Python mock launches whole program instead of substituting input to specific method - python

I have a program, like:
module "Main":
import SymbolCalculator as sc
# Defining constants:
TEXT_INVITE = "Please print any sentence below:\n"
sentence = ""
# Printing introduction to the program:
def getting_result():
# Getting input string from console
sentence = sc.get_input_from_prompt(TEXT_INVITE)
# Forming result list via methods defined in SymbolCalculator module
return sc.characters_calculator(sentence)
result_list = getting_result()
# Computing summary via method defined in SymbolCalculator module
sc.printing_summary(sentence, result_list)
# Printing tuples with characters and their occurrences raw-by-raw
raw_input("Please press any button to quit the program.")
print 'Bye!!!'
And I'm trying to create a simple unit test with mocked raw_input (updated):
from unittest import TestCase, main
from mock import patch
from Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculatorMain import getting_result
class Ex_4a1_SymbolCalculatorUnitTestWMock(TestCase):
##patch ('Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculator.get_input_from_prompt', return_value = 'aabc')
def test_valid_input(self):
with patch('__builtin__.raw_input', return_value = 'aaabbc') as _raw_input:
self.assertEqual(getting_result(), [('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 1)])
_raw_input.assert_called_once_with('Please print any sentence below:\n')
#patch ('Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculator.get_input_from_prompt', return_value = '')
def test_empty_input(self, mock):
self.assertEqual(getting_result(), [])
if __name__ == "__main__":
As well I tried to go via decoration of the tested method by itself, like:
#patch ('Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculator.get_input_from_prompt', return_value = 'aabc')
My problem is that when I launch the test, all the "Main" module runs at the moment of getting_result method calling. So it starts from the very beginning, asks me to make an input via command prompt, etc. Thus not only test, but the whole regular program is running.
While I'm expecting that only getting_result method is called being provided with return_value.
Please advise.

When you import a module, all the code in the module is run. It doesn't matter that you used from Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculatorMain import getting_result instead of import Ex_41_42_SymbolCalculatorMain; you're still importing the module. There's no way to just "get" one function without executing the rest of the code in the module.
Instead, you should put that code in a function, and then call it from within an if __name__ == "__main__" block, like this:
def getting_result():
# Getting input string from console
sentence = sc.get_input_from_prompt(TEXT_INVITE)
# Forming result list via methods defined in SymbolCalculator module
return sc.characters_calculator(sentence)
def do_stuff():
result_list = getting_result()
# Computing summary via method defined in SymbolCalculator module
sc.printing_summary(sentence, result_list)
# Printing tuples with characters and their occurrences raw-by-raw
raw_input("Please press any button to quit the program.")
print 'Bye!!!'
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then do_stuff() will only be run if you execute that file directly, not if you import it. This will allow you to import the module without running the stuff in do_stuff. You can learn more about the __main__ business by searching this site for zillions of questions about it (such as this one).


Python - Pass a variable in a module to a function in another module

I have some code in multiple files like so:
A main module:
import TC1
import TC2
Some test case modules, which look like:
testcase = "Test Case 1"
successmessage = "Specific Success Message for Test Case 1"
errormessage = "Specific Error Message for Test Case 1"
# Run test
if pageLoaded == pageExpected:
testresult = 0
testresult = 1
And a log results module:
def logresults():
print("Test Results for", testcase,)
if testresult == 0
print(testcase, "Passed with", successmessage)
print(testcase, "Failed with", errormessage)
How can I pass variables from each test case to logresults, and have it print the results of each test case as it is run?
I see two issues with your code.
First, if you import a module with a function that works on globals, it will search for globals that share a namespace. For example, if you have a logresultsmodule with a function logresults and you import it, it will only run on variables that look like this: logresultsmodule.variable
To fix this problem, you will have to change the signature of the function to
def logresults(testresult, testcase, successmessage, errormessage): ...
and pass the corresponding variables.
The second problem is you call logresults inside a conditional where there is a chance that the testresult variable hasn't been defined yet.
First evaluate the conditional, and then call logresults.
from logresultsmodule import logresults
{code that defines testcase, successmessage, errormessage}
if pageLoaded == pageExpected:
testresult = 0
testresult = 1
logresults(testresult, testcase, successmessage, errormessage)
So now whenever you import a testcase, the code will run automatically and print the result message.

how to use builtins.input for multiple inputs

In my unittest, I have 2 prompts in the test. I am trying to use 2 #patch("builtins.input"), but it seems to only take the 1 of the return values.
def test_setProfileName_modify_init_prompt_empty(self, paramName1, paramName2):
paramName1.return_value = self.profileName_prod
paramName2.return_value = self.profileName_dev
a = c.ALMConfig(self.configType)
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_dev)
self.assertEqual(a.profileName, self.profileName_dev)
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_prod)
self.assertEqual(a.profileName, self.profileName_prod)
The call a.setProfileName() will prompt for 1 input using input() call in my function. In this test, it will call a.setProfileName() twice.
First time I call a.setProfileName(), I would enter the value of self.profileName_prod.
The second time I call it, I would enter the value of self.profileName_dev.
But the test fails after the second a.setProfileName() case (at the second to last assertEqual after the second a.setProfileName() call).
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_prod)
The reason for the failure is because a.getProfileName is returning the value for self.profileName_dev instead of self.profileName_prod.
I had tested my code in the python cli to make sure the behavior is correct.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thanks guys!
Patching the same function twice does not make it return different values on different calls. You can use the side_effect attribute of the Mock object by setting it with a list of values you want the function to return in successive calls instead:
from unittest.mock import patch
#patch('builtins.input', side_effect=['dev', 'prod'])
def test_input(mock_input):
assert input() == 'dev'
assert input() == 'prod'
test_input() # this will not raise an exception since all assertions are True
I revisited blhsing's solution, and it is more much elegant. Here is my working test code now:
#patch('builtins.input', side_effect=['dev', 'production'])
def test_setProfileName_modify_init_prompt_update_new(self, paramName):
a = c.ALMConfig(self.configType)
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_dev)
self.assertEqual(a.profileName, self.profileName_dev)
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_dev)
self.assertEqual(a.getProfileName(), self.profileName_prod)
self.assertEqual(a.profileName, self.profileName_prod)
Thanks everyone for your comments! :)
To provide a more simple and to the point answer for anyone visiting this in 2020 and later, you can just do
`with patch("builtins.input", return_value = "Whatever you want returned"):
self.assertEqual("<Object>", "Whatever you want returned")
in python 3.8 in later.
To see a full easy to follow example keep reading otherwise stop here.
Full Example:
The below code shows a full example of this with a class named "AnsweredQuestion" and with a unit test
`class AnsweredQuestion:
def __init__(self):
print("I hope you find this example helpful")
def get_input(self):
print("Enter your input")
entered_data = input()
print("You entered '" + entered_data + "'")
return get_input
Unit Test to test above class AnsweredQuestion
import builtins
import unittest
import sys
# Assuming a directory named "answers" in your setup
import answers
from answers import AnsweredQuestion
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
class TestAnsweredQuestion(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_input(self):
with patch("builtins.input", return_value = "Thanks. This is correct"):
self.assertEqual(AnsweredQuestion.get_input(), "Thanks this is correct")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Why Python runs the code outside of __main__ every time?

I'm just wondering the behaviour of Python and how it really works. I have a script to run and collect all followers and friends of an account.
This is the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pymongo
import tweepy
from pymongo import MongoClient
from sweepy.get_config import get_config
config = get_config()
consumer_key = config.get('PROCESS_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY')
consumer_secret = config.get('PROCESS_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET')
access_token = config.get('PROCESS_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN')
access_token_secret = config.get('PROCESS_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET')
MONGO_URL = config.get('MONGO_URL')
MONGO_PORT = config.get('MONGO_PORT')
client = MongoClient(MONGO_URL, int(MONGO_PORT))
print 'Establishing Tweepy connection'
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True, retry_count=3)
db = client.tweets
raw_tweets = db.raw_tweets
users = db.users
def is_user_in_db(screen_name):
return get_user_from_db(screen_name) is None
def get_user_from_db(screen_name):
return users.find_one({'screen_name' : screen_name})
def get_user_from_twitter(user_id):
return api.get_user(user_id)
def get_followers(screen_name):
users = []
for i, page in enumerate(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, id=screen_name, count=200).pages()):
print 'Getting page {} for followers'.format(i)
users += page
return users
def get_friends(screen_name):
users = []
for i, page in enumerate(tweepy.Cursor(api.friends, id=screen_name, count=200).pages()):
print 'Getting page {} for friends'.format(i)
users += page
return users
def get_followers_ids(screen_name):
ids = []
for i, page in enumerate(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers_ids, id=screen_name, count=5000).pages()):
print 'Getting page {} for followers ids'.format(i)
ids += page
return ids
def get_friends_ids(screen_name):
ids = []
for i, page in enumerate(tweepy.Cursor(api.friends_ids, id=screen_name, count=5000).pages()):
print 'Getting page {} for friends ids'.format(i)
ids += page
return ids
def process_user(user):
screen_name = user['screen_name']
print 'Processing user : {}'.format(screen_name)
if is_user_in_db(screen_name):
user['followers_ids'] = get_followers_ids(screen_name)
user['friends_ids'] = get_friends_ids(screen_name)
print '{} exists!'.format(screen_name)
print 'End processing user : {}'.format(screen_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for doc in raw_tweets.find({'processed' : {'$exists': False}}):
print 'Start processing'
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
raw_tweets.update_one({'_id': doc['_id']}, {'$set':{'processed':True}})
What I keep getting from the log is
Rate limit reached. Sleeping for: 889
Establishing Tweepy connection
Start processing
Processing user : littleaddy80
Establishing Tweepy connection
Start processing
Processing user : littleaddy80
Establishing Tweepy connection
Start processing
Processing user : littleaddy80
Establishing Tweepy connection
Start processing
Processing user : littleaddy80
Rate limit reached. Sleeping for: 891
I'm wondering because Establishing Tweepy connection is outside of __main__ and it shouldn't be running over and over again. I'm just wondering why Python behaves like that or there's a bug in my code?
When you run/import a python script every statement in it is executed (however when imported this will only happen first time the module is imported or when you do reload(module)). There are a few normally present statements that could be noted:
The execution of function definition means that the function is being defined (not executing the body of the function).
The execution of an import statement will import the module.
The execution of a class definition implies that the body of it is executed, mostly it will contain function definitions so it's mostly defining functions.
The execution of if statements means that the controlling expression is first evaluated and depending on that the body may be executed.
The execution of assignments means that the rhs-expression will be evaluated with possible side effects.
This is why one normally don't put code directly in the top level of a python script - it will be executed. If it should work as both a script and a module - the code that should be run when running as a script should be enclosed in a if __name__ == '__main__'-statement.
Unless you need global variabes your script would be a bunch of function definitions and class definitions followed by:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if you need global variables you will have to take special care sometimes to avoid side effects when running/importing the module.
If you want code that runs only when imported, it would go in the else clause of the normal __main__ guard:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Run as a script")
print("Imported as a module")
That's exactly th reason why there's
if __name__ == "__main__":
Before this condition you should have functions and classes definitions and after it, code you would like to run.
Reason for this is that the __name__ variable is different when your file is imported (as every python file is also importable module) and run e.g. python
Create file e.g.
# content of
When you run it it will print __main__.
$ python
But during import it carries the name of the imported module (myfile).
$ python
>>> import myfile

Python Help: Accessing static member variable from another class

I'll do my best to describe the issue I am having. I am building a Python program that is built on multiple classes and uses the unittest framework. In a nutshell, the file has a "ValidateDriver" class that defines a "driver" variable as an ElementTree type. If I point this directly to the XML file I need to parse, (i.e. driver = ElementTree.parse(rC:\test.xml)) then I can access it from another class. However, in reality I don't have the actual XML file that is passed in from the command-line until you get to the Main function in the ValidateDriver class. So under the ValidateDriver class driver would really be driver = ElementTree and then in the main function I would reassign that variable to ValidateDriver.driver = ElementTree.parse(args.driver). However, this is the crux. When I go to the other class and try to call ValidateDriver.driver I don't have the "findall" method/attribute available. Again, the only way it will work is to do something like: ElementTree.parse(rC:\test.xml)). If I did this in C# it would work, but I am new to Python and this is kicking my butt. Any help/suggestions is appreciated. I've included the code for both classes.
Main Function:
import sys
import argparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import unittest
import Tests.TestManufacturer
class ValidateDriver:
driver = ElementTree
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Validation.')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--driver', help='Path and file name xml file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity',
help='Verbosity for test output. 1 for terse, 2 for verbose. Default is verbose',
default=2, type=int)
#args = parser.parse_args()
args = r'C:\test.c4i'
#print ("Validate Driver: %s" % args.driver)
#print ("Verbosity Level: %s" % args.verbosity)
ValidateDriver.driver = ElementTree.parse(r'C:\test.c4i')
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(Tests.TestManufacturer)
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) # TODO Remove this...
# TODO Uncomment this...
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=args.verbosity)
result =
if __name__ == "__main__":
Other Class, Test Manufacturer:
import unittest
import Main
manufacturer = ['']
class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
# Test to see if Manufacturer exists.
def test_manufacturer_exists(self):
for m in Main.ValidateDriver.driver.findall('./manufacturer'):
print m.text
Producing the following error:
C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Users\test\PycharmProjects\Validator\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\test\PycharmProjects\Validator\", line 22, in <module>
class ValidateDriver:
File "C:\Users\test\PycharmProjects\Validator\", line 65, in ValidateDriver
File "C:\Users\test\PycharmProjects\Validator\", line 36, in main
ValidateDriver.driver = ElementTree.parse(r'C:\test.c4i')
NameError: global name 'ValidateDriver' is not defined
Process finished with exit code 1
The main problem seems to be that your main script is wrapped in a class. There's really no reason for this, and is quite confusing.
if __name__ == "__main__":
main_object = ValidateDriver()
This should go outside the class definition
This has nothing to do with "findall" being available. The issue is that the class itself hasn't yet been completely declared at the time you try to access it. In python, the file is read top to bottom. For example, this is not allowed:
if __name__ == "__main__":
def f():
The call to f must happen at the bottom of the file after it is declared.
What you're doing with ValidateDriver is similar, because the class isn't defined until the statements directly in its body are executed (this is different from functions, whose bodies of course aren't executed until they are called). You call main(sys.argv[1:]) inside the class body, which in turn tries to access ValidateDriver.driver, which doesn't exist yet.
Preferably, the main function, as well as the code which calls it, should be outside the class. As far as I can tell, the class doesn't need to exist at all (this isn't C# or Java -- you can put code directly at the module level without a class container). If you insist on putting it in a class as a static method, it must be defined as a class method:
def main(cls, argv):
which can then be called (outside the class definition) like:
But I stress that this is non-standard and should not be necessary.

Self scanning code to prevent print statments

I have a python project I'm working on whereby instead of print statements I call a function say() so I can print information while in development and log information during production. However, I often forget this and put print statements in the code by mistake. Is there anyway to have the python program read its own source, and exit() if it finds any print statements outside of the function say()?
This can be done using the ast module. The following code will find any calls of the print statement and also of the print() function in case you are on Python 3 or Python 2 with the print_function future.
import ast
class PrintFinder(ast.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.prints_found = []
def visit_Print(self, node):
super(PrintFinder, self).generic_visit(node)
def visit_Call(self, node):
if getattr(node.func, 'id', None) == 'print':
super(PrintFinder, self).generic_visit(node)
def find_print_statements(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
tree = ast.parse(
parser = PrintFinder()
return parser.prints_found
print 'hi'
for node in find_print_statements(__file__):
print 'print statement on line %d' % node.lineno
The output of this example is:
print statement on line 24
print statement on line 26
While I don't recommend doing this, if you really want to you could have the Python interpreter throw an error by redefining the print statement.
If using Python 3, simply put this near the beginning / top of your code:
print = None
If there are any print statements, you will get a TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error.
If using Python 2.x, you might use the idea suggested in another answer to allow Python 2.x to have an overridable print statement.
from __future__ import print_function
print = None
Putting this together with your say() function, you could do something like:
print_original = print
print = None
def say(data):
print = print_original
# Your current `say()` code here, such as:
print(data) # Could just use `print_original` instead.
# Redefine print to make the statement inaccessible outside this function.
print = None

