Changing output form of Python script - python

First of all, I have to say that I am beginer in Python programming.I have connected sensor to RPi 3 UART port. I found out in Internet working program for this sensor. With a little bit my modifications, it writes me to file result of measuring. The code is below:
import serial
import time
import sys
import json
import datetime
import binascii
class pmsA003():
def __init__(self, dev):
self.serial = serial.Serial(dev, baudrate=9600,
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def setIdel(self):
idelcmd = b'\x42\x4d\xe4\x00\x00\x01\x73'
ary = bytearray(idelcmd)
def setNormal(self):
normalcmd = b'\x42\x4d\xe4\x00\x01\x01\x74'
ary = bytearray(normalcmd)
def vertify_data(self):
if not
return False
return True
def read_data(self):
while True:
b =
if b == b'\x42':
data =
if data[0] == b'\x4d': = bytearray(b'\x42' + data)
if self.vertify_data():
return self._PMdata()
def _PMdata(self):
d = {}
d['apm10'] =[4] * 256 +[5]
d['apm25'] =[6] * 256 +[7]
d['apm100'] =[8] * 256 +[9]
return d
if __name__ == '__main__':
con = pmsA003('/dev/ttyAMA0')
d = con.read_data()
with open('/home/pi/ramdisk/PMA003', 'a') as f:
f.write("%s" % (d))
As the result, I got on console and in the file string like this:
{'apm10': 150, 'apm100': 244, 'apm25': 228}
But my goal is to have CSV like file in the form:
,value_of_apm10, value_of_apm25, value_of_apm100
Can anybody help me to modify the code above?

You need to import the Python CSV library and then create a csv.DictWriter object. (See the Python documentation on how to do this - it's fairly straightforward).
When you create the DictWriter you give it a list of the column headings you require. Then for each record you want to write to the CSV file you simply create a dictionary with keys corresponding to the column heading and call the DictWriter's writerow() method.
There's an example of exactly what you need to do here.


Data gets mixed up while trying to transfer it to arangodb

I'm trying to transfer ca. 10GB of json data (tweets in my case) to a collection in arangodb. I'm also trying to use joblib for it:
from ArangoConn import ArangoConn
import Userdata as U
import encodings
from joblib import Parallel,delayed
import json
from glob import glob
import time
def progress(total, prog, start, stri = ""):
if(prog == 0):
prog = 1;
perc = prog / total
diff = time.time() - start
rem = (diff / prog) * (total - prog)
bar = ""
for i in range(0,int(perc*20)):
bar = bar + "|"
for i in range(int(perc*20),20):
bar = bar + " "
print("\r"+"progress: " + "[" + bar + "] " + str(prog) + " of " +
str(total) + ": {0:.1f}% ".format(perc * 100) + "- " +
time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(rem)) + " " + stri, end="")
def processfile(filepath):
file = open(filepath,encoding='utf-8')
s =
data = json.loads(s)
Parallel(n_jobs=12, verbose=0, backend="threading"
(map(delayed(ArangoConn.createDocFromObject), data))
files = glob(U.path+'/*.json')
i = 1
j = len(files)
starttime = time.time()
for f in files:
i = i+1
from pyArango.connection import Connection
import Userdata as U
import time
class ArangoConn:
def __init__(self,server,user,pw,db,collectionname):
self.server = server
self.user = user = pw
self.db = db
self.collectionname = collectionname
self.connection = None
self.dbHandle = self.connect()
if not self.dbHandle.hasCollection(name=self.collectionname):
coll = self.dbHandle.createCollection(name=collectionname)
coll = self.dbHandle.collections[collectionname]
self.collection = coll
def db_createDocFromObject(self, obj):
data = obj.__dict__()
doc = self.collection.createDocument()
for key,value in data.items():
doc[key] = value
doc._key= str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
def connect(self):
self.connection = Connection(arangoURL=self.server + ":8529",
if not self.connection.hasDatabase(self.db):
db = self.connection.createDatabase(name=self.db)
db = self.connection.databases.get(self.db)
return db
def disconnect(self):
def getAllData(self):
docs = []
for doc in self.collection.fetchAll():
return docs
def addData(self,obj):
def search(self,collection,search,prop):
docs = []
aql = """FOR q IN """+collection+""" FILTER q."""+prop+""" LIKE
"%"""+search+"""%" RETURN q"""
results = self.dbHandle.AQLQuery(aql, rawResults=False, batchSize=1)
for doc in results:
return docs
def doc_to_result(self,arangodoc):
modstore = arangodoc.getStore()
modstore["_key"] = arangodoc._key
return modstore
def db_createDocFromJson(self,json):
for d in json:
doc = self.collection.createDocument()
for key,value in d.items():
doc[key] = value
doc._key = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
def createDocFromObject(obj):
c = ArangoConn(U.url, U.user,, U.db, U.collection)
data = obj
doc = c.collection.createDocument()
for key, value in data.items():
doc[key] = value
doc._key = doc["id"]
It kinda works like that. My problem is that the data that lands in the database is somehow mixed up.
as you can see in the screenshot "id" and "id_str" are not the same - as they should be.
what i investigated so far:
I thought that at some points the default keys in the databese may "collide"
because of the threading so I set the key to the tweet id.
I tried to do it without multiple threads. the threading doesn't seem to be
the problem
I looked at the data I send to the database... everything seems to be fine
But as soon as I communicate with the db the data mixes up.
My professor thought that maybe something in pyarango isn't threadsafe and it messes up the data but I don't think so as threading doesn't seem to be the problem.
I have no ideas left where this behavior could come from...
Any ideas?
The screenshot shows the following values:
id : 892886691937214500
id_str : 892886691937214465
It looks like somewhere along the way the value is converted to an IEEE754 double, which cannot safely represent the latter value. So there is potentially some precision loss due to conversion.
A quick example in node.js (JavaScript is using IEEE754 doubles for any number values greater than 0xffffffff) shows that this is likely the problem cause:
$ node
> 892886691937214500
> 892886691937214465
So the question is where the conversion does happen. Can you check whether the python client program is correctly sending the expected values to ArangoDB, or does it already send the converted/truncated values?
In general, any integer number that exceeds 0x7fffffffffffffff will be truncated when stored in ArangoDB, or converted to an IEEE754 double. This can be avoided by storing the number values inside a string, but of course comparing two number strings will produce different results than comparing two numbers (e.g. "10" < "9" vs. 10 > 9).

How to JSON dump to a rotating file object

I'm writing a program which periodically dumps old data from a RethinkDB database into a file and removes it from the database. Currently, the data is dumped into a single file which grows without limit. I'd like to change this so that the maximum file size is, say, 250 Mb, and the program starts to write to a new output file just before this size is exceeded.
It seems like Python's RotatingFileHandler class for loggers does approximately what I want; however, I'm not sure whether logging can be applied to any JSON-dumpable object or just to strings.
Another possible approach would be to use (a variant of) Mike Pennington's
RotatingFile class (see python: outfile to another text file if exceed certain file size).
Which of these approaches is likely to be the most fruitful?
For reference, my current program is as follows:
import os
import sys
import json
import rethinkdb as r
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import schedule
import time
import functools
from iclib import RethinkDB
import msgpack
''' The purpose of the Controller is to periodically archive data from the "sensor_data" table so that it does not grow without limit.'''
class Controller(RethinkDB):
def __init__(self, db_address=(os.environ['DB_ADDR'], int(os.environ['DB_PORT'])), db_name=os.environ['DB_NAME']):
super(Controller, self).__init__(db_address=db_address, db_name=db_name) # Initialize the IperCronComponent with the default logger name (in this case, "Controller")
self.db_table = RethinkDB.SENSOR_DATA_TABLE # The table name is "sensor_data" and is stored as a class variable in RethinkDBMixIn
def generate_archiving_query(self, retention_period=timedelta(days=3)):
expiry_time = - retention_period.total_seconds() # Timestamp before which data is to be archived
if "timestamp" in r.table(self.db_table).index_list().run(self.db): # If "timestamp" is a secondary index
beginning_of_time = r.time(1400, 1, 1, 'Z') # The minimum time of a ReQL time object (i.e., the year 1400 in the UTC timezone)
data_to_archive = r.table(self.db_table).between(beginning_of_time, expiry_time, index="timestamp") # Generate query using "between" (faster)
data_to_archive = r.table(self.db_table).filter(r.row['timestamp'] < expiry_time) # Generate the same query using "filter" (slower, but does not require "timestamp" to be a secondary index)
return data_to_archive
def archiving_job(self, data_to_archive=None, output_file="archived_sensor_data.json"):
if data_to_archive is None:
data_to_archive = self.generate_archiving_query() # By default, the call the "generate_archiving_query" function to generate the query
old_data =, time_format="raw") # Without time_format="raw" the output does not dump to JSON
with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
ids_to_delete = []
for item in old_data:
print item
# msgpack.dump(item, f)
json.dump(item, f)
f.write('\n') # Separate each document by a new line
r.table(self.db_table).get_all(r.args(ids_to_delete)).delete().run(self.db) # Delete based on ID. It is preferred to delete the entire batch in a single operation rather than to delete them one by one in the for loop.
def test_job_1():
db_name = "ipercron"
table_name = "sensor_data"
port_offset = 1 # To avoid interference of this testing program with the main program, all ports are initialized at an offset of 1 from the default ports using "rethinkdb --port_offset 1" at the command line.
conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015 + port_offset)
import rethinkdb_add_data
controller = Controller(db_address=("localhost", 28015+port_offset))
archiving_job = functools.partial(controller.archiving_job, data_to_archive=controller.generate_archiving_query())
return archiving_job
if __name__ == "__main__":
archiving_job = test_job_1()
while True:
It is not completely 'runnable' from the part shown, but the key point is that I would like to replace the line
json.dump(item, f)
with a similar line in which f is a rotating, and not fixed, file object.
Following Stanislav Ivanov, I used json.dumps to convert each RethinkDB document to a string and wrote this to a RotatingFileHandler:
import os
import sys
import json
import rethinkdb as r
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import schedule
import time
import functools
from iclib import RethinkDB
import msgpack
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from random_data_generator import RandomDataGenerator
''' The purpose of the Controller is to periodically archive data from the "sensor_data" table so that it does not grow without limit.'''
os.environ['DB_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
os.environ['DB_PORT'] = '28015'
os.environ['DB_NAME'] = 'ipercron'
class Controller(RethinkDB):
def __init__(self, db_address=None, db_name=None):
if db_address is None:
db_address = (os.environ['DB_ADDR'], int(os.environ['DB_PORT'])) # The default host ("rethinkdb") and port (28015) are stored as environment variables
if db_name is None:
db_name = os.environ['DB_NAME'] # The default database is "ipercron" and is stored as an environment variable
super(Controller, self).__init__(db_address=db_address, db_name=db_name) # Initialize the instance of the RethinkDB class. IperCronComponent will be initialized with its default logger name (in this case, "Controller")
self.db_name = db_name
self.db_table = RethinkDB.SENSOR_DATA_TABLE # The table name is "sensor_data" and is stored as a class variable of RethinkDBMixIn
self.table = r.db(self.db_name).table(self.db_table)
self.archiving_logger = logging.getLogger("archiving_logger")
self.archiving_handler = RotatingFileHandler("archived_sensor_data.log", maxBytes=2000, backupCount=10)
def generate_archiving_query(self, retention_period=timedelta(days=3)):
expiry_time = - retention_period.total_seconds() # Timestamp before which data is to be archived
if "timestamp" in self.table.index_list().run(self.db):
beginning_of_time = r.time(1400, 1, 1, 'Z') # The minimum time of a ReQL time object (namely, the year 1400 in UTC)
data_to_archive = self.table.between(beginning_of_time, expiry_time, index="timestamp") # Generate query using "between" (faster, requires "timestamp" to be a secondary index)
data_to_archive = self.table.filter(r.row['timestamp'] < expiry_time) # Generate query using "filter" (slower, but does not require "timestamp" to be a secondary index)
return data_to_archive
def archiving_job(self, data_to_archive=None):
if data_to_archive is None:
data_to_archive = self.generate_archiving_query() # By default, the call the "generate_archiving_query" function to generate the query
old_data =, time_format="raw") # Without time_format="raw" the output does not dump to JSON or msgpack
ids_to_delete = []
for item in old_data:
print item
self.table.get_all(r.args(ids_to_delete)).delete().run(self.db) # Delete based on ID. It is preferred to delete the entire batch in a single operation rather than to delete them one by one in the for-loop.
def dump(self, item, mode='json'):
if mode == 'json':
dump_string = json.dumps(item)
elif mode == 'msgpack':
dump_string = msgpack.packb(item)
def populate_database(db_name, table_name, conn):
if db_name not in r.db_list().run(conn):
r.db_create(db_name).run(conn) # Create the database if it does not yet exist
if table_name not in r.db(db_name).table_list().run(conn):
r.db(db_name).table_create(table_name).run(conn) # Create the table if it does not yet exist
r.db(db_name).table(table_name).delete().run(conn) # Empty the table to start with a clean slate
# Generate random data with timestamps uniformly distributed over the past 6 days
random_data_time_interval = timedelta(days=6)
start_random_data = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) - random_data_time_interval
random_generator = RandomDataGenerator(seed=0)
packets = random_generator.packets(N=100, start=start_random_data)
# print packets
print "Adding data to the database..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
db_name = "ipercron"
table_name = "sensor_data"
port_offset = 1 # To avoid interference of this testing program with the main program, all ports are initialized at an offset of 1 from the default ports using "rethinkdb --port_offset 1" at the command line.
host = "localhost"
port = 28015 + port_offset
conn = r.connect(host, port) # RethinkDB connection object
populate_database(db_name, table_name, conn)
# import rethinkdb_add_data
controller = Controller(db_address=(host, port))
archiving_job = functools.partial(controller.archiving_job, data_to_archive=controller.generate_archiving_query()) # This ensures that the query is only generated once. (This is sufficient since is re-evaluated every time a connection is made).
while True:
In this context the RethinkDB class does little other than define the class variable SENSOR_DATA_TABLE and the RethinkDB connection, self.db = r.connect(self.address[0], self.address[1]). This is run together with a module for generating fake data,
import random
import faker
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz
import rethinkdb as r
class RandomDataGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, seed=None):
self._seed = seed
self._random = random.Random()
self.fake = faker.Faker()
def __getattr__(self, x):
return getattr(self._random, x)
def name(self):
def datetime(self, start=None, end=None):
if start is None:
start = datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc) # Jan 1st 2000
if end is None:
end = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
if isinstance(end, datetime):
dt = end - start
elif isinstance(end, timedelta):
dt = end
assert isinstance(dt, timedelta)
random_dt = timedelta(microseconds=self._random.randrange(int(dt.total_seconds() * (10 ** 6))))
return start + random_dt
def packets(self, N=1, start=None, end=None):
return [{'name':, 'timestamp': self.datetime(start=start, end=end)} for _ in range(N)]
When I run controller it produces several rolled-over output logs, each at most 2 kB in size, as expected:

Copy parameters into list

I am trying to copy parameters passed into a python script to a file. Here is the parameters.
["0013","1","1","\"\"","1","P123-ND 10Q","10Q H??C"]
I understand that there is a buffer problem and I am getting bad data into my parameters. However, I do not have control over what is being passed in. I am trying to copy, starting at the 5th parameter, the parameters into a file.
f = open(in_file_name, 'w')
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
f.write(arg_list[x] + '\n')
The result of the file is below:
P123-ND 10Q
10Q H??C
Here is what it should be:
How can I not include the bad data? What is happening to the spaces between the valid information and the bad information?
As requested, here is the full program:
class Argument_Indices:
import argparse
import json
import os
from subprocess import call
import sys
from time import strftime
def _handle_args():
''' Setup and run argpars '''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set environment variables for and to call Program')
parser.add_argument('time_to_run', default='NOW', choices=['NOW', 'EOP'], help='when to run the report')
parser.add_argument('arguments', nargs='+', help='the remaining command line arguments')
return parser.parse_args()
def _proces_program(arg_list):
time_stamp = strftime("%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S")
printer = arg_list[Argument_Indices.PRINTER_INDEX]
area = arg_list[Argument_Indices.AREA_INDEX]
label = arg_list[Argument_Indices.LABEL_INDEX]
in_file_name = "/tmp/program{0}.inp".format(time_stamp)
os.environ['INPUT_FILE'] = in_file_name
f = open(in_file_name, 'w')
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
call(['./Program.bin', printer, area, label])
def main():
''' Main Function '''
arg_list = None
args = _handle_args()
if len(args.arguments) < 1:
print('Missing name of input file')
return -1
with open(args.arguments[0]) as input_file:
arg_list = json.load(input_file)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
if main() != 0:
print('Program run failed')
For your exact case (where you're getting duplicated parameters received with some spaces in between) this would work:
received_param_list = ["0013","1","1","\"\"","1","P123-ND 10Q","10Q H??C"]
arg_list = [i.split(" ")[0] for i in received_param_list]
last_param = received_param_list[-1].split()[-1]
if last_param != arg_list[-1]:
for x in range(5, len(arg_list)):
print (arg_list[x])
Although there might be another simpler way

Successive multiprocessing

I am filtering huge text files using The code basically opens the text files, works on it, then closes it.
Thing is, I'd like to be able to launch it successively on multiple text files. Hence, I tried to add a loop, but for some reason it doesn't work (while the code works on each file). I believe this is an issue with:
if __name__ == '__main__':
However, I am looking for something else. I tried to create a Launcher and a LauncherCount files like this:
def setLauncherCount(n):
global LauncherCount
LauncherCount = n
import os
import LauncherCount
I import, and use LauncherCount.LauncherCount as my loop index.
Of course, this doesn't work too as it edits the variable LauncherCount.LauncherCount locally, so it won't be edited in the imported version of LauncherCount.
Is there any way to edit globally a variable in an imported file? Or, is there any way to do this in any other way? What I need is running a code multiple times, in changing one value, and without using any loop apparently.
Edit: Here is my main code if necessary. Sorry for the bad style ...
import multiprocessing
import config
import time
import LauncherCount
class Filter:
""" Filtering methods """
def __init__(self):
print("launching methods")
# Return the list: [Latitude,Longitude] (elements are floating point numbers)
def LatLong(self,line):
comaCount = []
comaCount.append(line.find(',',comaCount[0] + 1))
comaCount.append(line.find(',',comaCount[1] + 1))
Lat = line[comaCount[0] + 1 : comaCount[1]]
Long = line[comaCount[1] + 1 : comaCount[2]]
return [float(Lat) , float(Long)]
except ValueError:
return [0,0]
# Return a boolean:
# - True if the Lat/Long is within the Lat/Long rectangle defined by:
# tupleFilter = (minLat,maxLat,minLong,maxLong)
# - False if not
def LatLongFilter(self,LatLongList , tupleFilter) :
if tupleFilter[0] <= LatLongList[0] <= tupleFilter[1] and
tupleFilter[2] <= LatLongList[1] <= tupleFilter[3]:
return True
return False
def writeLine(self,key,line):
def filteringProcess(dico):
myFilter = Filter()
while True:
currentLine = readFile.readline()
except ValueError:
if len(currentLine) ==0: # Breaks at the end of the file
if len(currentLine) < 35: # Deletes wrong lines (too short)
LatLongList = myFilter.LatLong(currentLine)
for key in dico:
if myFilter.LatLongFilter(LatLongList,dico[key][0]):
# Main
# Open read files:
readFile = open(config.readFileList[LauncherCount.LauncherCount][1], 'r')
# Generate writing files:
pathDico = {}
filterDico = config.filterDico
# Create outputs
for key in filterDico:
output_Name = config.readFileList[LauncherCount.LauncherCount][0][:-4]
+ '_' + key +'.log'
pathDico[output_Name] = config.writingFolder + output_Name
filterDico[key] = [filterDico[key],open(pathDico[output_Name],'w')]
p = []
CPUCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
CPURange = range(CPUCount)
startingTime = time.localtime()
if __name__ == '__main__':
### Create and start processes:
for i in CPURange:
p.append(multiprocessing.Process(target = filteringProcess ,
args = (filterDico,)))
### Kill processes:
while True:
if [p[i].is_alive() for i in CPURange] == [False for i in CPURange]:
for key in config.filterDico:
print(key,"is Done!")
endTime = time.localtime()
print("Process started at:",startingTime)
print("And ended at:",endTime)
To process groups of files in sequence while working on files within a group in parallel:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from multiprocessing import Pool
def work_on(args):
"""Process a single file."""
i, filename = args
print("working on %s" % (filename,))
return i
def files():
"""Generate input filenames to work on."""
#NOTE: you could read the file list from a file, get it using glob.glob, etc
yield "inputfile1"
yield "inputfile2"
def process_files(pool, filenames):
"""Process filenames using pool of processes.
Wait for results.
for result in pool.imap_unordered(work_on, enumerate(filenames)):
#NOTE: in general the files won't be processed in the original order
def main():
p = Pool()
# to do "successive" multiprocessing
for filenames in [files(), ['other', 'bunch', 'of', 'files']]:
process_files(p, filenames)
if __name__=="__main__":
Each process_file() is called in sequence after the previous one has been complete i.e., the files from different calls to process_files() are not processed in parallel.

Persisting hashlib state

I'd like to create a hashlib instance, update() it, then persist its state in some way. Later, I'd like to recreate the object using this state data, and continue to update() it. Finally, I'd like to get the hexdigest() of the total cumulative run of data. State persistence has to survive across multiple runs.
import hashlib
m = hashlib.sha1()
# somehow, persist the state of m here
#later, possibly in another process
# recreate m from the persisted state
print m.hexdigest()
# at this point, m.hexdigest() should be equal to hashlib.sha1().update('onetwothreefour').hextdigest()
I did not find a good way to do this with python in 2010 and ended up writing a small helper app in C to accomplish this. However, there are some great answers below that were not available or known to me at the time.
You can do it this way using ctypes, no helper app in C is needed:-
#! /usr/bin/env python
''' A resumable implementation of SHA-256 using ctypes with the OpenSSL crypto library
Written by PM 2Ring 2014.11.13
from ctypes import *
class SHA256_CTX(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("h", c_long * 8),
("Nl", c_long),
("Nh", c_long),
("data", c_long * SHA_LBLOCK),
("num", c_uint),
("md_len", c_uint)
HashBuffType = c_ubyte * SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH
#crypto = cdll.LoadLibrary("")
crypto = cdll.LoadLibrary("libeay32.dll" if == "nt" else "")
class sha256(object):
digest_size = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH
def __init__(self, datastr=None):
self.ctx = SHA256_CTX()
if datastr:
def update(self, datastr):
crypto.SHA256_Update(byref(self.ctx), datastr, c_int(len(datastr)))
#Clone the current context
def _copy_ctx(self):
ctx = SHA256_CTX()
pointer(ctx)[0] = self.ctx
return ctx
def copy(self):
other = sha256()
other.ctx = self._copy_ctx()
return other
def digest(self):
#Preserve context in case we get called before hashing is
# really finished, since SHA256_Final() clears the SHA256_CTX
ctx = self._copy_ctx()
hashbuff = HashBuffType()
crypto.SHA256_Final(hashbuff, byref(self.ctx))
self.ctx = ctx
return str(bytearray(hashbuff))
def hexdigest(self):
return self.digest().encode('hex')
def main():
import cPickle
import hashlib
data = ("Nobody expects ", "the spammish ", "imposition!")
print "rehash\n"
shaA = sha256(''.join(data))
print shaA.hexdigest()
print repr(shaA.digest())
print "digest size =", shaA.digest_size
shaB = sha256()
print shaB.hexdigest()
#Test pickling
sha_pickle = cPickle.dumps(shaB, -1)
print "Pickle length:", len(sha_pickle)
shaC = cPickle.loads(sha_pickle)
print shaC.hexdigest()
#Test copying. Note that copy can be pickled
shaD = shaC.copy()
print shaC.hexdigest()
#Verify against hashlib.sha256()
print "\nhashlib\n"
shaD = hashlib.sha256(''.join(data))
print shaD.hexdigest()
print repr(shaD.digest())
print "digest size =", shaD.digest_size
shaE = hashlib.sha256(data[0])
print shaE.hexdigest()
print shaE.hexdigest()
#Test copying. Note that hashlib copy can NOT be pickled
shaF = shaE.copy()
print shaF.hexdigest()
if __name__ == '__main__':
#! /usr/bin/env python
''' Resumable SHA-256 hash for large files using the OpenSSL crypto library
The hashing process may be interrupted by Control-C (SIGINT) or SIGTERM.
When a signal is received, hashing continues until the end of the
current chunk, then the current file position, total file size, and
the sha object is saved to a file. The name of this file is formed by
appending '.hash' to the name of the file being hashed.
Just re-run the program to resume hashing. The '.hash' file will be deleted
once hashing is completed.
Written by PM 2Ring 2014.11.14
import cPickle as pickle
import os
import signal
import sys
import rehash
quit = False
blocksize = 1<<16 # 64kB
blocksperchunk = 1<<8
chunksize = blocksize * blocksperchunk
def handler(signum, frame):
global quit
print "\nGot signal %d, cleaning up." % signum
quit = True
def do_hash(fname, filesize):
hashname = fname + '.hash'
if os.path.exists(hashname):
with open(hashname, 'rb') as f:
pos, fsize, sha = pickle.load(f)
if fsize != filesize:
print "Error: file size of '%s' doesn't match size recorded in '%s'" % (fname, hashname)
print "%d != %d. Aborting" % (fsize, filesize)
pos, fsize, sha = 0, filesize, rehash.sha256()
finished = False
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
while not (quit or finished):
for _ in xrange(blocksperchunk):
block =
if block == '':
finished = True
pos += chunksize
sys.stderr.write(" %6.2f%% of %d\r" % (100.0 * pos / fsize, fsize))
if finished or quit:
if quit:
with open(hashname, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump((pos, fsize, sha), f, -1)
elif os.path.exists(hashname):
return (not quit), pos, sha.hexdigest()
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Resumable SHA-256 hash of a file."
print "Usage:\npython %s filename\n" % sys.argv[0]
fname = sys.argv[1]
filesize = os.path.getsize(fname)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
finished, pos, hexdigest = do_hash(fname, filesize)
if finished:
print "%s %s" % (hexdigest, fname)
print "sha-256 hash of '%s' incomplete" % fname
print "%s" % hexdigest
print "%d / %d bytes processed." % (pos, filesize)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import rehash
import pickle
sha=rehash.sha256("Hello ")
print sha.hexdigest()
Note: I would like to thank PM2Ring for his wonderful code.
hashlib.sha1 is a wrapper around a C library so you won't be able to pickle it.
It would need to implement the __getstate__ and __setstate__ methods for Python to access its internal state
You could use a pure Python implementation of sha1 if it is fast enough for your requirements
I was facing this problem too, and found no existing solution, so I ended up writing a library that does something very similar to what Devesh Saini described: Example:
import pickle, rehash
hasher = rehash.sha256(b"foo")
state = pickle.dumps(hasher)
hasher2 = pickle.loads(state)
assert hasher2.hexdigest() == rehash.sha256(b"foobar").hexdigest()
Hash algorithm for dynamic growing/streaming data?
You can easily build a wrapper object around the hash object which can transparently persist the data.
The obvious drawback is that it needs to retain the hashed data in full in order to restore the state - so depending on the data size you are dealing with, this may not suit your needs. But it should work fine up to some tens of MB.
Unfortunattely the hashlib does not expose the hash algorithms as proper classes, it rathers gives factory functions that construct the hash objects - so we can't properly subclass those without loading reserved symbols - a situation I'd rather avoid. That only means you have to built your wrapper class from the start, which is not such that an overhead from Python anyway.
here is a sample code that might even fill your needs:
import hashlib
from cStringIO import StringIO
class PersistentSha1(object):
def __init__(self, salt=""):
def update(self, data):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.hash, attr)
def __setstate__(self, salt=""):
self.__data = StringIO()
self.hash = hashlib.sha1(salt)
def __getstate__(self):
def _get_data(self):
data = property(_get_data, __setstate__)
You can access the "data" member itself to get and set the state straight, or you can use python pickling functions:
>>> a = PersistentSha1()
>>> a
<__main__.PersistentSha1 object at 0xb7d10f0c>
>>> a.update("lixo")
>>> a.hexdigest()
>>> import pickle
>>> b = pickle.dumps(a)
>>> c = pickle.loads(b)
>>> c.hexdigest()

