I am trying to implement python-sdk to drop a file (that exists in a local folder) into a shared Box folder.
The method I tried is to put Redirect URI into my Box developer configuration page and use Client ID/Secret to get authorization_URL and then extract authenticate code extract access token and refresh token.
However, I can only get to the part of getting the auth_url and I can only get auth_code manually from the redirecting to the page after clicking "granting" the access.
Using that auth_code I can get the refresh token but I don't know how to automate that part.
Is there another approach to this?
If so, can you please give me an example how?
I have literally read every search related to this and so far I haven't found a solution to my problem.
Redirect_URi = 'https://api.box.com/oauth2/token'
def save_tokens(access_token,refresh_token):
print("Refreshing tokens...")
target = open("AdminToken.txt", 'w')
tokens = access_token+'#'+refresh_token
oauth = OAuth2(
auth_url, csrf_token = oauth.get_authorization_url(Redirect_URi)
# GET "auth_code" from auth_url #
getTokens = requests.get(auth_url)
# trouble starts here
auth_code = 'exctracted from linked webpages manually' # expires in 30 seconds after creation
access_token, refresh_token = oauth.authenticate(auth_code)
oauth2 = OAuth2(
client = Client(oauth)
# Testing if it is authorized
me = client.user(user_id= user_id).get()
print ('user_login: ' + me['login'])`
I should be able to run this script and the file I extracted from DB should be picked up as xlsx (which I already did) and dropped into Box folder.
I think I am stuck here with this refresh tokens and everyone is directing me to Github official Box sdk page without giving any more information like any example on it.
I deleted the credentials I had for a test app on Google Cloud Platform and made new ones. I was trying to solve an issue I was having but unfortunately this introduced a new problem. The issue appears when I'm redirected to the Google sign-in page. I inspected the Google URL, and it would appear that it is trying to use the client ID from my old credentials to sign in. This despite me having updated the client secret JSON file. Could this token be stored in a working directory? And if so how would I find it (I'm using VSCode)??
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(r"client secret location", scopes=scopes)
flow.redirect_uri = 'redirect URL'
authorization_url, state = flow.authorization_url(
token = flow.fetch_token(authorization_response=authorization_response)
credentials = flow.credentials
Photo of the error from Google
I was having issues because the callback URL for my OAuth client ID (under the credentials tab on Google Cloud Platform) had been typed incorrectly. I went back and corrected it, and then generated a new Client Secret JSON file. Not sure if the latter step was necessary, but the issue was resolved.
I have a Python script that is running periodically on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu machine.
This script reads data from some files and sometimes changes data in them.
I want to download these files from OneDrive, do my own thing with them, and upload them back to OneDrive.
I want this to be done automatically, without the need for a user to approve any login or credentials. I'm ok with doing it once (i.e. approving the login on the first run) but the rest has to run automatically, without asking ever again for approvals (unless the permissions change, of course).
What is the best way to do this?
I've been reading the documentation on Microsoft Graph API but I'm struggling with the authentication part. I've created an application in Azure AAD, gave the sample permissions (to test) and created a secret credential.
I managed to do it. I'm not sure if it's the best way but it is working now. It's running automatically every hour and I don't need to touch it.
I followed the information on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow
This is what I did.
Azure Portal
Create an application. Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Applications from personal account
In Supported account types, choose the one that has personal Microsoft accounts.
In Redirect URI, choose Public client/native. We'll add the specific URI later.
In the application details, in the section Overview, take note of the Application (client) ID. We'll need this later.
In the section Authentication, click Add a Platform and choose Desktop + devices. You can use your own, I chose one of the suggested: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient
In the section API permissions, you have to add all the permissions that your app will use. I added User.Read, Files.ReadWrite and offline_access. The offline_access is to be able to get the refresh token, which will be crucial to keep the app running without asking the user to login.
I did not create any Certificate or Secret.
Looks like to get a token for the first time we have to use a browser or emulate something like that.
There must be a programmatic way to do this, but I had no idea how to do it. I also thought about using Selenium for this, but since it's only one time and my app will request tokens every hour (keeping the tokens fresh), I dropped that idea.
If we add new permissions, the tokens that we have will become invalid and we have to do this manual part again.
Open a browser and go to the URL below. Use the Scopes and the Redirect URI that you set up in Azure Portal.
That URL will redirect you to the Redirect URI that you set up and with a code=something in the URL. Copy that something.
Do a POST request with type FORM URL Encoded. I used https://reqbin.com/ for this.
Endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token
Form URL: grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=your_app_client_id&code=use_the_code_returned_on_previous_step
This will return an Access Token and a Refresh Token. Store the Refresh Token somewhere. I'm saving it in a file.
# Build the POST parameters
params = {
'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
'client_id': your_app_client_id,
'refresh_token': refresh_token_that_you_got_in_the_previous_step
response = requests.post('https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token', data=params)
access_token = response.json()['access_token']
new_refresh_token = response.json()['refresh_token']
# ^ Save somewhere the new refresh token.
# I just overwrite the file with the new one.
# This new one will be used next time.
header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
# Download the file
response = requests.get('https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/root:' +
PATH_TO_FILE + '/' + FILE_NAME + ':/content', headers=header)
# Save the file in the disk
with open(file_name, 'wb') as file:
So basically, I have the Refresh Token always updated.
I call the Token endpoint using that Refresh Token, and the API gives me an Access Token to use during the current session and a new Refresh Token.
I use this new Refresh Token the next time I run the program, and so on.
I've just published a repo which does this. Contributions and pull requests welcome:
For test automation purpose, I would like to use requests and requests-oauthlib library to access an API.
The API use an oauth2 authentication with google account, however it's not a google API. As my test tool should be able to run unattended, I would like to be able to obtain an access token that I could then refresh automatically for an indefinite amount of time.
Something looking like this example from requests-auth documentation would be great. It involves a manual login once, and then I can refresh the token.
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
redirect_uri = 'https://localhost/callback'
authorization_base_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth"
token_url ="https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"
scope = [
google = OAuth2Session(client_id, scope=scope, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
# Redirect user to Google for authorization
authorization_url, state = google.authorization_url(authorization_base_url,
access_type="offline", prompt="select_account")
print 'Please go here and authorize,', authorization_url
redirect_response = raw_input('Paste the full redirect URL here:')
# Fetch the access token
google.fetch_token(token_url, client_secret=client_secret,
r = google.get('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo')
print r.content
However, I need to adapt to my API, and I can't find a way.
I can set authorization_base_url = "https://example.net/.auth/login/google"
and obtain the redirection URL but it doesn't work afterward.
I don't know either what I should set as scope.
Should I get Id and secret from the API provider ?
Or is there other solution ?
I am trying to get started with the Box.com SDK and I have a few questions.
from boxsdk import OAuth2
oauth = OAuth2(
auth_url, csrf_token = oauth.get_authorization_url('http://YOUR_REDIRECT_URL')
def store_tokens(access_token, refresh_token):
# store the tokens at secure storage (e.g. Keychain)
1)What is the redirect URL and how do I use it? Do I need to have a server running to use this?
2)What sort of code to I need in the store_tokens method?
The redirect URL is only required if you're runng a Web application that needs to respond to user's requests to authenticate. If you're programtically authenticating, you can simply set this as http://localhost. In a scenario where you require the user to manually authenticate, the redirect URL should invoke some function in your web app to store and process the authentication code returned. Do you need a server running? Well, if you want to do something with the authentication code returned, the URL you specify should be under your control and invoke code to do something useful.
Here's an example of what the store_tokens function should look like. It should accept two parameters, access_token and refresh_token. In the example below, the function will commit these to a local store for use when the API needs to re-authenticate:
From here:
"""An example of Box authentication with external store"""
import keyring
from boxsdk import OAuth2
from boxsdk import Client
CLIENT_ID = 'specify your Box client_id here'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'specify your Box client_secret here'
def read_tokens():
"""Reads authorisation tokens from keyring"""
# Use keyring to read the tokens
auth_token = keyring.get_password('Box_Auth', 'mybox#box.com')
refresh_token = keyring.get_password('Box_Refresh', 'mybox#box.com')
return auth_token, refresh_token
def store_tokens(access_token, refresh_token):
"""Callback function when Box SDK refreshes tokens"""
# Use keyring to store the tokens
keyring.set_password('Box_Auth', 'mybox#box.com', access_token)
keyring.set_password('Box_Refresh', 'mybox#box.com', refresh_token)
def main():
"""Authentication against Box Example"""
# Retrieve tokens from secure store
access_token, refresh_token = read_tokens()
# Set up authorisation using the tokens we've retrieved
oauth = OAuth2(
# Create the SDK client
client = Client(oauth)
# Get current user details and display
current_user = client.user(user_id='me').get()
print('Box User:', current_user.name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I suggest taking a look at the OAuth 2 tutorial. It will help give a better understanding of how OAuth works and what the various parameters are used for.
The redirect URL is set in your Box application's settings:
This is the URL where Box will send an auth code that can be used to obtain an access token. For example, if your redirect URL is set to https://myhost.com, then your server will receive a request with a URL that looks something like https://myhost.com?code=123456abcdef.
Note that your redirect URI doesn't need to be a real server. For example, apps that use a WebView will sometimes enter a fake redirect URL and then extract the auth code directly from the URL in the WebView.
The store_tokens callback is optional, but it can be used to save the access and refresh tokens in case your application needs to shutdown. It will be invoked every time the access token and refresh token changes, giving you an opportunity to save them somewhere (to disk, a DB, etc.).
You can then pass in these tokens to your OAuth2 constructor at a later time so that your users don't need to login again.
If you're just testing, you can also pass in a developer token. This tutorial explains how.
This is the most basic example that worked for me:
from boxsdk import Client, OAuth2
ACCESS_TOKEN = '' # this is the developer token
oauth2 = OAuth2(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN)
client = Client(oauth2)
my = client.user(user_id='me').get()
I am having trouble generating a refresh token using Python for the AdWords API & need some help. Here is the situation:
I have a client on AdWords that I want to pull reports for through the AdWords API (we have a developer token now for this). Let's say that, in AdWords, the clients account is 521-314-0974 (making this up). Here is where I am confused:
Below is the following code snippet needed to generate a refresh token that I am trying to get working:
"""Generates a refresh token for use with AdWords."""
__author__ = 'Nathaniel Payne'
import sys
import urllib2
from oauthlib import oauth2
# Your OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret. If you do not have an ID and Secret yet,
# please go to https://console.developers.google.com and create a set.
# You may optionally provide an HTTPS proxy.
# The AdWords API OAuth 2.0 scope.
SCOPE = u'https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords'
# This callback URL will allow you to copy the token from the success screen.
CALLBACK_URL = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
# The HTTP headers needed on OAuth 2.0 refresh requests.
OAUTH2_REFRESH_HEADERS = {'content-type':
# The web address for generating new OAuth 2.0 credentials at Google.
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth'
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_GEN_ENDPOINT = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token'
def main():
oauthlib_client = oauth2.WebApplicationClient(CLIENT_ID)
authorize_url = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_uri(
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
post_body = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_body(
client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, code=code, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL)
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
post_body = bytes(post_body, 'utf8')
request = urllib2.Request(GOOGLE_OAUTH2_GEN_ENDPOINT, post_body,
request.set_proxy(HTTPS_PROXY, 'https')
raw_response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read().decode()
oauth2_credentials = oauthlib_client.parse_request_body_response(raw_response)
print ('Your access token is %s and your refresh token is %s'
% (oauth2_credentials['access_token'],
print ('You can cache these credentials into a yaml file with the '
'following keys:\nadwords:\n client_id: %s\n client_secret: %s\n'
' refresh_token: %s\n'
% (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, oauth2_credentials['refresh_token']))
if __name__ == '__main__':
1) Do I need to have a special project set-up for every AdWords customer in the console.developers.google.com, in order to pull from the AdWords Reporting API? Or, can I simply provide the client secret and ID for a generic account in the console?
2) Following from this, can someone please confirm what should go in place of the client_ID & Client_Secret in order to make the Python code block below work. What I mean is, I was using the client ID and client secret from https://console.developers.google.com ... for the analytics account that we have billing set-up on (and which I have used for BigQuery API access previously). Is that correct? I am not seeing clearly how this will be linked to the AdWords account for this client.
2) In the consent screen, I put my own e-mail, since I am owner of the project,. That said, when I run the code, I get the link to the URL that I need to run to generate the code. That said, when I sun this snippet:
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
I get an error. This is the message that I get in error:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a registered redirect URI
Learn more
Request Details
I am puzzled here. Some folks suggested changing the e-mail address in the consent screen (which I did ... but was unsuccessful). Again, my simple goal is to be able to pull one report from tis clients through the AdWords API (which I will expand once I get there). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
After some work, I was able to successfully navigate through this issue. Here are the detailed steps that I took to get to the point where I could successfully pull data through the API. In my situation, I manage an AdWords MCC with multiple accounts. Thus, I went back to the beginning of many of the help manuals and did the following:
Create a new project called AdWords-API-XXXX.
In the credentials screen on the console, I created a new "Client ID for native application". This allowed me to generate my CLIENT_ID and the CLIENT_SECRET that I needed. Critically, it also generated a re-direct URI which was the source of my problem.
I took both of these values, added them to the main script, and ran the generate_refresh_token.py script. This allowed me to generate a working refresh token. I had to be signed into my AdWords account MCC, in order to make sure that OAuth2 provided me the ability to access all potential AdWord clientsinside my MCC. I got an authentication screen generated by URL for this process which asked me to confirm that permission was being granted for AdWords access.
Following this, I created a new googleads.yaml script and placed this in my c:\gsutil directory. This is the code in most Python programs where the program looks for the file googleads.yaml:
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
Once this was done, I was able to successfully run the script from my command line to generate the final output. The script was:
python download_criteria_report.py
Note of course that I have changed my path variable previously in order to run Python 2.7 from the command line. This script was run inside the directory of the download_criteria_report.py file. This script ran successfully and enabled me to pull data from the AdWords API for one of my test clients.
The next challenge will be working with the returned output from the API and putting it into a format that I can quickly use for analysis & storage.