = possible_states[0]
choice = random.randrange(0, len(possible_states) - 1)
mx = possible_states[choice]
aux += 1
aux = aux%2
if mcts.final(self, mx, "X"):
for i in range(len(mx)):
for k in range(len(mx[i])):
if mx[i][k] == "-":
return -1 #loss
return 0 #tie
elif mcts.final(self, mx, "O"):
for i in range(len(mx)):
for k in range(len(mx[i])):
if mx[i][k] == "-":
return 1 #win
def backpropagate(self, leaf, root, result): # updating our prospects stats
leaf.score += result
leaf.visits += 1
root.visits += 1
def generate_states(self, mx, player):
possible_states = [] #generate child_nodes
for i in range(len(mx)):
for k in range(len(mx[i])):
if mx[i][k] == "-":
option = copy.deepcopy(mx)
option[i][k] = player
child_node = tree(option)
return possible_states
def final(self,mx, player): #check if game is won
possible_draw = True
win = False
for i in mx: #lines
if i == [player, player, player]:
win = True
possible_draw = False
if mx[0][0] == player: #diagonals
if mx[1][1] == player:
if mx[2][2] == player:
win = True
possible_draw = False
if mx[0][2] == player:
if mx[1][1] == player:
if mx[2][0] == player:
win = True
possible_draw = False
for i in range(3): #columns
if mx[0][i] == player and mx[1][i] == player and mx[2][i] == player:
win = True
possible_draw = False
for i in range(3):
for k in range(3):
if mx[i][k] == "-":
possible_draw = False
if possible_draw:
return possible_draw
return win
def calculate_score(self, score, child_visits, parent_visits, c): #UCB1
return score / child_visits + c * math.sqrt(math.log(parent_visits) / child_visits)
def best_child(self, root): #returns most promising node
treshold = -1*10**6
for j in root.children:
potential = mcts.calculate_score(self, j.score, j.visits, root.visits, 2)
if potential > treshold:
win_choice = j
treshold = potential
return win_choice
#todo the AI takes too long for each play, optimize that by finding the optimal approach in the rollout phase
First off, the purpose of this AI is to return an altered matrix, with the best play he could make in that circunstance. I find myself questioning if the MCTS algorithm is the reason behind all these broken plays, due to some possible mistakes in its implementation. With that said, in my eyes, the code does the following:
Check if the root already has its children, in case it has, choose the most promising.
Rollout a random simulation and save the result.
Update the leaf's score, its number of visits and the root's number of visits.
Repeat for 1200 iterations, in my example
Return the best move (matrix, child_node) possible.
Why is it not working? Why is it choosing bad plays instead of the optimal one? Is the algorithm wrongly implemented?
My mistake was choosing the node with the most visits in the expansion phase, when it should have been the one with the most potential according to the UCB1 formula. I also had some errors when it came to implementing some if clauses, as all the losses weren't being counted.

Program will not stop when the conditions are passed

I'm writing a sum up game where two players will take turns picking a random number in the range (1,9), no repeated number allowed. If the first player picks [7, 2, 3, 5], he will win because 7+3+5 = 15
So my question is why doesn't the program stop when first_player has a sum of inputs that == 15
Below is the readme file
The game doesn't stop when first player's inputs equal 15 because you ask for second player's input regardless of whether the first player won. You can see this in your testing code, where you have two while statements for each player's input. If you complete that round with second player's input, your program works and stops there. To stop when a player wins on input, just add the conditional check to break out of main loop before asking for next player's input.
Your script is too verbose. If you made it more dynamic, with reusable logic, it becomes much easier to work with. I rewrote your game as an example.
All the game states are reused in fstrings, as dict keys, and even to represent the player
The game loop (update()) represents a single turn, and the player that turn corresponds to is toggled at the end of the loop
make_move also represents one turn
the entire game is contained in the class
reset() is used to clear the window, reset all the game properties, and start the loop, but the very first time it is called it acts as an initializer for all of the game properties.
There is never going to be an instance where both players have 15 points
import os
UNFINISHED = "unfinished"
DRAW = "draw"
FIRST_WON = "First"
SECOND_WON = "Second"
CLEAR = lambda: os.system('cls') #windows only
class AddThreeGame:
def current_state(self):
return self.__state
def player(self):
return self.__rotation[self.__player]
def __init__(self):
self.__rotation = [FIRST_WON, SECOND_WON]
self.__states = {
UNFINISHED:'We have unfinished business, come back for more\n',
DRAW:'Draw game\n',
FIRST_WON:'First player won this game!!!\n',
SECOND_WON:'Second player won this game!!!\n',
def make_move(self, player, number):
if number not in range(1, 10) or number in self.__input:
return False
if len(self.__players[self.player]) >= 3:
L = self.__players[self.player]
for i in range(0, len(L)-2):
for j in range(i+1, len(L)-1):
for k in range(j+1, len(L)):
if (L[i] + L[j] + L[k]) == 15:
self.__state = player
return True
if len(self.__input) == 9:
self.__state = DRAW
return True
def update(self):
while True:
num = int(input(f'{self.player} player please enter a number from 1 to 9: '))
while True:
if self.make_move(self.player, num):
num = int(input("Wrong input, please try a different number: "))
if self.current_state == UNFINISHED:
if self.__player == 1: #technically, this is player 2
#next player
self.__player = (self.__player + 1) % 2
if input('Play Again? (y or n): ') == 'y':
def reset(self):
self.__player = 0
self.__input = []
self.__state = UNFINISHED
self.__players = {
if __name__ == '__main__':

Python: Trying to program a variant of connect four: Winning condition doesn't stop

I have been trying to program a variant of connect four for my programming class. The board is 6x8 in size. In the variant I'm trying to program, the winning condition is to essentially build an L.
This means any construction of the form
is a winning condition.
I have been trying to make a function that checks every single column for the same symbol consecutively to build a pair. And a function to do the same for every row. With these two functions I would then check if 2 pairs are consecutive, because no matter how you combine a vertical and horizontal pair, it will always build an 'L'.
To make a clear board I'm using
def ClearBoardSingle():
global Board
Board = [['0' for i in range(8)] for i in range(6)]
And for my interface I'm using
def BoardPrint():
global Board
global GameMoves
global PlayerTurn
global Player1Symbol
global Player2Symbol
print('\n\nMoves done: ' + str(GameMoves))
print('To Restart: R | To Quit: Q')
print('Valid choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8')
if PlayerTurn == 0:
print('It\'s ' +str(Player1Symbol) + '\'s Turn')
if PlayerTurn == 1:
print('It\'s ' +str(Player2Symbol) + '\'s Turn')
I already figured out how to change Variables inside the Board, and I'm pretty much done. The only thing I don't know how to implement is the winning condition. I tried this function for the Rows:
def VerticalList(Column):
global Board
global Choice
global Row0
Column = int(Column)
Choice = int(Choice)
print(Column,' C')
while Column > 0:
for Board[Column][Choice] in range(Column):
if Column ==6 or Column == -1:
if Column ==0:
if Column == 0:
Column += 1
while Column < 5:
Column +=1
if Row0[Column] == Row0[Column-1]:
print('No Pair')
But it enters an endless Loop.
I have no ideas anymore on how to implement the winning condition. I'd appreciate any kind of help or ideas. If you want me to post the whole code or other kinds of snippets, ask for them.
Thank you in anticipation!
Cool problem, below looks like a lot of code, but it's not really. I haven't checked this extensively, so I'm not confident that it doesn't find false positives, but it seems to find L's that it should be finding. The main thing I did was use itertools.combinations to take all 4-sized groups of the positions of X's and then check if they looked like patterns I was expecting for L's. In check_four_group I look at the differences within the row and columns.
from itertools import combinations
def disp_board(board):
for row in board:
def check_winning(board):
winning = False
#Find all row,col positions of the X's
x_poses = [(i,j) for i in range(6) for j in range(8) if board[i][j] == 'X']
#Loop through every combination of four X's since it takes four to make the 'L'
for group in combinations(x_poses,4):
winning = True
return winning
def check_four_group(group):
rows,cols = zip(*[(r,c) for r,c in group])
row_diffs = [rows[i+1]-rows[i] for i in range(len(rows)-1)]
col_diffs = [cols[i+1]-cols[i] for i in range(len(cols)-1)]
#Uncomment this to print the row and col diffs
# Finds:
# X
# X
# X X
if row_diffs == [1,1,0] and col_diffs == [0,0,1]:
return True
# Finds:
# X
# X
# X X
elif row_diffs == [1,1,0] and col_diffs == [0,-1,1]:
return True
# Finds:
# X X
# X
# X
elif row_diffs == [0,1,1] and col_diffs == [1,0,0]:
return True
# Finds:
# X X
# X
# X
elif row_diffs == [0,1,1] and col_diffs == [1,-1,0]:
return True
# Otherwise it's not there at all (not thinking about horizontal L's but could add that)
return False
#Test case 1
def test_case_1():
board = [['0' for i in range(8)] for i in range(6)]
board[2][1] = 'X'
board[2][2] = 'X'
board[3][1] = 'X'
board[4][1] = 'X'
return board
#Test case 2
def test_case_2():
board = [['0' for i in range(8)] for i in range(6)]
board[2][1] = 'X'
board[2][0] = 'X'
board[3][1] = 'X'
board[4][1] = 'X'
return board
#Test case 3
def test_case_3():
board = [['0' for i in range(8)] for i in range(6)]
board[1][0] = 'X'
board[2][0] = 'X'
board[3][0] = 'X'
board[3][1] = 'X'
return board
#Test case 4
def test_case_4():
board = [['0' for i in range(8)] for i in range(6)]
board[1][2] = 'X'
board[2][2] = 'X'
board[3][2] = 'X'
board[3][1] = 'X'
return board
#Start of program#
board = test_case_1()
#board = test_case_2()
#board = test_case_3()
#board = test_case_4()
if check_winning(board):
print('Keep playing')

