Finding the degree of rotation with respect to the original image - python

I have two versions of an image. One image is not rotated, while the other image is rotated. How can I measure the degree of rotation of the second image with respect to the first image in Python?
I looked around, but couldn't find a clear method to do that. For instance, I checked this answer, but when I applied it on my non-rotated image, I got an angle of around -70 returned, while I expected 0. For another rotated image I have it also gave me the wrong angle. Apart from that I would like to compare the rotated image with an some reference image, which I believe the code doesn't include.
I also checked this answer, but couldn't grasp the idea of how I can measure the rotation with respect to the original (reference) image.
Thanks for your kind support


How getPerspectiveTransform and warpPerspective work? [Python]

I couldn't find a perfect explanation for how getPerspectiveTransform and warpPerspective work in OpenCV, specifically in Python. My understanding of the methods is :
Given 4 points from a source image and 4 new points getPerspectiveTransform returns a (3, 3) matrix that somehow crops the image when sent into warpPerspective as an argument. I thought that the 4 points(from src image) form a polygon on the image which is then removed/cropped and this new cropped image is then fitted between the newly given 4 points and also I saw that warpPerspective takes the input size of the new image. So I inferred this as, if the new points' max-height/max-width(Calculated from the points...imagining the points are corners of a rectangle or a quadrilateral) is less than the provided width or height the remaining area is left blank that is essentially black/white, but this wasn't the case...if the width/height calculated from the new points is less than the provided width and height the remaining space is filled with some part of the source image that is essentially the outer part of the 4 source points...
I wasn't able to comprehend this behavior...
So am I interpreting the methods incorrectly? if so please provide the correct interpretation of these methods.
PS. I'm pretty new to OpenCV and it would be great if someone explains the underlying math that is used by getPerspectiveTransform warpPerspective.
Thanks in advance.
These functions are parts of an image processing concept called Geometric transformations.
When taking a picture in real life, there is always some sort of geometric distortion which can be removed using Geometric transformations. It has other applications too, including construction of mosaics, geographical mapping, stereo and video.
Here's an example from this site :
So basically warpPerspective transforms the source image to the desired version of it and it does the job using a 3*3 transformation matrix given by getPerspectiveTransform.
See more details here.
Now if you wonder how to find that pair of 4 dots from source and dest image, you should check another image processing concept called Feature extraction. These are methods that perfectly find important regions of an image and you can match them to another image of the same object taken from a different view. (check SIFT, SURF, ORB ,etc.)
An example of matched features:
So warpPerspective won't just crop your image, it will transfer the whole image (not just the region specified by 4 dots) base on the transformation matrix and those dots will only be used to find the correct matrix.

Method to determine polygon surface rotation from top-down camera

I have a webcam looking down on a surface which rotates about a single-axis. I'd like to be able to measure the rotation angle of the surface.
The camera position and the rotation axis of the surface are both fixed. The surface is a distinct solid color right now, but I do have the option to draw features on the surface if it would help.
Here's an animation of the surface moving through its full range, showing the different apparent shapes:
My approach thus far:
Record a series of "calibration" images, where the surface is at a known angle in each image
Threshold each image to isolate the surface.
Find the four corners with cv2.approxPolyDP(). I iterate through various epsilon values until I find one that yields exactly 4 points.
Order the points consistently (top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left)
Compute the angles between each points with atan2.
Use the angles to fit a sklearn linear_model.linearRegression()
This approach is getting me predictions within about 10% of actual with only 3 training images (covering full positive, full negative, and middle position). I'm pretty new to both opencv and sklearn; is there anything I should consider doing differently to improve the accuracy of my predictions? (Probably increasing the number of training images is a big one??)
I did experiment with cv2.moments directly as my model features, and then some values derived from the moments, but these did not perform as well as the angles. I also tried using a RidgeCV model, but it seemed to perform about the same as the linear model.
If I'm clear, you want to estimate the Rotation of the polygon with respect to the camera. If you know the length of the object in 3D, you can use solvePnP to estimate the pose of the object, from which you can get the Rotation of the object.
Calibrate your webcam and get the intrinsic matrix and distortion matrix.
Get the 3D measurements of the object corners and find the corresponding points in 2d. Let me assume a rectangular planar object and the corners in 3d will be (0,0,0), (0, 100, 0), (100, 100, 0), (100, 0, 0).
Use solvePnP to get the rotation and translation of the object
The rotation will be the rotation of your object along the axis. Here you can find an example to estimate the pose of the head, you can modify it to suit your application
Your first step is good -- everything after that becomes way way way more complicated than necessary (if I understand correctly).
Don't think of it as 'learning,' just think of it as a reference. Every time you're in a particular position where you DON'T know the angle, take a picture, and find the reference picture that looks most like it. Guess it's THAT angle. You're done! (They may well be indeterminacies, maybe the relationship isn't bijective, but that's where I'd start.)
You can consider this a 'nearest-neighbor classifier,' if you want, but that's just to make it sound better. Measure a simple distance (Euclidean! Why not!) between the uncertain picture, and all the reference pictures -- meaning, between the raw image vectors, nothing fancy -- and choose the angle that corresponds to the minimum distance between observed, and known.
If this isn't working -- and maybe, do this anyway -- stop throwing away so much information! You're stripping things down, then trying to re-estimate them, propagating error all over the place for no obvious (to me) benefit. So when you do a nearest neighbor, reference pictures and all that, why not just use the full picture? (Maybe other elements will change in it? That's a more complicated question, but basically, throw away as little as possible -- it should all be useful in, later, accurately choosing your 'nearest neighbor.')
Another option that is rather easy to implement, especially since you've done a part of the job is the following (I've used it to compute the orientation of a cylindrical part from 3 images acquired when the tube was rotating) :
Threshold each image to isolate the surface.
Find the four corners with cv2.approxPolyDP(), alternatively you could find the four sides of your part with LineSegmentDetector (available from OpenCV 3).
Compute the angle alpha, as depicted on the image hereunder
When your part is rotating, this angle alpha will follow a sine curve. That is, you will measure alpha(theta) = A sin(theta + B) + C. Given alpha you want to know theta, but first you need to determine A, B and C.
You've acquired many "calibration" or reference images, you can use all of these to fit a sine curve and determine A, B and C.
Once this is done, you can determine theta from alpha.
Notice that you have to deal with sin(a+Pi/2) = sin(a). It is not a problem if you acquire more than one image sequentially, if you have a single static image, you have to use an extra mechanism.
Hope I'm clear enough, the implementation really shouldn't be a problem given what you have done already.

How to mosaic/bend/curve image with curvature in python?

I have an image that represents the elevation of some area. But the drone that made it didn't necessarily go in a straight line(although image is always rectangular). I also have gps coordinates generated every 20cm of the way.
How can I "bend" this rectangular image (curve/mosaic) so that it represents the curved path that the drone actually went through? (in python)
I haven't managed to write any code as I have no idea what is the name of this "warping" of the image. Please find the attached image as a wanted end state, and normal horizontal letters as a start state.
There might be a better answer, but I guess you could use the remapping functions of openCV for that.
The process would look like that :
From your data, get your warping function. This will be a function that maps (x,y) pixel values from your input image I to (x,y) pixel values from your output image O
Compute the size needed in the output image to host your whole warped image, and create it
Create two maps, mapx and mapy, which will tell the pixel coordinates in I for every pixel in 0 (that's, in a sense, the inverse of your warping function)
Apply OpenCV remap function (which is better than simply applying your maps because it interpolates if the output image is larger than the input)
Depending on your warping function, it might be very simple, or close to impossible to apply this technique.
You can find an example with a super simple warping function here :
More complex examples can be looked at in OpenCV doc and code when looking at distortion and rectification of camera images.

python imshow pixel size varies within plot

Dear stackoverflow community!
I need to plot a 2D-map in python using imshow. The command used is
plt.imshow(ux_map, interpolation='none', origin='lower', extent=[lonhg_all.min(), lonhg_all.max(), lathg_all.min(), lathg_all.max()])
The image is then saved as follows
plt.savefig('rdv_cr%s_cmlon%s_ux.png' % (2097, cmlon_ref))
and looks like
The problem is that when zooming into the plot one can notice that the pixels have different shapes (e.g. different width). This is illustrated in the zoomed part below (taken from the top region of the the first image):
Is there any reason for this behaviour? I input a rectangular grid for my data, but the problem does not have to do with the data itself, I suppose. Instead it is probably something related to rendering. I'd expect all pixels to be of equal shape, but as could be seen they have both different widths as well as heights. By the way, this also occurs in the interactive plot of matplotlib. However, when zooming in there, they become equally shaped all of a sudden.
I'm not sure as to whether and the link therein might be related, but I can try playing around with dpi values. In any case, if anybody knows why this happens, could that person provide some background on why the computer cannot display the plot as intended using the commands from above?
Thanks for your responses!
This is related to the way the image is mapped to the screen. To determine the color of a pixel in the screen, the corresponding color is sampled from the image. If the screen area and the image size do not match, either upsampling (image too small) or downsampling (image too large) occurs.
You observed a case of upsampling. For example, consider drawing a 4x4 image on a region of 6x6 pixels on the screen. Sometimes two screen pixels fall into an image pixel, and sometimes only one. Here, we observe an extreme case of differently sized pixels.
When you zoom in in the interactive view, this effect seems to disapear. That is because suddenly you map the image to a large number of pixels. If one image pixel is enlarged to, say, 10 screen pixels and another to 11, you hardly notice the difference. The effect is most apparent when the image nearly matches the screen resolution.
A solution to work around this effect is to use interpolation, which may lead to an undesirable blurred look. To reduce the blur you can...
play with different interpolation functions. Try for example 'kaiser'
or up-scale the image by a constant factor using nearest neighbor interpolation (e.g. replace each pixel in the image by a block of pixels with the same color). Then any blurring will only affect the edges of the block.

Determine The Orientation Of An Image

I am trying to determine the orientation of the following image. Given an image at random between 140x140 to 150X150 pixels with no EXIF data. Is there a method to define each image as 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees so that when I get an image of a particular orientation I can match that with my predefined images? I've looked into feature matching with opencv using the following tutorial, and it works correctly. Identify the images as the same no matter its orientation, but I have no clue how to tell them apart.
I've looked into feature matching with opencv using the following tutorial, and it works correctly
So you could establish a valid match between an image of unknown rotation and an image in your database? And the latter one is of a known rotation (i.e. upright)?
In this case you can compute a transformation matrix:
either a homography which defines a full planar transformation (use cv::findHomography)
or an affine transform which expresses translation, rotation and scaling and thus seems best for your needs (use cv::estimateRigidTransform with fullAffine=true). You can find more about affine transformations here
If you don't have any known image then this task seems mathematically unsolvable but you could use something like an Artificial-Neural-Network-based heuristic which seems like a very research-intensive project.
If you have the random image somewhere (say, you're trying to match a certain image to a list of images you have), you could try taking the difference of your random image and your list of known images four times for each image, rotating the known image each time by 90 deg. Whichever one is closer to zero should be what you want.
If the image sizes of both your new image and the list of images are the same, you might also be able to just compare the keypoint distance differences (if the image is a match but all the keypoints are all rotated a quadrant clockwise from each other, then it's 90 deg off etc).
If you have no idea what that random image is supposed to be, I can't really think of any way to figure that out, unless you know for sure that a blob of light blue is supposed to be the sky. As far as I know, there's got to be something that you know to be up in order to determine what up is.

