Keras variable length input for regression - python

I am trying to develop a neural network using Keras and TensorFlow, which should be able to take variable length arrays as input and give either some single value (see the toy example below) or classify them (that a problem for later and will not be touched in this question).
The idea is fairly simple.
We have variable length arrays. I am currently using very simple toy data, which is generated by the following code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from keras import models as kem
from keras import activations as kea
from keras import layers as kel
from keras import regularizers as ker
from keras import optimizers as keo
from keras import losses as kelo
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
n = 100
x = pd.DataFrame(columns=['data','res'])
mms = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1,1))
for i in range(n):
k = np.random.randint(20,100)
ss = np.random.randint(0,100,size=k)
idres = np.sum(ss[np.arange(0,k,2)])-np.sum(ss[np.arange(1,k,2)])
x.loc[i,'data'] = ss
x.loc[i,'res'] = idres
x.res = mms.fit_transform(x.res)
x_train,x_test,y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,x.res,test_size=0.2)
x_train = sliding_window(x_train.as_matrix(),2,2)
x_test = sliding_window(x_test.as_matrix(),2,2)
To put it simple, I generate arrays with random length and the result (output) for each array is sum of even elements - sum of odd elements. Obviously, it can be negative and positive. The output then scaled to the range [-1,1] to fit with tanh activation function.
The Sequential model is generated as following:
model = kem.Sequential()
sgd = keo.SGD(lr=0.1)
mseloss = kelo.mean_squared_error
And the training of the model is doing in the following way:
def calcMSE(model,x_test,y_test):
nTest = len(x_test)
sum = 0
for i in range(nTest):
restest = model.predict(np.reshape(x_test[i],(1,-1,2)))
return sum/nTest
i = 1
mse = calcMSE(model,x_test,np.reshape(y_test.values,(1,-1)))
lrPar = 0
lrSteps = 30
while mse>0.04:
print("Epoch %i" % (i))
for j in range(len(x_train)):
mse = calcMSE(model,x_test,np.reshape(y_test.values,(1,-1)))
The problem is that optimiser gets stuck usually around MSE=0.05 (on test set). Last time I tested, it actually stuck around MSE=0.12 (on test data).
Moreover, if you will look at what the model gives on test data (left column) in comparison with the correct output (right column):
[[-0.11888303]] 0.574923547401
[[-0.17038491]] -0.452599388379
[[-0.20098214]] 0.065749235474
[[-0.22307695]] -0.437308868502
[[-0.2218809]] 0.371559633028
[[-0.2218741]] 0.039755351682
[[-0.22247596]] -0.434250764526
[[-0.17094387]] -0.151376146789
[[-0.17089397]] -0.175840978593
[[-0.16988073]] 0.025993883792
[[-0.16984619]] -0.117737003058
[[-0.17087571]] -0.515290519878
[[-0.21933308]] -0.366972477064
[[-0.09379648]] -0.178899082569
[[-0.17016701]] -0.333333333333
[[-0.17022927]] -0.195718654434
[[-0.11681376]] 0.452599388379
[[-0.21438009]] 0.224770642202
[[-0.12475857]] 0.151376146789
[[-0.2225963]] -0.380733944954
And on training set the same is:
[[-0.22209576]] -0.00764525993884
[[-0.17096499]] -0.247706422018
[[-0.22228305]] 0.276758409786
[[-0.16986915]] 0.340978593272
[[-0.16994311]] -0.233944954128
[[-0.22131597]] -0.345565749235
[[-0.17088912]] -0.145259938838
[[-0.22250554]] -0.792048929664
[[-0.17097935]] 0.119266055046
[[-0.17087702]] -0.2874617737
[[-0.1167363]] -0.0045871559633
[[-0.08695849]] 0.159021406728
[[-0.17082921]] 0.374617737003
[[-0.15422876]] -0.110091743119
[[-0.22185338]] -0.7125382263
[[-0.17069265]] -0.678899082569
[[-0.16963181]] -0.00611620795107
[[-0.17089556]] -0.249235474006
[[-0.17073657]] -0.414373088685
[[-0.17089497]] -0.351681957187
[[-0.17138508]] -0.0917431192661
[[-0.22351067]] 0.11620795107
[[-0.17079701]] -0.0795107033639
[[-0.22246087]] 0.22629969419
[[-0.17044055]] 1.0
[[-0.17090379]] -0.0902140672783
[[-0.23420531]] -0.0366972477064
[[-0.2155242]] 0.0366972477064
[[-0.22192241]] -0.675840978593
[[-0.22220723]] -0.354740061162
[[-0.1671907]] -0.10244648318
[[-0.22705412]] 0.0443425076453
[[-0.22943887]] -0.249235474006
[[-0.21681401]] 0.065749235474
[[-0.12495813]] 0.466360856269
[[-0.17085686]] 0.316513761468
[[-0.17092516]] 0.0275229357798
[[-0.17277785]] -0.325688073394
[[-0.22193027]] 0.139143730887
[[-0.17088208]] 0.422018348624
[[-0.17093034]] -0.0886850152905
[[-0.17091317]] -0.464831804281
[[-0.22241674]] -0.707951070336
[[-0.1735626]] -0.337920489297
[[-0.16984227]] 0.00764525993884
[[-0.16756304]] 0.515290519878
[[-0.22193302]] -0.414373088685
[[-0.22419722]] -0.351681957187
[[-0.11561158]] 0.17125382263
[[-0.16640976]] -0.321100917431
[[-0.21557514]] -0.313455657492
[[-0.22241823]] -0.117737003058
[[-0.22165506]] -0.646788990826
[[-0.22238114]] -0.261467889908
[[-0.1709189]] 0.0902140672783
[[-0.17698884]] -0.626911314985
[[-0.16984172]] 0.587155963303
[[-0.22226149]] -0.590214067278
[[-0.16950315]] -0.469418960245
[[-0.22180589]] -0.133027522936
[[-0.2224243]] -1.0
[[-0.22236891]] 0.152905198777
[[-0.17089345]] 0.435779816514
[[-0.17422611]] -0.233944954128
[[-0.17177556]] -0.324159021407
[[-0.21572633]] -0.347094801223
[[-0.21509495]] -0.646788990826
[[-0.17086846]] -0.34250764526
[[-0.17595944]] -0.496941896024
[[-0.16803505]] -0.382262996942
[[-0.16983894]] -0.348623853211
[[-0.17078683]] 0.363914373089
[[-0.21560851]] -0.186544342508
[[-0.22416025]] -0.374617737003
[[-0.1723443]] -0.186544342508
[[-0.16319042]] -0.0122324159021
[[-0.18837349]] -0.181957186544
[[-0.17371364]] -0.539755351682
[[-0.22232121]] -0.529051987768
[[-0.22187822]] -0.149847094801
As you can see, model output is actually all quite close to each other unlike the training set, where variability is much bigger (although, I should admit, that negative values are dominants in both training and test set.
What am I doing wrong here? Why training gets stuck or is it normal process and I should leave it for much longer (I was doing several hudreds epochs couple of times and still stay stuck). I also tried to use variable learning rate (used, for example, cosine annealing with restarts (as in I. Loshchilov and F. Hutter. Sgdr: Stochastic gradient descent with restarts.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03983, 2016.)
I would appreciate any suggestions both from network structure and training approach and from coding/detailed sides.
Thank you very much in advance for help.


Neural network versus random forest performance discrepancy

I want to run some experiments with neural networks using PyTorch, so I tried a simple one as a warm-up exercise, and I cannot quite make sense of the results.
The exercise attempts to predict the rating of 1000 TPTP problems from various statistics about the problems such as number of variables, maximum clause length etc. Data file is quite straightforward, 1000 rows, the final column is the rating, started off with some tens of input columns, with all the numbers scaled to the range 0-1, I progressively deleted features to see if the result still held, and it does, all the way down to one input column; the others are in previous versions in Git history.
I started off using separate training and test sets, but have set aside the test set for the moment, because the question about whether training performance generalizes to testing, doesn't arise until training performance has been obtained in the first place.
Simple linear regression on this data set has a mean squared error of about 0.14.
I implemented a simple feedforward neural network, code in and copied below, that after a couple hundred training epochs, also has an mean squared error of 0.14.
So I tried changing the number of hidden layers from 1 to 2 to 3, using a few different optimizers, tweaking the learning rate, switching the activation functions from relu to tanh to a mixture of both, increasing the number of epochs to 5000, increasing the number of hidden units to 1000. At this point, it should easily have had the ability to just memorize the entire data set. (At this point I'm not concerned about overfitting. I'm just trying to get the mean squared error on training data to be something other than 0.14.) Nothing made any difference. Still 0.14. I would say it must be stuck in a local optimum, but that's not supposed to happen when you've got a couple million weights; it's supposed to be practically impossible to be in a local optimum for all parameters simultaneously. And I do get slightly different sequences of numbers on each run. But it always converges to 0.14.
Now the obvious conclusion would be that 0.14 is as good as it gets for this problem, except that it stays the same even when the network has enough memory to just memorize all the data. But the clincher is that I also tried a random forest,
... and the random forest has a mean squared error of 0.01 on the original data set, degrading gracefully as features are deleted, still 0.05 on the data with just one feature.
Nowhere in the lore of machine learning is it said 'random forests vastly outperform neural nets', so I'm presumably doing something wrong, but I can't see what it is. Maybe it's something as simple as just missing a flag or something you need to set in PyTorch. I would appreciate it if someone could take a look.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# data
df = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
# separate the output column
y_name = df.columns[-1]
y_df = df[y_name]
X_df = df.drop(y_name, axis=1)
# numpy arrays
X_ar = np.array(X_df, dtype=np.float32)
y_ar = np.array(y_df, dtype=np.float32)
# torch tensors
X_tensor = torch.from_numpy(X_ar)
y_tensor = torch.from_numpy(y_ar)
# hyperparameters
in_features = X_ar.shape[1]
hidden_size = 100
out_features = 1
epochs = 500
# model
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.L0 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_size)
self.N0 = nn.ReLU()
self.L1 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)
self.N1 = nn.Tanh()
self.L2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)
self.N2 = nn.ReLU()
self.L3 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.L0(x)
x = self.N0(x)
x = self.L1(x)
x = self.N1(x)
x = self.L2(x)
x = self.N2(x)
x = self.L3(x)
return x
model = Net(hidden_size)
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
# train
for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
# forward
output = model(X_tensor)
cost = criterion(output, y_tensor)
# backward
# print progress
if epoch % (epochs // 10) == 0:
print(f"{epoch:6d} {cost.item():10f}")
output = model(X_tensor)
cost = criterion(output, y_tensor)
print("mean squared error:", cost.item())
can you please print the shape of your input ?
I would say check those things first:
that your target y have the shape (-1, 1) I don't know if pytorch throws an Error in this case. you can use y.reshape(-1, 1) if it isn't 2 dim
your learning rate is high. usually when using Adam the default value is good enough or try simply to lower your learning rate. 0.1 is a high value for a learning rate to start with
place the optimizer.zero_grad at the first line inside the for loop
normalize/standardize your data ( this is usually good for NNs )
remove outliers in your data (my opinion: I think this can't affect Random forest so much but it can affect NNs badly)
use cross validation (maybe skorch can help you here. It's a scikit learn wrapper for pytorch and easy to use if you know keras)
Notice that Random forest regressor or any other regressor can outperform neural nets in some cases. There is some fields where neural nets are the heros like Image Classification or NLP but you need to be aware that a simple regression algorithm can outperform them. Usually when your data is not big enough.

ValueError: Found array with 0 sample (s) (shape= (0, 1) while a minimum of 1 is required by MinMaxScaler

I am a beginner in ML. I am helping my Math-major friend create a stock predictor with TensorFlow based on a .csv file he provided.
There are a few problems I have. The first one is his .csv file. The file has only dates and closing values, which are not separated, therefore I had to manually separate the dates and values. I've managed to do that, and now I'm having trouble with the MinMaxScaler(). I was told I could pretty much disregard the dates and only test the closing values, normalize them, and make a prediction based off of them.
I keep getting this error:
ValueError: Found array with 0 sample(s) (shape=(0, 1)) while a
minimum of 1 is required by MinMaxScaler()
I honestly have never used SKLearn or TensorFlow before, and it is my first time working on such a project. All the guides I see on the topic utilize pandas, but in my case, the .csv file is a mess and I don't believe I can use pandas for it.
I'm following this DataCamp tutorial:
But unfortunately, due to my lack of experience, some things are not really working for me, and I would appreciate a little more clarity of how I should proceed in my case.
Attached below is my (messy) code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import sklearn
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dateutil.parser import parse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import deque
stock_data = []
stock_date = []
stock_value = []
f = open("s&p500closing.csv","r")
data =
rows = data.split("\n")
rows_noheader = rows[1:len(rows)]
#Separating values from messy `.csv`, putting each value to it's list and also a combined list of both
for row in rows_noheader:
[date, value] = row[1:len(row)-1].split('\t')
stock_data.append((date, value))
#Numpy array of all closing values converted to floats and normalized against the maximum
stock_value = np.array(stock_value, dtype=np.float32)
normvalue = [i/max(stock_value) for i in stock_value]
#Number of closing values and days. Since there is one closing value for each, they both match and there are 4528 of them (each)
nclose_and_days = 0
for i in range(len(stock_data)):
train_data = stock_value[:2264]
test_data = stock_value[2264:]
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
train_data = train_data.reshape(-1,1)
test_data = test_data.reshape(-1,1)
# Train the Scaler with training data and smooth data
smoothing_window_size = 1100
for di in range(0,4400,smoothing_window_size):
#error occurs here[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
# You normalize the last bit of remaining data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:])
train_data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:])
# Reshape both train and test data
train_data = train_data.reshape(-1)
# Normalize test data
test_data = scaler.transform(test_data).reshape(-1)
# Now perform exponential moving average smoothing
# So the data will have a smoother curve than the original ragged data
EMA = 0.0
gamma = 0.1
for ti in range(1100):
EMA = gamma*train_data[ti] + (1-gamma)*EMA
train_data[ti] = EMA
# Used for visualization and test purposes
all_mid_data = np.concatenate([train_data,test_data],axis=0)
window_size = 100
N = train_data.size
std_avg_predictions = []
std_avg_x = []
mse_errors = []
for pred_idx in range(window_size,N):
print('MSE error for standard averaging: %.5f'%(0.5*np.mean(mse_errors)))
I know that this post is old, but as I stumbled here, others will..
After running in the same problem and googling quite a bit I found a post
so it seems that if you download a too small dataset it will throw that error.
Download a .csv from 1962 and it'll be big enough ;).
Now,I just have to find the right parameters for my I'm adapting this to another type o prediction..
Hope it helps
The train_data variable has a length of 2264:
train_data = stock_value[:2264]
Then, when you go to fit the scaler, you go outside of train_data's bounds on the third iteration of the for loop:
smoothing_window_size = 1100
for di in range(0, 4400, smoothing_window_size):
Notice the size of the data set in the tutorial. The training and testing chunks each have length 11,000, and the smoothing_window_size is 2500, so it will never go exceed train_data's boundaries.
You have a column of all 0's in your data. If you try to scale it the MinMaxScaler can't assign a scale and it trips up. You need to filter out empty/0 columns before you scale the data. Try :
stock_value=stock_value[:,~np.all(np.isnan(d), axis=0)]
to filter out nan columns in your data
I have got to apologize, for the whole time you guys were trying to figure out a solution to my issue, I ended up finding a decent guide and taking a much less sophisticated approach (as it was my first ever taste of AI and Statistics). Funny thing is, I was breaking my head for months over this, until I went to a conference in Florida last November and ended finishing it in less than two hours at 3 am in my hotel room.
Here is the finished code I had wrote back then and ended up presenting to my colleague as a working example
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import builder as saved_model_builder
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants, signature_constants, signature_def_utils_impl
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation
from keras.optimizers import SGD
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
stock_data = []
stock_date = []
stock_value = []
f = open("s&p500closing.csv","r")
data =
rows = data.split("\n")
rows_noheader = rows[1:len(rows)]
#Separating values from messy CSV, putting each value to it's list and also a combined list of both
for row in rows_noheader:
[date, value] = row[1:len(row)-1].split('\t')
stock_data.append((date, value))
#Making an array of arrays ready for use with TF,
#slicing array of data to smaller train data
#and normalizing the values against the max for training
stock_value = np.array(stock_value, dtype=np.float32)
normvalue = [i/max(stock_value) for i in stock_value]
normvalue = np.array(normvalue)
train_data = [np.array(i) for i in normvalue[:500]]
train_data = np.array(train_data)
train_labels = train_data
#First plotting the actual values
#Creating TF session
sess = tf.Session()
model_version = "2"
#Declaring the amount of epochs, the amount of periods the machine will learn
#(can play around with it)
epoch = 20
#Building the model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(8, input_dim=1))
sgd = SGD(lr=0.1)
#Compiling and fitting our data to the model
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd), train_labels, batch_size=1, nb_epoch=epoch)
#declaring varaibles for the models input and output to make sure they are all valid
x = model.input
y = model.output
prediction_signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.predict_signature_def({"inputs": x}, {"prediction":y})
valid_prediction_signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.is_valid_signature(prediction_signature)
if(valid_prediction_signature == False):
raise ValueError("Error: Prediction signature not valid!")
#Here the actual prediction of the real values occurs
predictions = model.predict(normvalue)
#Plotting the prediction values
plt.xlabel("Blue: Actual Orange: Prediction")
Please feel free to make changes and experiment around with it as you deem fit.
I would like to thank you all for taking the time to examine my issue and providing a variety of solutions, and am looking forward to learn more in the future :)
my first time commenting on Stackoverflow, please if you find errors on how i answer, or if you find mistakes , please correct me
so for the above error to make the calculation simple, and how you can avoid the above value error.
mid_prices = (high_prices+low_prices)/2.0
print(len(mid_prices))#length 2024
train_data = mid_prices[:1012]
test_data = mid_prices[1012:]
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
train_data = train_data.reshape(-1,1)
test_data = test_data.reshape(-1,1)
smoothing_window_size = 200
for di in range (0,1000,smoothing_window_size):[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
this code above works my mid_prices variable has a len of 2024
so my
train_data = mid_prices[:1012]
test_data = mid_prices[1012:]
is split into two 1012 sized chunks
now if you look at the code the tutorial provided
his total size is 22000 he splits them up into two 11000 chunks for test and train
and then for the scaler he uses a range from 0 to 10000 in the for loop and a smothing window size of 2500 which , please correct me if i am wrong makes 5 iterations through that 10k set.
using this logic the author used i did this
smoothing_window_size = 200
for di in range (0,1000,smoothing_window_size):[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di:di+smoothing_window_size,:])
which worked perfectly with my set of data and the example that is provided.
i hope this answer suffices to solve this issue
Your issue isn't your CSV or pandas. You can actually read the CSV with pandas straight into a dataframe which is what I recommend you do. df = pd.read_csv(path)
I am having the same issue with the same code.
Whats happening is the Scaler = MinMaxScaler, then in the for di in range part and you are fitting the data in the training set then transforming it and reassigning it back to itself.
The problem is, is its trying to find more data in your training set to fit to the scaler and its running out of data. Which is weird because of the way the tutorial you are following presented it.
I see that your Window is 1100 and in your for loop you go from 0 to 4400 with 1100 intervals. With that you have 0 as a remainder, which in turn leaves 0 items to normalize, so your code that has
# You normalize the last bit of remaining data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:])
train_data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:] = scaler.transform(train_data[di+smoothing_window_size:,:])
You do not need those lines of code, just comment those out. It should work after that
I ran into the same error message while writing a unittest for a text classification package based on logistic regression, I realized that it was due to trying to apply a model to an empty df.
In my case, this could happen because my model was actually a tree of models which mirrorred the category tree in my (huge) training data, but only a few of those subcases actually took place in the tiny test df in my unittest.
Long story short: I think the error probably happens because at some point
ends up having length 0 in your loop.
I had almost a similar exception, only that mine read:
"ValueError: Found array with 0 sample(s) (shape=(0, 2)) while a minimum of 1 is required by StandardScaler."
The shape() function denotes the structure of a given dataset. I realized that there was a possibility that my code was not finding any data (and more so the rows denoted by the "0" in the shape()) to analyse and work on. So I simply included the directory that my dataset lied, and voila!, everything worked as expected! I used the glob() function to point to my directory and indicated the files of interest to be analyzed, in my case audio .wav files. Below is the line of code I had to correct:
for wav_file in glob.glob("/home/directory_1/directory_2/*.wav")

What is the state of the art way of doing regression with probability in pytorch

All regression examples I find are examples where you predict a real number and unlike with classification you dont the the confidence the model had when predicting that number. I have done in reinforcement learning another way the output is instead the mean and std and then you sample from that distribution. Then you know how confident the model is at predicting every value. Now I cant find how to do this using supervised learning in pytorch. The problem is that I dont understand how to perform sample from the distribution the get the actual value while training or what sort of loss function I should use, not sure how for example MSE or L1Smooth would work.
Is there any example ot there where this is done in pytorch in a robust and state of the art way?
The key point is that you do not need to sample from the NN-produced distribution. All you need is to optimize the likelihood of the target value under the NN distribution.
There is an example in the official PyTorch example on VAE (, though for multidimensional Bernoulli distribution.
Since PyTorch 0.4, you can use torch.distributions: instantiate distribution distro with outputs of your NN and then optimize -distro.log_prob(target).
EDIT: As requested in a comment, a complete example of using the torch.distributions module.
First, we create a heteroscedastic dataset:
import numpy as np
import torch
X = np.random.uniform(size=300)
Y = X + 0.25*X*np.random.normal(size=X.shape[0])
We build a trivial model, which is perfectly able to match the generative process of our data:
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.mean_coeff = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([0]))
self.var_coeff = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([1]))
def forward(self, x):
return torch.distributions.Normal(self.mean_coeff * x, self.var_coeff * x)
mdl = Model()
optim = torch.optim.SGD(mdl.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
Initialization of the model makes it always produce a standard normal, which is a poor fit for our data, so we train (note it is a very stupid batch training, but demonstrates that you can output a set of distributions for your batch at once):
for _ in range(2000): # epochs
dist = mdl(torch.from_numpy(X).float())
obj = -dist.log_prob(torch.from_numpy(Y).float()).mean()
Eventually, the learned parameters should match the values we used to construct the Y.
print(mdl.mean_coeff, mdl.var_coeff)
# tensor(1.0150) tensor(0.2597)

Using tensorflow or keras to build a NN model by feeding 'pairwise' samples

I'm trying to implement a NN model with pairwise samples. Details are shown in follows:
Original data:
X_org with shape of (100, 50) for example, namely 100 samples with 50 features.
Y_org with shape of (100, 1).
Processing these original data for real training:
Select 2 samples from X_org randomly (so we have 100*99/2 such combinations) to form a new 'pairwise' sample, and the prediction target, namely the new y label is the subtraction of the two corresponding y_org labels (Y_org_sample1 - Y_org_sample2). Now we have new X_train and Y_train.
I need a more a NN model (DNN, CNN, LSTM, whatever ...), with which I can pass the first sub_sample of one pairwise sample from X_train into the model and will get one result, same step for the second sub_sample. By calculating the subtraction of the two results, I can get the prediction of this pairwise sample. This prediction will be the one compared with the corresponding Y label from Y_train.
Overall, I need to train a model (update the weights) after feeding it a 'pairwise' sample (two successive sub samples). The reason why I don't choose a 'two-arm' model (e.g. merge two arms by xxx.sub()) is that I will only feed one sub sample during test process. I will just use the model to predict one sub-sample finally.
So I will use the data from X_train during train step, while use X_org-like data format during test step. It looks a bit complex.
Looks like Tensorflow would be more feasible for this task, if keras also works, please kindly share your idea.
You can first create a model that will take only one X_org-like element:
#create a model the way you like it, it can be Functional API or Sequential, no problem
xOrgModel = createAModelForXOrgData(...)
Now, lets create a second model, this time necessarily functional API that works with both inputs:
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Subtract
input1 = Input(shapeOfInput)
input2 = Input(shapeOfInput)
output1 = xOrgModel(input1)
output2 = xOrgModel(input2)
output = Subtract()([output1,output2])
pairWiseModel = Model([input1,input2],output)
Now you have two models: xOrgModel and pairWiseModel. You can use any of them depending on the task you are doing at the moment.
Both models are sharing their weights. This means that you can train any of them and the other will be updated as well.
Using the pairwise model
First, organize your data in two separate arrays. (Because our model uses two inputs)
L = len(X_org)
x1 = []
x2 = []
y = []
for i in range(L):
for j in range(i+1,L):
y.append(Y_org[i] - Y_org[j])
x1 = np.array(x1)
x2 = np.array(x2)
y = np.array(y)
Train and predict with a list of inputs:[x1,x2],y,...)

How to use Root Mean Square Error for optimizing Neural Network in Scikit-Learn?

I am new to neural network so please pardon any silly question.
I am working with a weather dataset. Here I am using Dewpoint, Humidity, WindDirection, WindSpeed to predict temperature. I have read several papers on this so I felt intrigued to do a research on my own.At first I am training the model with 4000 observations and then trying to predict next 50 temperature points.
Here goes my entire code.
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn import preprocessing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('WeatherData.csv', sep=',', index_col=0)
X = np.array(df[['DewPoint', 'Humidity', 'WindDirection', 'WindSpeed']])
y = np.array(df[['Temperature']])
# nan_array = pd.isnull(df).any(1).nonzero()[0]
neural_net = MLPRegressor(
# Scaling the data
max_min_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
X_scaled = max_min_scaler.fit_transform(X)
y_scaled = max_min_scaler.fit_transform(y)[0:4001], y_scaled[0:4001].ravel())
predicted = neural_net.predict(X_scaled[5001:5051])
# Scale back to actual scale
max_min_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(y[5001:5051].min(), y[5001:5051].max()))
predicted_scaled = max_min_scaler.fit_transform(predicted.reshape(-1, 1))
print("Root Mean Square Error ", mean_squared_error(y[5001:5051], predicted_scaled))
First confusing thing to me is that the same program is giving different RMS error at different run. Why? I am not getting it.
Run 1:
Iteration 1, loss = 0.01046558
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00888995
Iteration 3, loss = 0.01226633
Iteration 4, loss = 0.01148097
Iteration 5, loss = 0.01047128
Training loss did not improve more than tol=0.000001 for two consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Root Mean Square Error 22.8201171703
Run 2(Significant Improvement):
Iteration 1, loss = 0.03108813
Iteration 2, loss = 0.00776097
Iteration 3, loss = 0.01084675
Iteration 4, loss = 0.01023382
Iteration 5, loss = 0.00937209
Training loss did not improve more than tol=0.000001 for two consecutive epochs. Stopping.
Root Mean Square Error 2.29407183124
In the documentation of MLPRegressor I could not find a way to directly hit the RMS error and keep the network running until I reach the desired RMS error. What am I missing here?
Please help!
First confusing thing to me is that the same program is giving different RMS error at different run. Why? I am not getting it.
Neural networks are prone to local optima. There is never a guarantee you will learn anything decent, nor (as a consequence) that multiple runs lead to the same solution. Learning process is heavily random, depends on the initialization, sampling order etc. thus this kind of behaviour is expected.
In the documentation of MLPRegressor I could not find a way to directly hit the RMS error and keep the network running until I reach the desired RMS error.
Neural networks in sklearn are extremely basic, and they do not provide this kind of flexibility. If you need to work with more complex settings you simply need more NN oriented library, like Keras, TF etc. scikit-learn community struggled a lot to even make this NN implementation "in", and it does not seem like they are going to add much more flexibility in near future.
As a minor thing - use of "minmaxscaler" seem slightly odd. You should not "fit_transform" each time, you should fit only once, and later on - use transform (or inverse_transform). In particular, it should be
y_max_min_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
y_scaled = y_max_min_scaler.fit_transform(y)
predicted_scaled = y_max_min_scaler.inverse_transform(predicted.reshape(-1, 1))

