I wrote an encryption program in Python 3.6 that uses the module pycryptodome, specificly these imports:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
The program works, but it cannot be used without the user installing the pycryptodome module themselves.
Is there any way to include that package somehow or can I create a "first time setup" to install it for the end user?
Short answer - as already mentioned in comments - you need to package your script.
Long answer - I have been there before for the first time - it's annoying. They way Python modules and scripts are packaged is constantly evolving and not all available documentation is being kept up to date. You can easily end up reading recent documentation which, by the time of reading, is already flawed (i.e. obsolete).
The easiest approach, without going down all the way, is a simple file for pip, which describes your project's dependencies. It's called requirements.txt. Up-to-date information can be found here.
If this is not enough, you have to package your application. A good but little maintained and somewhat outdated overview / introduction can be found here. It's good for a start, but do NOT try to follow it to the letter! Another OUTDATED manual for beginners commonly cited can be found here. Read it for basic understanding and do NOT try to follow it to the letter.
Once you have come to this point, it's time to read "What the Hell? -- A Journey Through the Nine Circles of Python Packing". It gives a lot of practical advise. The most practical of all: Look at how other projects are doing it and copy-paste it ... ehm ... learn from it.
If you are not scared off by now, I can actually recommend to look at Python module templates. One of the best ones I know of is the "Cookiecutter PyPackage". Its well maintained documentation is available here. If you learned the basics of Python packaging, it's a quick and reliable way of creating all the files and infrastructure required for packaging your code.
Honorable mention: There are tools, which try to streamline the entire process. Number one on my list and also already mentioned in the comments is PyInstaller (manual). Another tool (for Windows), which is usually mentioned, is py2exe (no up-to-date documentation available, AFAIK). Another up-and-coming and promising (yet not production-ready?) tool is Briefcase (documentation). There are more of those, but they all have their issues. There is a good chance you end up reading into the above literature trying to understand those issues ...
So far I know requirements.txt like this: Django==2.0. Now I saw this style of writing Django>=1.8,<2.1.99
Can you explain to me what it means?
requirements.txt is a file where one specifies dependencies. For example your program will here depend on Django (well you probably do not want to implement Django yourself).
In case one only writes a custom application, and does not plan to export it (for example as a library) to other programmers, one can pin the version of the library, for example Django==2.0.1. Then you can always assume (given pip manages to install the correct package) that your environment will ave the correct version, and thus that if you follow the correct documentation, no problems will (well should) arise.
If you however implement a library, for example mygreatdjangolibrary, then you probably do not want to pin the version: it would mean that everybody that wants to use your library would have to install Django==2.0.1. Imagine that they want a feature that is only available in django-2.1, then they can - given they follow the dependencies strictly - not do this: your library requires 2.0.1. This is of course not manageable.
So typically in a library, one aims to give as much freedom to a user of a library. It would be ideal if regardless of the Django version the user installed, your library could work.
Unfortunately this would result in a lot of trouble for the library developer. Imagine that you have to take into account that a user can use Django-1.1 up to django-2.1. Through the years, several features have been introduced that the library then can not use, since the programmer should be conservative, and take into account that it is possible that these features do not exist in the library the user installed.
It becomes even worse since Django went through some refactoring: some features have later been removed, so we can not simply program on django-1.1 and hope that everything works out.
So in that case, it makes sense to specify a range of versions we support. For example we can read the documentation of django-2.0, and look to the release notes to see if something relevant changed in django-2.1, and let tox test both versions for the tests we write. We thus then can specify a range like Django>=2.0,<2.1.99.
This is also important if you depend on several libraries that each a common requirement. Say for example you want to install a library liba, and a library libb, both depend on Django, bot the two have a different range, for example:
Django>=1.10, <2.1
Django>=1.9, <1.11
Then this thus means that we can only install a Django version between >=1.10 and <1.11.
The above even easily gets more complex. Since liba and libb of course have versions as well, for example:
Django>=1.10, <2.1
Django>=1.11, <2.1
Django>=1.11, <2.2
Django>=1.5, <1.8
Django>=1.10, <2.0
So if we now want to install any liba, and any libb, we need to find a version of liba and libb that "allows" us to install a Django version, and that is not that trivial since for example if we would pick libb-0.1, then there is no version of liba that supports an "overlapping" Django version.
To the best of my knowledge, pip currently has no dependency resolution algorithm. It looks at the specification, and each time aims to pick the most recent that is satisfying the constraints, and recursively installs the dependencies of these packages.
Therefore it is up to the user to make sure that (sub)dependencies do not conflict: if we would specify liba libb==0.1, then pip will probably install Django-2.1, and then find out that libb can not work with this.
There are some dependency resolution programs. But the problem turns out to be quite hard (it is NP-hard if I recall correctly). So that means that for a given dependency tree, it can takes years to find a valid configuration.
I've googled and googled, but have found almost nothing in the way of discussions or best practices in managing larger enterprise codebases in Python. Here, I'm simply soliciting any and all pointers to such information. Here's some background and some of the questions I'm looking to answer.
We're long-time Java developers, who have solved similar problems to those mentioned below largely using well established Java best practices, as well as Maven, Ant and a Sonotype Nexus repo.
I'm talking internal software only here. We're not looking to distribute anything Python-based. We've got multiple development groups using Python, each developing sharable utility code libraries, final web applications and stand-alone tools, all in pure Python. Each group has its own Github source repository.
How do we manage our shareable code, both within a group and across groups? Do we create eggs (or something similar) and distribute and install them into the Python system? If so, would we store them in our Nexus repo like our Java jars, or is there a more Python-specific method if internal package distribution? Or, do we just share raw code, checking out sources from multiple Github repos?
If we share raw code, how do we manage getting the Python searchpath right as we bring together code from multiple repositories?
How do we manage package namespaces when we want our packages to all live in a com.ourcompany base namespace? It seems like python isn't too happy when you bring together source trees with overlapping namespaces.
How do we manage third party package versioning? I've never seen easy_install or pip passed a version number. How do we lock down third party package versions?
Do tools exist to aid in Python code reviews, CI, regression testing, etc.?
We're relative newbies to Python code, so some of these questions may have fairly obvious answers. Still, I find it surprising that I can't find more information on managing larger Python codebases.
What issues will we encounter that I haven't thought to ask about, or don't yet know enough to even know to ask about?
Any valuable pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Well, I won't even try to answer all those (excellent) questions, but here are a few opinionated pointers which will hopefully help (as someone who works in both worlds, though more Java).
If so, would we store them in our Nexus repo like our Java jars, or is
there a more Python-specific method if internal package distribution?
Or, do we just share raw code, checking out sources from multiple
Github repos?
Packaging in Python is historically a bit of a mess IMHO, though it feels like it's improving. Distutils is the major / native tool here - I've not used it much, feels slightly scary in places. In general, also check recommended tools.
Pip has all but won the war of mindshare, especially when installing 3rd party libraries. I've not solved the local library problem myself, (maybe someone else reading has), but if I were, I'd probably opt for Pip with local/network-disk repos e.g. by installing from wheels.
Another option (which can cause all sorts of hassles itself) is to package in your OS's native packager, be it Debian-style apt or by creating RPMs, etc. Of course, Windows not so much.
Versioning etc
How do we manage third party package versioning? I've never seen
easy_install or pip passed a version number.
Pip definitely supports version specifiers. Turns out Easy Install does too. I suppose many people / smaller projects opt for latest-and-greatest, which of course isn't always as "appropriate" in the enterprise...
No discussion of versioning and Python would miss a Python2/3 reference, but I'm sure you're aware of all this already.
More important then would be to mention virtualenv. It truly frees you from the mess you can get in to testing multiple versions, bearing in mind especially that your (*NIX) operating systems typcially rely heavily on Python themselves. It's a big subject so have a look at the docs.
Developer Tooling
Do tools exist to aid in Python code reviews, CI, regression testing,
Code Review
Very much so. Most code review tools are multi-language (it's just a formatting issue really), so just pick your favourite enterprise-friendly one, be it Crucible, Github's one (Barkeep?), Gerrit, or whatever.
For CI you have almost as many options again. Running python apps is usually less involved than Java ones, so most CI systems, though often Java-focused, support Python. (FWIW, we use drone.io for Quod Libet). Jenkins should have no problem doing this, and it seems people have done so with TeamCity.
However, the "original" or "most Pythonic" is probably Buildbot, but I've not used it personally. Looks a lot newer than I remember, and it had quite a lot of support in the Python community I think...
For testing, though not quite as mature as JUnit / TestNG, check out the de-facto / JUnit-like unit testing unittest, but also (nicer?) alternatives like nose.py.
For higher level (BDD) testing, try something like Lettuce - as the name implies heavily inspired by Cucumber, or maybe Behave. I've not tried them, but common opinion is they're less mature than Cucumber / JBehave / Concordion / Rspec etc.
New to Python, so excuse my lack of specific technical jargon. Pretty simple question really, but I can't seem to grasp or understand the concept.
It seems that a lot of modules require using pip or easy_install and running setup.py to "install" into your python installation or your virtualenv. What is the difference between installing a module and simply taking it and importing the into another script? It seems that you access the modules the same way.
It's like the difference between:
Uploading a photo to the internet
Linking the photo URL inside an HTML page
Installing puts the code somewhere python expects those kinds of things to be, and the import statement says "go look there for something named X now, and make the data available to me for use".
For a single module, it usually doesn't make any difference. For complicated webs of modules, though, an installation program may do many things that wouldn't be immediately obvious. For example, it may also copy data files into locations the new modules can find them, put executables (binary libraries, or DLLs on Windws, for example) where the new modules can find them, do different things depending on which version of Python you have, and so on.
If deploying a web of modules were always easy, nobody would have written setup programs to begin with ;-)
I'm working on a plugin system and was thinking of simply using a setup.py file for each 'plugin' since it's already an existing dependency. The thing is, I need a way to test requirements.
Is there already an existing API in place for this, or would it make more sense just to roll a custom system and check it manually?
setup.py is a script, and you can't generally parse that to figure out requirements, especially since some setup scripts will change the requirements depending on the python version used to run them.
There is an upcoming standard that will fix this: PEP 345. At this point in time very few packages make use of this though. For more information on this topic you can look at the distutils-sig list archives where this topic has come up several times.
Have you looked at egg entry points? They basically implement a plugin system that you can use directly. This stackoverflow question has some information that might be interesting.
I am new at writing APIs in python, in any language for that matter. I was hoping to get pointers on how i can create an API that can be installed using setup.py method and used in other python projects. Something similar to the twitterapi.
I have already created and coded all the methods i want to include in the API. I just need to know how to implement the installation so other can use my code to leverage ideas they may have. Or if i need to format the code a certain way to facilitate installation.
I learn best with examples or tutorials.
Thanks so much.
It's worth noting that this part of python is undergoing some changes right now. It's all a bit messy. The most current overview I know of is the Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging: http://guide.python-distribute.org/
The current state of packaging section is important: http://guide.python-distribute.org/introduction.html#current-state-of-packaging
The python packaging world is a mess (like poswald said). Here's a brief overview along with a bunch of pointers. Your basic problem (using setup.py etc.) is solved by reading the distutils guide which msw has mentioned in his comment.
Now for the dirt. The basic infrastructure of the distribution modules which is in the Python standard library is distutils referred to above. It's limited in some ways and so a series of extensions was written on top of it called setuptools. Setuptools along with actually increasing the functionality provided a command line "installer" called "easy_install".
Setuptools maintenance was not too great and so it was forked and a more active branch called "distribute" was setup and it is the preferred alternative right now. In addition to this, a replacement for easy_install named pip was created which was more modular and useful.
Now there's a huge project going which attempts to fold in all changes from distribute and stuff into a unified library that will go into the stdlib. It's tentatively called "distutils2".