Efficient way to get family of subsets by its number in Python - python

I have an n-element set, and I want to consider families of its k-element subsets of fixed size s.
For example, if n = 3, k = 1, s = 2, we have these families:
{{1}, {2}}, {{1}, {3}}, {{2}, {3}}
In my problem n, k, s are not so small, e.g. s = n = 50, k = 20.
Let us say all such families are ordered lexicographically (or really in any clearly stated order). I want to have an efficient way to get a family by its number.
I thought of using itertools, but I am afraid it won't work with such big numbers. Possibly I need to implement something myself, but I have no clear understanding of how to do it. I have only a following idea: enumerate all k-element subsets of n-element set (there is an efficient algorithm to get i-th element by i). Then enumerate all s-element subsets of comb(n, k)-element set, using the same operation. Now we need to generate a number in range (0, comb(comb(n, k), s)) and turn it firstly to the number of s-element subset and then to a family of k-elements sets.
However, such approach looks a bit complicated. Maybe there is an easier one?


Optimizing generating a list of sums in Python

I am attempting to use Python for the following task: given a set of integers S, produce S + S, the set of integers expressible as s1 + s2 for s1, s2 members of S (not necessarily distinct).
I am using the following code:
def sumList(l):
# generates a list of numbers which are sums of two elements of l
sumL = []
howlong = len(l)
for i in range(howlong):
for j in range(i+1):
if not l[i]+l[j] in sumL:
return sumL
This works fine for short enough lists, but when handed a longer list (say, 5000 elements between 0 and 20000) goes incredibly slowly (20+ minutes).
Question: what is making this slow? My guess is that asking whether the sum is already a member of the list is taking some time, but I am a relative newcomer to both Python and programming, so I am not sure. I am also looking for suggestions on how to perform the task of producing S + S in a quick fashion.
Python has a built-in type set that has very fast lookups. You can't store duplicates or unhashable objects in a set, but since you want a set of integers, it's perfect for your needs. In the below, I also use itertools.product to generate the pairs.
from itertools import product
def sums(l):
return {x+y for x, y in product(l, repeat=2)}
print(sums([1, 2, 3, 4]))
# {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
As to why your existing solution is so slow, you might want to look up the term "algorithmic complexity". Basically, it's a way of categorizing algorithms into general groups based on how well they scale to many inputs. Your algorithm is a O(n^3) algorithm (it will do about n^3 comparisons). In comparison, the set solution is O(n^2). It accomplished this by discarding the need to check if a particular sum is already in the set.

Fastest inverse operation of index to label in a numpy array: a dictionary (hash) of label to index

I find myself consistently facing this problem in a couple of different scenarios. So I thought about sharing it here and see if there is an optimal way to solve it.
Suppose that I have a big array of whatever X and an another array of the same size of X called y that has on it the label to whose x belongs. So like the following.
X = np.array(['obect1', 'object2', 'object3', 'object4', 'object5'])
y = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 2])
What I desire is a to build a dictionary / hash that uses the set of labels as keys and the indexes of all the objects with those labels in X as items. So in this case the desired output will be:
{0: (array([0, 3]),), 1: (array([1, 2]),), 2: (array([4]),)}
Note that actually what is on X does not matter but I included it for the sake of completeness.
Now, my naive solution for the problem is iterate throughout all the labels and use np.where==label to build the dictionary. In more detail, I use this function:
def get_key_to_indexes_dic(labels):
Builds a dictionary whose keys are the labels and whose
items are all the indexes that have that particular key
# Get the unique labels and initialize the dictionary
label_set = set(labels)
key_to_indexes = {}
for label in label_set:
key_to_indexes[label] = np.where(labels==label)
return key_to_indexes
So now the core of my question:
Is there a way to do better? is there a natural way to solve this using numpy functions? is my approach misguided somehow?
As a lateral matter of less importance: what is the complexity of the solution in the definition above? I believe that the complexity of the solution is the following:
Or in words the number of labels times the complexity of using np.where in a set of the size of y plus the complexity of making a set out of an array. Is this correct?
P.D. I could not find related post with this specific question, if you have suggestions to change the title or anything I would be grateful.
You only need to traverse once if you use a dictionary to store the indexes as you go through:
from collections import defaultdict
def get_key_to_indexes_ddict(labels):
indexes = defaultdict(list)
for index, label in enumerate(labels):
The scaling seems much like you have analysed for your option, for the function above it's O(N) where N is the size of y since checking if a value is in a dictionary is O(1).
So the interesting thing is that since np.where is going so much faster in its traversal, as long as there are only a small number of labels, your function is faster. Mine seems faster when there are many distinct labels.
Here is how the functions scale:
The blue lines are your function, the red lines are mine. The line styles indicate the number of distinct labels. {10: ':', 100: '--', 1000: '-.', 10000: '-'}. You can see that my function is relatively independent of number of labels, while yours quickly becomes slow when there are many labels. If you have few labels, you're better off with yours.
The numpy_indexed package (disclaimer: I am its author) can be used to solve such problems in a fully vectorized manner, and having O(nlogn) worst case time-complexity:
import numpy_indexed as npi
indices = np.arange(len(labels))
unique_labels, indices_per_label = npi.group_by(labels, indices)
Note that for many common applications of such functionality, such as computing a sum or mean over group labels, it is more efficient not to compute the split list of indices, but to make use of the functions for that in npi; ie, npi.group_by(labels).mean(some_corresponding_array), rather than looping through indices_per_label and taking the mean over those indices.
Assuming that the labels are consecutive integers [0, m] and taking n = len(labels), the complexity for set(labels) is O(n) and the complexity for np.where in the loop is O(m*n). However, the overall complexity is written as O(m*n) and not O(m*n + n), see "Big O notation" on wikipedia.
There are two things you can do to improve the performance: 1) use a more efficient algorithm (lower complexity) and 2) replace Python loops with fast array operations.
The other answers currently posted do exactly this, and with very sensible code. However an optimal solution would be both fully vectorized and have O(n) complexity. This can be accomplished using a certain lower level function from Scipy:
def sparse_hack(labels):
from scipy.sparse._sparsetools import coo_tocsr
labels = labels.ravel()
n = len(labels)
nlabels = np.max(labels) + 1
indices = np.arange(n)
sorted_indices = np.empty(n, int)
offsets = np.zeros(nlabels+1, int)
dummy = np.zeros(n, int)
coo_tocsr(nlabels, 1, n, labels, dummy, indices,
offsets, dummy, sorted_indices)
return sorted_indices, offsets
The source for coo_tocsr can be found here. The way I used it, it essentially performs an indirect counting sort. To be honest, this is a rather obscure method and I advise you to use one of the approaches in the other answers.
I've also struggled to find a "numpythonic" way to solve this type of problem. This is the best approach I've come up with, although requiring a bit more memory:
def get_key_to_indexes_dict(labels):
indices = numpy.argsort(labels)
bins = numpy.bincount(labels)
indices = numpy.split(indices, numpy.cumsum(bins[bins > 0][:-1]))
return dict(zip(numpy.unique(labels), indices))

Filter list to remove similar, but not identical, entries

I have a long list containing several thousand names that are all unique strings, but I would like to filter them to produce a shorter list so that if there are similar names only one is retained. For example, the original list could contain:
Mickey Mouse
Mickey M Mouse
Mickey M. Mouse
The new list would contain just one of them - it doesn't really matter which at this moment in time. It's possible to get a similarity score using the code below (where a and b are the text being compared), so providing I pick an appropriate ratio it I have a way of making a include/exclude decision.
difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
What I'm struggling to work out is how to populate the second list from the first one. I'm sure it's a trivial matter, but it baffling my newbie brain.
I'd have thought something along the lines of this would have worked, but nothing ends up being populated in the second list.
for p in ppl1:
for pp in ppl2:
if difflib.SequenceMater(None, p, pp).ratio() <=0.9:
In fact, even if that did populate the list, it'd still be wrong. I guess it'd need to compare the name from the first list to all the names in the second list, keep track of the highest ratio scored, and then only add it if the highest ratio was less that the cutoff criteria.
Any guidance gratefully received!
I'm going to risk never getting an accept because this may be too advanced for you, but here's the optimal solution.
What you're trying to do is a variant of agglomerative clustering. A union-find algorithm can be used to solve this efficiently. From all pairs of distinct strings a and b, which can be generated using
def pairs(l):
for i, a in enumerate(l):
for j in range(i + 1, len(l)):
yield (a, l[j])
you filter the pairs that have a similarity ratio <= .9:
similar = ((a, b) for a, b in pairs
if difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, p, pp).ratio() <= .9)
then union those in a disjoint-set forest. After that, you loop over the sets to get their representatives.
Firstly, you shouldn't modify a list while you're iterating over it.
One strategy would be to go through all pairs of names and, if a certain pair is too similar to each other, only keep one, and then iterate this until no two pairs are too similar. Of course, the result would now depend on the initial order of the list, but if your data is sufficiently clustered and your similarity score metric sufficiently nice, it should produce what you're looking for.

Python list reordering, remember original order?

I'm working on a Bayesian probability project, in which I need to adjust probabilities based on new information. I have yet to find an efficient way to do this. What I'm trying to do is start with an equal probability list for distinct scenarios. Ex.
There are 6 people: E, T, M, Q, L, and Z, and their initial respective probabilities of being chosen are represented in
myList=[.1667, .1667, .1667, .1667, .1667, .1667]
New information surfaces that people in the first third alphabetically have a collective 70% chance of being chosen. A new list is made, sorted alphabetically by name (E, L, M, Q, T, Z), that just includes the new information. (.7/.333=2.33, .3/.667=.45)
newList=[2.33, 2.33, .45, .45, .45, .45)
I need a way to order the newList the same as myList so I can multiply the right values in list comprehension, and reach the adjust probabilities. Having a single consistent order is important because the process will be repeated several times, each with different criteria (vowels, closest to P, etc), and in a list with about 1000 items.
Each newList could instead be a newDictionary, and then once the adjustment criteria are created they could be ordered into a list, but transforming multiple dictionaries seems inefficient. Is it? Is there a simple way to do this I'm entirely missing?
For what it's worth, the best thing you can do for the speed of your methods in Python is to use numpy instead of the standard types (you'll thus be using pre-compiled C code to perform arithmetic operations). This will lead to a dramatic speed increase. Numpy arrays have fixed orderings anyway, and syntax is more directly applicable to mathematical operations. You just need to consider how to express the operations as matrix operations. E.g. your example:
myList = np.ones(6) / 6.
newInfo = np.array( [.7/2, .7/2, .3/4, .3/4, .3/4, .3/4] )
result = myList * newInfo
Since both vectors have unit sum there's no need to normalise (I'm not sure what you were doing in your example, I confess, so if there's a subtlety I've missed let me know), but if you do need to it's trivial:
result /= np.sum(result)
Try storing your info as a list of tuples:
bayesList = [('E', 0.1667), ('M', 0.1667), ...]
your list comprehension can be along the lines of
newBayes = [(person, prob * normalizeFactor) for person, prob in bayesList]
where you've normalizeFactor was calculated before setting up your list comprehension

Recursive generation + filtering. Better non-recursive?

I have the following need (in python):
generate all possible tuples of length 12 (could be more) containing either 0, 1 or 2 (basically, a ternary number with 12 digits)
filter these tuples according to specific criteria, culling those not good, and keeping the ones I need.
As I had to deal with small lengths until now, the functional approach was neat and simple: a recursive function generates all possible tuples, then I cull them with a filter function. Now that I have a larger set, the generation step is taking too much time, much longer than needed as most of the paths in the solution tree will be culled later on, so I could skip their creation.
I have two solutions to solve this:
derecurse the generation into a loop, and apply the filter criteria on each new 12-digits entity
integrate the filtering in the recursive algorithm, so to prevent it stepping into paths that are already doomed.
My preference goes to 1 (seems easier) but I would like to hear your opinion, in particular with an eye towards how a functional programming style deals with such cases.
How about
import itertools
results = []
for x in itertools.product(range(3), repeat=12):
if myfilter(x):
where myfilter does the selection. Here, for example, only allowing result with 10 or more 1's,
def myfilter(x): # example filter, only take lists with 10 or more 1s
return x.count(1)>=10
That is, my suggestion is your option 1. For some cases it may be slower because (depending on your criteria) you many generate many lists that you don't need, but it's much more general and very easy to code.
Edit: This approach also has a one-liner form, as suggested in the comments by hughdbrown:
results = [x for x in itertools.product(range(3), repeat=12) if myfilter(x)]
itertools has functionality for dealing with this. However, here is a (hardcoded) way of handling with a generator:
T = (0,1,2)
GEN = ((a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) for a in T for b in T for c in T for d in T for e in T for f in T for g in T for h in T for i in T for j in T for k in T for l in T)
for VAL in GEN:
# Filter VAL
print VAL
I'd implement an iterative binary adder or hamming code and run that way.

