PyCharm, can not import modules - python

I need to import
modules to the latest PyCharm IDE. I can not find pypiper in the list of available modules. When I am trying to add a new repository for the pypiper:
still the same: typing pypiper in the search field does not yield anything.
yaml at the same time can be found, but it is giving me an error when I am trying to add it:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yaml (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for yaml

PyCharm looks for packages in the repositories that it has been told to look in. By default it looks at
Effectively this means that if you cannot install something through pip, you cannot install through the PyCharm interface.
What you need to do is to figure out:
How to install yaml
sudo pip install pyyaml
How to install pypiper
pip install --user
When I run into these issues it's easiest for me to just install on the command line opposed to through PyCharm unless it's a virtual env. Just make sure your pip is referencing the same python interpreter you are using in PyCharm or you still wont see it in PyCharm.


Python package in the wrong path leading to ModuleNotFoundError [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
pdfminer - ImportError: No module named pdfminer.pdfdocument
(4 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I have found a few solutions here and elsewhere, but none of them has worked. Context: I am trying to get pdf2txt going on my Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS system. I am using Python 3.10.6, with no other versions present. The command-line states that it requires python3-pdfminer to work, which I installed with apt. Output states that there is no module named 'pdfminer.high_level'. This comment here notes that it's a part of pdfminer.six which can be installed using pip, using a dash instead of a dot if it's inside a virtual environment.
$ python3 -m pip install pdfminer.six
states that requirements are already satisfied. To be sure, I also switched to a virtualenv and installed it there:
$ pip install pdfminer-six
Running pdf2txt in both cases results in the same error, i.e.
File "/usr/bin/pdf2txt", line 9, in <module>
import pdfminer.high_level
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pdfminer.high_level'
I then tried to uninstall and reinstall pdfminer.six, first on the system wide version. python3 -m pip uninstall pdfminer.six (or just pip3) was not allowed, so I made a judgment of error and used sudo. Reinstalling now shows:
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: pdfminer.six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (-VERSION-)
so I am not sure if it is properly installed. So I tried in the virtualenv where there were no problems. But the same error remains.
I reinstalled python3-pdfminer but without success.
In the virtualenv, I found:
I then created a test Python file that imports pdfminer.high_level and ran it, with no problem. I then did the same outside the virtualenv. pdfminer is imported correctly, but it can't import pdfminer.high_level. So I found the following:
When I uninstall pdfminer.six, it looks in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages and removes it from there.
When I install pdfminer.six, it looks in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages. Here, the high_level package is present. But the system always looks in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages, so the package is never found.
So, I think that I found the cause of the problem. Running pdf2txt doesn't work in the virtualenv because it's still a file in /usr/bin that will look for a system-wide version. I suppose that I can update a system environment path to point to /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages, and solve it like this (pdf2txt is actually not binary so I can append to sys.path). But why has this discrepancy occurred in the first place? And what is the proper way to deal with it? After all, there is a reason why some packages are installed in different locations.
Many thanks.
EDIT: Adding to sys.path doesn't work, but adding to PYTHONPATH does. Not sure if this is something that I should watch out for in the future, or just a result of a Python executable installed in /usr/bin messing up with the idea of using a virtualenv in the first place.
Sometimes this issue happens when you have same name file in your working dir. So please check that first like if you have a file name "".
If that is not the case then I usually try the previous version of lib.
you can try installing previous version with
pip install pdfminer.six==20220506

Pip upgrading arcgis completely broke pip

Overview: While running Python 3.6, after upgrading my arcgis package, scripts no longer recognizes many packages and pip itself completely broke, making it impossible to upgrade or uninstall any packages.
Background Info: Fairly recently, when I run a particular program of mine, I have been seeing a deprecation message connected to the arcgis package. So, I upgraded the arcgis package to see if it fixed it. It seemed to install correctly but then when trying to run my program, I'd get errors for other packages, like folium or requests. I then tried upgrading Python and initially, it worked. I used pip to install pandas and requests but right after I installed arcgis, everything broke again. So then when trying to uninstall arcgis (or do anything else pip related) I get this error:
FileExistsError: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists: 'C:\Users\myuserpath\AppData\Local\.certifi'
I've uninstalled Python but it doesn't change anything. pip install any package results in this error. I tried reverting back to Python 3.6 but the installer wasn't available from the python site, only 3.9.
What could have been changed or affected by this arcgis installation?
There seems to be two primary issues you're dealing with. The first is as #BoarGules mentioned, that arcgis does a 'full' install with all its dependencies and that could be causing problems. Secondly, the newest requests library seems to have some issues as well, at least from what I've experienced. So let's get started fixing all this.
There's probably a few different ways to fix this, so this is just one of the many. First, uninstall python and delete the python folder from your AppData folder - in your case, it would be the Python 3.9 folder. Re-install Python and check your site-packages folder making sure it only contains the default Python packages. Open up a command prompt and do a pip install of something basic, like pandas. If that goes well, then the first hurdle is over.
When it comes time to install arcgis again, you'll want to use this instead
pip install arcgis --no-deps
this will prevent the doubling up of any of the packages or whatever seems to be happening. You will need to then also install these:
pip install ujson
pip install requests_ntlm
Next, when you come to installing requests, use an older library, like this one:
pip install requests==2.20.0
That should get things back up and running.

No module named 'ffnet' in Python

I try a python code for signature recognition, and there is an import ffnet module (from ffnet import mlgraph, ffnet), but I got an error when I run it.
The error is:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ffnet'
I have install the module, but still got that error
Help me to fix this :)
You need to make sure that it is correctly installed. The error message means directly "You haven't installed it properly".
Depending on what Python version you're using, you should have a package manager called pip that takes charge of installing and uninstalling modules. Try:
pip2 install ffnet if you have Python 2.
pip3 install ffnet if you have Python 3.
Alternatively, you may have installed Python using Anaconda. In this case, use conda install ffnet. In all cases, run the proposed commands in a terminal.
However, it would be quite useful to have more details about your problem (what OS do you have, how and where did you install Python, what version do you have).
There is great chance that the pip (i suppose you use pip for installation, the idea is identical) you use to install ffnet is not correspond to the python you are using. Maybe a virtualenv is running, or you using python 2 but ffnet is installed with pip3
My suggestion:
- Run which pip. Run which python. Compare the results if anything seem wrong (python2 pip3 for example). Try to run python2 and pip2 instead of python and pip
- If the above suggestion doesn't work, you should try to recheck your PATH: Find the pip correspond to your current python (usually within the same dir) and export PATH=/path/to/THAT/pip/:$PATH
- If the problem still persist, I suppose your pip file's first line (for specifying its corresponding python path) has been modified without your awareness. You will have to manually edit it to something like #!/usr/bin/python3
Hope this help!

Python cannot find dateutil.relativedelta

I am trying to run a program using paster serve, but I keep getting the error:
ImportError: No module named dateutil.relativedelta
I am running Python version 2.6.7 and dateutil version 1.5, so it should be installed.
Has anyone got any ideas as to why this would happen?
I am importing using
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
I can even see the package when I search:
Immediately I look at this and see that dateutil is only installed for Python 2.7, and I bet what I was doing was this:
sudo yum install python-dateutil
To which sudo would have switch to the default Python version (i.e., Python 2.7 instead of 2.6.4).
Solving this would have been as simple as:
(switch to virtual environment)
yum install python-dateutil
Using su and then switching to the virtual environment will give root access and install to the virtual Python directory. Using sudo will install libraries to the default directory, not the virtual environments site-packages.
I also ran into this issue. The simple solution I ended up using was to add --upgrade to the end of the command. This forced it to install it even though Python thought it was installed. This resolved the issue.
So if you have this issue, try the following:
sudo pip install python-dateutil --upgrade
It can't possibly hurt anything, so there is no harm in just forcing it to be reinstalled.
I had a similar issue but for a simpler reason. My fresh virtualenv simply didn't have dateutil installed and I didn't know the Python package name. I tried pip install dateutil, which obviously didn't work since the package name was incorrect. Running pip install python-dateutil instead worked (without resorting to sudo).
This looks like a problem of package installation to me. A troubleshooting list that comes to my mind:
Verify you installed the package.
If installed, verify that the files have been stored in the right directory (a directory accessible from your python interpreter (= in the PYTHONPATH, useful article here).
Verify permission on those files.
Restart your shell if you tried the import there.
Reboot your computer (ouch... it's 10 years since I started using GNU/Linux, but I still suffer from the bad memories of Windows! ;)
(The previous comment about installing python-dateutil helped me, so perhaps my comment helps someone else).
For those on Mac OS (v10.6 (Snow Leopard); I am not sure about other versions), the dateutils package is located by default at:
whereas pip install writes the package out to:
and does not update the /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/easy-install.pth file. As a result, when you import dateutil, you will still point to the old location, you can verify this by "import dateutil; dateutil.__file__".
So what I did (probably better methods are available) was to rename the old directory (/System/Library/.../dateutil) to dateutil.obsolete and restarted Python, then ran the same set of commands again. This doesn't do anything to the path file or sys.path, but skips the old dateutils package so you can get to the new one.

Using pip to install single-file python modules

I'm wondering if there's a way to "install" single-file python modules using pip (i.e. just have pip download the specified version of the file and copy it to site-packages).
I have a Django project that uses several 3rd-party modules which aren't proper distributions (django-thumbs and a couple others) and I want to pip freeze everything so the project can be easily installed elsewhere. I've tried just doing
pip install git+
(and tried with the -e tag too) but pip complains that there's no file.
Edit: I should have mentioned - the reason I want to do this is so I can include the required module in a requirements.txt file, to make setting up the project on a new machine or new virtualenv easier.
pip requires a valid to install a python package. By definition every python package has a What you are trying to install isn't a package but rather a single file module... what's wrong with doing something like:
git clone git+ /path/to/python/install/lib
I don't quite understand the logic behind wanting to install something that isn't a package with a package manager...

