process data on user input - python

I have a scenario where I am uploading a text file then providing a user input and then according to the user input processing further.
Sample file :
DOWN 07.09.2016 08:21:33 - 07.09.2016 08:23:33
UP 07.11.2016 09:41:07 - 09.11.2016 09:20:33
DOWN 09.11.2016 08:26:33 - 09.11.2016 08:46:33
UP 09.11.2016 08:23:33 - 09.11.2016 08:25:33
DOWN 09.11.2016 08:36:33 - 09.11.2016 08:41:33
DOWN 10.11.2016 08:36:33 - 10.11.2016 08:39:33
code :
import Tkinter as Tk
import tkFileDialog as fileDialog
except ImportError:
import tkinter as Tk
import tkinter.filedialog as fileDialog
import datetime
def read_data():
Read data from file and convert to list with datetime
which can be used to calculate time and display.
global data
filename = fileDialog.askopenfilename()
if filename:
# read all lines
with open(filename) as fileHandle:
lines = fileHandle.readlines()
# convert to `datetime` (not `timestamp`)
data = []
for line in lines:
#direction = line[:4].strip()
#dt1 = line[5:24]
#dt2 = line[27:46]
direction, d1, t1, _, d2, t2 = line.split()
dt1 = d1 + ' ' + t1
dt2 = d2 + ' ' + t2
t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt1, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
t2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt2, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
seconds = (t2-t1).seconds
data.append([direction, t1, t2, seconds])
def processText(lines, selected_date):
total = 0
start = None
# if there is `selected_date` then convert to `datetime`
if selected_date:
selected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(selected_date, "%d.%m.%Y")
except AttributeError as ex:
print("ERROR:", ex)
selected_date = None
# calculate time
for direction, t1, t2, seconds in lines:
if direction == "DOWN":
# if `selected_date` then filter times
if selected_date and t1 <= selected_date:
if not start:
start = t1.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
total += seconds
# convert to minutes after summing all second
total = total//60
return total, start
def calculate():
all_dates = entry.get().split(',')
all_dates = [date.strip() for date in all_dates]
txt = ''
for current_date in all_dates:
down, start = processText(data, current_date)
txt += "Total Downtime is {0} min from {1}\n".format(down, start)
# --- main ---
data = None # to keep data from file
# -
root = Tk.Tk()
button = Tk.Button(root, text="Open", command=read_data)
button.grid(column=1, row=1)
textVar = Tk.StringVar(root)
label = Tk.Label(root, textvariable=textVar)
label.grid(column=1, row=2)
entry = Tk.Entry(root)
entry.grid(column=1, row=3)
button2 = Tk.Button(root, text="Calculate", command=calculate)
button2.grid(column=1, row=4)
Above code prompts me to select date in format Date1.Month1.Year1,Date2.Month2.Year2 ... (depending on the number input for date.)
and returns output as :
Total Downtime is x min from date1.month1.year1 xx:xx:xx(time1)
Total Downtime is y min from date2.month2.year2 yy:yy:yy(time2)
Here I have the details of downtime in mins and i want to convert that in percentage till date. For example ->
user input :
Output :
Total Downtime is 30 min from 1.9.2016 08:21:33 & Availability percentage from selected date to till date :
Total Downtime is 28 min from 1.11.2016 08:26:33 & Availability percentage from selected date to till date : yy.yyy%
Total Downtime is 30 min from 1.11.2016 08:26:33 & Availability percentage from selected date to till date : zz.zzz%
logic behind availability calculation would be
total number of min down from date(which is retrieved)/total number of min till date * 100
I am stuck in this part, Is this achievable? Any help would be great!!

If you run processText() with None instead of date then you get total number of minutes when it was down
total_down, start = processText(data, None)
and you can use it to calculate percentage.
percentage = (down/total_down) * 100
and you can use string formatting {:.2f} to display only two digits after dot
def calculate():
all_dates = entry.get().split(',')
all_dates = [date.strip() for date in all_dates]
# calculate total number of minutes when it was down
total_down, start = processText(data, None) # <-- None
print('total_down:', total_down)
txt = ''
for current_date in all_dates:
down, start = processText(data, current_date)
# calculate percetage
percentage = (down/total_down) * 100
# use string formatting {:.2f} to display only two digits after dot
txt += "Total Downtime is {} min from {} ({:.2f}%)\n".format(down, start, percentage)
If you want total number of minutes when it was down or up then you have to change processText and add new parameter (ie. word) which will check if direction is DOWN or UP or both (word = None)
def processText(lines, selected_date, word="DOWN"):
total = 0
start = None
# if there is `selected_date` then convert to `datetime`
if selected_date:
selected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(selected_date, "%d.%m.%Y")
except AttributeError as ex:
print("ERROR:", ex)
selected_date = None
# calculate time
for direction, t1, t2, seconds in lines:
if not word or word == direction:
# if `selected_date` then filter times
if selected_date and t1 <= selected_date:
if not start:
start = t1.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
total += seconds
# convert to minutes after summing all second
total = total//60
return total, start
def calculate():
all_dates = entry.get().split(',')
all_dates = [date.strip() for date in all_dates]
# calculate total number of minutes when it was down and up
total_down, start = processText(data, None, None)
print('total_down:', total_down)
txt = ''
for current_date in all_dates:
down, start = processText(data, current_date, "DOWN")
percentage = (down/total_down) * 100
txt += "Total Downtime is {} min from {} ({:.2f}%)\n".format(down, start, percentage)


Calculation of business working hour in python

I would like to write a function that calculate working business hours in python, to do that I don't like to define a class and use python ready function to calculate.
I tried with following code but the code is not working well. I need to modify the code and change it for the hour instead of minutes too.
Do you have any suggestion?
def getminutes(datetime1,datetime2,worktiming=[9, 17]):
day_hours = (worktiming[1]-worktiming[0])
day_minutes = day_hours * 60 # minutes in a work day
weekends=[6, 7]
# Set initial default variables
dt_start = datetime1.datetime # datetime of start
dt_end = datetime2.datetime # datetime of end
worktime_in_seconds = 0
if ==
# starts and ends on same workday
full_days = 0
if dt_start in [6, 7]:
return 0
if dt_start.hour < worktiming[0]:
# set start time to opening hour
dt_start = datetime.datetime(
if dt_start.hour >= worktiming[1] or \
dt_end.hour < worktiming[0]:
return 0
if dt_end.hour >= worktiming[1]:
dt_end = datetime.datetime(
worktime_in_seconds = (dt_end-dt_start).total_seconds()
elif (dt_end-dt_start).days < 0:
# ends before start
return 0
# start and ends on different days
current_day = dt_start # marker for counting workdays
while not ==
if not is_weekend(current_day):
if current_day == dt_start:
# increment hours of first day
if current_day.hour < worktiming[0]:
# starts before the work day
worktime_in_seconds += day_minutes*60 # add 1 full work day
elif current_day.hour >= worktiming[1]:
pass # no time on first day
# starts during the working day
dt_currentday_close = datetime.datetime(
hour= worktiming[1],
worktime_in_seconds += (dt_currentday_close
- dt_start).total_seconds()
# increment one full day
worktime_in_seconds += day_minutes*60
current_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # next day
# Time on the last day
if not is_weekend(dt_end):
if dt_end.hour >= worktiming[1]: # finish after close
# Add a full day
worktime_in_seconds += day_minutes*60
elif dt_end.hour < worktiming[0]: # close before opening
pass # no time added
# Add time since opening
dt_end_open = datetime.datetime(
worktime_in_seconds += (dt_end-dt_end_open).total_seconds()
return int(worktime_in_seconds / 60)
How can I modify the code that works with the following input ?
getminutes(2019-12-02 09:30:00,2019-12-07 12:15:00,worktiming=[9, 17])
You can use pd.bdate_range(datetime1, datetime2) to compute the number of working days. When converting worktiming to a pandas datetime, it is easy to compute the difference (in seconds) between the two datetimes:
import pandas as pd
datetime1 = "2019-12-02 09:30:00"
datetime2 = "2019-12-07 12:15:00"
def getminutes(datetime1, datetime2, worktiming=[9, 17]):
d1 = pd.to_datetime(datetime1)
d2 = pd.to_datetime(datetime2)
wd = pd.bdate_range(d1, d2) # working days
day_hours = (worktiming[1] - worktiming[0])
day_minutes = day_hours * 60 # minutes in a work day
day_seconds = day_minutes * 60 # seconds in a work day
full_days = len(wd)
day1 = datetime1[:10]
day2 = datetime2[:10]
dt1 = pd.to_datetime(day1 + " " + str(worktiming[0]) + ":00")
dt2 = pd.to_datetime(day2 + " " + str(worktiming[1]) + ":00")
ex1, ex2 = 0, 0
if day1 in wd:
ex1 = max(pd.Timedelta(d1 - dt1).seconds, 0)
if day2 in wd:
ex2 = max(pd.Timedelta(dt2 - d2).seconds, 0)
total_seconds = full_days * day_seconds - ex1 - ex2
total_minutes = total_seconds / 60
total_hours = total_minutes / 60
return int(total_minutes)
print(getminutes(datetime1, datetime2))
Output: 2370

Miss calculation of change value from scrape data

Im doing a scrape project from api url, scraping value(datetime,open,close,high,low) and write to mysql database
startTime_source = ""&interval=1h&limit=1000"
startTime_source_get = requests.get(startTime_source)
startTime_source_json = json.loads(startTime_source_get.text)
#timestamp now
import time;
tsnw = time.time()*1000.0
tsnw = (int(tsnw))
for y in range(startTime_source_json[0][0],tsnw,3600000000): #scrape data from start to end
data = "" + str(y) + "&symbol="+coin[x]+"&interval=1h&limit=1000"
data_get = requests.get(data)
#convert class response to json list
data_list = json.loads(data_get.text)
#loop for convert timestamp to datetime
for z in range(0,len(data_list)):
#delete all feature except dt_ which is after id=5
del data_list[z][5:]
#assign dt_ as timestamp which is id=1
timestamp = data_list[z][0]
#convert msec to sec
timestamp = time.localtime(timestamp / 1000.0)
#convert timestamp to datetime
dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timestamp)
#replace value timestamp as dt
data_list[z][0] = dt
#seperate each feature
dt_ = [data_list[z][0]] #datetime
open_ = [data_list[z][1]] #open price
close_ = [data_list[z][4]] #close price
high_ = [data_list[z][2]] #high price
low_ = [data_list[z][3]] #low price
#cal the value of change and write to mysql database
num_1 = float(data_list[z-1][4])
num_2 = float(data_list[z][4])
#calculator formula
cal_change = ((num_2 - num_1) / num_1)*100
#round for 2 digit decimal ex 0.00
change_ = [round(cal_change,2)]
data_to_insert = [dt_+open_+close_+high_+low_+change_]
#insert value
write_data = "INSERT INTO" + " " + coin[x] + "(dt_,open_,close_,high_,low_,change_) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
#it show error for multiple times
except mysql.connector.Error as err :
if err.sqlstate == "23000":
The problem is multiple rows has wrong calculation, example below dttime 2020-03-10 18:00:00 and the change value should be 0.33 not -18.21, why is that? help please, thank you.

I am trying to sample at 100hz instead of just as quick as the program will run. How would I do that?

I have a program in which I am just printing to a csv and I want exactly 100 sample points every second but I have no clue where to start with this or how to do it!!! Please help!
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
i = 0
data = []
filename = 'Data.csv'
hz = 0
count = 0
while True:
#start = process_time()
if i == 0:
Emptydf = pd.DataFrame([], columns = ['COUNT', 'TIME'])
(Emptydf).to_csv('Data.csv', index = False)
curr_time =
str_milli = curr_time.strftime("%f")[:2]
milliseconds = int(str_milli)
timestamp = curr_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")
datarow = {'Count': i, 'TIME' : timestamp}
#diff = curr_time - past time of 0.01 milli seconds
#if diff >= 0.01:
if i%10 == 0:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data)
(dataframe).to_csv('Data.csv', mode = 'a', header = False, index = False)
i += 1
Here is an example that increments a counter 100 times per second:
import time
FREQ_HZ = 100.
count = 0
start_time = time.time()
while True:
count += 1
time.sleep(count / FREQ_HZ - (time.time() - start_time))
print("%.2f iter/second\n" % (count / (time.time() - start_time)))
To test, let it run for a bit and then hit ^C.
Basically, what you do is the following;
import time
cycletime = 0.01 # seconds
while True:
start = time.monotonic()
# << Do whatever you need to do here. >>
delta = time.monotonic() - start
if delta < cycletime: # Did we finish in time?
time.sleep(cycletime - delta) # Sleep the rest of the time.
print('WARNING: cycle too long!')
Note that for such applications time.monotonic is preferred over time.time because the latter can decrease when the system clock is changed.

Using datetime package to convert a date with time to only date.

My function is to read data from a file that consists of dates with times a tweet was written, and sentiments (good, bad or neutral) it's classified as; select date with times, and sentiments between a start and end date; and finally create three dictionaries (positive, negative and neutral) that use the date as key, and number of positive, negative or neutral tweets made in a day.
The problems I have are:
a) How do I get only date to display, and not date and time?.
b) How do I get my program to include both start and end date?
c) How do I separate a key and value with a semi-colon in a dictionary?
def get_sentiment_dates(start_date, end_date):
positive_dict = {}
negative_dict = {}
neutral_dict = {}
f = open("BAC2_answer.csv", "r")
tweets = f.readlines()
bin_use =[]
bin_trash =[]
bin_use_senti = []
bin_trash_senti = []
start_date_obj = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
end_date_obj = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
for i in tweets:
specs = i.split(',')
t_and_d = specs[0]
dt_obj = datetime.strptime(t_and_d, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
chars_body = specs[1].strip()
if ((dt_obj >= start_date_obj) and dt_obj <= (end_date_obj)):
num_of_pos = 0
num_of_neg = 0
num_of_neut = 0
for i,j in zip(bin_use, bin_use_senti):
if j == 'Bullish':
num_of_pos +=1
positive_dict = (i, num_of_pos)
elif j == 'Bearish':
negative_dict = (i, num_of_neg)
neutral_dict = (i, num_of_neut)
# print str(positive_dict) + "," + str(negative_dict) + "," + str(neutral_dict)
return [positive_dict,negative_dict,neutral_dict]

Python Time Math

I want to write a program that allows the user to enter in a start time hour, end time hour, and number of divisions.
So they might enter 9, 10, and 4 which should mean a start time of 9:00AM, end of 10:00AM and to split the range 4 times, resulting in an output of 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45.
I've tried using the time module and datetime, but cannot get the addition of time to work. I do not care about date.
I can calculate the time split, but the actual addition to the start time is evading me.
I have a hodge-podge of code, and the following is mostly me experimenting trying to figure out how to make this work. I've tried adding the minutes, tried converting to seconds, delved into datetime, tried the time module, but can't seem to get it to work. There are plenty of examples of how to "add 15 minutes to now" but the issue is I don't want to start at the "now", but rather let the user decide start time.
Thank you.
time_start = "9"
time_end = "10"
time_split = "4"
if len(time_start) == 1:
time_start = "0" + str(time_start) + ":00"
time_start = str(time_start) + ":00"
if len(time_end) == 1:
time_end = "0" + str(time_end) + ":00"
time_end = str(time_end) + ":00"
print time_start
print time_end
s1 = time_start + ':00'
s2 = time_end + ':00'
FMT = '%H:%M:%S'
tdelta = datetime.strptime(s2, FMT) - datetime.strptime(s1, FMT)
divided = tdelta / int(time_split)
print tdelta
print divided
s3 = str(divided)
print "s1 time start: " + str(s1)
print "s2 time end: " + str(s2)
print "s3 time divided: " + str(s3)
ftr = [3600,60,1]
add_seconds = sum([a*b for a,b in zip(ftr, map(int,s3.split(':')))])
print "s3 time divided seconds: " + str(add_seconds)
print "time delta: " + str(tdelta)
EDIT: I did a small bit of research and found a much better solution that elegantly handles resolution to the millisecond. Please implement this code instead (though I will save the old code for posterity)
import datetime
start_time = 9 # per user input
end_time = 10 # per user input
divisions = 7 # per user input
total_time = end_time - start_time
start_time = datetime.datetime.combine(,datetime.time(start_time))
end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=total_time)
increment = total_time*3600000//divisions # resolution in ms
times = [(start_time+datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=increment*i)).time()
for i in range(divisions)]
from pprint import pprint
# ['09:00:00',
# '09:08:34.285000',
# '09:17:08.570000',
# '09:25:42.855000',
# '09:34:17.140000',
# '09:42:51.425000',
# '09:51:25.710000']
If I were you, I'd do my math as raw minutes and use datetime.time only to save the results as something more portable.
Try this:
import datetime
start_time = 9 # per user input
end_time = 10 # per user input
divisions = 4 # per user input
total_minutes = (end_time-start_time)*60
increment = total_minutes // divisions
minutes = [start_time*60]
while minutes[-1] < end_time*60:
# < end_time*60 - increment to exclude end_time from result
minutes.append(minutes[-1] + increment)
times = [datetime.time(c//60,c%60) for c in minutes]
# [09:00:00,
# 09:15:00,
# 09:30:00,
# 09:45:00,
# 10:00:00]

