I need to be able to wrap a HashTable class. After reading about wrappers I am pretty sure this is a bad usage of a wrapper, however it is in my assignment. ( I have different data structures that need to be easily swapped in a program)
I have the following code:
from HashTable import HashTable
class HashTableWrapper(HashTable):
def __init__(self, probe, size):
super().__init__(probe, size)
def tableInsert(self, searchKey, newItem):
return self.HashTable.tableInsert(searchKey, newItem)
def tableRetrieve(self, searchKey):
return self.HashTable.tableRetrieve(searchKey)
def tableDelete(self, searchKey):
return self.HashTable.tableDelete(searchKey)
When I use:
x = HashTableWrapper("linearProbe", 100)
Everything is fine however, if I would use the following:
x.tableInsert(4, 6)
I get the following error: AttributeError: 'HashTableWrapper' object has no attribute 'HashTable'
I think something is wrong with the return part since python also highlights all the HashTable parts.
Some help would be appreciated.
Edit: I got the following example:
class BSTTableWrapper:
def tableInsert(item):
return self.bst.searchtreeInsert(item)
self.HashTable is never initialized so calling self.HashTable.<function or variable> would never work. If the HashTable object has the method tableInsert, then all you have to do is
def tableInsert(self, searchKey, newItem):
return self.tableInsert(searchKey, newItem)
def tableRetrieve(self, searchKey):
return self.tableRetrieve(searchKey)
def tableDelete(self, searchKey):
return self.tableDelete(searchKey)
because the functions/methods are inherited from the HashTable.
I have two classes, one inherits of the other. When I hesitate and re-establish the function get_commande_date I receive the following error:
TypeError: BooksCommande.get_commandes_date() missing 1 required positional argument: 'key'
This is my code:
class BaseCommande(ABC):
def __init__(self, list_of_commande: list) -> NoReturn:
if list_of_commande:
self.list_of_commande = list_of_commande
self.commande_date = None
self.comande_payed = None
self.commande_price = None
self.total_commandes = None
def get_commandes_date(self, list_of_commande):
return [commande['date_start'] for commande in list_of_commande]
def process_commande(self, list_of_commande):
self.commande_date = self.get_commandes_date(list_of_commande)
def my_dict(self):
"commende_date": self.commande_date}
class BooksCommande(BaseCommande):
def __init__(self, list_of_commande: list) -> NoReturn:
self.commande_syplies = None
self.commande_books = None
def get_commandes_date(self, list_of_commande, key):
commande_date = []
for commande in list_of_commande:
cmd = {
'date_start': commande['date_start'],
'key': key,
'date_end': commande['date_end'],
return commande_date
def get_commande_books(self, books: list):
return 10
def process_books(self, list_of_commande):
self.books_list = self.get_commande_books(list_of_commande)
def my_dict2(self):
"books": self.books_list
commande_list = [{"date_start": "10/10/2021", "date_end": "12/15/2019"}]
Is there a way to force BaseCommande to use the new redefined function or not? I really don't know how or from where to start.
The problem is you're attempting to change the number of arguments that get passed to the get_commandes_date() method — something that cannot be done when defining a derived class.
The workaround is to make the argument optional. So in class BaseCommande declare a key parameter:
def get_commandes_date(self, list_of_commande, key):
return [commande['date_start'] for commande in list_of_commande]
And then give it a default value in the derived BooksCommande class version of the method. (I'm not sure what might make sense here, so just made it None.)
def get_commandes_date(self, list_of_commande, key=None):
commande_date = []
for commande in list_of_commande:
cmd = {
'date_start': commande['date_start'],
'key': key,
'date_end': commande['date_end'],
return commande_date
As others have explained, the issue with your code is that your subclass, BooksCommande, changes the signature of the get_commandes_date method to be different than the version in the base class, BaseCommande. While that might be a bad idea in an abstract sense, it's not forbidden by Python. The real trouble is that one of BaseCommande's other methods, process_commande, tries to use the old signature, so everything breaks when that it gets called.
There is a fairly direct way to fix this, if you want to do so without dramatically changing the code. The general idea is for the two BaseCommande methods to call each other through a private reference. Even if one is overridden in a subclass, the private reference will remain pointing to the original implementation. Name mangling, with two leading underscores is often useful for this:
class BaseCommande(ABC):
def get_commandes_date(self, list_of_commande): # this method will be overridden
return [commande['date_start'] for commande in list_of_commande]
__get_commandes_date = get_commandes_date # private reference to previous method
def process_commande(self, list_of_commande):
self.commande_date = self.__get_commandes_date(list_of_commande) # use it here
This kind of design won't always be correct, so you'll need to figure out if it's appropriate for your specific classes or not. If the fact that process_commande is calls get_commandes_date is supposed to be an implementation detail (and so it should keep behaving the same way, even though the latter method is overridden), then this is a good approach. If the relationship between the methods is part of the class's API, then you probably don't want to do this (since overriding the get_commandes_date method may be a deliberate way to change the results of processess_commande in a subclass).
I think you want the method my_dict to have both my_dict and my_dict2 and have a boolean to trigger whenever you want to use one or the other.
def my_dict(self, trigger=False):
if not Trigger:
"commende_date": self.commande_date}
"books": self.books_list
Put this in place of your old my_dict method
def my_dict(self):
"commende_date": self.commande_date}
Edit to add code
hasattr(obj, attribute) is used to check if an object has the specified attribute but given an attribute is there a way to know where (all) it is defined?
Assume that my code is getting the name of an attribute (or a classmethod) as string and I want to invoke classname.attribute but I don't have the classname.
One solution that comes to my mind is this
def finder(attr):
for obj in globals():
if globals()[obj].__dict__[attr]:
class Lime(object):
def lfunc(self):
getattr(finder('lfunc'),'lfunc')() #Runs lfunc method of Lime class
I am quite sure that this is not the best (oe even proper way) to do it. Can someone please provide a better way.
It is always "possible". Wether it is desirable is another history.
A quick and dirty way to do it is to iterate linearly over all classes and check if any define the attribute you have. Of course, that is subject to conflicts, and it will yield the first class that has such a named attribute. If it exists in more than one, it is up to you to decide which you want:
def finder(attr):
for cls in object.__subclasses__():
if hasattr(cls, attr):
return cls
raise ValueError
Instead of searching in "globals" this searches all subclasses of "object" - thus the classes to be found don't need to be in the namespace of the module where the finder function is.
If your methods are unique in teh set of classes you are searching, though, maybe you could just assemble a mapping of all methods and use it to call them instead.
Let's suppose all your classes inehrit from a class named "Base":
mapper = {attr_name:getattr(cls, attr_name) for cls in base.__subclasses__() for attr_name, obj in cls.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(obj, classmethod) }
And you call them with mapper['attrname']()
This avoids a linear search at each method call and thus would be much better.
- EDIT -
__subclassess__ just find the direct subclasses of a class, not the inheritance tree - so it won't be usefull in "real life" - maybe it is in the specifc case the OP has in its hands.
If one needs to find things across a inheritance tree, one needs to recurse over the each subclass as well.
As for old-style classes: of course this won't work - that is one of the motives for which they are broken by default in new code.
As for non-class attributes: they can only be found inspecting instances anyway - so another method has to be thought of - does not seem to be the concern of the O.P. here.
This might help:
import gc
def checker(checkee, maxdepth = 3):
def onlyDict(ls):
return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), ls)
collection = []
toBeInspected = {}
tBI = toBeInspected
for dic in onlyDict(gc.get_referrers(checkee)):
for item, value in dic.iteritems():
if value is checkee:
elif item != "checker":
tBI[item] = value
def _auxChecker(checkee, path, collection, checked, current, depth):
if current in checked: return
for dic in onlyDict(gc.get_referents(current)):
for item, value in dic.iteritems():
currentPath = path + "." + item
if value is checkee:
_auxChecker(checkee, currentPath, collection,
checked, value, depth + 1)
if depth < maxdepth else None
except TypeError:
checked = []
for item, value in tBI.iteritems():
_auxChecker(checkee, item, collection, checked, value, 1)
return collection
How to use:
referrer = []
class Foo:
noo = Foo()
bar = noo
import xml
import libxml2
import sys
import os
op = os.path
xml.foo = bar
foobar = noo
for x in checker(foobar, 5):
y= eval(x)
del x, y
ps: attributes of the checkee will not be further checked, for recursive or nested references to the checkee itself.
This should work in all circumstances, but still needs a lot of testing:
import inspect
import sys
def finder(attr, classes=None):
result = []
if classes is None:
# get all accessible classes
classes = [obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(
for a_class in classes:
if inspect.isclass(a_class):
if hasattr(a_class, attr):
# we check for instance attributes
if hasattr(a_class(), attr):
result += finder(attr, a_class.__subclasses__())
# old style classes (that don't inherit from object) do not
# have __subclasses; not the best solution though
return list(set(result)) # workaround duplicates
def main(attr):
print finder(attr)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
I have created a function that takes a value, does some calculations and return the different answers as an object. However when I try to parallelize the code, using pp, I get the following error.
File "trmm.py", line 8, in getattr
return self.header_array[name]
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Here is a simple version of what I am trying to do.
class DataObject(object):
Class to handle data objects with several arrays.
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.header_array[name]
except KeyError:
return self.line[name]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" %(self.__class__.__name__, name))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('header_array', 'line'):
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
elif name in self.line:
self.line[name] = value
self.header_array[name] = value
class TrmmObject(DataObject):
def __init__(self):
self.header_array = {
'header': None
self.line = {
'longitude': None,
'latitude': None
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pp
ppservers = ()
job_server = pp.Server(2, ppservers=ppservers)
def get_monthly_values(value):
tplObj = TrmmObject()
tplObj.longitude = value
tplObj.latitude = value * 2
return tplObj
job1 = job_server.submit(get_monthly_values, (5,), (DataObject,TrmmObject,),("numpy",))
result = job1()
If I change return tplObj to return [tplObj.longitude, tplObj.latitude] there is no problem. However, as I said before this is a simple version, in reality this change would complicate the program a lot.
I am very grateful for any help.
You almost never need to use getattr and setattr, and it almost always ends up with something blowing up, and infinite recursions is a typical effect of that. I can't really see any reason for using them here either. Be explicit and use the line and header_array dictionaries directly.
If you want a function that looks up a value over all arrays, create a function for that and call it explicitly. Calling the function __getitem__ and using [] is explicit. :-)
(And please don't call a dictionary "header_array", it's confusing).
Given something like:
I want it converted into the following:
I have been able to achieve that, using the following class:
class SO(object):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.base_url = kwargs.pop('base_url',[]) or 'http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1'
self.uriparts = kwargs.pop('uriparts',[])
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return self.__class__(**self.__dict__)
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(self.base_url,"/".join(self.uriparts))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print SO().abc.mno.ghi.jkl()
print SO().abc.mno['ghi'].jkl()
#prints the following
Now my problem is I can't do something like:
stackoverflow = SO()
user1 = stackoverflow.users['55562']
user2 = stackoverflow.users['55462']
print user1.questions.unanswered
print user2.questions.unanswered
#prints the following
Essentially, the user1 and user2 refer to the same SO object, so it can't represent different users.
I have been thinking any pointers to do that would be helpful, because this additional level of functionality would make the API far more interesting.
IMHO, when you recreate a new stackoverflow object, you need to separate the arguments from old instance attributes with a deep copy
import copy
def __getattr__(self,key):
dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
return self.__class__(**dict)
If you want more flexibility on the URI parts, an abstraction is needed for a cleaner design. For example:
class SOURIParts(object):
def __init__(self, so, uriparts, **kwargs):
self.so = so
self.uriparts = uriparts
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(self.so, self.uriparts+[key])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(self.so.base_url,"/".join(self.uriparts))
class SO(object):
def __init__(self, base_url='http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1'):
self.base_url = base_url
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(self, [])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
I hope this helps.
You could override __getslice__(Python 2.7), or getitem()(Python3.x) and use a memorizing decorator so that if the slice you request (the userid) has already been looked up it would use cached results -- otherwise it could retrieve the results and populate the existing SO instance object.
However, I think a more OO way to solve the problem is make SO a pure lookup module that returns stack overflow user objects which would then have the deeper-digging lookups for profile details. But thats just me.
In essence, I want to put a variable on the stack, that will be reachable by all calls below that part on the stack until the block exits. In Java I would solve this using a static thread local with support methods, that then could be accessed from methods.
Typical example: you get a request, and open a database connection. Until the request is complete, you want all code to use this database connection. After finishing and closing the request, you close the database connection.
What I need this for, is a report generator. Each report consist of multiple parts, each part can rely on different calculations, sometimes different parts relies in part on the same calculation. As I don't want to repeat heavy calculations, I need to cache them. My idea is to decorate methods with a cache decorator. The cache creates an id based on the method name and module, and it's arguments, looks if it has this allready calculated in a stack variable, and executes the method if not.
I will try and clearify by showing my current implementation. Want I want to do is to simplify the code for those implementing calculations.
First, I have the central cache access object, which I call MathContext:
class MathContext(object):
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
self.cache = dict()
def get(self, calc_config):
id = create_id(calc_config)
if id not in self.cache:
self.cache[id] = calc_config.exec(self)
return self.cache[id]
The fn argument is the filename the context is created in relation to, from where data can be read to be calculated.
Then we have the Calculation class:
class CalcBase(object):
def exec(self, math_context):
raise NotImplementedError
And here is a stupid Fibonacci example. Non of the methods are actually recursive, they work on large sets of data instead, but it works to demonstrate how you would depend on other calculations:
class Fibonacci(CalcBase):
def __init__(self, n): self.n = n
def exec(self, math_context):
if self.n < 2: return 1
a = math_context.get(Fibonacci(self.n-1))
b = math_context.get(Fibonacci(self.n-2))
return a+b
What I want Fibonacci to be instead, is just a decorated method:
def fib(n):
if n<2: return 1
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
With the math_context example, when math_context goes out of scope, so does all it's cached values. I want the same thing for the decorator. Ie. at point X, everything cached by #cache is dereferrenced to be gced.
I went ahead and made something that might just do what you want. It can be used as both a decorator and a context manager:
from __future__ import with_statement
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
class cached(object):
"""Decorator/context manager for caching function call results.
All results are cached in one dictionary that is shared by all cached
To use this as a decorator:
def function(...):
The results returned by a decorated function are not cleared from the
cache until decorated_function.clear_my_cache() or cached.clear_cache()
is called
To use this as a context manager:
with cached(function) as function:
The function's return values will be cleared from the cache when the
with block ends
To clear all cached results, call the cached.clear_cache() class method
_CACHE = {}
def __init__(self, fn):
self._fn = fn
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
key = self._cache_key(*args, **kwds)
function_cache = self._CACHE.setdefault(self._fn, {})
return function_cache[key]
except KeyError:
function_cache[key] = result = self._fn(*args, **kwds)
return result
def clear_my_cache(self):
"""Clear the cache for a decorated function
del self._CACHE[self._fn]
except KeyError:
pass # no cached results
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def _cache_key(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Create a cache key for the given positional and keyword
arguments. pickle.dumps() is used because there could be
unhashable objects in the arguments, but passing them to
pickle.dumps() will result in a string, which is always hashable.
I used this to make the cached class as generic as possible. Depending
on your requirements, other key generating techniques may be more
return pickle.dumps((args, sorted(kwds.items())), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def clear_cache(cls):
"""Clear everything from all functions from the cache
cls._CACHE = {}
if __name__ == '__main__':
# used as decorator
def fibonacci(n):
print "calculating fibonacci(%d)" % n
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
for n in xrange(10):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
def lucas(n):
print "calculating lucas(%d)" % n
if n == 0:
return 2
if n == 1:
return 1
return lucas(n - 1) + lucas(n - 2)
# used as context manager
with cached(lucas) as lucas:
for i in xrange(10):
print 'lucas(%d) = %d' % (i, lucas(i))
for n in xrange(9, -1, -1):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
for n in xrange(9, -1, -1):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
this question seems to be two question
a) sharing db connection
b) caching/Memoizing
b) you have answered yourselves
a) I don't seem to understand why you need to put it on stack?
you can do one of these
you can use a class and connection
could be attribute of it
you can decorate all your function
so that they get a connection from
central location
each function can explicitly use a
global connection method
you can create a connection and pass
around it, or create a context
object and pass around
context,connection can be a part of
etc, etc
You could use a global variable wrapped in a getter function:
def getConnection():
global connection
if connection:
return connection
return connection
"you get a request, and open a database connection.... you close the database connection."
This is what objects are for. Create the connection object, pass it to other objects, and then close it when you're done. Globals are not appropriate. Simply pass the value around as a parameter to the other objects that are doing the work.
"Each report consist of multiple parts, each part can rely on different calculations, sometimes different parts relies in part on the same calculation.... I need to cache them"
This is what objects are for. Create a dictionary with useful calculation results and pass that around from report part to report part.
You don't need to mess with "stack variables", "static thread local" or anything like that.
Just pass ordinary variable arguments to ordinary method functions. You'll be a lot happier.
class MemoizedCalculation( object ):
class Fibonacci( MemoizedCalculation ):
def __init__( self ):
self.cache= { 0: 1, 1: 1 }
def __call__( self, arg ):
if arg not in self.cache:
self.cache[arg]= self(arg-1) + self(arg-2)
return self.cache[arg]
class MathContext( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self.fibonacci = Fibonacci()
You can use it like this
>>> mc= MathContext()
>>> mc.fibonacci( 4 )
You can define any number of calculations and fold them all into a single container object.
If you want, you can make the MathContext into a formal Context Manager so that it work with the with statement. Add these two methods to MathContext.
def __enter__( self ):
print "Initialize"
return self
def __exit__( self, type_, value, traceback ):
print "Release"
Then you can do this.
with MathContext() as mc:
print mc.fibonacci( 4 )
At the end of the with statement, you can guaranteed that the __exit__ method was called.