Open a workbook in xlwings without making it visible - python

I am having the same problem as this post, according to the comments of this post this issue was resolved in v0.9.3.
My versions are:
xlwings: v0.11.4
macOS: v10.13.2
python: v3.6.2
Excel for Mac: v15.41
I have attempted the workaround but it makes no difference. Despite being updated past v0.9.3 I'm still unable to open a workbook in headless mode.
Is anyone able to suggest any workarounds or possible bugs?
Thank you.


VSCode Jupyter not connecting to python kernel

Launching a cell will make this message appear: Connecting to kernel: Python 3.9.6 64-bit: Activating Python Environment 'Python 3.9.6 64-bit'. This message will then stay up loading indefinitely, without anything happening. No actual error message.
I've already tried searching for this problem, but every other post seem to obtain at least an error message, which isn't the case here. I still looked at some of these, which seemed to indicate the problem might have come from the traitlets package. I tried to downgrade it to what was recommended, but it didn't solve anything, so I reverted the downgrade.
The main problem here is that I have no idea what could cause such a problem, without even an error message. If you think additional info could help, please do ask, I have no idea what could be of use right now.
Not sure what did the trick but downgrading VSCode to November version and after that reinstalling Jupyter extension worked for me.
i've just found out it's solved by simply just right clicking on code.exe, set to 'run as administrator', and done.
If anyone has the same problem, before reinstalling VSCode as the accepted answer said, try closing and reopening VSCode first.
That worked for me, saving me the agony of having to reinstall VSCode.
I am using mac.os. I moved vscode from the download folder to the application folder. This solved my problem.
On the VSCode download page, there are two Windows installer types: 'User Installer' and 'System Installer'.
I had VSCode installed in AppData folder, using user installer. On the OP's problem occurrence, I tried to restart, reinstall and downgrade VSCode, as other answers suggested, but nothing helped.
Finally, I tried with System Installer. It requires elevated privileges during installation and installs VSCode in Program Files folder. That solved the problem for me.
So, one may try with different installation type.
None of the previous answers are working for me (windows 10 + python 3.10.9 + VSCode x64-1.74.3). What made things work was downgrading VS Code. I arbitrarily chose VSCode x64-1.66.2

Why won't basic code execute in Jupiter (import pandas as pd)?

I just downloaded Anaconda on a new laptop (have used Python many times before), and I currently can't run any code in Jupiter Notebooks. I am stuck in [*] no matter how simple the code (i.e. import pandas as pd or say x=1). Any suggestions on how to fix this? So far I have tried restarting Anaconda and shutting down the code in the running tab.
Based on the logs, take a look at this related question. Otherwise, googling python3 ERROR:tornado.general:Uncaught exception in ZMQStream may help.
I found the answer. The solution is not anywhere on stack overflow or Google. The answer to this problem is only on YouTube, which I found slightly surprising. Essentially, I had two versions of Anaconda, because it would seem that Macs come with an older version of Anaconda already installed in a hidden file called opt. I had to locate this file and then delete it in the terminal. Once Anaconda was completely removed, I was able to re-download Anaconda and then Jupyter was able to launch smoothly.
For anyone else having this problem you can find the solution here:

Visual Studio Code gives error when using Data Viewer: "Python package 'pandas' is required for viewing data"

I am running a python notebook in VS Code (see image). It runs fine but when I try to inspect a dataframe with the Data Viewer I get:
"Python package 'pandas' is required for viewing data."
The package is installed, otherwise, the code would not work and the data frames would not be present in the variable panel. When I click on "Install" I get: "Error: All data science packages require an interpreter be passed in"
I only have two environments, Anaconda and one created by VS code. I have tried selecting either one and nothing changes, code runs on both and I get the same errors on both.
Any ideas on how to fix this problem?
EDIT: The previous question Viewing data in the VSCode variable explorer requires pandas does not solve my issue. As mentioned above I have selected different environments without fixing it.
EDIT 2: Updating pandas did not fix it either. It was only solved by updating Anaconda, as suggested by Mrinal Roy.
This answer on a similar issue Viewing data in the VSCode variable explorer requires pandas mentioned it was fixed around a year ago.
It seems that the version.release string of pandas I was using includes characters that are not correctly parsed by the extension. They mentioned that it was going to be addressed yesterday in the Insider version. Looking forward to validating.
So, you probably have an older version of Anaconda or VS Code. Otherwise, what version of pandas do you have in both conda environments? VS Code Data Viewer requires pandas package 0.20 or later. Try upgrading it and related packages to the latest and check.

eric6 can't compile in Python form (could not start pyuic5.exe)

I am trying to create a GUI using eric6 for a Python script I coded recently, however when I right click in eric6 on the new *.ui file I create and I try to compile it (choosing 'Compile Form'), the following error is displayed - could not start puyic5.exe:
I have tried the (very few) online solutions but without any luck (for example, checking that in the pyuic5.bat file, the mentioned directory is without any space, and also tried to re-install Qt5). Furthermore, even though both Python and PyQt are correctly installed, pyuic5.exe is missing in the directory specified in the error. Also, everything seems setup ok in the PATH in the system environmental variables.
Versions info:
Python 3.4.5
Qt 5.4.1
PyQt 5.4.1
eric6 17.06
EDIT: if it can help debugging my issue, I would like to add that if I open a command prompt and I invoke pyuic5 mainform.ui -o it works without problems. Instead, in eric6, such error message is generated.
Thank you in advance for any precious help and guidance you may offer !
Solved downgrading to an older version of eric6 (precisely to v 17.04.1). Thought it might be useful to share in case somebody encounters the same problem.

History saving thread error when trying to open Pandas

I just installed IPython on a remote desktop at work. I had to create a shortcut on my desktop to connect to IPython because the remote desktop does not have internet access. I am able to successfully open the IPython notebook. However, when I try to import pandas
import pandas as pd
I get this error that I have never seen before
The history saving thread hit an unexpected error (OperationalError('database or disk is full',)).History will not be written to the database.
Does this error relate to how it was installed on the remote desktop?
I suffered from this problem for a long time. My dirty fix was to simply restart the kernel and go about my work. However, I did find a way which eliminated it for good. This question seems to have mixed answers for different users. I'll try to list all based on answers elsewhere (all links at the end).
So the issue seems to be because of a certain nbsignatures.db file. And we need to simply remove it to solve the issue. You may find the file here in any one of the locations:
~/.local/share/jupyter/nbsignatures.db (I found mine here)
All links:
IPython Notebook error: Error loading notebook

